11.1. Data logger (-50 to +70)_Traceable_Manual

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SPECIFICATIONS SETTING THE TIME-OF-DAY/DATE display the maximum temperature with the corre- ALARM EVENT HANDLING

Range: –50.00 to 70.00°C 1. Slide the DISPLAY switch to the DATE/TIME position, sponding date and time of occurrence. An alarm event will trigger if the alarm is enabled and a
Accuracy: ±0.25°C the thermometer will display the time-of-day and date. 6. Press the EVENT DISPLAY button to return to the temperature reading is recorded below the low alarm set
Resolution: 0.01° Adjustable parameters are Year->Month->Day->Hour- current temperature display. point or above the high alarm set point.
Temperature >Minute->12/24 hour time.
No button press for 15 seconds while viewing the mini- When an alarm event triggers, the thermometer buzzer
Sampling Rate: 5 seconds 2. Press the SELECT button to enter the setting mode.
mum or maximum event data will trigger the thermometer will sound, and the LED for the alarming temperature
Memory Capacity: 525,600 points
3. Subsequently press the SELECT button to select to return to the current temperature display. channel will flash (P1 or P2). If the alarming probe chan-
USB Download Rate: 55 readings per second
which parameter to adjust. The selected parameter will nel is selected, the LCD symbol will flash signaling which
flash once selected. set point was breached (HI ALM or LO ALM).
1. Slide the PROBE switch to select the temperature
4. Press the ADVANCE button to increment the selected
probe channel to be cleared. An active alarm may be cleared by either pressing the
2. Slide the DISPLAY switch to the MIN/MAX position. CLEAR SILENCE ALM button or disabling the alarm func-
5. Hold the ADVANCE button to continuously “roll” the
USB Probe
Jack 3. Press the CLEAR SILENCE ALM button to clear the tionality by sliding the ALARM switch to the OFF position.
selected parameter.
current minimum and maximum temperature readings.
Once an alarm is cleared, it will not re-trigger until after
AC Supplied 6. Press EVENT DISPLAY button to toggle between
Adaptor Probe
Jack Month/Day (M/D) and Day/Month (D/M) modes. Alarms the temperature returns to within the alarm limits.
Alarm high and low limits can be set individually for each
SLIDE If no button is pressed for 15 seconds while in the setting Note: If an alarm event is triggered and returns to within
DOWN probe channel (P1 and P2).
mode, the thermometer will exit the setting mode. the alarm limits before being cleared, the alarm event will
Changing the position of the DISPLAY switch while in the SETTING ALARM LIMITS remain active until it is cleared.
setting mode will save the current settings. 1. Slide the switch to the ALARM position. Then slide the
PROBE switch to select the probe channel for which
VIEWING THE TIME-OF-DAY/DATE 1. Slide the PROBE switch to select the probe channel
alarms will be set.
To view the time-of-day/date, slide the DISPLAY switch to alarm data to be displayed.
Probe labeled P1 must be plugged into the probe jack
the DATE/TIME position. Each digit of the alarm value is set individually: 2. Slide the DISPLAY switch to the ALARM position. The
labeled “P1” and probe labeled P2 must be plugged into
Low Alarm Sign (Positive/Negative) -> Low Alarm current temperature, low alarm limit, and high alarm
the probe jack labeled “P2”. SELECTING THE UNIT OF MEASURE
Hundreds/Tens -> Low Alarm Ones -> Low Alarm Tenths limit will display.
To select the desired unit of temperature measure (°C or
NOTE: All serial numbers (s/n#) must match between -> High Alarm Sign (Positive/Negative) -> High Alarm 3. Press the EVENT DISPLAY button. The thermometer
°F), slide the UNITS switch to the corresponding position.
probe and unit. Hundreds/Tens -> High Alarm Ones -> High Alarm Tenths. will display the alarm limit, date, and time of the most
SELECTING THE TEMPERATURE PROBE CHANNEL recent alarm out of range condition. The symbol ALM
PROBES SUPPLIED: Model 6430 / 6431-- 1 bottle probe 2. Press the SELECT button to enter the setting mode.
Slide the PROBE switch to either position ‘1’ or position ‘2’ OUT will display to signal the date and time displayed
(6430) or 2 bottle probes (6431), designed for use in refrigera- The LOW ALM symbol will flash.
to select the corresponding probe channel P1 or P2. indicate when the temperature when out of tolerance.
tors/freezers. Bottle probes are filled with a patented nontoxic 3. Press the SELECT button to select the digit to adjust.
4. Press the EVENT DISPLAY button a second time.
glycol solution that is GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) All temperature readings displayed will correspond with Each subsequent press of the SELECT button will
The thermometer will display the alarm limit, date, and
by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) eliminating con- the selected probe channel. move to the next digit. The digit will flash while
time of the most recent alarm event returning to within
cerns about incidental contact with food or drinking water. Note: Both probe channels are sampled and monitored selected.
the alarm limits. The symbol ALM IN will display to
Solution filled bottles simulate temperatures of other stored continuously regardless of the selected probe channel. 4. Press ADVANCE button to increment selected digit.
signal the date and time displayed indicate when the
liquids. Hook and loop tape and a magnetic strip are provided MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM MEMORY Note: The negative sign will flash if the sign is negative; temperature returned to within tolerance.
to mount the bottle inside a refrigerator/freezer. Included The minimum temperature stored in memory is the no symbol will flash if the sign is positive. Press the 5. Press the EVENT DISPLAY button to return to the
micro-thin probe cable permits refrigerator/freezer doors to minimum temperature measured since the last clear of ADVANCE button to toggle the sign while it is selected. current temperature display.
close on it. (Do not immerse bottle probes in liquid). min/max memory. The maximum temperature stored in
If no button is pressed for 15 seconds while in the setting No button press for 15 seconds while viewing the alarm
Model 6432 / 6433-- standard plastic probe with cable. memory is the maximum temperature measured since the
mode, the thermometer will exit the setting mode. events will trigger the thermometer to return to the current
Designed for use in air and liquids, sensor and cable may be last clear of min/max memory.
Changing the position of the DISPLAY switch while in the temperature display.
completely immersed.
MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE setting mode will save the current settings. Note: If no alarm event has occurred for the selected
Model 6434– 1 bottle probe with cable and 1 standard plastic
VALUES ARE NOT PROGRAMMABLE. probe channel, the thermometer will display “LLL.LL” on
probe with cable. VIEWING THE ALARM LIMITS
Model 6435 / 6436– 1 stainless-steel probe (6435) or 2 Minimum and maximum temperature values are stored 1. Slide the PROBE switch to select the probe channel each line.
stainless-steel probes (6436) triple-purpose probe for liquids, individually for each probe channel P1 and P2. Both alarm limits to be displayed. DATA LOGGING OPERATION
air/gas, and semisolids. Accurate readings with tip penetration channels are monitored continuously regardless of the 2. Slide the DISPLAY switch to the ALARM position. Thermometer will continuously log temperature readings
of 1/3-inch. Probe has a diameter of ⅛-inch, stem length of 6¼ selected probe channel. for both probe channels into permanent memory at
inch, overall length of 9 inch and 10 ft cable. VIEWING MIN/MAX MEMORY 1. Slide the ALARM switch to the ON or OFF position to user-specified intervals. The total memory capacity
Model 6437 / 6438-- 5ml bottle probe with cable. (0.6” x 2”) 1. Slide the PROBE switch to select temperature probe enable or disable the alarms. is 525,600 data points. Each data point contains the
Designed for use in vaccine storage. channel to be displayed. 2. Alarms are enabled for both probe channels P1 and temperature reading for P1, the temperature reading for
Model 6450 / 6451-- plastic bottle probe with cable. Bottle 2. Slide the DISPLAY switch to the MIN/MAX position. P2 while the switch is set to ON. Alarms are disabled P2, and the date and time of occurrence.
probes are filled with a patented nontoxic glycol solution 3. The thermometer will display the current, minimum, for both probe channels P1 and P2 while the switch is Note: All data stored in Celsius (°C) and date format is
that is GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) by the FDA and maximum temperatures for the selected probe set to OFF. MM/DD/YYYY.
(Food and Drug Administration) eliminating concerns about channel. 3. The alarms cannot be configured to enable individual
incidental contact with food or drinking water. 4. Press the EVENT DISPLAY button to display the Note: DO NOT leave the USB Mass Storage Flash
channels P1 or P2 only.
(Do not immerse bottle probes in liquid). minimum temperature with the corresponding date and Drive inserted into the unit. Insert, DOWNLOAD, and
time of occurrence. then remove. The device cannot continuously write
5. Press the EVENT DISPLAY button a second time to to a USB.
The thermometer will also store the most recent 10 alarm Note: DO NOT leave USB Mass Storage Flash Drive STATIC SUPPRESSOR INSTALLATION
events. Each alarm event data point contains the probe inserted into unit. Insert, DOWNLOAD, and then remove. Static generated, radio frequency can affect any cable
channel which alarmed, the alarm set point that was The device cannot continuously write to a USB. through the air or by physical contact. To protect against
triggered, the date and time the channel reading went radio frequency, install a suppressor onto your ther-
out of range, and the date and time the channel reading mometers cable to absorb radio frequency as follows: TRACEABLE®
Downloaded data is stored in a comma-delimited CSV
returned to within range. file on flash drive. The filename naming convention is EXCURSION-TRAC™
VIEWING THE MEMORY CAPACITY “D1D2D3D4D5D6D7R1.CSV” where D1 through D7 are
Slide the MEM VIEW switch to the ON position. the last seven digits of the thermometer’s unique ID num-
ber and R1 is the revision of file starting with letter “A”.
First line will display the current percentage of memory
full. Second line will display the number of days remaining If more than one file is written from the same thermometer INSTRUCTIONS
before memory is full at the current logging interval. Third to USB flash drive, revision letter will be incremented in
line will display the current logging interval. order to preserve previously downloaded files.
CLEARING THE MEMORY The data file can be opened in any software package
1. Slide the MEM VIEW switch to the ON position. supporting comma-delimited files including spreadsheet
2. Press the CLEAR SILENCE ALM button to clear all software (Excel) and text editors.
Lay the cable along the center of the
recorded data and alarm events. The file will contain the thermometer unique ID number, suppressor with the connector to your left.
Note: The MEM symbol will become active on the display the most recent ten temperature events, and all stored
when the memory is full. Once the memory is full, the temperature readings with date and time stamps.
oldest data points will be overwritten with new data. Note: All data stored in Celsius (°C) and date format is 
1. Slide the MEM VIEW switch to the ON position. The DISPLAY MESSAGES
first line will display the current percentage of memory
If no buttons are pressed and LL.LL appears on the dis-
full. The second line will display the number of days
play, this indicates that the temperature being measured
remaining before memory is full at the current logging
is outside of the temperature range of the unit, or that the
interval. The third line will display the current logging
probe is disconnected or damaged.
2. To increment the logging interval, press the ADVANCE TROUBLESHOOTING Loop the right end of the cable under the
button. The minimum logging interval is one minute If the unit is missing segments in the LCD, reading suppressor and back up again laying the cable along
(0:01). The maximum logging rate is 24 hours (24:00). erratically, or if data download encounters an error unit
the center of the suppressor.
Once 24 hours is selected, the next subsequent press must be reset.
of the ADVANCE button will return to one minute. WARRANTY, SERVICE, OR RECALIBRATION
1. Slide MEM VIEW switch to the ON position.
1. Remove batteries
2. Remove from A/C adapter
 For warranty, service, or recalibration, contact:
2. Press EVENT DISPLAY button. Second and third lines 3. Remove probe 12554 Old Galveston Rd. Suite B230
will display the first eight digits of ID number. 4. Push CLEAR and EVENT buttons once Webster, Texas 77598 USA
3. Press EVENT DISPLAY button a second time. Second 5. Push SELECT and ADVANCE buttons once Ph. 281 482-1714 • Fax 281 482-9448
and third lines will display last 8 digits of ID number. 6. Re-insert probe
4. Press EVENT DISPLAY to return to default display.
E-mail support@traceable.com
7. Re-insert batteries
8. Re-insert A/C adapter www.traceable.com
After resetting unit, follow steps in DOWNLOADING Carefully, snap the two halves together with the looped
Note: USB download will not occur if the battery LCD
STORED DATA section. Traceable® Products is ISO 9001:2015 Quality-
symbol is active. Plug supplied AC adapter into thermom- cable routed through the center. Certified by DNV and ISO/IEC 17025:2005
eter to provide sufficient power for USB operation. BATTERY REPLACEMENT
accredited as a Calibration Laboratory by A2LA.
1. The data can be downloaded directly to a USB Mass When battery indicator begins to flash, it is time to replace
Storage Flash Drive. To begin download, insert
USB flash drive into USB port located on left side of
batteries on unit. To replace battery, remove battery
cover, located on back of unit by sliding it down. Remove 
thermometer. exhausted batteries and replace with two (2) new AAA
2. The download will begin upon insert. Upon inserting an batteries. Insert new batteries. Replace the battery cover.
empty flash drive in your device and “MEM” will appear
on right side of display, this indicates that the device Replacing the batteries WILL clear the minimum/maxi-
is downloading. If “MEM” does not appear on display, mum memories and high/low alarm settings. However,
gently wiggle the flash drive while inserted until “MEM” replacing the batteries WILL NOT clear the time-of- day/
Cat. No. 6430 / 6431 / 6432 / 6433 / 6434 / 6435 / 6436 / 6437 /
appears and data begins downloading. Once “MEM” date settings or stored temperature data.
6438 / 6450 / 6451
disappears, device will beep, indicating download is This completes the installation of the suppressor.
complete. Traceable® is a registered trademark of Cole-Parmer.
Note: Do not remove USB drive until download is Excursion-Trac™ is a trademark of Cole-Parmer.
©2020 Traceable® Products. 92-6430-00 Rev. 11 010220

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