BS Buzz
BS Buzz
BS Buzz
l. 13
Tue 0 2
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anuary 7
Just before the Christmas break, various businesses and a family situation (i.e. married, single, married
and financial representatives were on hand to with one child, singe with two children, etc.). The
facilitate a program called On My Own. Put together students’ goal is to make it through an entire virtual
by Amy Capdeville and sponsored by MSU Valley month, visiting and participating in activities at all
County Extension, Glasgow High School juniors and 12 stations including activities such as purchasing
seniors were given a good look at their future. On housing, transportation, childcare, insurance,
My Own is a hands-on, real life simulation that gives entertainment, etc., as well as bartering for services
students the opportunity to experience their futures and donating time or money to a worthy cause. It is
in a fun and exciting way. Participants assume they the facilitator’s job to encourage and assist students
are 26 years old, are the primary or sole support of with purchases, calculations and transaction register
the household, and are encouraged to make healthy balances. Pictured above is Michael Aho making his
and wise lifestyle choices similar to those adults on rounds, stopping at the station of Marjie Capdeville
a daily basis. Students are assigned or may choose (FSA Outreach Farm Loan Department). “I wish we
an occupation. If the option of family scenarios are had this program when we were in school,” was a
used, the students were assigned an occupation and comment from one of the GHS teachers.
FOR SALE 2020 1/2 Ton GMC Denali 4 door 4x4 Loaded, all options.
CALL JOHN BRENDEN 406-783-5394
SPACIOUS APT. FOR RENT: 2 bed, 1½ bath 950 sq. ft. Laundry room, A/C.
QUIET, City of Glasgow. Small pets considered. $750/mo. 360-750-6746
FOR RENT 1 bedroom, 1 bath apartment in Glasgow. $600/mo. + matching
security deposit. Has fridge, oven/stove. On-site washer & dryer. Utilities are
electric & gas. Off-street parking. CALL 406-228-2114 FOR MORE INFO.
THREE STORAGE RENTALS AVAILABLE 1 is a 12’w x 50’d 1 is a 12’w
x 10’d; 1 is a 12’w x 25’d. CALL 406-785-7100 & LEAVE YOUR NAME,
PHONE NUMBER & I will call as soon as I can. Location is in Nashua at
Arthur’s Mini Storage Rentals.
and a number of survivors were recovered. are in. (Victims’ names are often changed, as are
Signing into law House Bill 112, the governor their whereabouts. They typically do not stay in
increased the penalties for sex traffickers and patrons one location for long – at times for 24 hours or
of sex trafficking, provided prosecutors with more tools less).
to prosecute sex traffickers, expanded the definition of • Wearing clothes that do not fit the climate or the
human trafficking, and helped intensify the crackdown situation such as short shorts or skirts, tank tops,
on the sexual abuse of children and all victims. and no jacket in the middle of winter.
Last year, Attorney General Knudsen launched • Lack of control over money, personal possessions
a curriculum aimed to educate Montana students on like bags, IDs, or documents. May also be carrying
the dangers of human trafficking. The course features very few possessions in a plastic bag.
human trafficking survivors and DCI agents who are on • May be accompanied by a dominating person, or
the front lines combatting human trafficking. someone they seem fearful of. That controlling
person may also be someone who does not
This year, Attorney General Knudsen will co-host
seem to “fit,” such as a much older individual,
the GRIT conference in Bozeman with anti-human
an individual of a different race, or with behavior
trafficking organizations to bring professionals from seemingly inappropriate with the suspected victim.
across the Rocky Mountain region together to tackle
• Young girl or boy hanging around outside a
rural challenges and discuss solutions to fight against convenience store, truck stop, casino, or other
human trafficking and exploitation. location. May be approaching different vehicles or
Attorney General Knudsen has also increased men they do not seem to know.
human trafficking training for county attorneys,
If you believe you witness human trafficking:
Montana Highway Patrol Troopers, and law enforcement • If the situation is an emergency, call 911.
cadets at the Montana Law Enforcement Academy. • Do not intervene if you see suspected trafficker(s).
Make sure you the signs as potential indicators Remain at a safe distance or in your vehicle.
of sex trafficking may include: • In non-emergency situations, call or text 1-833-
• Young person that is very hesitant to engage in 406-STOP (1-833-406-7867) OR reach and
conversation. Eyes are always downcast, avoiding advocate via live chat at
eye contact, especially with men. Poor physical
state…tired, malnourished, or shows signs of • When possible, take images with your cellular
physical abuse or torture. device of the suspected trafficker(s), victim(s),
and vehicle license plate(s).
• Seems to have trouble responding to what their
name is or what location (city or even state) they
• Residential &
Commercial Concrete
Fort Peck, Montana • New Construction
Cell 406-263-8054 & Remodels
Fax: 406-367-5257 Rod Lambert
Thank You
We would like
to express our
for your
and acts of
kindness during
this difficult
Bill Rathert
Still Available
Your Trusted Materials Supplier
for allMixofConcrete
Ready your • Civil Co
Sand andneeds
Gravel • Excav
Call Fossum Material
Snow Removal
Due to a current
staffing shortage,
Valley County Transit
will not be operating
their on-call after
hours service from
5:00 pm – 11:00 pm
and their 8:00 pm
Saint Marie Run
until further notice.
We Sincerely Apologize
for the inconvenience
this may cause, and
hope to resume normal
hours soon.
An old man goes to
the Wizard to ask him if
he can remove a “Curse”
he has been living with for
Cook Off the last 40 years.
The Wizard says
Saturday “maybe, but you will have
January 11 to tell me the exact words
Cooking on site from 1-4 PM that were used to put the
Free Chili for the Public at 4 PM
~ Bar Opens at 10 AM ~ curse on you.”
$25 per team The old man says
100% Payback without hesitation “’I now
Pays Top 3 Places
+ People’s Choice
pronounce you man and
12 Team Limit wife’”.
To sign up or get the rules,
contact Bar Manager A little boy was
Amanda James 406-263-7794,
Troop 861 prepping tree bundles on a brisk but sunny day Marisa 406-230-0744
attending his first
in 2023 or Lindsey 406-942-0452 wedding. After the service,
They want your Christmas trees Or e-mail to his cousin asked him,
“How many women can a
Glasgow-area Boy Scout Troop 861 and Fish,
Wildlife & Parks fisheries staff are once again man marry?”
collaborating to improve fish habitat at the Fort Peck “Sixteen,” the boy
Trout Pond. THE DINING His cousin was
Troop 861 and FWP fisheries staff are asking folks
that have not yet discarded their Christmas trees to
ROOM IS amazed that he knew the
please donate them for fish habitat. These donated trees TEMPORARILY answer so quickly. “How
will be bundled together and placed on the ice at the CLOSED do you know that?”
Dec. 22nd - Jan. 8th “Easy,” the little boy
Fort Peck Trout Pond later this winter, where they will
@4pm said.
remain until melting causes them to fall through the ice We will have limited
and settle to the bottom. “All you have to do is
menu during lounge
“The goal of these tree bundles is to improve and add it up, like the Preacher
hours until 10pm
increase fish habitat availability in the Trout Pond said: 4 better, 4 worse, 4
and ultimately improve the fishery,” said Jared Krebs, richer, 4 poorer.”
Glasgow-area fisheries biologist.
This effort is a continuation of a habitat
improvement initiative that began at the Fort Peck Trout
Pond in 2022 and will continue to help Troop 861 and
FWP fisheries staff work together to accomplish fishery
management objectives.
Troop 861 and FWP fisheries staff are asking that
trees be dropped off at the Glasgow Fairgrounds, near the
Boy Scout food booth at the entrance to the fairgrounds
where there is a pile of trees. All donated trees should
be free of flocking, tinsel, and other decorations prior
to donation. Any natural trees are welcome and can be
Be on the lookout for future press releases and
reminders regarding this project. Any fisheries-related
questions about this project can be directed to Krebs via
email or phone at or 406-808-7068.
Letter to the Buzz
The Hem - Friday Nights 6-8
Fresh off the press! News flash!
I had a dream last night: I was walking a long
distance, alone, on a long curvy concrete road. I
was talking loudly about Jesus (evangelizing) as I
was walking. I was dressed like Jesus, with the white
robe and red sash. When I reached my destination,
I went to a little tent (“sukkah” is a Jewish tent set
up on Sukkot, The Feast of Tabernacles), to have a
Bible study with Jesus. There was a little gathering
there in this tent. Everyone had their Bible with
them. Jesus walked away for a minute, leaving his
Bible open (there was no Talmud, Catechism, Book
of Mormon there BTW, and I doubt the “bible” he
had was a New World Translation), which I took a
peek at. When he came back, he asked me, do you
have your Bible? I embarrassingly said, “No, Sir.”
I was caught empty-handed! Jesus still reads
the Bible at his own Bible study. Let’s go y’all. It’s
time to go. Time is almost up. Time to get serious
about our spiritual lives!
Here’s a *T*I*P*
We spend about 77 years on this earth, then
eternity in one of two places. Our lives should be
all about Jesus. We should look, walk, talk, act and Watching one of those How It’s Made TV shows
think like Jesus. If you’re embarrassed of Jesus, the other day, we found the production of toilet paper
talking about him, praying in public... he says in fascinating. About 2% of today’s toilet paper is made
His Word “I will be embarrassed of you before my from recycled paper complicating the process, having to
Father in Heaven.” Will Jesus be embarrassed of remove ink, staples, and all kinds of surprising materials
you when you reach Heaven? Oh boy, something to from the muddy pulp.
think about. Once the recycled or virgin wood pulp is processed
~ Christa Cheifer into paper, it must be rolled, perforated, embossed,
scented, and tailored to meet the specific requirements
of various brands. Considering all these steps, it’s
amazing that this daily necessity isn’t higher priced than
it is. According to the show, the average person uses
100 rolls of toilet paper per year, which equates to an
estimated $182 annually.
Worldwide, 83 million rolls of toilet paper are
made each day! It’s easy to understand the chaos created
during the pandemic when panic-buying and stock
piling caused shortages and drove prices skyhigh.
Here’s a hypothesis to ponder while on the throne: if
you hang your toilet paper so you pull it from the bottom,
you’re deemed more intelligent than someone who hangs
it to pull from the top. This is according to “Toilet Paper
History.” Next time you take a seat, try to get that thought
out of your head! ~ bb, Daniels County Leader