Effect of Temperature on Cathodic Protection
Effect of Temperature on Cathodic Protection
Effect of Temperature on Cathodic Protection
1. As temperature increases, current density requirements increase at a rate of 0.1 mA/�2 per 1.8°F
increase above 77°F (0.1 mA/m2 as temperature increases above 25 C). Conversely, aWhat can interfere
with cathodic protec�on?
2. Thus, cathodic protec�on will not work on structures exposed to the air environment. Air is a poor
electrolyte, and prevents current from flowing from the anode to the cathode.
The current capacity of the node decreases with increasing temperature as shown in Figure 2(2).
An increase in temperature will increase the corrosion rate of a metal, while a decrease in temperature
will cause a decrease in the corrosion rate of a metal. At high temperatures, electrochemical reac�ons
occur more quickly and as a result the corrosion rate increases.
There must be a nega�ve sign in front of the reading, and the reading must be more nega�ve (greater)
than -0.85 volts (equal to -850 millivolts).
Cathodic protec�on is the most commonly used of these two methods, and is widely used on carbon
steel structures and other structural metals. Anodic protec�on is some�mes used in chemical processes
and the mining industry where highly aggressive environments exist.
The corrosion rate tends to decrease with pH; this means that the corrosion rate is propor�onal to the
acid concentra�on of the solu�on. The higher the concentra�on of nitric acid applied to the corrosion
solu�on, the higher the corrosion rate obtained.
7. 0.85volts
The compara�ve voltage for protected corrugated metal (iron) pipe should be 0.85 volts or higher. Less
than 0.80 means the pipe is likely experiencing corrosion.
UST steel systems can be protected from rust by applying cathodic protec�on. Without cathodic
protec�on, current flows from the surface of the steel tank into the ground and the tank corrodes. With
cathodic protec�on, current flows into the steel tank and the tank is protected from rust.
9. What is the mechanism of cathodic protec�on?
Cathodic protec�on (CP) is a corrosion control technology that involves crea�ng a metal surface as the
cathodic side of an electrochemical cell. Connec�ng the metal to be protected with a more easily
corroded metal to act as the anode of the electrochemical cell is the easiest way to apply CP.
The coa�ng damage factor describes the an�cipated reduc�on in cathodic current density due to the
applica�on of an electrical insula�ng layer. If the factor is zero, the layer is 100% electrically isolated,
thereby reducing the cathodic current density to zero.
11. Does the anode prevent corrosion? By ataching an electrode such as aluminum to an underwater
steel structure, the aluminum becomes a sacrificial anode replacing the iron in the steel, thereby
preven�ng the steel structure from corroding.
The proximity of other metals to the structure that needs to be protected can affect cathodic protec�on.
The strength of the ion flow between the anode and cathode is influenced by the distance between the
two metal structures in a corrosive environment—especially with the applica�on of water
Adhesion is the key to coa�ng effec�veness. This determines whether the coa�ng is just a thin layer lying
on the surface or is an actual part of the substrate. Adhesion is even more important for coa�ngs
exposed to corrosive environments or submersion.
An ideal anode material should have several atributes such as high conduc�vity, biocompa�bility,
chemical stability, corrosion resistance capability, and increased mechanical strength.
But a coa�ng, no mater how high quality, can be influenced by a number of factors. Coa�ng quality is
determined by several dynamics including the following: Film (coa�ng) reflec�vity. Uniformity of film
Quality protec�ve coa�ng improves the cathodic protec�on of the vessel because it is generally an
excellent insulator. Using an anode that is too ac�ve can cause loss of coa�ng in a process called
“cathodic discharge”. Achieving the right balance between the protec�ve coa�ng and the right anode
can ensure maximum efficiency of the anode and paint system.
17. What is the mechanism of sacrificial anode?
The sacrificial anode works by oxidizing faster than the metal it protects, being completely consumed
before the other metal reacts with the electrolyte. Some different forms of cathode protec�on are metal
alloying, pla�ng, and galvaniza�on.
18. In the case of ships, sea water acts as an electrolyte and transfers electrons from the anode by
oxidizing them over the steel plates and crea�ng a protec�ve layer. If the metal is more ac�ve, it will
easily oxidize and will protect the metal compound by making it a cathode.
Sacrificial anodes are used to protect metal structures from corrosion. The sacrificial anode works by
oxidizing faster than the metal it protects, being completely consumed before the other metal reacts
with the electrolyte.
Most water heater manufacturers will recommend checking the condi�on of the sacrificial anode every
one (1) to three (3) years and replacing it when it is more than 50% used. This is especially true if you
have hard water or use a water so�ener.
Corrosionpedia explains Discharge. The protec�on current which is cathodic and flows through the metal
causes the release of hydrogen, which causes the coa�ng to detach