In this appendix, we establish the recursive equation between the energy functions of the
inertial parameters of two consecutive links in an open loop structure (serial or tree structured
A6.1. Recursive equation between the kinetic energy functions of serial robots
The kinetic energy of link j can be written using equation [9.19] as:
'i = LSJ
Mjl3 -JMSJ
jjj = [A6.3]
The recursive equation of the kinematic screw is written using equation [9.22] as:
JVj=iTj.,i->Vj.,+qjJ|.j [A6.4]
422 Modeling, identification and control of robots
The kinetic energy of link j is linear in the inertial parameters of link j. Consequently, it
can be written as:
Ej = Cj Kj [A6.5]
where Cj is the (1x10) row matrix containing the energy functions of die inertial parameters of
link j. TTie parameters of link j are given by:
Kj = [ XXj XYj XZj YYj YZj ZZj MXj MYj MZj Mj f [A6.6]
By substituting for JVj from equation [A6.4] into equation [A6.1], we obtain:
Let us set:
iVj = [ V , j V2.j V3jf
j©) = (Wlj (02 j (03 j f
Equation [A6.9] transfonns the inertial parameters of link j from frame Rj into frame
Rj.l. It can be written as:
Recursive equations between the energy functions 423
Ej = (ej.iJ-^Aj4qjf»j)Kj [A6.13]
ej = Cj.ii-^Xj-»-qjT)j [A6.14]
witheo = Oixio.
A6.2. Recursive equation between the potential energy functions of serial robots
Uj=:UjKj [A6.16]
Uj = g u % K j [A6.17]
gu = [ 01x6 ~ V 0 1 [A6.181
Uj = g^% (A6.19]
Since ^ j = ^ j . | i'^Xj, we obtain the following recursive equation for the potential
energy functions:
424 Modeling, identification and control of robots
with UQ = gu-
A63. Recursive equation between the total energy functions of serial robots
hj = ej-»-Uj [A6.22]
From equations [A6.14] and [A6.20], we obtain the following recursive equation:
hj - h j . , H X j + qjTlj [A6.23J
with ho = gu
In the case of the tree structured robot, equation [A6.23] is valid after replacing j - 1 by
i= a(j)- The (10x10) matrix *Aj represents the matrix transforming the inertial parameters Kj
from frame Rj to frame Rj and can be obtained by developing the following equation:
By comparing equations [A6.24] and [A6.25], we obtain the expressions of the elements
of 'Arj in terms of the elements of the matrix ^Tj, which are functions of the geometric
parameters (YJ, bj, otj, dj, 6j, rj) defming frame Rj relative to frame Rj (Chapter 7), as follows:
The dimensions of the n»trices M l , X12 andX13 are (6x6). (6x3) and (6x1) respectively.
To simplify the writing, let:
iAj = [ s n a ] IA6.27)
'Pj = [ P x Py Pz]'" [A6.28]