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Blue-print for Sample Question Paper for Class XI (Session 2024-2025)

Max. Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60



1 Unit 1: Communication Skills-III 1 1 2
2 Unit 2: Self-Management Skills-III 2 1 3
3 Unit 3: ICT Skills-III 1 1 2
4 Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills-III 1 1 2
5 Unit 5: Green Skills-III 1 1 2
TOTAL MARKS 1x4=4 2x3=6 10 MARKS




1 Chapter1: Basics of 7 1 - 1 9
2 Chapter 2: Website Building 9 1 1 2 13
Using HTML and CSS
3 Chapter 3: Multimedia Design 7 1 1 1 10
Using GIMP
4 Chapter 4: JavaScript Part 1 9 2 1 1 13
NO. OF QUESTIONS TO BE Any 26 Any 3 Any 2 Any 3 34
TOTAL MARKS 1x26=26 2x3=6 3x2=6 4x3=12 50 MARKS

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Sample Question Paper for Class XI (Session 2024-2025)

Max. Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60

General Instructions:

i. Please read the instructions carefully.

ii. This Question Paper consists of 24 questions in two sections – Section A & Section B.
iii. Section A has Objective type questions whereas Section B contains Subjective type questions.
iv. Out of the given (6 + 18 =) 24 questions, a candidate has to answer (6 + 11 =) 17
questions inthe allotted (maximum) time of 3 hours.
v. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.
• This section has 06 questions.
• There is no negative marking.
• Do as per the instructions given.
• Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.
• This section contains 18 questions.
• A candidate has to do 11 questions.
• Do as per the instructions given.
• Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.

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Q. 1 Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills (1 x 4 = 4

i. Which of the following statements about non-verbal communication are 1
a. Knowing non-verbal communication helps us understand our audience’s
reaction and adjust our behaviour or communication accordingly.
b. If verbal messages are blocked by noise or distance, etc., we can use
hand movements to exchange our message. Placing a finger on the lips
to indicate need for silence and nodding the head up and saying ‘yes’.
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above
ii. What word describes a person's natural or learned skill to do a job well? 1
a. Weakness
b. Ability
c. Hobby
d. Liking
iii. Sarah eats a lot of junk food in order to gain weight. She does not exercise 1
regularly, and she often feels lethargic. What would you advise her to do?
a. She should continue eating junk food since it helps her gain weight.
b. She can eat junk food occasionally but incorporate healthier options and
exercise regularly.
c. She shouldn't eat any junk food at all.
d. To combat lethargy, she might drink energy drinks along with junk food.
iv. Maya prepared a report on climate change but mistakenly typed the word 1
"global" as "globle" throughout the document. Which option in the Spelling
dialog box will you use to fix all instances of the incorrect word at once?
a. Change
b. Add to Dictionary
c. Always Change
d. Change All
v. Neha, an aspiring entrepreneur, is preparing to launch her own bakery 1
business. She understands the importance of having a solid business plan
but is unsure about the specific reasons why it should be prepared. A
business plan is important for an entrepreneur. Identify the reasons why a
business plan should be prepared.
a. Estimating the money required to be spent
b. Estimating quality of material required
c. Standing out & Setting goals
d. All of the above
vi India has implemented ______ as a policy aimed at reducing poverty and 1
inequalities in society, ensuring opportunities for all castes, communities,
and genders (girls/boys), and addressing needs such as food, education,
employment, energy resources, sanitation (cleanliness), and the protection
of natural resources.
a. Sustainable Development
b. Skill Development and Economy
c. Social protection
d. None of the above

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Q. 2 Answer any 5 out of the given 7 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i. Avinash, a network administrator at a tech startup, is responsible for 1

monitoring and optimizing the company's network performance. He regularly
measures and evaluates the bandwidth to ensure efficient data flow across
all departments. Avinash explains to his team that bandwidth is like water
flowing through a tap: it represents the rate at which data flows through a
network connection under different conditions. Which term describes the rate
at which data flows through a network connection at any given time?
a. Maximum bandwidth
b. Current bandwidth
c. Typical bandwidth
d. Good bandwidth
ii. You're talking to your friend Priya. She wants to connect to the internet but 1
doesn't know what a modem does. How would you explain its role in simple
a. To convert analog signals to digital data
b. To manage network traffic
c. To encrypt data transmissions
d. To amplify Wi-Fi signals
iii. In an IP address, what does the network part represent? 1
A) The specific device within the IP network
B) The total number of devices in the network
C) The network or subnetwork where the host is located
D) The geographical location of the device
iv. Deepak, the network administrator at a large financial institution, is analyzing 1
a recent cyber incident involving a denial-of-service (DoS) attack that took
place last month. He meets with his team to evaluate the consequences of
the attack and explore ways to prevent similar incidents in the future. What
is the main goal of a denial-of-service (DoS) attack?
a. To steal confidential information
b. To temporarily disable network services
c. To gain unauthorized access to systems
d. To install malware on targeted devices
v. You are helping a community organization set up a network to connect 1
various devices Setting up a network within a community center for office
computers and printers
a. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
b. Wide Area Network (WAN)
c. Personal Area Network (PAN)
d. Local Area Network (LAN)
vi. Which term describes a set of rules that govern data communications and 1
represent an agreement between the communicating devices?"
a. Data Rules
b. Transmission Laws
c. Data Instructions
d. Protocols
vii. Assertion: Phishing is a prevalent form of cybercrime aimed at obtaining 1
sensitive information from individuals.
Reason: Perpetrators use deceptive methods, such as posing as legitimate
institutions via phone, email, or text messages, to trick individuals into

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disclosing personal data like banking details, passwords, Aadhaar card
numbers, etc.
a. Both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct
explanation of the assertion.
b. Both assertion and reason are true, but the reason is NOT the correct
explanation of the assertion.
c. Assertion is true, but the reason is false.
d. Assertion is false, but the reason is true.

Q. 3 Answer any 6 out of the given 7 questions (1 x 6 = 6 marks)

i. How can hyperlinks in HTML be used to navigate to elements within the 1

same webpage?
a. They cannot navigate within the same webpage; hyperlinks are only for
external websites.
b. By using an ID selector within the <href> attribute to link to a specific
element on the page.
c. Only external websites and other webpages on the same site can be
d. Local navigation within the same webpage requires additional scripting
ii. How can you create a checkbox input field in a form? 1
a. <check_button>
b. <input type="checkbox">
c. <option type="checkbox">
d. <choose>
iii. You are designing a job application form for a website where applicants 1
need to upload their resumes. How can you enable users to upload a file
through the form?
a.By using a specific attribute with the <input> tag (e.g., <input type="file">)
b. There is no way to allow file uploads in HTML forms
c. This functionality requires additional scripting beyond HTML
d. By adding a <fileupload> tag in the form
iv. Identify the correct way to create an ordered list with numbered items. 1
a. <list type="ordered">...</list>
b. <ol>...</ol>
c. <numbered_list>...</numbered_list>
d. <olist>...</olist>
v. You are creating a webpage for a school project and need to organize some 1
information in a list. However, you want the list to use Roman numerals
instead of regular numbers. How can you specify a different numbering
style for the ordered list?
a. Use the style attribute
b. Use a separate tag for different numbering styles
c. Ordered lists only support numeric styles
d.Use the type attribute with the <ol>tag
vi. Which attribute is required in the <img> tag to specify the image source? 1
a. <source>
b. <path>
c. <file>
d. <src>

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vii. You are designing an online registration form for a school event and need to 1
include a field where users can enter their name. Which HTML tag would you
use to create a text input field for this purpose?
b. <input type="text">
c. <data_entry>
d. <field>
Q. 4 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i. Which of the following is true about GIMP's multi-window mode? 1

a. The left and right panels are fixed in place and cannot be moved.
b. You can freely move the left and right panels anywhere on the screen.
c. The width of the panels can be adjusted, but they remain fixed.
d. The image window is hidden in multi-window mode.
ii. Which option correctly defines the function of map filters in GIMP? 1
a. They improve the brightness and contrast of images.
b. They map images to objects, facilitating the creation of 3D effects.
c. They enable basic image cropping capabilities.
d. They alter the saturation of colors in an image.
iii. When using the Free Selection (Lasso) Tool, what action completes the 1
selection outline?
a. Double-clicking anywhere within the drawn outline
b. Pressing a specific keyboard shortcut
c. Releasing the mouse button when the cursor meets the starting point
d. Dragging the cursor outside the image area
iv. Tiya, a travel photographer, is editing photos from her recent trip to Kerala. 1
She captured a stunning image of a backwater cruise with lush greenery on
both sides, but she wants to focus solely on the serene lake itself. What tool
would be most helpful for Tiya to remove the unwanted greenery and create
a more captivating composition?
a. Free Selection Tool
b. Clone Stamp Tool
c. Blur Tool
d. Crop Tool
v. When working with a portrait photo, you may choose to apply a blur filter to 1
the background. What is the most likely reason for doing this?
a. To draw focus towards the subject in the foreground.
b. To increase the overall sharpness of the image.
c. To adjust the color balance of the background.
d. To remove unwanted blemishes from the background.
vi. Rohan is designing a poster for an upcoming music festival. He wants to 1
create a dynamic composition with a photograph of the main stage as the
background, colorful text elements announcing the festival details, and
some decorative graphic elements on top. What functionality in GIMP
would be most helpful for Rohan to achieve this layered design
a. Brushes
b. Filters
c. Selection tools
d. Layers

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Q. 5 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i. What is the correct syntax for using the conditional (ternary) operator? 1
a. Condition : First statement ? Second statement
b. Condition ? First statement : Second statement
c. First statement : Condition ? Second statement
d. Condition ? Second statement : First statement
ii. What will be the output of the following JavaScript code? 1
var s= “Class”;
var x=11;
a. Class 11
b. Class11
c. Class
d. 11
iii. Which method is used to take input from the user in JavaScript? 1
a. input()
b. prompt()
c. ask()
d. getInput()
iv. In the following JavaScript code, what does the iteration part do? 1
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i += 2) {
document.write(i + "<br>");

a. Increments i by 1 in each iteration

b. Increments i by 2 in each iteration
c. Decrements i by 2 in each iteration
d. Multiplies i by 2 in each iteration
v. Which operator is used to compare both value and type in JavaScript? 1
b. ===
c. !=
d. !==
vi. Tvar a = 1; 1
var b = 2;
document.write(a + " + " + b + " = " + (a + b));
a.1 + 2 = 3
b. 1 + 2 = 12
c."1 + 2 = 3"
d. Error
Q. 6 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i. What does the isNaN() function do in JavaScript? 1

a. It checks if a variable is not a number.
b. It converts a value to a number.
c. It returns the type of a variable.
d. It checks if a variable is undefined.

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ii. Where is a local variable accessible? 1
a) Anywhere in the code.
b) Only within the function where it is defined.
c) Only in the global scope.
d) In the entire program after the function executes.
iii. Rajesh, a web developer, is discussing different types of websites with his 1
team during a project meeting. He explains the difference between static
and dynamic websites to ensure everyone understands their respective
functionalities. Which type of website delivers web pages exactly as they
are stored, without real-time content changes?
a. Interactive website
b. Dynamic website
c. Static website
d. Personalized website
iv. Shreya, a novice web developer, is learning about HTML tags and their 1
uses. She wants to ensure she understands how comments work within
HTML documents.
Tell her the use of comment tag in HTML.
a. To style text content within the webpage.
b. To insert explanatory notes or annotations within the HTML source code.
c. To create clickable links to other webpages.
d. To define interactive forms and buttons on the webpage.
v. Is the correct key combination to select the Rotate Tool _____? 1
a. Shift + R
b. Ctrl + R
c. Alt + R
d. Shift + Ctrl + D
vi. What will be the output of following code snippet? 1
var a = 25, b = 15;
a *= 2;
b += a;

a. 29
b. 39
c. 64
d. 5

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Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability Skills (2 x 3 = 6
marks) Answer each question in 20 – 30 words.
Q.7 Analyze the importance of communication in your daily life. Discuss at least 2
one specific scenario where effective communication plays a crucial role in
achieving positive outcomes.
Q.8 Imagine you have a brilliant idea for a new eco-friendly phone case company. 2
You're passionate about sustainability and see a gap in the market for stylish
phone cases made from recycled materials. However, you have no prior
experience in business or product development. What qualities do you think
are essential for a self-motivated person like yourself to turn an idea into a
Q.9 Raj and Priya are working together on a project report using LibreOffice Writer. They 2
need to review each other's edits and suggestions before submitting the final
document. However, Raj is unfamiliar with how to utilize the "Track Changes"
feature in LibreOffice Writer to manage their collaborative editing process smoothly.
Q.10 Mention any two key values that contribute to the success of an entrepreneur. 2
Q.11 Rahul, an environmental consultant, is advising a company on transitioning to a 2
green economy. He needs to identify the critical sectors that are vital for promoting
sustainability and reducing environmental impact. Based on your knowledge, which
sectors play a crucial role in promoting an environmentally friendly economy?

Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 20 – 30 words each (2 x 3 = 6 marks)

Q.12 Imagine you're tasked with creating a user-friendly website for your established law 2
firm. The goal is to inform potential clients about your areas of expertise and
showcase your firm's professionalism. How does the paragraph tag help you
structure your posts for better readability? Explain two attributes of paragraph tag.
Q.13 How can you take screenshot in GIMP? 2
Q.14 Compare and contrast the functionality and characteristics of a hub and a switch in 2
a computer network.
Q.15 Amit has written the following code in JavaScript, but it is not getting displayed on 2
the browser. He is not able to find the errors in his program. Find the errors in the
following code and rewrite the correct code:
var prod, counter;
ctr =2;
while (ctr<=9)
prod= prod * ctr;
ctr = ctr+2;
document.right(prod + “, “+ ctr +”<br>”);
Q.16 Describe the use of switch…case statement with syntax. 2

Answer any 2 out of the given 3 questions in 30– 50 words each (3 x 2 = 6 marks)
Q.17 Identify the following tools of GIMP: 3
a. Magnifies a selected part of an image
b. To select a color on an image
c. Create complex shapes, such as Bezier curves, geometrical figures, and
different polygonal shapes
d. To copy from an image or pattern
e. Resize the image
f. Select shapes using intelligent edge fitting

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Q.18 In how many categories tags can be divided? Briefly explain about them. 3
Q.19 JavaScript is an interpreted language, there are some common mistakes that won’t 3
display the code correctly on your browser. Mention three such cases.

Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50– 80 words each (4 x 3 = 12 marks)
Q.20 Alok, a small business owner, is considering setting up a network for his office to 4
improve communication and efficiency among his employees. He seeks advice on
the advantages and disadvantages of networking to make an informed decision.
List two advantages and two disadvantages of setting up a network in your office.
Q.21 Imagine you are tasked with styling a table on a webpage to improve its readability 4
and visual appeal. List four CSS properties you would use and explain briefly how
each property would enhance the table's presentation.
Q.22 Imagine you're a musician and you want to build a website to showcase your music. 4
You want to include both songs and music videos for your fans. How can you use
HTML tags to add your music and videos to your website? Describe the attributes
autoplay and muted of those tags.

Q.23 Define Filters. Give two examples of each of the following filters: 4
a. Light and Shadow Filters
b. Décor Filters
c. Artistic Filters
Q.24 Give the output of following programs 4
a. <script>
var num = 7;
if (num % 2 === 0) {
document.write(num + " is even.");
} else {
document.write(num + " is odd.");
b. <script>
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
sum += i;
document.write("The sum of numbers from 1 to 10 is: " + sum);
c. parseInt("31.14")
d. <html>
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
document.write("Life is Beautiful" +"<br>"); }

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