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JANUARY 2023 | transmissiondigest.

4L60E - 62TE - 42LRE - 68RFE - 40/41TES - HONDA 10-SPEED

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Reman U ................................................................................................................................................................. 22
The new year: Ready, set, start!


From the Publisher ....................................................................................................................................2
Transmission Products ................................................................................................................. 23
Marketplace ................................................................................................................................................... 24
Index to Sponsors ................................................................................................................................. 24

Technically Speaking ........................................................................................................................... 4 e-Powertrain Bulletin
How to service the Honda 10-speed transmission Sign up ( to receive additional
technical and business articles in the e-Powertrain Bulletin newsletter.

TASC Force Tips ............................................................................................................................................ 7 This month’s featured article: “Reassembling GM pumps with cam
Diagnosing Chrysler transmission max line pressure failure.”
You can also sign up for Transmission Tech/Talk, a quarterly newsletter
R&R Tech ............................................................................................................................................................... 10
featuring four unique technical articles by TD Technical Editor Wayne
Diagnosing a slow-to-respond solenoid


JANUARY 2023, Volume 42, Number 5. Published monthly by Babcox Media Inc., 3550 Embassy Parkway, Akron, OH 44333 U.S.A. Phone (330) 670-1234, FAX (330) 670-0874. Periodical postage paid
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© 2023 by Babcox Media Inc. “Transmission Digest” is a trademark of Babcox Media Inc., registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark office. All rights reserved. | JANUARY 2023 1

From the Publisher
Bobby Mace Publisher
Dean Martin Vice President/Group Publisher

Sign up – It’s all free!

Bobby Mace Publisher

Alex Crissey Editor


veryone is hoping for a prosperous New Year! One way Wayne Colonna Technical Editor
to achieve greater prosperity in 2023 is to increase Mike Riley Contributing Editor
our knowledge concerning what we do—that is, fixing
Mike Weinberg Manual Powertrain Editor
transmissions, transfer cases and converters. There is hardly a
week that goes by without someone telling me, “I didn’t know
about that digital publication. How do I sign up?”
In addition to the digital edition of the magazine, three
Nichole Anderson Brandi Gangel
“free to everyone” Transmission Digest publications contain Director of Corporate Design Vice President of Audience
exclusive technical content that isn’t published in the magazine Tammy House Data & Marketing
itself. On the second Monday of every month, we publish Art Director Bruce Kratofil
Audience Insights Manager
Transmission Digest e-Powertrain Bulletin containing the “Shift
Pointers” technical column and much more. DIGITAL
The Transmission Digest Tech/Talk is a quarterly deep dive Michael Madej
Executive Director of Digital
into emerging technical issues, fixes, diagnostics and rebuilding Development & Sales Pat Robinson
methods. Audience Development and
Alexa Pasquale
Production Manager
Finally, there is the every-Thursday e-Newsletter that contains Digital Project Manager
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To subscribe to Transmission Digest publications, visit the ADVERTISING SERVICES
website at and choose the Kelly McAleese
digital publications you want delivered directly to your email Ad Services Director
address. Furthermore, urge every person in the shop to sign Annelise Moore
up for their own emailed versions of these treasure troves of Ad Services Coordinator
All of us send our hopes to you for a prosperous and
successful New Year. TD

Bill Babcox CEO
Greg Cira President

Mike Maleski Executive Vice President
Brandi Gangel Vice President of Audience Data & Marketing
Jim Merle Vice President/Group Publisher

Dean Martin Vice President/Group Publisher

MANAGERS Beth Scheetz Controller
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Know a shop that deserves Karen Kaim; Cathy Kulwicki;
Sandy Murphy; Scott Schumacker

to be featured in Transmission
Digest’s Shop Profile series? Edward S. Babcox Founder
Contact us! (1885-1970)

You can reach editor Alex Crissey at Tom B. Babcox Chairman

3550 Embassy Parkway with the details. Akron, OH 44333-8318

2 JANUARY 2023 |

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Technically Speaking
Wayne Colonna Technical Editor
Issue: Honda 10-speed automatic transmission

How to service
the Honda
W ith Honda’s 10-speed front wheel drive transmission
(see Figure 1) going into its fifth year on the roads, it’s
feasible that one may show up in your shop for service.
(One note: this transmission does not have a typical
name; it’s simply known as “the Honda 10-speed automatic
transmission” in all OEM materials.) 1
One thing to know about this unit is that it uses Honda ATF
Type 2 fluid. Honda warns that if any type of fluid is used other
than ATF Type 2, damage will occur.
There are two varieties of this transmission: Type A and
Type B. Type B has round boss on the case to the right side of
the fill plug and check level plug, as seen in Figure 2. Type A
transmission will not have this boss. The fill capacity is slightly
different between these two transmissions.
 Type A requires 4.5L (4.8 U.S. qt.) when servicing the
transmission. It uses 8.5L (9.0 U.S. qt.) after overhaul.
 Type B requires 4.3L (4.5 U.S. qt.) when servicing the
transmission. It uses 8.3L (8.8 U.S. qt.) after overhaul.
There are two types of check level plugs as well. One has
an integrated washer while the other has a separate sealing
To fill the transmission, pour fluid in until it begins to
trickle out the check level hole. Place the plug into the
hole. Start the engine, and warm it up at idle speed to the
normal operating temperature (when the radiator fan comes
on twice). Step on the brake and shift the transmission to
P→R→N→D→S→2nd→S→D→N→R→P position/mode and
wait at least three seconds in each position/mode. To shift into
second gear, enter the Sportshift mode using the paddle shifter.
Once completed, return to Park and turn off the engine. servicing the fluid. If the transmission needed to be exchanged
Carefully pull the check level plug, as the transmission and or rebuilt, it is highly recommended that a new heat exchanger
fluid will be hot. Fill until fluid begins to trickle out of the hole. be included in the cost of the repair as well. This is too
Return the check level plug into the transmission and tighten. expensive of a unit to have it destroyed due to a clogged heat
One aspect of servicing this transmission that can be easily exchanger.
overlooked is the lube filter located under the heat exchanger, Getting back to the fluid service: as easy as it is to underfill
as seen in Figures 3 and 4. This filter should be changed when this unit, it is as difficult to overfill it. But if it is overfilled, this

4 JANUARY 2023 |

Technically Speaking | Wayne Colonna

the vehicle is running. It allows hot air to escape and for

cool air to be brought into the transmission to lessen the
possibility of overheating.
If this device fails, it can cause pressure buildup inside
transmission, which could damage seals and cause leaks.
When this breather assembly is removed while the
transmission is under pressure, there will a notable sound as
the pressure escapes informing you of this failure.
Another aspect of this transmission to be aware of is that it
utilizes shift by wire technology. There is no cable or linkages
going to a manual valve. Solenoids are used to control a Park
Actuator Valve in the valve body to engage and disengage Park
(Figure 7).
There are many failsafe features incorporated into this
technology for obvious reasons. Let me provide two of
them for you as an example. First, the P position/mode is
automatically selected for safety in the following cases:
 A driver unbuckles the seat belt and opens the door with
any other position/mode than P position/mode while the
vehicle speed is less than 1 MPH with the engine running.

3 4

transmission doesn’t use a conventional vent for the fluid to  A driver turns the vehicle to the Off (Lock) mode with any
be exhausted. The vent for this transmission uses a breather other position/mode than P position/mode while the vehicle
assembly mounted on top of the transmission to maintain speed is less than 1 MPH with the engine running.
equilibrium inside the transmission, as seen in Figures 5 and There is a manual method of getting the transmission out
6. of Park should the battery be dead and the vehicle need to be
This is a sophisticated way to allow the transmission to moved. On the upper left side of the rear of the transmission
breathe air when the air inside transmission expands or (the right side of the valve body side cover), locate a control
contracts due to heating and cooling of lubricating oil when shaft as seen in Figures 8 and 9. With an open-end wrench, | JANUARY 2023 5

Technically Speaking | Wayne Colonna

5 7

rotate the control shaft 30 degrees counterclockwise to take the  Confirm that the message “Neutral-Hold Mode On” is
transmission out of Park. indicated on the gauge control module.
If the battery is good, there is also a “Neutral Position  Turn the vehicle to the Off (Lock) mode.
Holding Mode” option available to you that can be useful. To
enter this Mode: This function is automatically canceled about 15 minutes
 Park the vehicle on level ground and block all four wheels. after entering the neutral position holding mode while the
 Start the engine. engine stops. If the negative terminal of the 12-volt battery is
 Shift the transmission to N position/mode while pressing disconnected, the neutral position holding mode will also be
the brake pedal. canceled and the vehicle is shifted into P position.
 Press and hold the N button again for 2 seconds. Just another ordinary day doing a fluid change. TD

8 9

6 JANUARY 2023 |

TASC Force Tips
Jim Mobley | Sonnax TASC Force
Issue: Chrysler RFE, RLE, TES max line pressure

Diagnosing Chrysler
transmission max line pressure
and P0933, P0869, P1745 codes

T his article applies to Chrysler RFE,

RLE and TES transmissions that utilize
pressure control solenoids (PCS) for line
pressure control. The subject is a rather
common electrical fault that may occur on
the PCS line pressure solenoid circuit, which
results in max line pressure. Diagnosis and
correction of a max line pressure condition
may become extremely frustrating both in
time and dollars spent — going down the
rabbit hole, as we call it.
Surprisingly, there is no Chrysler code
for a circuit fault with PCS line pressure
solenoids. The vehicle may contain codes
P0933, P0869 or P1745. Let’s examine
code descriptions.

Normal OE pressure is 60 PSI minimum and 150–160 PSI maximum at stall (unit dependable). | JANUARY 2023 7

TASC Force Tips | Mobley

P0933 - Line Pressure Sensor Performance Diagnosis

If the actual line pressure reading is more than 172.4 kPa (25 To the point, if you are working on a vehicle that is
PSI) higher than the desired line pressure, but is less than the experiencing actual line pressure (PSI) max pressure of
highest line pressure ever used in the current gear, P0933 sets. 150–160 PSI at idle in Park, Neutral and Drive ranges and 250
Careful! With a max line condition, this code may PSI in Reverse, this may be an indication of an open circuit for
incorrectly send you to the line pressure sensor. PCS line pressure solenoid. First, examine scanner data and
verify the condition.
P0869 - High Line Pressure Figure 1 is an example of an open circuit via scanner info.
If the actual line pressure is consistently higher than the Notice in the data that line pressure duty cycle is 38.38%, line
highest desired line pressure ever used in the current gear, high pressure is 160 PSI and the desired line pressure is default
line pressure P0869 will set. P0869 does mention a possible (125 PSI) with no activity. If your scanner supports it, try
open circuit fault for PCS line pressure solenoid. bidirectional control of PCS solenoid and line pressure.
Careful! Historically, this code on the 62TE is often a bad
powertrain control module (PCM). Circuit Analysis
Figure 2 shows a 2013 Dodge Ram with a 6.7L diesel
P1745 - Line Pressure Too High for Too Long engine and the 68RFE transmission. This era of vehicle is
This code is for the 42RLE and 62TE transmissions only, extremely prone to the condition of an open circuit and max
and typically requires the “Clear Variable Line Pressure (VLP) line pressure. Pay attention, as this condition may either be
Counters” procedure to be performed with a scanner under intermittent, or happen all the time.
miscellaneous functions. Important: Your system may be different. Secure a wiring
diagram for your VIN.

8 JANUARY 2023 |

TASC Force Tips | Mobley

To test this circuit, use your choice

of electronic test instrument with a
low-current clamp on the PCS ground
control wire #12 to PCM C1 terminal
pin 29. Open the wiring conduit and
locate the correct wire. Clear codes and
monitor the circuit KOER in Park or
Drive range; current flow varies from
0.20 to 1.00 amps. When current flow is
observed, that is verification that it is not
an open circuit. This circuit with a short
to ground will also have current flow,
but that is the opposite: a low-pressure
condition. The amp test above is a non-
invasive diagnostic tool that is useful 04TD_20WestCoast.qxp 3/21/20 8:08 AM Page 1
when using scope for an intermittent
condition. Jim Mobley is a Sonnax technical
communication specialist. He is a member
Tech Tips of the Sonnax TASC Force (Technical
If other solenoids are functional and Automotive Specialties Committee), a group
if code P0882 is not present (low voltage of recognized industry technical specialists,
supply), the power supply side of the transmission rebuilders and Sonnax
circuit is usually not at fault. Transmission Company technicians. WE HAVE
Your PCS line pressure control may WHAT YOU NEED
look different. 42RLE, 40TES and 41TES
transmissions have the solenoid separate FOREIGN &
from solenoid pack.
At times, max line pressure may be
mistaken for aftermarket tuning. The
difference is that tuning may have
higher max pressure than 160 PSI and it
will not flatline with no activity like a
circuit issue.
For 62TE, the open circuit is
• Standard Transmissions
commonly the PCM internally.
Line pressure duty cycle is not
• Transfer Cases
available on all scanners for 62TE, • New & Used Parts
40TES, 41TES and 42RLE. • Rebuilt Units
Summary ONE CA LL
I leave you today with a quote from
Mr. Robert Kenny Jr., an automotive
instructor at Hudson Valley Community
College: “The cost for a lack of education
far exceeds the cost of an education.” TD
866-571-GEAR | JANUARY 2023 9

R&R Tech
Gordon Kehler | Certified Transmission
Issue: Engine revving high, not shifting correctly

A 2001 Chevrolet S-10 pickup came
into our shop the other day. This
job started with a concern of the engine
4L60E transmission, I expected to find
non-functioning third and fourth gears,
which is a common failure for these
(2-3 shift solenoid B circuit fault) stored.
Next, I was off on a road test with my
scanner set to monitor the commanded
revving high and not shifting correctly. transmissions. shift, gear ratio SSA (shift solenoid
With the truck being equipped with a I scanned for codes and found P0758 ‘A’), and SSB (shift solenoid ‘B’) status.

10 JANUARY 2023 |

R&R Tech | Kehler

an unusual problem
A slow-to-respond solenoid
Starting out in first gear felt normal, second was good also, but
when the scanner showed the command for third gear, I didn’t
feel any shift and the engine RPM continued to climb. The gear
ratio showed 1.6:1 (second gear). Continuing to slowly increase
speed, the scan data showed fourth gear commanded with no
drop in RPM and still at the 1.6:1 gear ratio. Continuing down
the street holding the throttle steady, suddenly the engine speed
dropped, and gear ratio was then at .69:1 (fourth gear ratio). off then commanded back on, there was no second click.
With this being an unusual scenario, I chose to go to a quiet The first thing I wanted to do was look through service
street where I can usually do several stop-and-go and slow information and get the electrical schematic for the shift
maneuvers without encountering traffic. Again, from a stop solenoids to confirm how they were powered and controlled,
and light throttle the 1-2 shift was nice and when the scanner and what connector pins I would want to look at for testing.
showed third gear, the ratio stayed at 1.6:1. But this time I held (See Figure 1).
the throttle and road speed steady, so the commanded gear A look through the diagnosis charts revealed the solenoid
remained in third. resistance specifications of 19-31Ω, and had a link to a nice
Before I got to the end of the block, I felt a shift and the gear chart of the shift solenoid valve states and gear ratios. (See
ratio then displayed 1.0:1 (third gear) with light acceleration; Figure 2).
until fourth gear was commanded the transmission shifted A quick study of the solenoid state chart confirmed that
nicely. Starting out from a stop in manual third gear, the shift I wanted to look for a condition keeping the 2-3 solenoid
feel and ratio change was delayed from the command by 20 on when commanded off; possibly a short to ground? The
to 25 seconds. Starting out in manual second and shifting to consistent replication of the symptoms made that seem
third when up to speed, the ratio change had the same delay. unlikely. To begin testing, I needed to check the integrity of the
This continued throughout the road test starting with a cold circuits and solenoids.
transmission up to full running temperature. Confirming that both solenoids used the same power source
Back at the shop, I finished the preliminary checks of fluid from the cluster fuse directly to the transmission and low side
level and condition, drive line condition and wire harness drivers in the PCM, I decided to test the entire circuit at the
routing. With the scanner still connected, I decided to PCM connector. After disconnecting PCM connector C2 and
command the shift solenoids on and off and listen for the click locating terminals 51 and 52, I connected a battery maintainer
of them turning on. When commanding SSA on and off I got to keep a constant battery voltage during testing. With the key
a distinct “click clack” of the solenoid operation, but when on and engine off, I checked for battery voltage on each of the
commanding SSB I got a nice click but no clack. When turned solenoid circuits and had 13V that matched the battery voltage. | JANUARY 2023 11

R&R Tech | Kehler

connected to the low side driver circuit,

and when the driver is commanded
off, the circuit is open and should have
source voltage. When turned on, it
should be pulled low (0V).
When commanding the 1-2 solenoid
on and off with the scanner, it showed
the circuit cycling from 13V to 0V with
a crisp on/off line. The red trace is 1-2
solenoid and blue trace is 2-3 solenoid.
(See Figure 3).
When commanding the 2-3 solenoid
on and off with the scanner, it showed
the circuit cycling from 13V to 0V; but
the on/off time was slow to respond,
with the off time taking 15 to 27 seconds.
This corresponds with the delayed shift
time that I experienced on the initial test
drive. (See Figure 4).
Keep in mind that at this point the within the solenoid specification. Using I now felt that I had enough
circuit has no load on it, so finding full the remote button to turn the circuit information to condemn the 2-3 solenoid
voltage only confirms a complete circuit on and off, I could hear the expected driver as the fault, and to decide that
and won’t show resistance issues. “click clack” of the solenoid. Doing PCM replacement would correct the
Next, I checked the circuit resistance. the same test on the 2-3 control circuit problem. Once a replacement PCM was
When disconnecting just one connector had 27Ω resistance, and when using approved by the owner, it was installed
that opens only one side of the circuit, the remote button, the expected click and programmed. A nice “click/clack”
I find it easier to test the current of the clack of the solenoid was there and could be heard from the 2-3 solenoid
circuit with an ammeter inline of the repeatable (remember, the turn off clack when commanded and a thorough road
terminal to ground. In this situation was missing when using the scanner test confirmed a successful fix. Although
I decided to include a remote starter command to cycle the 2-3 solenoid). I have worked with more of these trucks
button in the meter to ground circuit. With a static and dynamic test of the than I can remember, I had never seen
Although I was looking for a fault in solenoid and circuit all testing good, this exact scenario; bad drivers usually
the 2-3 solenoid circuit, I first powered I reconnected the PCM connector, were stuck on or off, not slow to respond
up the 1-2 control to get a comparison. installed back probes into the control as was the case here.
With a reading of .49 amps and applying circuits, and connected a lab scope to Starting with the necessary
Ohm’s Law, the circuit resistance capture the voltage when commanded information, understanding the
calculated to 26.5Ω, which was well through the PCM. The scope is operation of the circuit, and using
the proper diagnostic tools were all
necessary for a thorough diagnosis and
successful repair. This is the formula for
a successful diagnosis no matter if we
have been doing this for 30 years, or are
just starting out. TD

Gordon Kehler started working as an auto

mechanic in 1975, achieved his ASE Master
certification in 1985, L1 in 1994, and both
are kept current to date. He held GM master
tech certification from 1991 to 2019. He joined
the Certified Transmission team in 2019 as
a diagnostician. He and his wife of 40 years
have raised three children and have six
Figure 4. grandchildren.

12 JANUARY 2023 |


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By Alex Crissey, Editor

H abby’s Transmissions started as a radiator shop. When Warren Frie
bought it in 1975 (keeping the name Habby’s from the previous
owner), it took until the mid-1980s until he saw an opportunity in the
transmission repair market, and transformed the business.
“Then, when I was 19,” says Warren Frie Jr., the current owner, “I
graduated high school and went right into business with my dad and
started to grow the business. I started to implement stuff that he had
never done before and doubled the business. And then a few years
later, my younger brother Wayne joined and got into the transmission
building side.”
Today, Warren handles the front end of Habby’s and deals with sales,
cash flow and management, while Wayne handles the transmission
side of things with rebuilding and diagnosing.

18 JANUARY 2023 |

Shop Profile | Crissey

In addition to Warren and Wayne, Habby’s has three the GMs, Fords, the Chryslers. So we do all our own
rebuilders, four installers and two drivers that pick up programming in house, which is a big investment
and deliver cars. that we made this year. We took on a lot of Allison
Habby’s is located in Hicksville, New York, on transmissions recently, so we do Allison work now.
Long Island, about an hour’s drive from Manhattan. We have portable lifts that we purchased that can lift
Hicksville has a population of about 41,000 according up dump trucks and big tractors, so we do heavy truck
to the latest Census data. work and bus work as well.”
Warren says the shop prides itself on high-quality Much of the work at Habby’s comes from fleets,
equipment. and from wholesale business because, as Warren says,
“We do most of our business with Transtar many repair shops in the area refer their customers
Industries,” Warren notes. “We have all of our own to Habby’s. He estimates that 40% of their customers
programming software from a company called CAS are retail, with the other 60% being split between
where we can do all the programming on the Nissans, wholesale and fleet. | JANUARY 2023 19

Shop Profile | Crissey

“We service some of the biggest fleets on the island,” he

notes. “We are one of the biggest privately owned shops in our
area. We operate out of 14 bays. We have a rebuild facility, a
fully air conditioned elevator to take the transmissions up—a
state-of-the-art facility. And we do some big accounts. We do
Delta Airlines, we do all the oil companies, big construction,
electrical contractors. And it’s just a good family business that
we’ve been growing through the years.”
Being in New York there will always be competition, but
Warren says there’s less than there used to be.
“The competition is getting less and less because there are
no young people getting into the industry. I mean, my brother The little things
and I are in our early forties and there aren’t a lot of young guys When asked what sets Habby’s apart from other shops,
that are in the industry anymore. So these old-timers in their Warren says it’s all about the little things.
late sixties, early seventies are getting burnt out, retiring or just “So I feel like our thing is that we do the little things better.
can’t keep up with the times.” A lot of shops have gotten weeded out over the last five years
because they just don’t keep up with the little things. These
A focus on quality behind-the-scenes things we do separate us,” he says.
Above, Warren mentioned that when he joined Habby’s, “We try to stay on top of current marketing in terms of
he started doing things his dad hadn’t been doing before to having a good presence with our reputation on Google.”
grow the business. He credits his time with a company called Habby’s maintains a 4.5 star rating on Google based on 53
Management Success with helping him learn how to run and reviews, and a 4-star rating on Yelp.
grow a business. “We want to have a cutting-edge shop so that the employees
“It was a company that would just teach about running want to work here, in terms of lighting, heating, cooling
certain numbers, tracking certain things, accessing and the most up-to-date electronics to be able to diagnose
information from other shops all over the country. As a young and program the cars,” Warren adds. “Making the shop look
kid, I wanted to add systems and take it to the next level. And presentable when you drive past it, keeping the office clean,
I basically doubled the family business after a couple years of things like this.”
working with my dad.” He credits this focus on image with much of the shop’s
So what did they teach at Management Success? success with retail customers. But in terms of marketing,
“Just making sure you know what your bottom line is,” he Warren notes that the best advertisement is a referral.
answers. “Because if you’re giving a price out but don’t know “My dad always taught me you never need to sell anything
what’s actually behind that number, it’s very easy to lose to somebody that something that they don’t need,” he says.
money. A lot of businesses today don’t really know what it “Because if you don’t do that and just do a good job with what
costs to operate. So they’re busy, they look great, but are they they need, when they do have a problem, they’ll remember
slowly just suffocating on the back end? So it’s making sure you.” TD
that you know your cost or your price. Because this business
is not about volume, it’s about quality. We’ve always would
rather do less volume at better numbers than to just have all
these time bombs on the road.”
Working with a lot of fleets, he notes, helps them keep this
emphasis on quality going.
“Fleets are not so concerned about price. They’re more
concerned about the quality and the time to get them back
on the road because that’s their business. Retail customers are
more concerned about price.”
But in any case, no matter the type of customer, the
emphasis on quality remains the same, Warren says.
“We don’t really talk about price because quality is more
important than price any day,” he elaborates. “In my office on
the wall it says ‘The bitterness of poor quality remains long
after the happiness of a low price is forgotten.’ So we lead with
value and service versus a cheap price.”

20 JANUARY 2023 |

As Seen in Tech Talk | Wayne Colonna

Know a creator, influencer, or leader in your
market who’s notorious for getting stuff done?

Your RockStar
Today! | DECEMBER 2022 21

Reman U
Sari Rivera
Subject: Starting the new year off right

The new year: Ready, set, start!

A s we enter 2023, we take the time to reflect on what’s
working and what isn’t. Have we hit our goals? Succeeded
in accomplishing all that was set out to do? Have we stopped
Here are some steps to follow:
Identify your end goal: What do you want to become? Look
forward rather than backward. You can’t change where you have
doing what is holding us back in order to start doing what been, only where you are going.
needs to be done to ensure progress? Determine the qualities required: Focus on the attributes
The only way to start doing something new is to stop doing that are needed for success. If you are going to be the first person
the thing that is holding you back. in space with only a camel, you can likely forgo the interpersonal
You can’t be an oversleeper and be on time. You can’t be a fast skills training.
food regular and eat clean. You can’t give the bare minimum and Put a positive spin on it: Once you know where you are
be an overachiever. You can’t smoke and be a non-smoker. going, and who you need to be to get there, start! Your new habits
When setting goals or committing to making changes, people should be positive action statements. Go to training. Read the
often focus on what they have to give up: What they can’t do books. Do the work.
versus what they can do. The negative connotation associated Celebrate the success: On the long journey to outer space
with quitting makes it more difficult to commit to creating the (or wherever your aspirations are taking you) you will falter. Do
new positive habit. not focus on your mistakes. Cheat days, falling off the wagon
So, stop stopping, and start starting. and mishaps are part of the growth process and make your
Start being punctual. Become a health food connoisseur. Go final success much sweeter. Pat yourself on the back when you
above and beyond. Create your identity as a smoke-free person. ace that training course, even if it is just the intro material.
By allowing ourselves the opportunity to achieve a positive Acknowledge the wins, learn from the snafus and don’t stop
quality, the journey— not just the finish line—is filled with starting!
gratification. The process of building new, better habits doesn’t happen
How do we relearn how to make new habits and rules for overnight. It is a commitment to not only start, but to continue
ourselves and our teams that are focused on doing? on the path of positive change. TD

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22 JANUARY 2023 |

04TD_20WestCoast.qxp 3/21/20 8:08 AM Page 1

Sonnax highlights boost TransTec updates 6F35
valve kits for Aisin Seiki Gen 1 overhaul kits
TransTec announced that its Ford 6F35
Sonnax offers valve kits for Aisin Seiki Gen 1 overhaul kits have been updated DOMESTIC
AS66RC and AS69RC transmissions. The to include a new Duraprene gasket and
drop-in K1 apply boost valve kit (part no. aluminum spacer (pictured above). This
122740-29K) and lockup boost valve kit (part new gasket and spacer are used in place
no. 122740-30K) are available from Sonnax. of the silicone sealant the OEM uses.
The company says these kits can restore The company notes that due to case
proper hydraulic control and renew line and support wear, some transmissions
pressure performance in these Aisin Seiki may exhibit a fluid pressure loss in the • Standard Transmissions
transmissions. direct and intermediate clutch feed circuit, • Transfer Cases
causing premature clutch failure. According • New & Used Parts
Sleeves in both kits are manufactured from
to TransTec, this solution seals the gap
wear-resistant aluminum, and the kits come • Rebuilt Units
between the case assembly and the center
with Sonnax’s Drop-in Zip Valve parts, the LL
support preventing that loss in pressure. O NE C A L L
company notes. E S I T A
Each seal is also spring-loaded. DO
•TransTec Kit Numbers affected: 71018423 /
• Applications and Year Coverage: Gen 1
6F35, model years 2008-2012. 866-571-GEAR


GFX adds new pump

for vintage Powerglide
Alto introduces Ford
GFX announced a new pump component
for GM Powerglide models, covering a few Mustang cartridge filter kit
vintage model years: 1950 through 1973. Alto Alto has introduced a cartridge filter kit
for Ford TR-9070 DCT seven-speed models,
fitting the Mustang GT500 with 5.0L and
5.2L engines. The filter kit (part no. 239940)
comes with an o-ring and five bolts. TD | JANUARY 2023 23



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06TD_20FatscoClass1colx3.indd 1 5/18/20 12:12 PM

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24 JANUARY 2023 |

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