Betty Final l
Betty Final l
Betty Final l
MUSANGALI BETTY WARUE hereby declares that the report has been prepared by me to
fulfill the requirements of Diploma program in Community Development and Social Work,
Mount Kenya University, Mombasa Campus.
I thank God the Almighty for giving me the insight, opportunity and knowledge to prepare this
report. I thank my parents who are in the greatest measure my pillar. It has been with their help
that I have come thus far. I do not take it for granted. I thank my lecturers and instructors at
Mount Kenya University for their knowledge, time and effort in bringing me so far
academically that I am now on the last milestone in this course. Of particular interest I would
like to mention Mr. Zeddy Machuka and Mrs. Judy Mugo for their never tiring effort and
guidance to ensure my success. I thank the staff at the University to whom their input to my
success is immeasurable. I also thank the Department of Youth, Gender, Sports and Social
Services, and its director therefore, Mr. Khamis Kurichwa, for offering me the opportunity for
attachment at their gender office at the Mombasa Gender Based Violence Situation Room at
Tononoka. I too thank the great staff starting with their head Madam Director Esther Ingolo,
Mr. Nicholas, Mr. Kevin, Mr. Obura, Madam Lucy, Madam Asha, Madam Irene and Madam
Margaret. The staff has been instrumental in taking me through the office’s work and how they
deal with gender and violence issues. The knowledge I have acquired is by no means little and has
opened my eyes to how the world is and equipped me with the skills to handle all that arises in
the field of social work.
To my dear Parents,
Cover page…....................................................................................................................(I)
Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………………… (iii)
Abstract……………………………………………………………………………………. (vi)
1.0 Intr0duction..................................................................................................................7
1.1 Purpose….....................................................................................................................7
1.1.2 Department of public administration youth ,gender, sports and social services..........8
2.1 Objectives...................................................................................................................12
4.1....................................................................................................Challenges Faced… 16
4.2 Conclusion............................................................................................................16
4.3 Recommendation..................................................................................................17
The purpose of this report is to provide the details of the intuition of attachment, a description of all
activities undertaken during the same the lessons and challenges during the attachment period. The
This report covers the specifics of my attachment at the Mombasa Gender Based Violence
Situation Room while on industrial attachment. The industrial attachment is a 2 - 3 month
program mandated by the school before a student graduates with a certificate from the school.
Attachment is designed in such a way that the students go out into the world to learn how their
held of learning operates and apply their classroom knowledge into real life situations. A lot is
gained from industrial attachment including practical skills of operation like good communication
and empathy.
Industrial Attachment prepares a student by making them understand the kind of work they will
be doing, and for social workers the world they live in. The journey of attachment has not been
easy. There have been a couple of eye openers that have led me to know that the world is cruel
and that social workers are of a vital need to society if people were to live their comfortable lives.
The experiences are now eternal to me, priceless and educational.
The purpose of the Industrial Attachment is that it is part of the school curriculum in that every
student completing their studies at an institution of higher learning has to go to the held and get
examined as to how they conducted themselves at the place of attachment. Industrial attachment,
and the report thereof that follows thereafter, is an exercise to be done in partial fulfillment of the
award is a certificate in the program a student is taking. It thus finalizes the study of the course and
upon successful completion, together with other units collectively, guarantees a student a place in
the graduation list.
6. Fostering dignified care of women, girls and the vulnerable like orphans and the elderly in
the county.
Specific directorate functions include:
1. The mandate of the youth directorate is to empower the youth. This is done through
various initiatives encouraging self-help and others like employment, e.g. Mombasa ni
Yangu which empowers the youth economically by giving them jobs.
3. Coordination of Youth Issues - This is also another function of the directorate of youth
under the YGSSS. In coordination of youth issues it entails the organizing, managing and
harmonizing the e orts to address the needs, challenges and opportunities of young people
across various sectors. This can be through policy integration and stakeholder collaboration.
4. The Sports directorate under the YGSSS functions to develop and nurture talents among
the residents of Mombasa County. The directorate has constructed 3 Seven aside Football
pitches and 2 Mini stadiums in Majengo, Kizingo, Kisauni, Kongowea and Bomu which
project is still ongoing to create safe havens for young people to nurture sports talent. They
have also sponsored the youth by engaging them in football activities in places like the
Tudor area of Mombasa.
5. The directorate of Social Services also has its own mandates. The first of these is that it
functions to ensure social protection. Under this the directorate seeks to ensure equality
among people and improve their welfare in an attempt to eradicate poverty. In this the
county government aims to ensure that all individuals have access to basic level of income,
healthcare and education thus improving the wellbeing of everyone. This has been seen
through youth and women empowerment programs and educational support through
bursaries and scholarships.
6. The directorate of social services also advocates for care and support of the needs of
special interest groups. These include women and girl children who have for a long time
been considered at a lower level compared to men. Most of them have suffered abuse and
discrimination which also led to the establishment of non-governmental institutions like
Girl for Girl and Sauti Ya Wanawake Pwani which are partners with the GBV Situation
Room to address sir of those challenges.
As stated the GBVSR has partnered with a number of organizations to ensure efficient response to
our clients. These partners and what they do are as described below: The first is Muslims for
Human Rights (MUHURI). MUHURI is the chair for the legal pillar of the GBV Situation
Room. Cases brought to the Situation Room that require legal action are referred to MUHURI.
These include criminal cases where our survivors have been victims. These include defilement
‘proper’, rape and assault cases. The GBVSR’s contact person with MUHURI is Madam Topister.
Other referral places for legal action are Clear Kenya and Kituo Cha Sheria.
The third partner is Girl for Girl. This is a survivor-led CBO that provides Trauma Informed
psychosocial support to survivors, caregivers, adolescents and students in Mombasa County,
There is also Reinvent as the fourth partner. This refers to the Reducing Insecurity and Violent
Extremism in Northern and Coastal regions of Kenya initiative. Its role is to deliver “increased
security and stability in northern Kenya, enabling investment, inclusive growth and equitable service
By working in partnership with the Government of Kenya and downstream partners to provide
“improved police performance to provide security locally” and “safe and secure communities in
northern and coastal Kenya”.
The fifth partner is ActionAid. ActionAid International Kenya is an organization that works to
achieve social justice, gender equality and poverty eradication. It works to advance women's rights
and ensure that women living in poverty and exclusion are at the Centre of its activities.
The Gender Violence Rescue Centre (GVRC) is the sixth partner. This is located at the Coast
General Teachings and Referral Hospital in Mombasa. Referrals for defilement, assault and rape
cases lie here. They carry out medical checkups on victims to ascertain the level of harm and also
aid in the legal process by gathering evidence.
Finally there is Sauti Ya Wanawake Pwani. This movement advocates for the recognition,
respect and upholding of women and children rights. Its four fields of interest are gender equity in
governance and advocacy, health, education, and women rights.
1. Psychosocial support - this is the first objective and it refers to counseling. Some of our
survivors or clients are people who have gone through trauma. These could be rape,
defilement or physical abuse cases. Such experiences traumatize people and they may go
through mental torture and have post-traumatic stress disorder. The office thus has a
qualified counselor to ensure that our troubled clients get all the assistance and help they
need. The counseling can be done one-on-one with the counselor; it could also be tele-
counseling; and group therapy.
4. Case Follow Ups - this refers to following up on the wellbeing or the status of our clients.
Case follow-ups occur in three ways; one is through in-house follow ups where we visit
our client at their places of residence; two is court follow-ups where the staff at the office
follows up on legal proceedings of clients who have been assisted with legal help; lastly we
have tele follow ups whereby we call out clients to check on their wellbeing and status.
5. Family Tracing and Reintegration - Another objective and function of the GBVSR is
family tracing and reintegration. In this the staff tracks and locates the family or relatives of
their clients. Upon tracing and successfully finding that the client has relatives or family
elsewhere a social worker is appointed to reintegrate the client with the family or relatives.
In doing this the staff member has to physically accompany the client and deliver them to
their family.
6. Legal Support - MUHURI is the chair for the legal pillar at the GBVSR. Represented by
Madam Topister MUHURI assists in the prosecution* of cases brought to their attention.
Other legal institutions who the GBVSR partners with are Clear Kenya and Kituo Cha
Sheria. Clear Kenya helps to represent clients who are demanding child maintenance
from their partners.
7. Referrals - Referrals are also another objective of the GBVSR. The office handles many
cases but some of these require input from other stakeholders. Cases like rape and
defilement cases have to be referred to the Gender Violence Recovery Centre at the Coast
General Teaching and Referral Hospital where a medical examination is conducted to
determine the extent of damage on the victim and to obtain the PRC forms. Other places
where referrals lie are the Children's Office and the Police Station.
8. Community Sensitization - the GBVSR also has as an objective to ensure the community
is made aware of sexual and gender based violence issues. The office books appointments
with various institutions with the latest one being a meeting at Kisauni Vocational Centre.
MY period of industrial attachment at the Mombasa GBVSR was 10 weeks. This was from
15/Jan/2024 to 15/April/2024. All this time I was involved in both office and held assignments. I
have taken part in listening to cases, mediating them and providing helpful insight to the clients I
have handled. The prime activities within the situation room include. :
1. Data collection and monitoring : gathering real time data on GBV incidents from various
sources including community reports and hospitals and helplines. This data is tracked to
identify trends.
2. Case managements: ensuring that survivors receive immediate support including medical
treatment, legal assistant and counselling. A referral system is established to ensure a
holistic care.
4. Information sharing: providing updates and information to relevant authorities and the
public about ongoing GBV cases, trends and resources for survivors.
4.1 Conclusion
I conclude this report by stating that I have acquired a lot of knowledge from working under the
department of gender for my industrial attachment. I have acquired skills and known how to work.
I have been made aware of ways of approaching some societal problems and the pathways for
proceedings with social issues. Throughout my attachment period, both at the GBVSR and at the
Alms House, I have noted some challenges and thought of the recommendations that can correct
these problems. These are summarized below:
4.2 Challenges
1. People are not aware that they can find help from GBV Situation Room and other
institutions like G-for-G, ActionAid. Mainstreaming is done by staff initiatives and
information of the existence of the GBVSR is also done by clients. This has limited its
reach to society.
2. The Social Outreach program to reach people is limited in terms of area of operation.
GBV cases occur everywhere. Getting to all these people is di cult as a result of limited
resources in terms of staff and finances.
4. Societal norms prevent some people from seeking assistance, for example men opening up
to abuse.
5. Lack of proper sexual education in schools leading to increased teenage sex and defilement.
4.3 Recommendations
1. Proper mainstreaming of the GBVSR and other institutions that offer social help should be
the main priority.
2. The GBVSR initiative has to be redone in other constituencies to broaden its outreach.
3. The budget of the gender office should be increased to cover for all the necessary expenses
for running the department.
4. People should be taught about the need to seek help. There should be awareness to make
people realize that it is okay not to be okay for everyone. Everyone has a right to
protection and to be free from stigmatization, especially on the basis of gender.
5. Proper sexual education in schools will help to reduce instances of teenage sex.