hw1_2024 (1)
hw1_2024 (1)
hw1_2024 (1)
Home Work 1, Due date (hard copy only): Sept 5, 2024 in class
1. Water and oil flow down an inclined plane as films, with oil film on top of water film. The
inclination angle of the plane is θ. Density of the two fluids is ρo and ρw . The subscripts
’o’ and ’w’ refer to oil and water, respectively. The coefficient of viscosity of the two fluids
is µo and µw . The thickness of each film in the fully developed state is h. Ignore surface
tension. Assume that the flow is laminar and reaches a fully developed state at certain
portion of the inclined plane.
(a) Write down all the boundary conditions, including that at oil-water interface.
(b) Calculate the fully developed velocity profile of the two liquids.
(c) Sketch them. Pay special attention at the oil-water interface.
2. Consider the laminar flow of a viscous fluid between two concentric cylinders. The radius
of the inner cylinder is R1 and that of the outer one is R2 . The outer one is stationary
while the inner ones spins with an angular speed Ω.
3. Derive the Bernoulli’s equation for an inviscid, incompressible flow. Clearly state all the
4. Using superposition of a doublet and uniform flow, derive the potential flow that repre-
sents ideal flow past a circular cylinder.
6. The cricket ball is thrown vertically upwards. With what speed should it be thrown so
that it barely acheives a terminal speed when it hits the ground back on its return. What
is the height that the ball achieves?
7. Estimate the terminal speed of a cricket ball at (i) 17o C (ii) 43o C. List any assumption
that you make. How does it compare with the fastest bowling speed recorded in the
8. Estimate the terminal speed of a badminton shuttlecock at (i) 17o C (ii) 43o C. List any
assumption that you make. How does it compare with the fastest smash recorded in the