Plate Tectonic - Report
Plate Tectonic - Report
Plate Tectonic - Report
tectonic plates, and lastly, we’re going to show to you the EVIDENCES and REASONS regarding this theory.
This is Alfred Wegner. Alfred Lothar Wegner was a German climatologist, geologist, geophysicist, meteorologist, and
polar researcher. He hypothesized that all of the modern-day continents had previously been clumped together in a
supercontinent he called Pangaea. He is best known for his continental drift theory.
Plate tectonics is a scientific theory that explains how major landforms are created as a result of Earth's subterranean
movements. The theory, which solidified in the 1960s, transformed the earth sciences by explaining many phenomena,
including mountain building events, volcanoes, and earthquakes.
Plate Tectonic and Tectonic Plates are two different words with distinct meanings
The difference between plate tectonics and tectonic plates comes down to objects and actions. Tectonic plates are the
different pieces of the Earth's crust that move around as they float on top of the mantle. Plate tectonics is how those
pieces move and interact with each other.
There are types of Plate Tectonics that I know we are quite familiar of, and these are:
Divergent Plate Boundary is a feature in which two tectonic plates are moving AWAY from each other
Convergent Plate Boundary on the other side is moving TOWARDS each other
And on the other-hand Hotspot plate boundary occur when one of the Earth's plates moves over an unusually hot part
of the Earth's mantle. These hot areas are usually relatively stationary and result in large amounts of magma rising up,
piercing a hole in the plate to form a volcano. As the plates move, a series of volcanoes can form.
Like any other theory, Plate Tectonic also has evidences to support its claim, and these are the following:
Evidence for the theory of plate tectonics is continental drift, appearance of younger crustal layers in the ocean,
earthquakes along plate boundaries called fault lines, the presence of similar fossils and rocks on separate continents,
and the matching shapes of continents that once fit together as a larger continent.
The causes of this Plate Tectonic are the convection in the mantle, ridge push and slab pull
In conclusion, Plate Tectonic is the theory that the earth’s land masses are in constant motion. The realization that the
earth’s land masses move was first proposed by Alfred Wegner, which he called continental drift.