Tutorial 8-11-2024 (Seperate Legal Property)
Tutorial 8-11-2024 (Seperate Legal Property)
Tutorial 8-11-2024 (Seperate Legal Property)
directors of Petro are also the directors of Holdings.
Previously, Petro owned Substrata Ltd, an oil-drilling
company. However, in 2016 Petro sold all its shares in
Substrata to Oilgroup Plc (so that Substrata became a
subsidiary of Oilgroup).
a) Claimant – Oilgroup
Defendant - Easyco & Petro
a) Answer
Lord Sumption :
Question b)
Just a fiduciary.
o With respect to the first Chandler factor) that
there was no evidence that Renwick carried
on any business at all apart from holding the
shares of subsidiaries. That meant this was
not a situation, as in Chandler, where the
parent company was better placed, because of
its superior knowledge or expertise, to protect
the employees of subsidiary companies
against the risk of injury so that it was fair to
infer that the subsidiary would rely on the