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Paradigm: Institute of Media and Film Studies
All content following this page was uploaded by C S H N MURTHY on 30 May 2022.
C. S. H. N. Murthy
Department of Media and Film Studies,
Paradigm-Institute of Media and Film Studies,
Secunderabad, India
Corresponding author address: C.S.H.N.Murthy Ph.D. Professor in Media and Film Studies,
Paradigm – Institute of Media and Film Studies, Secunderabad, 500 017. Telangana, India. E
2 C. S. H. N. Murthy
actually interacting with persons who are less than honest. They concluded
that the data obtained in their study is least helpful in determining the effect
of deception in the context of social interaction. Their studies merged
interpersonal communication theory with the previously derived deception
principles. The studies of Guerrero et al. (2007) have further led to laying
down three types of deception strategies: falsification through creation of
fiction, concealment amounting to omission of certain facts, equivocation in
which the message sender skirts certain issues, by changing the subject or
offering indirect responses. Thus, deception could be briefly defined or
summarized as follows: … several types of communications or omissions
that serve to distort or omit the complete truth. Examples of deception range
from false statements to misleading claims in which relevant information is
omitted, leading the receiver to infer false conclusions
The present study is an engagement with the extension of these
strategies of deceptive political communication into many ways that media
are currently indulging in (Bwoblunder, 2015; Kate et al. 2017, Sawant,
2017) going beyond inter-personal communication to one-to-many
communication (Barlund, 2008). Further the study assumes significance in
unplugging how deceptive political communication including ‘fake
news’/’fake stories’ is fast becoming a base for adding strength to the
offensive of politically weaker parties to attack the numerically strong
political ruling front.
TV 9 –Owned by Associated Broadcasting Company Private Limited (ABCL). Founded by Ravi
Prakash who is its CEO in 2004, the Company has established its channels in various
languages across India—Gujarat, Karnataka, Delhi. It is one of the channels which has highest
viewing in Andhra and Telangana. One can view its transmissions in US on Dishnetwork and
in Africa on Simba Television Network.
NTV--Owned by Tummala Narendra Chowdary, it was established in 2007 under the corporate
title Rachana Television Private Limited (RTPL). Today it is also one of the few like TV 9
among most sought after channel for viewing by Telugu audiences.
Deception in Indian Television 5
the breaking news or latest news. Since it is not reflecting the word ‘from file’
or ‘recorded’ on television screen, it amounts to deceiving the audience into
believing that whatever is shown as visuals concurrently is true.
A click on the following link will suffice to establish this sort of deception
freely indulged in Telugu media channels or for that matter in English and Hindi
media channels also. Various strategies of deception as categorized by Guerrero
et al. (2007) were identified in bold giving justification as to how they
constituted ‘false news,’ ‘misinformation,’ ‘misinterpretation’ leading to
All claims of Modi that he would bring the culprits of black money to
book have ended up as a flop show (false statement -- no one knows what
are those claims—except Modi’s statements during his election campaign
regarding the culprits having black money in foreign banks). Modi’s
government kept on indulging in one wrong step after another
(false)…People are refusing to give pass marks even to Modi’s government
(false--In fact Modi’s party won in regional elections in several states
including the latest election in India’s biggest state Uttara Pradesh). All his
efforts to curb black money failed to yield any results (false)—Voluntary
Disclosure of Income Scheme 2015 flopped (false)—Income Declaration
Scheme of 2016 failed (false)—His step to demonetize has ended in
humiliation (false)—Garib Kalyan Yojana also failed (false)—The
statements of panel speakers who are business analysts and auditors did not
testify to the statements of anchor and/or background speaker in the show.
The whole show continues till the end with a single agenda to misinterpret,
misinform and enrage the innocent public (chief strategy of deception)
about whatever affirmative action government of India is taking to curb the
black money circulation in public life. While the visuals of montage do not
bear any date, time of recording, context and place of recording, the whole
story is full of false statements unsupported by any shred of evidence in
the form of authentic reports from recognized and/or accepted sources. The
6 C. S. H. N. Murthy
visuals not only repeat within the duration of the same story but also recur
in similar stories aired by this channel. (Deception)
S.No. Summary Statement Proof that they are fake Actual Fact Channel name & Date of
of Fake News Video cited in Annexure
1. It is a big scam. Modi No beneficiaries are named Modi truly believed it as one step TV 9 & NTV-- Dec 9,
cheated India. in the right direction 2016
TV 9- Jan 2, 2017
2. It is meant to benefit No industrialist/Corporate Modi has exposed the high level TV 9 –Jan 2, 2017; NTV
capitalists not to curb entity named as beneficiary. corruption in the Indian banks who Dec 9, 2016.
black money tried to make money during this
time by favouring some bigwigs
3. Public suffered due to Some bytes of commoners People have accepted Modi’s step TV9 – Dec 15, 2016;
crunch of currency and standing in queues at banks and cooperated with the crunch NTV Dec, 27, 2016
limitations imposed on have been relayed though patiently.
withdrawal of currency no time, date, person’s
name, place of recording is
not given.
4. Hundreds of people No evidence May be some coincidental deaths NTV - Dec 27, 2016
died in queues not due to long queues.
5. Marriages stuck or No evidence shown Government issued quickly NTV- Jan 9, 2017
postponed or affected instructions to Banks to help
Weddings on time.
Table I. (Continued)
S.No. Summary Statement Proof that they are fake Actual Fact Channel name & Date of
of Fake News Video cited in Annexure
6. Modi pandered to US No evidence shown Government may have its own NTV—Jan 9 and Jan 11,
and surrendered policy to go cashless. 2017
national interests to it.
7. Modi let off the big No evidence shown Modi took all steps to get Malya NTV—Dec 9, 2016
business houses like extradited from UK
Malya of Kingfisher by
canceling their dues in
billions to banks
8. Modi’s step pushed No evidence shown No serious impact on GDP. No NTV—Jan 11, 2017
back India for another prices escalation during this time.
two decades. GDP has
slid down
9. People started hating No evidence of any survey Modi won almost all elections NTV-Dec 27, 2016
Modi. His electoral showing declining public after demonetization
chances became grim support to him
after demonetization.
Deception in Indian Television 9
a. Psychological Analyses
“I have read fake news mostly on social media sites and on WhatsApp.
I haven’t really come across fake news in print or television, but I have
certainly come across news that is not entirely true. Unconfirmed rumours
or half truths are made into news.”
According to Jore, the Press Club of India does get its fair share of
complaints that deal with libel, where the complainants think that
12 C. S. H. N. Murthy
While KCR attempted to stifle the independent voice of some of the Telugu
television channels such as TV9 and ABN-Andhra Jyothi immediately after
coming to power on June 2, 2014 by manipulating the television cable
operators (Murthy, 2014), the TDP in Andhra Pradesh launched disciplinary
action against minor television channels mentioned above for broadcasting
false information that has the potential to create or spread anarchy in the
State. It was only after police action, that it came to the knowledge of the
public that the minor television channels named Daruvu, Political bench,
Political eye, Tollywood Mirapakaya, etc., are administered by the media
division of YSR Congress Party in Andhra Pradesh.
While it is globally acknowledged that the major share of fake news goes
to social media (See Kate ea al. 2017), the mainstream media in Telugu is
not lagging behind in the rat race to produce news, be that ‘real news’ or
fake news. Several Telugu channels, some of them being very reputed like
Sakshi, TV9 and NTV, have been producing fake news either against the
establishment within the State or against the Centre obviously adopting the
streategy of connivance of deception (See the videos in Annexure I for a
grasp of the connivance of deception). The latest is the murky role played
by the Telugu media against the demonetization, a flagship program by
Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, to wipe out black money and
corruption from public life. These channels have vied with one another to
inform the citizens that the demonetization program is a big scam and even
suggested that it is in fact a way out to help the corrupt and corporate entities.
These channels carried out this propaganda with a missionary zeal though
they could not substantiate this allegation against the Prime Minister; nor
did they identify those who are the beneficiaries of the scam involved in
demonetization (see the videos in Annexure I and read the English
translation of Telugu).
In order to bring back the times of liberal use of liquid cash most of
which again turns black money, these television channels fully fought for
more liberal operations of banks as well as ATM (Automatic Teller
Machine) operators. In the process they created ‘fake stories’ sending the
public into a mode of panic (See Table I for important findings that stem
from fake news transmitted by the television channels). Along with their
Deception in Indian Television 17
‘fake stories,’ they showed visuals informing the audiences that there are a
large number of people in each queue near each bank or their ATM. These
visuals have never reflected the place, date, time and context of recording,
and the same visuals were shown recurrently conveying an impression that
there was a growing sense of dissatisfaction among people which might even
turn into civic revolt or riots against the Central government or PM Modi.
The language used by the Telugu anchors in TV9, ABN Andhra Jyothi,
Sakshi, and NTV against the PM of India is unprintable (Tuglaq, Idiotic,
etc.). Collaterally it raises another fundamental epistemological question–
should media observe decency of language irrespective of their level of
disagreement with a policy or decision of Government, be it Centre or State.
In an endeavor to substantiate their critique against the action of PM in
demonetizing the higher currency, the Telugu channels have rummaged
through a number of fake social media videos the intent of which was to
create anarchy and arson and borrowed them for transmission (See the
Videos in Annexure I together with translated text in English).
Safi (2017) has already illustrated one such example of fake news which
the Hindi and English media channels have transferred to mainstream press
against the action of demonetization announced by the PM Narendra Modi.
Not to lag behind, Telugu media channels have also been in the forefront. It
all created an impression in the minds of the people at large that media
channels are the primary hoarders of black money, and the PM’s
demonetization has hit them worse than any other corporate business entity.
Above all, Indian audiences are pretty aware that neither the media channels
nor the political opponents of BJP could so far offer any evidence of scam
or retrogressive effect of demonetization on Indian economy. An important
evidence to cite is that neither the private agencies nor government agencies
reported escalation of prices or commodities during the time of currency
crisis arising as a result of demonetization.
The drama going on inside the news operational rooms of Telugu
television channels as well as their print media outlets is another side of the
big story of fake news. The channel like T-News (owned by KCR and TRS
party of Telangana State) and ETV and ABN-Andhra Jyoti often indulge in
mutually accusing one another for producing fake news. While T-News
18 C. S. H. N. Murthy
belongs to Telangana State, the ETV and ABN-Andhra Jyoti are alleged to
be the pro-Andhra and favor its Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu of
TDP. Another big embarrassment the Telugu audiences are entrenched to
encounter is the incessant manner the Sakshi television channel produces
fake news against the TDP supreme and the AP Chief Minister
N. Chandrababu Naidu and his government. The minor video channels as
well as the mainstream channel Sakshi of YSR Congress Party not only
target Chandrababu but also his family members and its female members of
legislature and ministers of his cabinet. These defaming stories have been
countered by the TDP pro-Telugu media channels such as ETV and ABN-
Andhra Jyoti.
The irony is that while these Telugu channels themselves face the crisis
of credibility due to their continuously producing fake news and deceiving
audiences (Murthy, 2008, 2010 & 2011). Of late, these channels have begun
to discuss the fake news put on YouTube in the mainstream press entitling
the program: Which is true? Which is viral? Many television channels such
as TV 9, TV 5 and NTV, besides TV5, HMTV, etc. have also begun to
discuss the videos of fake news that has gone viral. But, truly speaking there
is no definition of the term—viral. Every video put on YouTube, Facebook
or Twitter does not automatically turn into viral. Then why these channels
are crazy about doing a program of half-an-hour slot? The Telugu channels
know pretty well that their audience viewing rates are high despite
transmitting fake news. Hence, they wish to add some more fake news drawn
from YouTube, and Facebook, to augment their viewing rates. It is time that
media programmers/managers come to grapple with the question whether
such an exercise of borrowing ‘fake news’ to their mainstream transmissions
is ethical; at the same time they must also discuss the exact definition of
what is ‘viral.’ So far no criteria have been established to define what is
‘viral’ in the context of Indian social media. Obviously, the number of
likes/dislikes cannot decide the ‘virality’ or ‘viral’ character of a video put
on social media. Moreover, the mainstream media which is indulgent in
creating fake news cannot sit in judgment of other videos posted by social
Deception in Indian Television 19
TV 9
The title of the story is –A White lie. Fifty days have passed by but there
is no new golden world as promised (false). The visuals that follow these
words of anchor do not bear any date, time and place of recording besides
context (fake videos) but show on screen a title that both RBI and Modi
cheated the people of India (a patently false statement and gross
misinterpretation). The anchor alleges that Modi did not offer any relief to
Indians after 50 days of demonetization (false). There are no data regarding
the magnitude of returned money to banks after cancellation, alleges the
anchor (false-the RBI has clarified that it would need some time to
disclose the actual money deposited in the banks). The RBI kept stoic
silence, anchor repeats (false). The government failed to respond to the
queries raised under Right to Information Act 2005 (false). Government did
not file its response to the 10 queries raised by the Supreme Court (false-
The government respondent to all its queries. Therefore the Supreme
Court refused to grant any stay on the government of India’s
notification demonetizing 1000 and 500 rupees notes. Further, the
Supreme Court has agreed to transfer to itself all the cases filed at
various High Courts in India). The story alleges that Government slighted
the Supreme Court also by giving false statements (false. The Supreme
Court is not blind. Its judges are also public who are facing the
Deception in Indian Television 21
problems arising out of demonetization). The visuals are not related to the
story; they are without date, time, context and place of recording
(deception). –
This is a journalist’s agony on the wretched role the social media in India
is performing on demonetization. He is trying to prove the point that
22 C. S. H. N. Murthy
4. Demonetization: What after Dec 30th 2016 –TV 9-Dec 22, 2016
Title of the story: After 6 days of demonetization. Modi vs Rahul
Gandhi. Anchor says that Rahul has so far failed to challenge or compete
with Modi. But, now the situation has changed. From Rahul (Vice-President
of Indian National Congress) to Kejriwal (The Chief Minister of Delhi), now
everybody is attacking Modi on his scheme to demonetize to curb black
money in public life. The story goes seamless by compiling the speeches of
all known political opponents of Modi. Rahul Gandhi, Kejriwal, Lalu Prasad
Yadav, Mamata Benerjee, etc against Modi’s demonetization. However, the
story does not report the appreciation Modi received from several other
political leaders who too do not belong to the party of Modi. Chandrababu
Naidu (Head of Andhra Pradesh State), K. Chandra Sekhara Rao (Head of
Telangana State), Nitish Kumar (Head of Bihar State), etc have lent their
support to Modi’s efforts to demonetize and curb black money in public life
(partial reporting also amounts to falsification of objectivity of news).
The story says that Modi’s image is sulking (false-as Modi’s party won in
the elections held in 7 states in the recent times with a thumping
Deception in Indian Television 23
Title of the video: Big Brother Obama told Modi to demonetize. The
story is replete with bunches of lies by trying to connect apparently unrelated
things to demonetization (Deception). The story says that Modi has resorted
to demonetization apparently at the instance of Barrack Obama, the
President of US (false-no evidence is placed before audience). The story
asserts that it discovered the actual truth behind demonetization belying
what Modi spoke on the day of imposing demonetization (false-no evidence
offered again). Repetitions of false statements and visuals telecast earlier
without any substantiating evidence (Deception). The background voice is
overshadowed by ear piercing music and meaningless montages. It mouths
platitudes stating that hundreds of people died in queue lines (false as
no evidence offered to substantiate this). People have been reduced to
beggary without currency (false). The marriages were stopped or postponed
due to cash crunch. Will people pardon if they get to know that Modi has
indulged in mortgaging India’s interests to US? (false statement to inflate
the public passions against Modi).
Anchor says that to appease the US bosses, Modi tried to pander the
interests of a billion people of India. Instead of directly admitting that India
wants to meet the US requirements of digital economy by opting for cashless
business transactions, Modi clandestinely indulged in browbeating the
public by saying that he wanted to curb black money in public circulation
(false statements attributed to Modi without any evidence). To
substantiate its version, the story claims to adopt the findings of It is a web portal to which several authors
Deception in Indian Television 25
and scholars write stories. They are not any investigative reports from any
authentic body like World Bank or IMF, etc. The story of Asia Pacific is one such story that refers to certain developments in the
world economy and how US offered leadership to such steps. As part of this
broad agenda, US established an agency in the US. That agency collaborated
with Indian Central Bank. As a result a cashless policy suitable to India was
worked out, the story claims (false as no evidence to this claim is offered
in the story). In keeping with this policy, Modi has announced
demonetization (false as it bears no link with it). If it were so, Modi would
have taken all the steps to ensure India’s smooth transition over to cashless
economy as suggested in the document. But, the same channel has made
several serious allegations earlier that Modi’s demonetization was a big
scam, meant primarily to benefit the capitalists in India (All false
statements). Thus, no two stories of the same channel put forward same
argument in continuity. Thus these stories are apparently manipulated to
inflate public opinion against Modi (Deception through connivance). In
the whole run of the story, the purported articles/documents were never
shown on the screen (hence justifies falsity). The story does not reveal
which US companies were benefited by Modi’s demonetization.
Title of video: Which is true, which is false? The story starts with
attributing false statements to Modi (These are repetitions as identified
above). The anchor says that Modi claimed to wipe out black money and
corruption from public life with a single stroke of demonetization
(false/gross distortion. If one hears his speech of November 8, 2016,
Modi has never claimed to wipe out entire corruption and black money
with a single step of demonetization. He said that it was first step in the
direction, and he has to follow it up with many more steps). The anchor
quotes the former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s statement in Lok
26 C. S. H. N. Murthy
people in getting the required currency from banks to meet their daily needs
are perpetuating even after 48 days of demonetization (false). They lost their
hopes of Modi. There were long queues before banks or ATMs even after
48 days of demonetization (false-deception as no prices have gone up).
People are not going to jobs (false). More than hundred people died in
queues (false-no evidence of deaths produced in media). The anchor
sounds pessimistic about the wiping out black money and/or corruption from
public life. With endless repetitions of same statements and ear piercing
music in the background the story proves it a waste of time for the listeners.
The title of video- Empty Month. The story says that one month passed
by since the date of announcement of demonetization but the problems
encountered by the public continued to stay. The anchor says that public
turned as beggars standing in long queues before banks and ATMs while the
28 C. S. H. N. Murthy
rich people have got their money exchanged with new currency without any
limitation on withdrawals (false). The anchor refers to a latest incident of
eight hundred millions of money being recovered by income tax authorities
from the house of Sekhar Reddy who served as a trust member of reputed
Balaji Temple at Tirupathi. Out of the money recovered from his house,
about 750 millions are the new two thousand rupee notes printed by Central
Bank after demonetization. The anchor says that this is due to a big scam
behind the demonetization as a lot of newly printed currency reached the
coffers of industrialists, politicians and film actors even before they reached
the banks and ATMs (false—based on one story, the anchor shows the
anxiety to generalize it attributable to the Prime Minister of India as a
scam). The anchor of the story alleges that the Modi government as well as
Banks has been silent against those who cheated the banks to billions of
rupees showing the visuals of Vijay Malya, the former founder Chairman of
King Fisher airlines (false-as government has already initiated action to
get Malya extradited from UK at the earliest). At the same time these
banks are acting tough with the innocent mediocre public (unrelated to
demonetization leveling sweeping allegations against Modi as though he
was responsible for whatever happened in Indian economy in the past i.e.,
prior to his becoming the PM of India) .
Video title—Have good days come back? The video attacks Modi on his
completion of 3-year term as PM of India. Anchor makes several statements
and promises which the video alleges purportedly made by Modi and his
colleagues in the party. Except repeating its vitriol or diatribe against Modi,
as witnessed in the videos seen earlier, this story also offers a disappointing
scenario of Modi’s governance contrary to the real scene of appreciation of
his governance among peoples.
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