Damir's Proposal
Damir's Proposal
Damir's Proposal
Proposal (First Draft) -----It is just first draft the works cited, outline and prewriting steps I will
add later :p
See if you need to add quotes or sources any where in your paper!
This proposal paper will list the existing problems with renewable sources of energy and will
Nowadays, humanity faces (a) more and more challenging goal of supplying energy to the
various parts of the world, especially the isolated ones. In some places, severe electricity
shortages are not unheard-of and, in some places, electricity is supplied only for a few hours per
i.e., translation from traditional information sharing to the methods bound with Internet and
electronics, increase demand for the electricity and show that existing system of energy
Construction of efficient alternative energy power plants can satisfy the increasing demand
and even surpass the need. For example, according to the journal Prospects and problems of
concentrating solar power technologies for power generation in the desert regions, add big
quotes “‘solar energy received by the worldwide desert regions within 6 h is roughly estimated
more than the energy consumed by humankind in a year’” (Xu 1107). Add your comments
Issues with current alternative energy sources
However, scientists and engineers were and are experimenting with new alternative and
renewable sources of energy, and they made a lot of progress. For example, advances were made
in solar power, wind power development and a usage of a new source of power based on tidal
waters. All all of these sources of power are more environmentally friendly, require less
infrastructure and, most importantly, are renewable and thus cannot be depleted as compared to
oil, gas and coal. However, the main problems with alternative sources of power are their cost(s),
implementation and building. Despite the fact, that the cost of maintenance is much lower
compared to traditional energy sources, the building of alternative energy sources requires much
higher cost(s) because the details and components for these buildings are fragile and high-tech,
not every factory can make spare parts if they are needed; and even the built parts and -THIS
IS NOT CLEAR--components have a number of drawbacks. For example, in order for the solar
energy plants to work properly cooling is required; and according to SAY THE TITLE” the
water requirement is estimated between 3 and 3.5 m3 /kWh“ (Xu 1116). However, “the
availability of water is usually quite restricted in arid or semi-arid regions” (Xu 1116). However,
this problem can be solved by applying new types of coolants. The implementation of these
sources into the economy and electricity grid is more difficult because the needed infrastructure
is not built and/or developed yet. If the example of traditional sources is taken, the needed
infrastructure is already built, developed and got used for the workers-NOT CLEAR, the
logistical supply lines for the oil and coal are already in place and effectively working. However,
the needed production of spare parts and components for solar batteries and wind turbines is not
yet fully implemented. Also, the alternative energy sources are expected to give almost the same,
if not lower, energy output. This, and the cost of infrastructure that needs to be constructed and
maintenance cost, would yield the overall cost of energy from alternative sources to be much
higher. Another problem with alternative energy sources is the building and placement of the
energy plants. The construction of large alternative energy plants requires professional workers.
Also, these plants cannot be constructed in any place, the solar power plants must be constructed
in the places with a lot of sunny days, the water dams, in order to be effective, must be
Possible solution
One of the possible solutions is making the production of necessary components and parts
cheaper. By making necessary components such as, solar panels and wind turbines, cheaper the
needed infrastructure can be constructed easier and cheaper and thus, the overall cost of
electricity from these sources would be much cheaper and thus more economically appealing and
Also, another solution is research of more efficient power plants, solar panels, or turbines.
More efficient power plants would produce more energy for the same maintenance cost(s).
Building more efficient (what) is also possible, by choosing (the) right geographical position.
For example, the most fit places for solar plants are Sahara and Mojave deserts, also, (the) shores
The possible solution for the solar batteries cooling is discovery and application of new coolant
types. For example, C. S. Turchi, M.J Wagner and C.F. Kutscher in their paper called Water Use
in Parabolic Trough Power Plants: Summary Results from WorleyParsons' Analyses suggest
that, “the transition to dry cooling will reduce water consumption by over 90%” (1). It makes the
solar panels more independent to water supplies in the deserts. Add a wrap up sentence to the
Add a concluding paragraph and say something about your amazing solution!