DLP sir David day 5

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English- Grade 8

At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
A. recognize and differentiate the different types of phrases;
B. identify the types of phrases used in the sentence; and
C. appreciate the importance of phrases by answering varied questions


A. Topic: Phrases
B. Reference: Essential English 8 Worktext in Literature and Language by Estrella E.
De Vera, Nelda R. Francisco, and Carolina T. Gonzales, pages 4-23
C. Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint presentation, TV, pictures, letter cards
Values: Excellence and collaboration


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


Good morning class! Good morning, Ma’am!

Let us pray first. May we have Miss Rhea to Yes, Ma’am. Let us all stand and let us
lead the prayer today? pray.
Angel of God, my guardian dear,
To whom God’s love, commits me here,
Ever this day, be at my side,
To light and guard, to rule and guide.

How are you, class? We are great, Ma’am!

That’s good to hear! Before we start our

discussion for today, let us check your
attendance first. Is anyone absent today,
class? None, Ma’am!

Wow, very good! I am delighted that you are

all present today. Now, kindly pick up all the
pieces of paper under your chairs.

Okay, you may take your seats. Thank you, Ma’am!

I can see that you are all ready to venture

into our new lesson for today. Am I right, Yes, Ma’am!

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A. Elicit:
Our lesson is all about informative speech,
Before we start our discussion, who can give instructional speech, and voice projection.
me a recap on our lesson yesterday? Yes, An informative speech is one where the
Angelo. speaker intends to educate their audience
on a specific topic, while instructional
speech teaches or instructs the audience on
how to do something. More times,
instruction includes a detailed
demonstration to show visually how
something is done. Projection is also
defined as the strength of the speaking or
singing voice. It is clear and loud enough.

That is completely right! Very good, Angelo.

B. Engagement:

Now, we are going to have an activity called

Arrange Me. I am going to post words on the
board, and I want you to arrange the words
which corresponds to the picture below. You Yes, Ma’am!
have two minutes to finish the task. Is that





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Yes, Ma’am!
Are you ready class?

Okay, I need five representatives on the

board. Whoever gets the correct answer will Yes, Ma’am!
have a prize from me. Do you like that,
class? The first picture says, “pat a dog”.

Who wants to volunteer? Yes James. The second picture shows, “a cat in a hat”.

Very good! Next volunteer, yes Kyle. The third picture shows, “a sad man”.

Exactly! Okay, next Jane. The fourth picture shows, “a pin in a map”.

Precisely! Next, Angel. The fifth picture shows, “a vase on the

That’s correct! And the last, yes Carose.

Phrases Ma’am!

Excellent! All your answers are correct!

Now what do you call all those words? Yes,

Precisely! We will delve deeper on that later

as we go along with our lesson.

C. Exploration: Yes Ma’am!

Did you enjoy the activity class? Yes Ma’am!

Do you want more?

Okay, I’ll give you another activity before

we proceed to our discussion for today. Your
activity is called
Search My Words. Find the words that are
related to our topic in the box that
corresponds to clues given below. I will give
you 3 minutes to finish the task. Yes Ma’am!

Am I clear? Yes Ma’am!

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Are you ready?


1. A phrase that acts as a noun in a

2. A phrase comprising a preposition
and an object of preposition.
3. A phrase that acts like an adjective in
a sentence.
4. A phrase that acts as an adverb in a
5. A group of main verb and auxiliaries
within a sentence. Yes Ma’am!

Okay, time is up! Are you done class? Noun phrase, Ma’am!

That’s great. Now, who can answer number

1? Yes Caitlin. Prepositional phrase, Ma’am!

That is correct! Okay next, yes Jerico. Adjective phrase, Ma’am!

Another correct! Next number, yes Junwel. Adverb phrase, Ma’am!

Very Good! Who else? Yes, Aris. Verb phrase, Ma’am!

Exactly! For number 5, yes Nathalie.

Excellent! I am very delighted that you all

answered correctly. Give yourselves a round
of applause! Those are all types of phrases, Ma’am!

Now, who can tell me what are all those

words? Yes, Claire.

Absolutely correct!

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It was enjoyable yet informative Ma’am.
D. Explanation:
A phrase is a group of words that do not
How did you find your activity, class? have a complete thought.

Wow, that’s good to hear. Now, we are

going to discuss one by one all the types of
phrases. But first, who can define what is a
phrase? Yes, Ivan.

Very good, Ivan.

A phrase is a group of related words within a

sentence that complements the overall
structure of a sentence. This group of words
does not include the subject and the object.
Therefore, a phrase cannot stand alone as a
sentence because it cannot give a complete

A phrase can act as a noun, an adjective, a

preposition and an adverb in a sentence. The
function of a phrase depends on its function A noun phrase is a phrase that acts as a
and place in a sentence. Based on its noun in a sentence.
function in a sentence, the phrases are
divided into various types.

The first one is the Noun phrase. Now,

basing from our activity a while ago, who
can define a noun phrase? Yes, Chandrea.

Very good! A noun phrase consists of a noun

and other related words, usually determiners
or modifiers, which modify the noun. The
entire phrase acts as a noun in a sentence. 1. They rented a huge abandoned
Please take a look at the examples flashed on
the TV screen.

Okay, for number 1 example, please read


Thank you. So, the subject in the sentence is

“they” and the verb in the sentence is
“rented”. So, the word “a huge beautiful
house” is the noun phrase in the sentence,
which is the object of the sentence.

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The object is usually a person, place or thing
that's being acted upon by the subject's verb.
As you might guess, the easiest way to find Yes, Ma’am!
the object in a simple sentence is to look for
the noun or pronoun that follows the verb. 2. One of our close relatives never
drinks coffee.
Am I clear, class?

Please read the second example, Dane.

Okay, this is an example of a noun phrase.

One of our relatives is the noun subject of
the sentence.

A simple way to identify whether a noun is a

subject or an object in an active-voice
sentence is to note where it is in the
sentence. If the noun precedes the verb, it is
the subject. If it follows the verb, it is the
object. Yes, Ma’am!

Did you understand, class? 3. One of our close relatives bought a

beautiful red car.
Very good! Now read the example number 3,

In this sentence, it consists of more than one

noun phrase. One of our close relatives is the
noun subject and a beautiful red car is the
noun object. Yes, Ma’am!

Am I clear? She bought a decent black shirt. The phrase

a decent black shirt is the noun object of
That’s great. Now, can you give your own the sentence.
example of noun phrase as subject and as
object of the sentence? Yes, Jaylord.

A woman in the window shouted for help.

The phrase a woman in the window is the
Very good! Another example, yes Patrick. noun subject of the sentence.

My father wants to buy a new car. The

noun subject is my father, and the noun
That’s correct! Another example for noun as object is a new car.
both subject and object. Yes, Shiela.

Excellent! A phrase comprising a preposition and an

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object of preposition.
The second type of phrases is the
prepositional phrase. What is prepositional
phrase again, Erika?

Exactly! Prepositional phrase may also

contain other modifiers like near a wall, on
a table, in a room, under a tree, at the door,
and etc. a prepositional phrase has a noun or
pronoun which is called the object of
preposition. 1. The kids were laughing at the joker.

Read the first example, Ana. The prepositional phrase in the sentence is
at the joker, Ma’am.
Okay, who can tell me where is the
prepositional phrase in the sentence? Yes,
Mark. 2. He is sleeping on the carpet.

Very good! Please read the next example, The prepositional phrase in the sentence is
Andrew. on the carpet, Ma’am.

He drives the car at a high speed.

The prepositional phrase is at a high speed.
Precisely! Who can give their own sentence
with prepositional phrases? Yes, Kian.
He always speaks in a loud voice.
The prepositional phrase is in a loud voice.
That’s correct! Another example please,

A phrase that acts like an adjective in a

Excellent! Now let us move on to Adjective
phrase. Can you define adjective phrase if
you still remember our activity a while ago,
Romar. 1. A lady with long hair is walking in
the garden.
Great! Like an adjective, it modifies or give
more information about a noun or pronoun.
Please read the first example, Carol.

Okay, in the sentence, the adjective phrase

there is with long hair because it modifies
the noun lady.

Another example, please read Carlo and try 2. She gave me a cup full of tea.

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to figure out what is the adjective phrase in The adjective phrase in the sentence is full
the sentence. of tea because it describes the noun cup.

Excellent! Who else can give their own She bought a beautiful brown chair.
sentences using an adjective phrase? Yes, The adjective phrase in the sentence is a
Jema. beautiful brown chair because it describes
the noun chair.

Correct! Another example, yes Charlene. A student from my college won the
The adjective phrase in the sentence is
from my college because it modifies the
noun student.

That is another right answer! the next one is A phrase that acts as an adverb in a
adverb phrase. What is adverb phrase again, sentence.

That’s right! Like an adverb, it modifies or

give more information about a verb or other
adverb in a sentence.
Please read the first example, Charles.
1. John was walking so quickly.
The adverb in the sentence is “so quickly”
because it modifies the verb walking.

Very good Charles! Please read the next one,

Angelique. 2. We are going to watch a movie on
The adverb in the sentence is “on Friday”.
It is an adverb of time and it modifies the
verb “watch a movie”.
Excellent! Who can give their own sentence
with adverb phrases? Yes, Melody. She welcomed the guests in a nice way.
The adverb in the sentence is “in a nice
way”. It modifies the verb “welcome”.
Absolutely correct! Another example, yes
Kyla. He stayed at the restaurant for a few hours.
The adverb in the sentence is “for a few
hours”. It modifies the verb “stay”.

Completely right! Very good!

The next one is the verb phrase. Who can tell

me what is a verb phrase again, class? Yes, A group of main verb and auxiliaries within
Trisha. a sentence.
Correct! Okay, read the examples, Apple.

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1. She is writing a letter.

For the first example, the verb phrase is “is

writing”. The word “is” functions as an
auxiliary verb indicating that the action of
the main verb “writing” is ongoing.

Now who can give me his/her own sentence?

Yes, Lovely. They have been playing football since this
The verb phrase is “have been playing”.
That’s right! Another example, Alliana.
He is waiting for his friend.
The verb phrase is “is waiting”.
Excellent! I am glad that you understood
well our lesson.

E. Elaboration:

Since you already know and understood our

discussion, I am going to give you another
activity. I want you to group yourselves into
9. I have prepared a box here, and all you
have to do is to pick one type of phrases and
create a 2-paragraph short story using
whatever type of phrases that you have
picked in the box. I will give 5 minutes to do
the task.

Here is the rubrics for grading.

Content 10
Grammar 5
Correctness 5
Total 20 points

Time is up! Let us have your presentation.

After listening to your 2-paragraph short

story, this is my feedback. You did an
amazing job, class. You all deserve a round
of applause!

I believe that you have understood well our

lesson for today. Am I right, class? Yes, Ma’am!

At this point, what is a phrase again, A phrase is a group of related words within
Herminia? a sentence that complements the overall
structure of a sentence. This group of

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words does not include the subject and the
object. Therefore, a phrase cannot stand
alone as a sentence because it cannot give a
complete meaning.

A phrase can act as a noun, an adjective, a

preposition and an adverb in a sentence.
The function of a phrase depends on its
function and place in a sentence. Based on
its function in a sentence, the phrases are
divided into various types.

Excellent! And what are the nine types of 1. Noun phrase

phrases, Jerico? 2. Prepositional phrase
3. Adjective phrase
4. Adverb phrase
5. Verb phrase
6. Infinitive phrase
7. Gerund phrase
8. Participle phrase
9. Absolute phrase

Very good! Now, I am certain that you are

ready for a short quiz.

F. Evaluation:

Choose the correct answer for the following

statements. Encircle the correct answer.

1. To conclude tonight's program, our

chief of staff would like to say a few
A. Gerund
B. Participle
C. Infinitive
D. Preposition

2. Wanting to save money, Lysbeth

spent the morning clipping and filing
A. Gerund
B. Participle
C. Infinitive
D. Preposition

3. Marybeth dreams about becoming a

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NASA astronaut.
A. Gerund
B. Participle
C. Infinitive
D. Preposition

4. The plumber was unable to finish the

difficult job in one day.
A. Gerund
B. Participle
C. Infinitive
D. Preposition

5. My dog is so scared of storms that

she runs and hides under the sofa or
behind my desk whenever it rains.
A. Gerund
B. Participle
C. Infinitive
D. Preposition

G. Extend:

Create 5 sentences for each type of phrases.

Write it in your notebook.

H. Enrichment:

Research and have an advance reading on

the other types of phrases that we have not
yet discussed. Copy and put it in your

11 | P a g e rinacalubaquib1@gmail.com

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