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Decodable Book Set 2 #5: Rude Reptiles

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Custom Illustrations by


©Anna Geiger –

Clickable Table of Contents
• About the lesson
• Printing instructions
• Lesson plan
• Blending lines
• Dictation
• Retell the story
• Book on a page
• Book: Foldable version: Color
• Book: Foldable version: Black & White
• Book: Side-staple version: Color
• Book: Side-staple version: Black & White
Inside this file you will find a lesson plan, different printing options for the
book itself, blending lines, dictation, a retelling worksheet, and the book’s
text on a single page.

The top of each lesson plan includes a

list of previously taught phonics skills
and new skills.

You’ll find a list of high frequency

words whose spelling patterns have
not yet been taught.

Write the blending lines so all children can

see them. Together, say the letter sounds
in the first line and blend/read the words
in the other lines. Students can use their
own large-print blending lines for fluency
practice later in the week.

Each lesson includes before, during, and

after reading activities.

Use the dictation activity to incorporate

spelling practice.

Use the retelling worksheet to boost



The foldable books MUST be printed front to back. Make sure your printer is set to “flip on the short
edge.” Otherwise the backs will be upside down.

After printing front to back, fold to make a book. Then open back up, staple on the fold with a long-
arm stapler, and fold again.



These books may be printed single-sided OR front to back. Again, if you print front to back, make sure
you set your printer to “flip on the short edge.” After printing, cut down the center of each page. Stack
the pages of each book together and staple on the left hand side. This version isn’t as pretty as the
foldable version, but assembly is faster if you’re printing for a large group.

Lesson Plan
Rude Reptiles Set 2: Book 5
Previously learned skills: Short vowels, consonants, -ck, sh, th, ch, wh, FLOSS rule,
simple compound words, L-blends, R-blends, S-blends, final blends, words with –ng,
words with –nk, and -ild, -old, -ind, -ost, -olt, open syllable words, VC/CV words,
V/CV and VC/V words, -ed suffix, CVCE words
Review: CVCE words
Advanced vocabulary: impolite

Previously learned high frequency words: the, for, good, look, are, to, her, have, do, of, out, you, they, was,
down, say, put, were, said, would, don’t, or, their
New high frequency words: never, only, why, every
Story words (These words contain phonics patterns that have not been taught; these words should be
explicitly taught before reading): also, took, food, pizza, week, true, sorry, gone, chocolate

Lesson Plan
1. Teach the skill – Continue with CVCE words.
2. Blending lines
New skill (simple) ride bone mute take here nose

New skill (harder) flute whale crime spoke these prune

New skill (hardest) prices blamed broken scraped chosen stones

Review fizzed pinched spotted jogged listed winked

Challenge bedtime chiming lineup suppose update concrete

Sentence I broke a bone when my bike’s tire popped.

3. Preview and predict

a. What is the name of this story? Look at the picture on the cover. What do you think this
book will be about?
b. In this book, the crocodile kids are very impolite. (Write the word so students can see it.)
Impolite has a prefix and a base word. Im means NOT, so impolite means not polite.
What are things that would be impolite to do when you are eating?
4. Read
a. Have students read quietly (or whisper read) as you circulate and listen in.
b. Consider following up with a choral read.
c. You might also do an echo read as you model fluency.
5. Check comprehension
1. What dinner does Dad make for the siblings?
2. What impolite things do the crocodile kids say?
3. What do the kids wish Dad would make instead?
4. What happens when Mom comes home?
5. What do the kids say to Dad at the end of the book?
6. Why is everyone happy on the last page?
6. Dictation (printable): rude, whine, strode, polite | The kids did not like the kale and rice.
7. Retell the story (printable)
Have students write a sentence about each picture. If desired, do this as a guided writing
Blend the sounds

Blending Lines together to read

the words.

ride bone mute take here nose

flute whale crime spoke these prune

prices blamed broken scraped chosen stones

fizzed pinched spotted jogged listed winked

bedtime chiming lineup suppose update concrete

I broke a bone when my bike’s tire popped.

© Set 2, Book 5: Rude Reptiles

Blend the sounds

Blending Lines together to read

the words.

ride bone mute take here nose

flute whale crime spoke these prune

prices blamed broken scraped chosen stones

fizzed pinched spotted jogged listed winked

bedtime chiming lineup suppose update concrete

I broke a bone when my bike’s tire popped.

© Set 2, Book 5: Rude Reptiles

Set 2, Book 5
Name ___________________________________

Listen to your teacher say each word. Spell one sound per line. The silent e goes with the final
letter of the syllable.

_____ _____ _____ ________________________

_____ _____ _____ ________________________

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ________________________

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ________________________

Listen to your teacher say the sentence. Write it on the lines below. Then check using CUPS.
Rewrite the sentence.

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________

_________ _________ _________ _________

Capitalization (Read it aloud. Does Punctuation Spelling
it make sense?)



Retell the Story
Write a sentence about each picture to retell the story.

Name ______________________________________

Rude Reptiles
Dad made a fine lunch for the crocodile kids. He prepared chicken, rice,
and kale salad. He filled glasses with milk. But when the kids sat down,
they did not have nice things to say.
Nile and Pete took a bite. Pete made a face. Nile said, “I do not like
white rice with chicken. I also don’t like kale salad. It makes me choke.”
Dad glared. “Don’t be rude. This is good for you.”
“Dad, we have rice and chicken a lot,” Rome whined. “Can’t we have
pizza or hot dogs? My pal Mike gets hot dogs nine times a week! He never
has milk. He only drinks Coke!”
“That can’t be true,” Dad said.
June looked at the pile of rice and chicken on her plate. “I wish this
was a big slice of chocolate cake with white frosting. Then I would take a
BIG bite!”
Kate chimed in. “Dad, hot dogs and pizza would be nice. But chicken and
rice are bland. Kale salad is lame.”
Dad began to fume. “You are not polite!”
Just then, Mom strode in. “I’m sorry I’m late. It looks like Dad made
you quite a fine lunch while I was gone. But why is Dad upset? I hope you
were not rude.”
Dad said, “I am sick of making nice lunches.
They just make faces and say rude things.”
Mom was quite upset. “You do not have to like
the food. But you must be polite. While I was
out, I got a big chocolate cake with frosting.
But it is not for rude reptiles.”
The reptiles said, “We are sorry, Dad. We
will not be rude next time.” All the crocodile
kids ate up every bite! When Mom put the
cake on plates, even Dad had a big smile.
High Frequency


every by Anna Geiger
Illustrated by Rossy Zapata

Measured Mom Decodables Set 2 Book 5

Word Count: 301

Comprehension Questions

1. What dinner does Dad make for the

2. What impolite things do the crocodile kids
3. What do the kids wish Dad would make
4. What happens when Mom comes home?
5. What do the kids say to Dad at the end of
the book?
6. Why is everyone happy on the last page?
Dad made a fine lunch for the
The reptiles said, “We are sorry, crocodile kids. He prepared chicken,
Dad. We will not be rude next rice, and kale salad. He filled glasses
time.” All the crocodile kids ate up with milk. But when the kids sat
every bite! When Mom put the cake down, they did not have nice things
on plates, even Dad had a big smile. to say.
-8- © © -1-
Dad said, “I am sick of making
nice lunches. They just make faces
and say rude things.”
Nile and Pete took a bite. Pete Mom was quite upset. “You do
made a face. Nile said, “I do not like not have to like the food. But you
white rice with chicken. I also don’t must be polite. While I was out, I
like kale salad. It makes me choke.” got a big chocolate cake with
Dad glared. “Don’t be rude. This is frosting. But it is not for rude
good for you.” reptiles.”
-2- © © -7-
“Dad, we have rice and chicken a
Just then, Mom strode in. “I’m
lot,” Rome whined. “Can’t we have
sorry I’m late. It looks like Dad made
pizza or hot dogs? My pal Mike gets
you quite a fine lunch while I was
hot dogs nine times a week! He never
gone. But why is Dad upset? I hope
has milk. He only drinks Coke!”
you were not rude.”
“That can’t be true,” Dad said.
-6- © © -3-
June looked at the pile of rice and Kate chimed in. “Dad, hot dogs and
chicken on her plate. “I wish this was pizza would be nice. But chicken and
a big slice of chocolate cake with rice are bland. Kale salad is lame.”
white frosting. Then I would take a Dad began to fume. “You are not
BIG bite!” polite!”
-4- © © -5-
High Frequency


every by Anna Geiger
Illustrated by Rossy Zapata

Measured Mom Decodables Set 2 Book 5

Word Count: 301

Comprehension Questions

1. What dinner does Dad make for the

2. What impolite things do the crocodile kids
3. What do the kids wish Dad would make
4. What happens when Mom comes home?
5. What do the kids say to Dad at the end of
the book?
6. Why is everyone happy on the last page?
Dad made a fine lunch for the
The reptiles said, “We are sorry, crocodile kids. He prepared chicken,
Dad. We will not be rude next rice, and kale salad. He filled glasses
time.” All the crocodile kids ate up with milk. But when the kids sat
every bite! When Mom put the cake down, they did not have nice things
on plates, even Dad had a big smile. to say.
-8- © © -1-
Dad said, “I am sick of making
nice lunches. They just make faces
and say rude things.”
Nile and Pete took a bite. Pete Mom was quite upset. “You do
made a face. Nile said, “I do not like not have to like the food. But you
white rice with chicken. I also don’t must be polite. While I was out, I
like kale salad. It makes me choke.” got a big chocolate cake with
Dad glared. “Don’t be rude. This is frosting. But it is not for rude
good for you.” reptiles.”
-2- © © -7-
“Dad, we have rice and chicken a
Just then, Mom strode in. “I’m
lot,” Rome whined. “Can’t we have
sorry I’m late. It looks like Dad made
pizza or hot dogs? My pal Mike gets
you quite a fine lunch while I was
hot dogs nine times a week! He never
gone. But why is Dad upset? I hope
has milk. He only drinks Coke!”
you were not rude.”
“That can’t be true,” Dad said.
-6- © © -3-
June looked at the pile of rice and Kate chimed in. “Dad, hot dogs and
chicken on her plate. “I wish this was pizza would be nice. But chicken and
a big slice of chocolate cake with rice are bland. Kale salad is lame.”
white frosting. Then I would take a Dad began to fume. “You are not
BIG bite!” polite!”
-4- © © -5-
Rude Rude
Reptiles Reptiles
by Anna Geiger by Anna Geiger
Illustrated by Rossy Zapata Illustrated by Rossy Zapata

Measured Mom Decodables Set 2 Book 5 Measured Mom Decodables Set 2 Book 5

Word Count: 301 Word Count: 301

Dad made a fine lunch for the Dad made a fine lunch for the
crocodile kids. He prepared chicken, crocodile kids. He prepared chicken,
rice, and kale salad. He filled glasses rice, and kale salad. He filled glasses
with milk. But when the kids sat with milk. But when the kids sat
down, they did not have nice things down, they did not have nice things
to say. to say.
© -1- © -1-
Nile and Pete took a bite. Pete Nile and Pete took a bite. Pete
made a face. Nile said, “I do not like made a face. Nile said, “I do not like
white rice with chicken. I also don’t white rice with chicken. I also don’t
like kale salad. It makes me choke.” like kale salad. It makes me choke.”
Dad glared. “Don’t be rude. This is Dad glared. “Don’t be rude. This is
good for you.” good for you.”
-2- © -2- ©
“Dad, we have rice and chicken a “Dad, we have rice and chicken a
lot,” Rome whined. “Can’t we have lot,” Rome whined. “Can’t we have
pizza or hot dogs? My pal Mike gets pizza or hot dogs? My pal Mike gets
hot dogs nine times a week! He never hot dogs nine times a week! He never
has milk. He only drinks Coke!” has milk. He only drinks Coke!”
“That can’t be true,” Dad said. “That can’t be true,” Dad said.
© -3- © -3-
June looked at the pile of rice and June looked at the pile of rice and
chicken on her plate. “I wish this was chicken on her plate. “I wish this was
a big slice of chocolate cake with a big slice of chocolate cake with
white frosting. Then I would take a white frosting. Then I would take a
BIG bite!” BIG bite!”
-4- © -4- ©
Kate chimed in. “Dad, hot dogs and Kate chimed in. “Dad, hot dogs and
pizza would be nice. But chicken and pizza would be nice. But chicken and
rice are bland. Kale salad is lame.” rice are bland. Kale salad is lame.”
Dad began to fume. “You are not Dad began to fume. “You are not
polite!” polite!”
© -5- © -5-
Just then, Mom strode in. “I’m Just then, Mom strode in. “I’m
sorry I’m late. It looks like Dad made sorry I’m late. It looks like Dad made
you quite a fine lunch while I was you quite a fine lunch while I was
gone. But why is Dad upset? I hope gone. But why is Dad upset? I hope
you were not rude.” you were not rude.”
-6- © -6- ©
Dad said, “I am sick of making Dad said, “I am sick of making
nice lunches. They just make faces nice lunches. They just make faces
and say rude things.” and say rude things.”
Mom was quite upset. “You do Mom was quite upset. “You do
not have to like the food. But you not have to like the food. But you
must be polite. While I was out, I must be polite. While I was out, I
got a big chocolate cake with got a big chocolate cake with
frosting. But it is not for rude frosting. But it is not for rude
reptiles.” reptiles.”
© -7- © -7-
The reptiles said, “We are sorry, The reptiles said, “We are sorry,
Dad. We will not be rude next Dad. We will not be rude next
time.” All the crocodile kids ate up time.” All the crocodile kids ate up
every bite! When Mom put the cake every bite! When Mom put the cake
on plates, even Dad had a big smile. on plates, even Dad had a big smile.
-8- © -8- ©
Featuring Featuring
High Frequency High Frequency
Words Words
the the
for for
good good
look look
are are
to to
her her
have have
do do
of of
out out
you you
they they
was was
down down
say say
put put
were were
said said
would would
don’t don’t
or or
their their
never never
only only
why why
every every

Comprehension Questions Comprehension Questions

1. What dinner does Dad make for the siblings? 1. What dinner does Dad make for the siblings?
2. What impolite things do the crocodile kids say? 2. What impolite things do the crocodile kids say?
3. What do the kids wish Dad would make instead? 3. What do the kids wish Dad would make instead?
4. What happens when Mom comes home? 4. What happens when Mom comes home?
5. What do the kids say to Dad at the end of the book? 5. What do the kids say to Dad at the end of the book?
6. Why is everyone happy on the last page? 6. Why is everyone happy on the last page?
Rude Rude
Reptiles Reptiles
by Anna Geiger by Anna Geiger
Illustrated by Rossy Zapata Illustrated by Rossy Zapata

Measured Mom Decodables Set 2 Book 5 Measured Mom Decodables Set 2 Book 5

Word Count: 301 Word Count: 301

Dad made a fine lunch for the Dad made a fine lunch for the
crocodile kids. He prepared chicken, crocodile kids. He prepared chicken,
rice, and kale salad. He filled glasses rice, and kale salad. He filled glasses
with milk. But when the kids sat with milk. But when the kids sat
down, they did not have nice things down, they did not have nice things
to say. to say.
© -1- © -1-
Nile and Pete took a bite. Pete Nile and Pete took a bite. Pete
made a face. Nile said, “I do not like made a face. Nile said, “I do not like
white rice with chicken. I also don’t white rice with chicken. I also don’t
like kale salad. It makes me choke.” like kale salad. It makes me choke.”
Dad glared. “Don’t be rude. This is Dad glared. “Don’t be rude. This is
good for you.” good for you.”
-2- © -2- ©
“Dad, we have rice and chicken a “Dad, we have rice and chicken a
lot,” Rome whined. “Can’t we have lot,” Rome whined. “Can’t we have
pizza or hot dogs? My pal Mike gets pizza or hot dogs? My pal Mike gets
hot dogs nine times a week! He never hot dogs nine times a week! He never
has milk. He only drinks Coke!” has milk. He only drinks Coke!”
“That can’t be true,” Dad said. “That can’t be true,” Dad said.
© -3- © -3-
June looked at the pile of rice and June looked at the pile of rice and
chicken on her plate. “I wish this was chicken on her plate. “I wish this was
a big slice of chocolate cake with a big slice of chocolate cake with
white frosting. Then I would take a white frosting. Then I would take a
BIG bite!” BIG bite!”
-4- © -4- ©
Kate chimed in. “Dad, hot dogs and Kate chimed in. “Dad, hot dogs and
pizza would be nice. But chicken and pizza would be nice. But chicken and
rice are bland. Kale salad is lame.” rice are bland. Kale salad is lame.”
Dad began to fume. “You are not Dad began to fume. “You are not
polite!” polite!”
© -5- © -5-
Just then, Mom strode in. “I’m Just then, Mom strode in. “I’m
sorry I’m late. It looks like Dad made sorry I’m late. It looks like Dad made
you quite a fine lunch while I was you quite a fine lunch while I was
gone. But why is Dad upset? I hope gone. But why is Dad upset? I hope
you were not rude.” you were not rude.”
-6- © -6- ©
Dad said, “I am sick of making Dad said, “I am sick of making
nice lunches. They just make faces nice lunches. They just make faces
and say rude things.” and say rude things.”
Mom was quite upset. “You do Mom was quite upset. “You do
not have to like the food. But you not have to like the food. But you
must be polite. While I was out, I must be polite. While I was out, I
got a big chocolate cake with got a big chocolate cake with
frosting. But it is not for rude frosting. But it is not for rude
reptiles.” reptiles.”
© -7- © -7-
The reptiles said, “We are sorry, The reptiles said, “We are sorry,
Dad. We will not be rude next Dad. We will not be rude next
time.” All the crocodile kids ate up time.” All the crocodile kids ate up
every bite! When Mom put the cake every bite! When Mom put the cake
on plates, even Dad had a big smile. on plates, even Dad had a big smile.
-8- © -8- ©
Featuring Featuring
High Frequency High Frequency
Words Words
the the
for for
good good
look look
are are
to to
her her
have have
do do
of of
out out
you you
they they
was was
down down
say say
put put
were were
said said
would would
don’t don’t
or or
their their
never never
only only
why why
every every

Comprehension Questions Comprehension Questions

1. What dinner does Dad make for the siblings? 1. What dinner does Dad make for the siblings?
2. What impolite things do the crocodile kids say? 2. What impolite things do the crocodile kids say?
3. What do the kids wish Dad would make instead? 3. What do the kids wish Dad would make instead?
4. What happens when Mom comes home? 4. What happens when Mom comes home?
5. What do the kids say to Dad at the end of the book? 5. What do the kids say to Dad at the end of the book?
6. Why is everyone happy on the last page? 6. Why is everyone happy on the last page?

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