Reading Intervention Strategies for Struggling Readers
Reading Intervention Strategies for Struggling Readers
Reading Intervention Strategies for Struggling Readers
March 5, 2024
9 Min Read
Reading is the way some find joy and spend the day unwinding—curling up with a
favorite novel, poring over current news, or reading the latest trend in various
topics. But for some, reading is a chore, another dreadful assignment to complete,
and an anxiety-ridden task, particularly when it involves reading in front of others.
Reading instruction plays a central role throughout K—12 education, and much time
and resources are allocated with the goal of ensuring our students are reaching
grade-level expectations year after year. Yet, statistics show that many of our
students are reading below grade level, and some studies find that interrupted
schooling from the pandemic exacerbated the issue.
What Is Reading Intervention?
Reading intervention entails intensive or targeted instruction on reading to
accelerate those who are reading below grade level. In the multi-tiered system of
supports (MTSS) framework, intervention can be provided at various stages: a)
providing students with additional supports in the Tier 1 core space; b) delivering
push-in or pull-out targeted interventions in Tier 2; or c) allocating a designated
time for intensive intervention in Tier 3 for a smaller group of students who are
multiple years behind.
What Are Evidence-Based Reading Intervention Strategies?
In order to accelerate students’ reading to grade-level proficiency, here is a list of
reading intervention strategies on specific areas of focus:
Cracking the Code: Word Study
Sometimes, students’ difficulty with text comprehension stems from underlying
issues with their foundational literacy skills. All students need a systematic scope
and sequence that introduces each phonics skill, progressing from simplest to more
complex, using controlled text.
Phonemic Awareness: Provide opportunities for students to segment,
blend, and manipulate phonemes that are presented orally before moving to
Decoding: Instruct students on letter-sound correspondences and word
patterns. Have students apply that knowledge when decoding as they
segment and blend letter sounds to form words.
High-frequency words: Deliver discrete lessons on irregularly spelled high-
frequency words from regular phonics lessons so that students know there
are some words that they should commit to memory when reading
Syllabication: Teach the six syllable types and have students break down
longer multisyllabic words into syllables and readable chunks.
Spelling: Explicitly teach students spelling patterns and complement their
reading activity with spelling tasks.
Focusing on Fluency
On top of reading words accurately, learning to read words with automaticity and
connected text with fluency are crucial for comprehension. Try a few of these
activities and strategies to help your students develop their fluency skills.
Modeled fluent oral reading (teacher-led and audio): Students listen to
the text read aloud by the teacher or through audiobooks and eBooks that
emphasize expressive reading and intentional pausing.
Assisted reading: Students listen to a modeled reading (either teacher-led
or at a computer station) and are actively reading aloud the text at the same
time. Echo and choral reading are examples of assisted reading.
Guided oral reading: Students read a text aloud with feedback and explicit
guidance from the teacher. Providing error correction for the students is
paramount to reinforce appropriate word reading strategies and phrasing that
will aid in text comprehension.
Partner reading: Students read a section of text and a partner will read the
next section of text in an alternating fashion. Alternating reading texts aloud
allows for sufficient cognitive breaks needed for students to persevere
through longer texts, stay engaged, and build reading stamina.
Prosody development: Explicit instruction on prosody development is
needed so students can focus beyond word reading recognition and rate of
reading. Prosody elements include intonation, volume and stress,
smoothness, phrasing, and expression
Unpacking the Words: Vocabulary
Reading is meaningless unless students understand the meaning behind the words
they decode. Teachers can incorporate vocabulary instruction in a variety of ways,
whether in their daily conversations with students, explicit vocabulary lessons, or
selecting a range of text genres. Here are some best practices for vocabulary
Teaching language for discussing books: Teachers can model and
explain the vocabulary used to discuss narrative and informational texts,
including organizing and then discussing the actions in a story shared during
oral reading time.
Teaching academic vocabulary: Teach academic vocabulary where
students may not understand the different technical meanings for words used
in informational texts or content-area books.
Deepening students’ knowledge of words used: Select different genres
and topics that include content-specific vocabulary to expand students’
understanding of concepts. Also, teachers can help students connect new
words to words or word parts students already know.
Building morphological awareness: Teach students the word parts that
carry meaning—inflectional endings, base words, prefixes, and suffixes—and
how they can be combined to form words or broken down to understand their
Building Comprehension
Vocabulary knowledge is critical, but it is not enough to comprehend the full text. As
readers, we ask ourselves, what was the text mainly about? What was the author’s
purpose? What are the themes communicated through the text? Implementing
strategies to help improve students’ comprehension of text from literal
interpretations to figurative and inferential reasoning is beneficial. For example,
educators can encourage students to:
Make connections between the readers’ experiences and the text
Predict what will happen next
Visualize the scenes, characters, and setting to remember what is being
Monitor one’s understanding while reading
Ask questions based on the text
Retell and summarize what the story was about
Engage students in academic discourse about what they are learning and
Expanding Content Knowledge
Students also need to possess knowledge on the content or topic of the text in order
to grasp its full meaning. The more readers know about a topic, the easier it will be
to comprehend a text written about that topic. Wide and deep reading expands
readers’ background knowledge and adds to their vocabulary as well.
Prior knowledge: Before students read, have them think about what they
know about the topic so that they can connect their own understanding or
experiences to the text.
Cross-disciplinary knowledge: Expand students’ content knowledge for
both school and life, exploring science, social studies, literature, various
cultures, technology, engineering, arts, and current issues.
Multiple genres: Use narratives, narrative nonfiction, and informational
texts so students are exposed to different types of writing.
Multiple texts on the same topic: Rather than moving quickly from topic
to topic, engage students with multiple texts on the same topic. Expose
students to the same vocabulary in different contexts and teach difficult
concepts repeatedly for deeper understanding.
Writing with Purpose
There is a reciprocal relationship between reading and writing, as writing requires
students to analyze and deeply comprehend the text they read. Writing allows
students to formulate their thoughts and opinions in response to a text and to
communicate them in a compelling manner.
Determine the goal of writing, whether it is to describe, elaborate, compare
and contrast, or persuade.
Plan, organize, write, revise, and edit responses to different types of
writing prompts.
Provide opportunities for multiple forms of feedback (e.g., teacher, peer, and
self) to enhance the writing.
Refine the mechanics, such as spelling and grammar.
Write frequently.
Implementing Reading Intervention Strategies
How you implement these strategies for reading intervention students depends on
their needs and the time allocated in your school’s schedule. However, effective
instruction entails the following:
Use Data to Determine Eligibility and Inform Instruction
First, teachers need to determine who is eligible for intervention. Intervention
eligibility differs from district to district. Teachers can use various assessment
results that either show students’ performance compared to the national norm or
how many years they are reading below grade level. This data will determine those
that need additional supports in Tier 1, Tier 2 targeted intervention, or Tier 3
intensive intervention.
Once students have been identified as needing intervention, teachers can use data
from various assessments to further identify students’ strengths and gaps, monitor
how the students are progressing with the targeted instruction, and adjust
instruction as needed. Teachers can administer formative assessments during
the course of instruction to provide feedback and adjust ongoing
teaching, diagnostic assessments to provide in-depth data on students' learning
accomplishments and areas that are not well developed, and benchmark
assessments at specified times of the year to evaluate students' progress against
a determined set of longer-term goals.