Paper 2 - Topic Wise

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Paper 2 Topic Wise

Indian Economics in Pre-Independence Era:

Land System Changes

1. Assess the impact of land tenure system adopted by the British on the peasants
and productivity of Indian agriculture. (10,2020)
2. What were the broad consideration underlying the different types of land
settlement in India during the colonial rule? Discuss. (15,2017)
3. Land system during the British period was responsible for sustained poverty in
India and stagnant growth of Indian economy. Discuss. (10,2014)
4. Examine the features of permanent land settlement as introduced by Lord
Cornwallis. (15,2018)

Commercialisation of Agriculture
1. Account for the commercialisation of Indian agriculture during the second half of
the 19th C and analyse its effects. (10,2019)
2. Discuss the process of ‘forced commercialization’ of agriculture under colonial
rule. (20,2009)
3. Critically examine condition of agricultural and rural economy during the pre-
independence era. (15,2016)

Deindustrialisation/ Underdevelopment
1. Analyse the effects of colonialism on de-industrialisation in India during the 18th
C. (15,2020)
2. Explain the underlying causes and effects of deindustrialisation in India during
the 19th C. (15,2019)
3. ‘British rule led to India’s underdevelopment’. Do you agree? Give reasons in
support of your answer. (20,2018)
4. Do you think that the attitude of the British govt towards the Indian economy
changed markedly at the turn of the 19 th C? Give specific instances supporting
your argument. (15,2017)
5. During the British rule, India was rooted with seeds of modernisation, but the
country remained underdeveloped. Discuss. (15,2015)

Drain Theory
1. Examine the theory of ‘Economic Drain’ in the second half of the 19 th C in India
and discuss its economic effects. (15,2019)
2. What is drain theory? How does it explain the backwardness of India in the 19 th
C? (20,2017)
3. Write on ‘Drain Theory’ as developed by Dadabhai Naoroji. How does it explain
sustained poverty during the British Rule in India? (10,2013)

Laissez Faire - Theory & Critique/ Trade policy

1. Examine how the laissez faire policy was responsible for the famine in the late
19th C India. (10,2020)
2. Do you agree with the view that the objective of industrial and commercial
policies of British was to transform India as a complementary economy of
England? Give reasons. (10,2018)
3. What specific trade policies during the British period led to the decline of Indian
industry? Explain. (10,2015)
4. Discuss policy of Discriminating Protection and its impact on Indian industrial
development during the British period. (15,2011)
a. What were the economic consequences of discriminating protection in the
trade policy during the British regime? (10,2016)
b. Write about the policy of discriminating protection during the British rule
and its impact on industrial development in India. (10,2014)

Mfg & Transport: Jute, Cotton, Railways

1. Evaluate the development of the transport system in India during 1857 to 1947.
(15, 2020)
2. Do you agree that the development of Indian railways during the British Rule
helped facilitate the process of industrialisation? Give reasons. (10,2019)
3. Trace the development of the cotton textile industry in India during the British
period. Discuss the major problems faced by the industry in different stages of its
growth during this period. (20,2019)
4. What were the considerations underlying the initiation of the railways and road
transport system in India in the 19th C? (10,2017)
5. Explain how Railways played in important role in unifying the people of India
during pre-Independence period. (15,2016)
6. How did railways contribute to India’s economic development in the pre-
Independence era? (10,2015)
7. Examine the problems faced by jute mills in India during the early years of their
existence. (15,2018)
8. How was the Jute industry affected after partition? What remedial measures were
taken to arrest its decline? (20,2012)
9. Write a brief note on the state of manufacturing in India in the 18 th C and the
subsequent de-industrialisation. (10,2017)
10.Discuss the manufacturing conditions that prevailed during pre-independence
period. Do you feel that the private sector didn’t come forward for investment
due to fear of nationalisation? Give reasons. (20,2016)

Money & Credit

1. Examine how the currency policy of the British affected the growth of
monetisation in the Indian economy during 19 th C. (20,2020)
2. How did Gold Bullion Standard end with ‘ratio controversy’ in British India?

Vakil, Gadgil, VKRV Rao

1. Highlight the main contributions of CN Vakil to Indian planning as opposed to that of
the Mahalanobis model at the time of the formulation of the Second Five Year Plan
for India. (10,2019)
2. Discuss the Wage-goods model of development as given by CN Vakil and PR
Brahmananda. (15,2016)
a. Throw light on wage-goods model of C. N. Vakil and P. R. Brahmanand.
3. “A close connection between the finance on the hand, and politics and
administration on the other land, and the influence of the latter on the former
cannot be avoided. This is all the more true in India.” Do you agree with this
statement of C. N. Vakil? Is it relevant even today? (25,2013)
4. Do you think that pursuit of wage-goods model could have been more appropriate
for post-independence strategy of development? Give reasons. (15,2015)
5. Discuss the contributions of D. R. Gadgil to Indian Economic Planning and Policy.
Evaluate the key elements of the ‘Gadgil Formula’ used by the Planning
Commission. (20,2010)
6. How did VKRV Rao improve upon the earlier national income estimates of India?
a. Explain the contribution of VKRV Rao in the estimation of National Income.
b. Evaluate the contributions of VKRV Rao in the National Income Accounting of
India. (10,2020)
7. Discuss in detail the views VKRN Rao on deficit financing. (12,2012)

Agriculture (Pre-liberalisation)
Land Reforms, Land Tenure
1. Do you think that effective land reforms are necessary but not sufficient
conditions for raising agricultural productivity in India? Explain your answer. (20,
2. The progress in the implementation of tenancy and revenue reforms during the
first 3 decades after independence in India was not satisfactory.’ Do you agree
with this view? Do you think that the advent of the Green Revolution made such
land reforms policy redundant? (20,2019)
3. How would you justify the policy of land reforms in the light of the farm size-
productivity debate in India? (15,2018)
4. What are the components of Land Reforms in India? Has it been completed? If
not, then what are the obstacles? (10,2013)
5. Why are land reforms still not completed in India? What are the obstacles in its
way? Elaborate. (15,2014)

Green Revolution
1. Discuss the technological factors relating to the Green Revolution in India.
2. Do you think that the green revolution had limited impact on Indian agriculture?
Justify your answer. (15,2018)
a. Do you agree with the view that an increase in the productivity of
agriculture as a result of the green revolution was only short-term? Give
reasons. (10,2016)
3. Why Green Revolution lost its steam and India needs yet another Green
Revolution or Evergreen Revolution? Discuss. (20,2014)
a. “India urgently needs yet another Green Revolution by infusing modern
technologies like ICT and Space technologies and Strategic Management
techniques to come up with demand side pressures resulting in persistent
food inflation in the economy.” Do you agree? (30,2011)
4. “The success of the Green Revolution shows the importance of the State in
agrarian transformation.” Comment. (20,2009)
5. Explain why the use of organic farming should be encouraged in India. (10,2018)

Capital Formation in Agri

1. Explain the trend in gross capital formation in agriculture in India during the post
liberalisation period. Do you think that private investment has been crowded out
by the public investment during this period? (20,2020)
a. Analyse the recent trend of gross capital formation in agriculture. Has it,
do you think, been responsible for the sluggish growth rate in agriculture?

New Economic Reform and Agriculture

Agriculture And WTO
1. Critically examine the role of WTO on agricultural exports in India. (15,2019)
2. During the British rule, commercialization of agriculture was forced on the
farmers, while now it is the need of the hour. Discuss. (12,2012)
3. Subsidy is a contentious issue and roadblock in the WTO. Examine India’s stand
for protecting farmers’ interests. (20,2014)
4. Write on the unfinished agenda of Doha Round of negotiations of the WTO.
5. Discuss the impact of World Trade Organization (WTO) on Indian Agriculture. 60

Food Processing
1. Do you think the food processing sector as the sunrise sector in India during the
post-reform period? Justify. (10,2020)
a. Agri-based industries, especially food processing units, can alter the fate
of rural India. Discuss. (15,2015)
2. Horticulture is now the growth driver of Indian Agriculture. Discuss the issue in
the broad context of rural diversification. (10,2018)

1. ✘ Analyse the impact of fertiliser subsidy on agricultural productivity growth
during the post reform period. (10,2020)
2. ‘Agriculture subsidy is both an economic as well as social issue, hence the govt
finds it difficult to take a decisive decision.’ Comment on the above statement.
a. ‘Subsidies are a source of inefficiency and corruption.’ Do you agree with
the statement in the Indian context? Justify your answer. (10,2017)
3. ✘ What are the different types of agricultural subsidies that are given to the

farmers in India? How can these be rationalised? (10,2015)

4. ✘ Analyse the salient features of ‘interest subvention scheme’ and its
implications on the farm sector. (20,2018)
5. ✘ What are the merits and demerits of the case of farm loan waivers in India?

Explain. (15,2017)
Agricultural Prices and Public Distribution System, Food Security
1. ✘ Examine the efficacy and resilience of PDS in India for providing food security.

2. ✘ How has the movement of agricultural prices during the post-liberalisation

period been responsible for farmers’ distress in India? (10,2019)

3. What reforms would you advocate to make the PDS in India more effective?
4. ✘ Assess the degree of success of the targeted Public Distribution System in the

country in meeting its objectives. (30,2010)

5. ✘ Highlight the basic features of NFSA, 2013. Can it solve the problem of

malnutrition in the country? Discuss. (10,2015)

6. Examine the basic features of the National Food Security Act, 2013. (10,2016)
7. ✘ Do you agree that focused and target-oriented technological interventions

under National Food Security Mission (NFSM) have made significant impact since
its inception? Justify. (10,2013)
8. ✘ High MSP induce distortions, some of which ultimately hurt the poor. Examine

its merits and demerits. (15,2015)

Impact of Public Expenditure on Agricultural Growth/ General
1. Explain the trend in gross capital formation in agriculture in India during the
post liberalisation period. Do you think that private investment has been
crowded out by the public investment during this period? (20,2020)
2. Do you think that the fall in public investment in agriculture adversely affects
the productivity growth of this sector in India? Give reasons. (15, 2019)
3. ✘ Relative contribution of agriculture to the GDP of India has been going down

steadily since Independence. Do you think this highlights a weakness of the

economy? Explain. (10,2017)
4. ✘ Even though India is self-sufficient in the production of food grains, Indian

agriculture is faced with some major challenges. Elucidate. (15,2017)

5. ✘ What is your opinion on the view that the economic reform process has largely

bypassed agriculture? (15,2015)

6. Discuss the factors responsible for slow growth in agriculture in recent years.
What steps ought to be taken for sustained growth in this sector? (12,2012)
7. ✘ Would you advocate that the income of rich farmers should be taxed in India?

Give reasons. (10,2017)

8. ✘ What are the factors responsible for the large number of farmers’ suicides in

relatively richer Indian States? Examine. (15,2014)

9. ✘ Distinguish between cooperative, contractual and corporate farming. Which of

these is best suited for India and why? (20,2012)


Trends in Composition and Growth
1. Elaborate on the phenomenon of ‘missing middle’ in Indian manufacturing
sector. (10,2018)
2. How can the organised manufacturing sector be revived as an engine of
inclusive growth? (10,2018)
3. What is the broad trend of the manufacturing sector’s relative share in GDP in
India over the last four decades? How do you view its performance and what
actions does the govt contemplate in this matter? (20,2017)
4. Explain the principal causes of deceleration in industrial growth during the mid-
1960’s to mid-1970’s in India. Do you think that the reasons for the slowdown in
industrial growth since the late 1990s are basically different from those of the
earlier deceleration? Answer with proper arguments. (20,2019)

Role of Public & Pvt Sector

1. Comment on the role of public sector during the early phase of industrial
development in India. (10,2020)
2. Critically examine the relative contributions of public and private sectors in
pre-liberalisation period in India. (10,2018)
3. Delineate the trends in the growth and industrial composition of public sector
in India during the pre-liberalisation period. (20,2012)

Small Scale & Cottage Industries

1. What are the major problems faced by the SSIs? Examine the role of the
MSMED Act, 2006, in enhancing productivity of SSIs in India. (20,2020)
2. What role are MSMEs playing in India’s economic growth? (10,2017)
3. What was the impact of policy reservation in favour of small-scale industries in
India during the post-independence but pre-liberalisation era? (10,2015)
4. A number of production lines ware reserved for the small-scale sector in the
pre-liberalisation period. Did such reservation achieve its objectives? Explain in
detail. (30,2012)

New Economic Policy and Industry

Strategy of Industrialization
1. Critically examine the new manufacturing policy, 2011 for fostering industrial
growth in India. (15,2020)
2. Evaluate the Competition Act, 2002 relative to the MRTP Act. (10,2019)
3. ‘Though economic liberalisation in India in the mid-90s aimed at industrial
growth, actually the services sector led the economy.’ Elucidate. (10,2017)
4. The industrial development agenda framed by the Industrial Policy, 1956
transformed the Indian economy substantially from an agricultural to an
industrial economy. Elucidate. State in brief sectoral composition of growth
during the period before 1990. (25,2013)
5. How does the strategy of industrialisation under the New Economic Policy
promote productivity growth in manufacturing industries in India? Explain.
6. What are the main components of the National Manufacturing Policy, 2014?
Discuss. (15,2015)
7. Discuss the recent initiatives for augmenting power generation in India.
8. Explain the recent policy initiatives for enhancing crude oil and natural gas
production in India. (15,2015)

Privatization, Disinvestments
1. Critically examine the strategy of disinvestment in improving the growth of the
manufacturing sector. (15,2020)
2. Discuss the disinvestment policy adopted by the GoI as part of structural
adjustment programme of the IMF and the World Bank. Examine the impact of
such a policy on industrial growth in India. (20,2019)
3. Critically examine the Disinvestment Policy of the GoI. (15,2017)
4. What is the present policy of disinvestment of the Government of India? What
modification can be introduced in order to make it fruit-bearing? (25,2013)
5. Can disinvestment in public sector units be a sustainable alternative for raising
resources for government expenditure? (12,2012)
6. Critically examine the arguments usually put forward in favour of
disinvestment of public sector enterprises. (20,2009)

Role of Foreign Direct Investment and Multinationals.

1. Evaluate the role of FDI in contributing economic growth of India. (10,2020)
2. Has India been able to exploit the potential of FDI for export-oriented
production? Give reasons. (10,2019)
3. Why should FDI be preferred over FPI? Comment on govt’s initiatives in this
respect. (15,2018)
4. What developmental role can FDI play in a backward economy? What policy
has India been following to attract FDI and what safeguards should the country
adopt? (20,2017)
5. Critically examine the major changes in FDI policies of the GoI since 1991.
6. Write for and against FDI in retail trade of India. (15,2014)
7. Compare the role of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Foreign Institutional
Investment (FII՚s) in India’s economic development. Are FDI՚s preferable to
Portfolio Investments? Evaluate. (30,2011)
8. Why is capital inflow through multinational corporations preferred over foreign
debt? (30,2012)
9. Comment on the new initiatives taken by the govt to facilitate investment and
EoDB. (20,2018)
10. There is need of an ‘apex agency’ to monitor and to regulate the entry and
functioning of transnational corporations in the context of India’s broader
national interest. Give arguments in support of your answer. (15,2015)
11. Write in brief on Special Economic Zones (SEZ) and their socio-economic
repercussions. (20,2011)

New Economic Policy and Trade

Intellectual Property Rights
1. ✘ What is intellectual property? Why does intellectual property need to be
promoted and protected? (15,2020)

Implications Of TRIPS, TRIMS, GATS

1. ✘ Narrate the implications of the TRIPS Agreement with special reference to the

pharmaceutical sector in India. (15,2019)

2. ✘ Examine the implications of TRIPS on Indian economy. (15,2016)

3. ✘ Discuss the salient features of TRIPS and Indian position on (i) geographical

indications and (ii) plant breeders՚ rights. (30,2012)

4. ✘ “The TRIPS agreement runs counter to the neoliberal argument in favour of

competition.” Is this a fair assessment? Discuss. (20,2009)

5. ✘ Describe the salient features of TRIMS. How has it impacted the textile and

clothing sector in India. (15,2018)

6. ✘ What are the four modes of GATS? What mode has been preferred by India and

why? (15,2010)

New EXIM Policy.

1. Describe the salient features of New Foreign Trade Policy (2015-20) in India.
Examine its role in improving the current account balance. (15,2020)
2. Examine the new EXIM policy. Given the tough competition in international
trade, what corrective measure would you suggest to make it more successful in
boosting Indian exports? (30,2012)
a. Bring out the salient features of New EXIM Policy of GoI. (10,2016)
3. Do you think the recent appreciation of Indian currency is harming India’s
exports? Can it have a beneficial side too? Explain in brief. (10,2017)
4. What are the key initiatives proposed in Foreign Trade Policy, 2009 - 2014 for
market diversification and technological upgradation to give a boost to exports?
5. Examine the challenges to export diversification and increase in export
competitiveness of India. (20,2011)
6. Write a note on the broad trend of India’s foreign trade and current account
balance during roughly the last one decade. (15,2017)
7. Write on Indo-ASEAN trade relations. (15,2011)
8. Write on the Look East Policy of India. (15,2014)
9. In view of fresh fears of global financial crisis arising out of decelerating credit
rating of the U. S. economy and sovereign debt crisis in peripheral Euro-Zone
economies analyse its likely impact on India’s trade and growth performance.
Suggest measures to contain it. (40,2011)

New Exchange Rate Regime

Partial and Full Convertibility, Capital Account Convertibility

1. Do you think that Indian currency is fully convertible? Explain. (10,2020)

2. Is India ready for full capital account convertibility? Assess. (30,2011)
3. Examine the role of capital account convertibility in controlling deficit in the
current account of India’s BoP. (15,2019)
4. Do you believe that capital account convertibility is feasible under the present
circumstances in India? Explain. (20,2018)
5. ‘Partial Capital Account Convertibility cannot serve the purpose of integrating
Indian economy with world economy.’ Critically examine. (10,2016)
6. Do you think that full convertibility of rupee on capital account will help in
accelerating India’s economic growth? Give reasons. (10,2015)
7. Discuss the issues involved in Capital Account Convertibility. In the light of this,
explain India’s important capital account liberalisation measures. (15,2014)
8. “Partial capital account convertibility cannot serve the purpose of integrating
Indian economy with global economy.” Analyse critically. (10,2013)
9. Would a flexible exchange rate regime serve India better than a fixed
exchange rate regime in the current international scenario? (12,2012)
10. How global financial crisis and sovereign debt crisis of European nations
exposed the disturbing role of speculative motive and fiscal imprudence? What
lesson could India derive from it? (15,2014)
11. “Speculators may do no harm as bubbles on a steady of enterprise, but the
position is serious when enterprise becomes the bubble on whirlpool of
speculation. When enterprise becomes a by-product of the activities of a casino,
the job is likely to be undone.” Explain in the context of global financial crisis and
its impact on Indian economy. (25,2013)

New Economic Policy and Public Finance

Fiscal Responsibility Act
1. Discuss the role of FRBM Act, 2003 in improving the fiscal health of the State
finances in India. (15,2020)
2. Explain the salient feature of the Fiscal Responsibility Act. Explain to what extent
has the Government of India been able to adhere to the provisions of this Act?
3. What are the salient features of FRBM Act? Examine the criticisms levelled
against it. (20,2014)
a. Critically examine the salient features of the Fiscal Responsibility Act.
4. Write on second-generation economic reforms in India. (15,2011)
5. Second generation economic reforms are crucial for raising the growth rate of
economy. Throw light on these dimensions. (10,2014)

Finance Commission
1. Give a short analysis of the state of devolution of resources from the Centre to
the States in India in the light of fiscal federalism. (15,2017)
2. What are the major recommendations of the Fourteenth Finance Commission?
3. Discuss the major recommendations of the Thirteenth finance Commission with
regard to augmentation of resources of local governments. (20,2012)

Fiscal Federalism, Fiscal Consolidation

1. Distinguish between Fiscal Federalism and Fiscal Consolidation. Discuss the
fundamental changes in Indian fiscal federalism after introducing GST. (20,2020)
2. What is fiscal federalism? Examine the role of various Finance Commissions since
2001 in reducing horizontal and vertical fiscal imbalances. (15,2019)
3. The chequered fiscal history of India of the last fifteen years has been a saga of
fiscal prudence on the part of the States and fiscal profligacy by the Centre. Do
you agree? Give reasons. (15,2018)
4. Do you agree that fiscal slippage in the recent past is structural in nature? Also
suggest roadmap for fiscal consolidation in the next few years. (20,2018)
5. Examine the process of introducing and passing GST Bill in parliament. How it
helps in Fiscal consolidation in the country? (15,2016)
6. Distinguish between fiscal federalism and political federalism. How has fiscal
federalism been evolving in relation to special category States in particular and
other States in general? (20,2012)

1. Explain GST. Analyse how it is going to impact Indian business. (15,2017)
2. How is GST different from VAT? What is the grand bargain suggested by the
Thirteenth Finance Commission for implementation of GST? (20,2012)
3. What are the broad features of the proposed GST Model? (10,2015)
4. What are the major objectives of the Direct Taxes Code Bill, 2010? Will it be
effective in generating enhanced tax revenues? (25,2013)

Governance, Corruption
1. What is ‘Crony Capitalism?’ Is it true that almost all developing countries are
facing the threat of ‘Crony Capitalism’ in their development efforts? (20,2016)
2. How could e-governance tackle the issues of corruption and inefficiency in the
govt sector to lead to higher growth rate in the economy? Discuss. (15,2014)
3. ‘Elitist bias’ and ‘Crony Capitalism’ have eclipsed the issues of efficiency and
distributive justice in India. Elaborate. (20,2014)
4. What is ‘Crony Capitalism’? How it compromises economic and social justice
issues? Explain. (10,2013)
5. In the context of the IT revolution, Digital India programme is a significant
instrument of administrative reforms. Do you agree? (20,2015)

New Economic Policy and Monetary System

Role of RBI Under the New Regime.
1. Critically examine the role of RBI in maintaining financial stability under the
new regime of monetary system. (20,2020)
2. ✘ Why is monetary transmission not effective in India? In the context of the

recent announcement by the RBI, compare the efficacy of external benchmarks

in bank loans with internal benchmarks for improving monetary transmissions
through the banking channel. (20,2019)
3. ✘ Inflation is not a purely monetary phenomenon in India and hence the scope of

monetary policy of the RBI to contain it is limited. Discuss. (25,2013)

4. Characterise the inflationary process in the last three years. What steps were
taken by the RBI and the Government to control it? (12,2012)
5. Critically examine the point of view that RBI՚s recent measures at containing
inflation have compromised growth. (30,2011)
6. ✘ Monetary Policy in India is often criticised as ineffective because large part of

the country is not yet monetised. Do you agree with the view? Give reasons.
7. “An underdeveloped money and capital market has been a major cause of slow
economic growth in India.” In the light of this statement, give relative importance
of financial sector vis-à-vis real sector in Indian economy. (25,2013)

NBFCs, Demonetisation, Banking

1. Trace the development of NBFCs in India since the liberalisation era and
comment on their impact on the effectiveness of the interest rate policies of the
RBI. (15,2016)
2. NBFCs need to be effectively regulated and monitored in India. Can you
suggest some measures in this direction? (15,2015)
3. ✘ Demonetisation has been a radical and unprecedented step with short-run

costs and long-term benefits. Give reasons in support of this statement.

a. What is your assessment of the principal impact of the recent
demonetisation in India in the immediate and middle terms? (15,2017)
4. The state-controlled section of India’s banking sector continues to be a major
problem for policy makers. Do you agree? Give reasons in support of your
answer. (15,2018)
5. ✘ What caused the problem of non-performing assets of Indian commercial banks

and what cures are being suggested to solve the problem? (10,2017)
a. What are the major factors behind accumulation of NPA in the Indian
banking sector in recent years? Discuss. (10,2015)
6. ✘ ‘Financial inclusion is one of the most essential components of inclusive

growth.’ Comment. (10,2015)


From Central Planning to Indicative Planning
1. ✘ Mixed economy is an outcome of the compromise between laissez-faire
capitalism and socialist state control of resource. Elaborate. Mention its salient
features. (10,2013)
2. ✘ Differentiate between plan and non-plan expenditure as used in the govt

budget. Is this distinction relevant for govt finances in India today? (10,2019)
3. ✘ How the setting up of NITI Aayog has changed the planning perspective in

India? Explain. (20,2018)

4. ✘ Give a brief account of the evolution of the concept of economic planning in

India after Independence. (15,2017)

5. ✘ During post-independence era, India assigned the role of ‘Commanding

Heights’ to the public undertakings. Should this policy be continued? Give

reasons for your answer. (20,2016)
6. ✘ Discuss the basic features of 2 nd FYP in India. (10,2016)

7. ✘ State the basic features of Mahalanobis model. (10,2013)

Relation Between Planning and Markets for Growth

1. ✘ Do you think that planning has a role in the context of market-based

development of India? Answer with arguments. (15,2019)

2. Why did the socialist order fail and the country had to resort to the market
economy system? Give reasons. (10,2015)
a. ✘ Why socialist model of development could not bring about equitable
distribution of income in India and the country remained on a slow growth
trajectory of 3 – 3.5% for a long time? Discuss. (10,2014)
3. ✘ What were the economic and non-economic rationale for adopting mixed

economy model in India? (10,2016)

4. What are the consequences of deviation from socialistic pattern of society and
mixed economy particular(rly for the persons below the poverty line? Explain.
5. ✘ What do you mean by the ‘Hindu rate of growth’? Why has it been argued that

poverty cannot be eradicated under the Hindu rate of growth? (12,2012)

Decentralized Planning: 73rd And 74th Constitutional Amendments.
1. Discuss the relevance of decentralised planning after the implementation of the
74th CAA, 1992. (10,2020)
2. “Indian planning structure and system still remains largely in favour of a
centralized nature of planning. The 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments
have hardly brought about any change in reality in the nature of Indian planning
process.” Critically evaluate this statement. (25,2013)
3. Explain the salient features of the 73 rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments in
India and elaborate the impact of its implementation. (10,2016)
a. Discuss salient economic feature of 73rd and 74th Constitutional
amendments. (20,2011)

New Economic Policy and Employment:

Employment, employment generation, Rural Wages, NREGS
1. ✘ Discuss the changes in sectoral composition of GDP with the changes in the

sectoral components of employment in India since independence. (15,2020)

2. Examine the recent trend in rural wages in India. Discuss the role of MGNREGA
in determining this trend. (15,2020)
3. What are the core objectives of the MGNREGS? In what ways has a paradigm
shift taken place with the implementation of MGNREGA? (20,2019)
4. Do you agree that MGNREGA has been plagued with rampant malpractices,
leakage of funds and diversion of resources? Give reasons. (10,2018)
5. NREGS should be reoriented to create productive permanent assets to promote
employment and generate income in the rural sector. Critically evaluate.
6. Analyse the impact of MNREGA on rural and urban wages and rural migration.
7. Examine the relation between casualisation of employment and poverty in
India. (15,2019)
8. The quality of employment, in general, in India is perceived to be alarming.
How would you analyse the situation? (20,2017)
9. What are the basic features of new national rural employment guarantee
scheme what are the impediments in their implementation? (20,2016)
10. Examine the labour policy of India and its impact on employment ( labor)
market in Indian economy. (15,2014)
11. Employment pattern in India in post-reform period has moved in favour of
contractual, casual and self-employment. How public sector employment
deceleration would impact the future of labour (employment) market in India?
Elaborate. (10,2014)
12. Account for the change in the employment pattern in India after liberalization.
What are your suggestions for employment security in the ‘informal’ sector of
the economy? Discuss. (25,2013)
13. Write short notes on ‘Skill India’ and ‘Make in India’. (10,2016)
14. Skill development and thereby raising labour productivity like that in China
would be the only panacea for long term growth in Indian economy. Discuss.

National, Per Capita Income

Patterns, Trends, Aggregate & Sectoral Composition and Changes
Therein (Pie Charts)
1. Examine the trends in GDP at factor cost during the pre-reform period in India.
2. Discuss the changes in the sectoral composition of GDP in recent years.
3. It is often said that the prime generator of economic growth in India in the post
liberalisation period has been the service sector. Do you agree? What has been
its implication on the BoP in India? (20,2015)
4. Accelerated growth of tertiary sector during the past two decades in Indian
economy has posed multiple challenges. Discuss. (25,2013)
5. “The declining share of commodity producing sectors — agriculture and
industry — and rising share of Services sector is creating imbalances of far-
reaching consequences in the economy.” Critically analyse. (30,2011)
6. Reflect on issues and implications of structural transformation in India’s
income. (15,2018)
7. Trace the growth of real per capita income in India in the pre-liberalisation
period, keeping in view the interplay of increasing population and increasing real
national income. (12,2012)
8. While Indian economic growth in recent years is services-led growth and
Chinese model is manufacturing led growth, show the implications of the two
models for long term sustainable development. (10,2014)
9. How did per capita income in India behave since Independence? Has it
improved the well-being of the people uniformly? Give specific reasons.
10. Highlight the structural changes in Indian economy before 1991. (15,2014)

Broad Factors Determining National Income and Distribution/

Development Concerns
1. Explain the major factors that affected the growth rate of the economy in post-
independence India till 1991. (20,2015)
2. What are the factors which determine the size and composition of national
income? In this respect contrast the scenarios between pre and post
liberalization periods. (30,2012)
3. Transformation of rural sector is key to economic development as it sustains
two-thirds of Indian population. How physical connectivity, electronic
connectivity and knowledge connectivity may be helpful in this transformation?
Explain the linkages. (25,2013)
4. Throw light on the PURA model of rural development. (15,2011)
5. Vitalisation of rural economy is key to ‘inclusive growth’ which is possible
through strategic management and technological upgradation. Explain.
6. What were the major hurdles to development as experienced in India during
first decade after independence? Discuss them and what steps were taken to
remove them? (15,2016)
7. ‘The dichotomy of development’ in India emerged owing to ‘governance deficit’
and ‘crony capitalism.’ Examine. (20,2015)
8. In Indian economy, dichotomy of development emerged during the pre-reform
period despite efforts of holistic development. Delineate the factors responsible
for it. (15,2014)
9. Do you think Gandhian vision of development is still relevant in India? Explain
with reasons. (15,2014)
10. Elaborate upon Gandhian versus Nehruvian visions of India՚s development. Do
you think Gandhian approach is again attracting scholars and the people? Give
reasons. (30,2011)
11. Specify the main factors which hindered trickle down in Indian economy and
agenda of ‘inclusive growth’ is being pressed into for economic justice. (10,2014)
12. Compare the strategies of trickle-down growth with inclusive growth. Why
should the strategy of inclusive growth be preferred? (20,2012)
Poverty, Measures, Trends in Poverty,
1. ‘While absolute poverty declines over the decades, the poverty gap between
different social groups shows rising trend in India’. Discuss. (15,2020)
2. How are ‘absolute’ and ‘relative’ poverty measured? What modification in it
has been suggested by Amartya Sen? What are the recent advances in the area
of poverty measurement? Discuss. (25,2013)
3. How is development looked upon by A. K. Sen in terms of freedom and poverty
as unfreedoms? Point out his narration of five dimensions of poverty. (10,2013)
4. Discuss Amartya Sen’s poverty measure and recent advances in poverty
measurement. (15,2011)
5. How is the methodology followed by the Rangarajan Committee different from
that of the Tendulkar Committee in measuring poverty in India? (10,2019)
6. Explain how multidimensional poverty index is calculated. (10,2018)
7. Throw light on the poverty debate in the pre-liberalisation era in India/
8. Critically examine the difference between absolute poverty and relative
poverty. Between the two, which is more appropriate? Give reasons. (20,2016)
9. Discuss the various measures of poverty with policy implications for removal of
poverty. (20,2012)

Poverty Alleviation Schemes

1. Comment on poverty alleviation schemes undertaken by GoI for urban poor.
2. Market economy excludes poor from the consumer as well as employment
market. Discuss how one can safeguard the interests of the population below
poverty line. (15,2015)
3. Elaborate growth-mediated strategy security and support-led security
strategies of poverty alleviation given by Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen. (20,2014)
4. Highlight the issues of Bhagwati-Sen controversy over tackling poverty and
slow growth rate. (10,2014)
5. Poverty alleviation strategy of the day is moving ahead of Redistribution with
Growth (RWG) of Chenery and the World Bank and Dreze and Sen՚s Growth-
mediated security and Support-led security strategies to Empowerment,
Opportunities and Security lines. Elaborate. (30,2011)
6. Would you advocate a programme of Universal Basic Income (UBI) to reduce
extreme poverty in India? Discuss in detail. (15,2019)
7. The various anti-poverty programmes have not achieved the desired socio-
economic progress in India. Write down the major programmes and your broad-
based assessment of their weaknesses. (20,2017)
8. Rural poverty continues to be a chronic problem in India, which cannot be
taken care of by anti-poverty programmes but by creation of permanent
productive assets. Discuss. (20,2015)
9. Explain why in spite of poverty alleviation schemes number of the poor has not
fallen very much. (12,2012)
10. “By restricting social benefits to BPL households, the poverty line (in India) will
be fully converted from a statistical benchmark to a real-life social division”
(Dreze). Discuss. (15,2011)
11. Explain the concept and the underlying rationale of ‘Universal Basic Income’.
1. Analyse the validity of the inverted U-shaped hypothesis of Kuznets in the
context of changes in inequality in India. (15,2020)
2. Analyse trends in GDP growth and inequality during the first 3 decades of
planning in India. Has the distribution of income in India become more equal
during the post reform period? Suggest some policy measures that could help
reduce income inequalities. (20,2020)
3. Explain why in spite of economic planning income distribution has turned more
unequal through time. (12,2012)
4. Reflect on the relationship among economic growth, inequality and poverty in
the post-reform period in India. (15,2018)
5. India’s economic growth is associated with rising inequality. How does it so
happened and what actions need to be taken to mitigate the problem? (20,2017)
6. Explain the major tools for measuring inequality. Highlight the more
appropriate method of measuring inequality. (15,2016)

1. India has a vast potential to reap a demographic dividend. Explain the point
and discuss the necessary measures to realise it. (15,2017)
2. How does the population growth affect economic development of a country?
Can the age structure of population alter the pattern of development in a
country? Examine in the light of the Indian experience. (20,2015)
3. ‘Population is not just a denominator to deflate aggregates. It is determined by
the level and pattern of economic development.’ Comment. (20,2012)

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