AI Activity tute & Answers
AI Activity tute & Answers
AI Activity tute & Answers
Lesson 1 activities
Activity 3.1.1
Read the Beebom article and make brief notes about the ten applications of AI in
daily life.
Example Role of AI
Video games
Smart cars
Purchase prediction
Fraud detection
Example Role of AI
News generation
Security surveillance
Music recommendation
Activity 3.1.2
Deep Mind uses a branch of AI called ‘reinforcement learning’. This article in the
Chatbots Magazine explains what reinforcement learning involves:
Define the term ‘reinforcement learning’ and give an example of its use.
Personal assistants like Siri and Cortana use so-called ‘narrow’ AI, whereas
Deep Mind is an example of ‘general’ AI.
Explain the difference between narrow AI and general AI.
Narrow AI General AI
Activity 3.1.3 (homework)
Read this article about how Nasa’s Mars robot, Curiosity, uses AI software.
What type of decisions does the AEGIS AI software enable Curiosity to make?
Read this article about a factory robot that uses reinforcement learning to teach
How does the robot teach itself to carry out a new task?
How can this learning process be speeded up?
Read this article about how Deep Mind is being used to identify early signs of
degenerative eye conditions.
How will programmers train Deep Mind to spot early signs of deterioration?
The article mentions issues relating to privacy associated with another DeepMind
health project. To what extent does the use of AI in health care represent a
threat to privacy?
Week 3
Lesson 2 activities
Activity 3.2.1
Question Answer
Activity 3.2.2
Question Answer
Question Answer
Activity 3.2.3
‘Quantum computers are here -- but what are they good for?’
Week 4
Lesson 1 activities
Activity 4.1.1
Read this article about building a transistor from DNA and then answer these
Question Answer
What is a transistor?
Activity 4.1.2
How does this effect the amount of time needed to solve a program?
What is the big problem with the DNA computer developed by the team from
Activity 4.1.3 (homework)
• Because it’s a new technology, at least initially a DNA computer would be
more expensive than a conventional computer. (According to Microsoft, the
cost of DNA storage needs to fall by a factor of 10,000 before it can be widely
• Reading and writing data into DNA code is currently slow and expensive
because of the chemical process used to manufacture DNA strands.
• Instead of being ‘general purpose’ computers, DNA computers will be
‘instance’ computers, i.e. only good at solving one instance of a problem and
one problem type.
Week 4
Lesson 2 activities
Activity 4.2.1
Visit the Guardian’s nanotechnology web page and list some of the current uses
of nanotechnology.
Activity 4.2.2
Week 3
Lesson 2 Solutions
Activity 3.2.1
Question Answer
Quantum computers use qubits rather A bit can have one of two states 0
than bits. How does a qubit differ from and 1. The same is true of a qubit.
a bit? The difference is that a qubit can be
in both states simultaneously
whereas a bit can only be one or the
A 4-bit register in a conventional
computer can store one of 16 binary
configurations at any given time,
whereas a 4-qubit register in a
quantum computer can store all
sixteen numbers simultaneously,
because each qubit represents two
values. If more qubits are added, the
increased capacity is expanded
exponentially. A 20-qubit register can
store 1,048,576 configurations.
What does the term ‘superposition’ A qubit can be in two states at the
mean in respect to qubits? same time. But as soon as it is
measured it collapses into one state,
which one cannot be predicted
What does the term ‘entanglement’ Pairs of qubits are able to interact
mean in respect to qubits? with each other instantaneously, no
matter how great the distance
between them.
The state of the qubit being
measured is decided at the time of
measurement and communicated to
its correlated qubit, which then
assumes the opposite state.
Why is a quantum computer able to If a normal computer requires t
search for an item in a database much amount of time to find an item in a
more efficiently than a conventional database, a quantum computer can
computer? achieve the same outcome in the
square root of t.
Activity 3.2.2
Question Answer
What are the six possible • Genomic analysis to help find better
applications of quantum drugs
computing mentioned in the • Debugging large, complex systems
video? • Looking for ‘bad guys’ in large amounts
of data
• Space exploration
• Optimise water works
• Building AI that can help to solve very
difficult, complex problems
What ‘spooky phenomenon’ does Quantum mechanics – a thing can be in two
the quantum computing use? states simultaneously.
What are discrete optimisation Problems for which the optimum solution
problems? What example is requires a large number of factors in
given in the video? different combinations to be taken into
The example given is a natural disaster,
where lots of people need help but there
are only a limited number of resources.
Working out what order and where to send
help so as to rescue as many people as
possible is hugely complex because there
are so many possible different
combinations. In a situation like this,
finding a fast answer is really important.
What are the two ‘exotic’ Uses a liquid helium cooling system to keep
operating conditions of the D- the chip at 15 millikelvins (-459.6 degrees
Wave quantum computer? Fahrenheit) which is 150 time colder than
interstellar space.
Operates in an extremely low magnetic
Activity 3.2.3
The list is likely to include applications such as:
• AI
• Molecular modelling
• Cryptography
• Financial modelling
• Weather forecasting
• Particle physics
• Robotics missions in space
• Search, image labelling and voice recognition.
• Predicting traffic patterns of cabs in Beijing
• Protein mapping
Week 4
Lesson 1 Solutions
Activity 4.1.1
Question Answer
Activity 4.1.2
Turn in one direction and follow that Explore both paths simultaneously,
path to the end, then try a different and keep doing so every time the
route if that one leads nowhere. path splits until the right route to the
centre of the maze is found.
How does this effect the amount of time needed to solve a program?
What is the big problem with the DNA computer developed by the team from
Activity 4.1.3 (homework)
Indicative content
• An emerging branch of computer science, also known as biomolecular
• Uses DNA and biochemistry instead of silicon-based electronics
• Currently the DNA used in DNA computing is synthetic, strands of DNA act as
• Potentially slower than conventional computers
• Tasks are executed in parallel, so some problems could be solved much more
quickly than when using conventional computers
• Because it’s new and scarce, a DNA computer is likely to be more expensive
than a conventional computer at least in the short term
• Because there is so much of it and is easy to produce, DNA is potentially
cheaper than conventional storage media
• Storing at a molecular level provides much more data storage
• Reading and writing data to DNA is much more time consuming than for
other types of storage
• Fewer toxic chemicals are used to create DNA computers
• DNA computers are much more energy efficient to run than conventional
• DNA manufacturing/ growing is a quicker, cleaner process than
manufacturing silicon chips
• DNA degrades very slowly so can store data indefinitely unlike conventional
hard disks and magnetic tapes
• Currently needs a good deal of human assistance to complete solutions
• DNA is vulnerable to errors and considerable effort is currently underway to
address this
• Long term data archiving
• Because they are so small, DNA computers may be made to work inside
living organisms
• Using DNA for storage/computation may have unanticipated ethical issues