last note (1)
last note (1)
last note (1)
Solar space heating and cooling- solar energy gadgets, solar cookers, solar water
heatin systems.
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PDF E~GG-2~ ... ffiES.P.dfi
both vents are closed and energy transfer takes place only by convection and
radiation from the inner surface.
The Trombe wall design can also provide summer ventilation by using
vents C and D near the top of the glazing and on the south and north facing
wall respectively. On a hot summer day, vents B, C and D have to be kept
open, while vent A has to be kept closed. The heated air between the glazing
and the wall would then flow out through vent C, drawing air from the living
space to replace it. This in tum would cause air to be pulled in from outside
through vent D. Vent D should be located in a such away that the air pulled
in through it comes from a shaded and cool area, for which the presence of
overhang on the roof of the house is required. This prevents falling of direct
radiation on the glazing during summer and makes ventilation more
Page 47 / 99
A-Collector systen
B-Storagc tank
D-Auxiliary hcalct
E-Hcat exchanger
PDF -- E~GG~ 4 ... ffiES!g-dfi
/ 99 49
Page 49
6. No loss of vitamins in the food.
Page 50 I 99 50
· PDF' EtNGG-24 ... illES.gdfi·
The hot water is used for domestic purposes or meeting the needs of
industries and commercial establishments. Solar water heating systems can
be classified into two categories: (i) Natural circulation (thermo-syphon)
system and (ii) Forced circulation system.
- - - Transpartd
Wattr in lhcllow
~io n
---St and
Page 51 99
no auxiliary energy is required to circulate water through it. Circulation
occurs through natural convection, or thermo-siphoning.
When water in the collector is heated by the sun, it expands (becomes
less dense) and rises up the collector, through a pipe and into the top of the
storage tank. This forces cooler water at the bottom of the tank and flow out
from storage tank by gravity, enter into the bottom of the collector through
pipe provided at the bottom of the storage tank. This water, in turn, is heated
and rises up into the tank. As long as the sun shines the water will quietly
circulate, getting warmer. After sunset, a thermo-siphon system can reverse
its flow direction and loss heat to the environment during the night. To avoid
reverse flow, the top heater of the absorber should be at least l foot below
the bottom of the storage tank.
To provide heat during long, cloudy periods, an electrical immersion
heater can be used as a back up for the solar system.
.1 I UH
Ii I Insulau,d storage hlnk
\I I - Cold-a-in
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PDF El)IGG-2~ :.. iliES.gdfl-
Page 53 I 99
Lecture No.1 0
Solar grain d,yers, solar refi-igeration system, solar ponds.
Page 55 99
Nu rs er y To Class 10 OPEN
, Ad m iss io n
\ ~v'vu' 1u1a0 {
\ :• Cobilltl
,... :, -· Produd on
/ i ptrloroltd lfoys
' ~
Page 56 / 99
Page 57 / 99
where it is conden sed into a high pressure liquid. The high pressure liquid is
throttled to a low pressure and temperature in an expansion value and passes
through an evaporator coil. Hence, the refrigerant vapour absorbs heat and
cooling is obtained in the space surrounding this coil. The refrigerant vapour
is now absorbed back into a solution mixture withdrawn from the generator.
The refrigerant concentration is weak in this solution and pumped back into
the generator, there by completing the cycle. The common refrigerant
absorbent liquids are ammonia-water, water-lithium bromide. The later is
used in air conditioning.
plate Cooling
collector water
I. Generator
2. Condenser Cooled space
3. Expansion valve
4. Evaporator
S. Absorber Cooling
6. Liquid pump water
7. Heat exchanger
Fig. 19. Schematic diagram of solar absorption refrigeration system
Page 59 / 99
· Por EfNGG-24 ... ruES.J:2dfi
radiation into heat, but the heat is quickly lost through convection in the
pond and evaporation from its surface. A solar pond, on the other hand, is
designed to reduce convective and evaporative heat losses so that useful
amounts of heat can be collected and stored. A greater salt concentration at
the bottom than at top causes bottom water to have greater density and
remains at the bottom and is also hotter. The solar energy is absorbed in
deep layers and is usually trapped.
Page 60 / 99
PDF Er-NGG-24 ... mES.gdt.
Solar radiation
Clear plastic
One type of solar pond use a plastic tube filled with water as shown in fig.
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Surface convection
Non convective
SIii concentration
lower conv•cting
storage layer
( constant salt concentration)
In the top layer, vertical convection takes place due to effects of wind
evaporation. There is no membrane or glazing covering this pond. The next
layer, which may be as much as about one meter thick, contains an
increasing concentration of salt with increasing depth. This layer is non-
convective. The bottom layer is a convective layer of essentially salt
concentration, which provides thermal storage. Non-convective pond of this
type have been known to heat water to the boiling point.
Page 63 / 99
Lecture No .II
r fenc ing , solar water
r lantern, solar street ligh ts, sola
Solar photovoltaic system-sola
um in~ s 'Stem.
ly con verting it
sing solar energy is by direct
The most useful way of harnes
y conversion
DC electri city by me ans of sol ar photo-voltaic cells. En erg
use of photo-
t sun light to electricity by the
devices which are used to conver
actured from
taic effe ct are cal led sol ar cells. Solar cells can be manuf
Th e voltage
als and their combinations.
different semiconductor materi
iation and the
erated by a sol ar cel l dep end s on the intensity of sol ar rad
ievable pow er is
radiations. The maximum ach
cell surface area receiving the
of sol ar cells are
ut I 00 W /m 2
of sol ar cel l surface area. The main types
cells, (iii)
ls, (ii) Poly crystalline silicon
(i) monocrystalline silicon cel
(v) Coppe r
hou s siL icon cel ls (iv) Ga llium arsenide (GaAs), and
occ upy 60% of
At presen t, silicon solar cells
indium diselenide (CID) cells.
no crystalline
of silicon solar cells are: (i) Mo
the world market. Basic types
(iii) thin film or
stalline sili con solar cells,and
silicon solar cells, (ii) poly cry
Amorphous silicon solar cells.
ar cells
I 1.0 Mono crystalline silicon sol
e of 0.5 V and
0cm x 10cm produces a voltag
A silicon solar cell of size I
m2 . The solar
radiation intensity of 1000 W/
power output of I Wa t a solar
casing with a
by enclosing in an air tigh t
cells are formed into modulus
high efficiency
glass. These modul us posses
transparent cover of synthetic
d in mediu m and large siz e pla
between 15 and 18% and are use
iency of sol ar
Pol y cry sta llin e sili con solar cells: Th e hig her e ffic
module is 12 to 14%.
and energy
2 Th in-f ilm sol ar cell s: The crystalline solar cells are lab our
duc ed from
The thin film cells are pro
intensi ve in manufacturing.
iation due to
hou s sili con . It bas the cap acity to absorb more sol ar rad
very che ap
efficiency is 5 to 8%. These are
irregular atom arrangement. The
to manufacture.
of the
ratio of electric pow er output
Cell efficie ncy is defined as the
total exposed
mo dul e, or arr ay to the pow er content of sunlight over its
und 47 percent.
l efficiency of sol ar cells is aro
area. The max imum theoretica
Shar da W or ld Sc ho ol
N u rs e ry To Class 1 0 OPEN
· Admission
11.3 The advantages of photovoltaic solar energy conversion
A Solar lantern is a simple application of solar photovoltaic technology,
which bas found good acceptance in rural regions where the power supply is
irregular and scarce. Even in the urban areas people prefer a solar lantern as
an alternative during power cuts because of its simple mechanism. Solar
Lantern (Fig.24) is made of three main components - the solar PV panel, the
storage battery and the lamp. The lamp, battery and electronics all placed in
a suitable housing made of metal, plastic or fiber glass. The operation is very
simple. The solar energy is converted to electrical energy by the SPY panel
and stored in a sealed maintenance-free battery for later use during the night
hours. A single charge can operate the lamp for about 4-5 hours. The lantern
is basically a portable lighting device suitable for either indoor or outdoor
lighting, covering a full range of 360 degrees.
It is easy to install, no electrical connection is required and no electricity
Safety Features
System is completely shock proof due to low voltage circuitry and short
circuit protection.
The solar street light system comprise of
a) 74 Wp Solar PY Module
b) 12 V, 75 Ah Tubular plate battery with battery box
c) Charge Controller cum inverter (20-35 kHz)
d) 11 Watt CFL Lamp with fixtures
e) 4 metre mild steel lamp post above ground level with weather proof
paint and mounting hardware.
1. SPV Module
2. Battery Box
3. Lamp with charge controller
4. Lamp Post
- - - ---+2
Working principle
The Solar module generates the DC energy and charges the Battery. The
output of the battery is connected to Energizer or Controller or Charger or
Fencer. The energizer will produce a short, high voltage pulse at regular rate
of one pulse per second. The live wire of the energizer is connected to the
fence wire and the earth terminal to the Earth system. Animal / Intruder
touching the live wire creates a path for the current through its body to the
ground and back to the energizer via the earth system and completes the
circuit. Thus the intruder will receive a shock, the greater the shock the
intruder receives the more lasting the memory will be avoided in future.
0 0 0 QQ 4Solar Module
Fence wire
The Energizer bas to be set up with its earth terminal coupled to an adequate
earthing or grounding system. The live terminal is coupled to the live
insulated wires of the fence. Energizer will send an electric current along an
insulated steel wire. An animal or intruder touching the live wire creates a
path for the electrical current through its body to the ground and back to the
Energizer via the earth or ground system, thus completing the circuit. The
greater the shock the animal receives the more lasting the memory wi II be
and the more the fence will be avoided in the future. The shock felt is a
combination of fence voltage and pulses time or energy. The higher the joule
rating of the energizer the greater the shock and the greater the fence
t) Makes strip grazing and back fencing easy.
g) Encourages additional subdivision, giving increased production.
h) Modification of system to control a variety of animals is very easy.
i) Aesthetically pleasing.
j) Discourages trespassers and predators.
k) Not hannful. It gives a short, sharp but safe shock to the intruder.
1) Perimeter protection
The heart of the power fence is the Energizer. The energizer is selected
depending on the animals to be controls, length of the fence and number of
strands. Main function of the energizer is to produce short and sharp pulses
of about 8000 volts at regular intervals. The power input is from the DC
energy from battery. The energizer should be protected from children,
should be enclosed, free from mechanical damage and away from
Earthing system
The earth or ground system of the Energizer is like the antenna or aerial of a
radio. A large radio requires a large antenna to effectively collect sound
waves and a high powered Energizer requires a large number of electrons
from the soil. The earth or ground system must be perfect to enable the pulse
to complete its circuit and give the animal an effective shock. Soil is not a
good conductor so the electrons spread out and travel over a wide area,
inclining towards moist mineral soils. If possible, select an area for the
energizer earth site which is damp all the year.
(i) All Live Wire System
The all live wire system should be used where there is relatively even rainfall
and where there is some green vegetation most of the year, or in areas with
highly conductive soils. The all live wire system should be used as much as
(ii) Earth or ground wire return system
The earth or ground wires return system should be used where there is low
rainfall stony and dry soil condition most of the year. The system overcomes
the problem of dry, non-conductive, or frozen soils not allowing sufficient
current to flow through the animaJ's feet back to the energizer. The fence
should have both live and ground wires. By touching the live and ground
wires on the fence, the animal gets the full shock..
The system is provided with 1800 W solar PV panel (24 nos. X 75 Wp) and
2 HP centrifugal DC mono-block / AC submersible with inverter. The
average water delivery of 2 HP solar pump will be around 1.38 to 1.40 lakh
litre per day, for a suction head of 6 metres and dynamic head of IO metres.
The size of suction & delivery lines is 2.5 inches (62.5 mm).
Advantages of solar pump sets
Wind is the world's fastest growing energy source today and it has been
retaining this position consecutively for the last five years. The global wind
power capacity has increased by a factor of 4.2 during the last five years.
The total global installed capacity is 39434 MW in 2004. Installed capacity
in different regions is shown in Table I:
Country Installed capacity, MW
Germany 14609
United states of America 6352
Spain 6202
Denmark 3115
India 2120
Air in motion is called wind. The winds on the earth surface are
caused primarily by the unequal heating of the land and water by the sun.
The differences in temperature gradients induce the circulation of air from
one zone to another.
is required. The kinetic energy of wind is converted into useful shaft power
by wind mills. General applications of wind mills are pumping water, fodder
cutting, grain grinding, generation of power etc. In India, wind speed lies
between 5 kmph-20 kmph. The high wind velocity is seasonal. The wind
energy, if used for power generation, it will be uncertain to generate power.
In India, wind power can be used for lifting water in rural areas for drinking
and for irrigation purpose.
12.4 Disadvantages
I .The available wind energy is dilute and fluctuating in nature.
2.Unlike water energy, wind energy reqmres storage capacity
because of its irregularity.
3.Wind energy operating machines are noisy in operation.
4.Wind power systems have a relatively high overall weight. For large
systems, a weight of 110 kg/kW has been estimated.
5.Large areas are required for wind mill.
6.The present wind mills are neither maintenance free nor
practically reliable.
Horizontal axis Vertical axis
Fig. 28. Schematic diagram horizontal and vertical axis wind mill
The blades are made lighter than in the propeller type. When
rotating, these aerofoil blades provide a torque about the central shaft in
response to a wind direction. This shaft torque is transmitted to a
generator at the base of the central shaft for power generation. Both
Savonius and darrieus type rotors run independently of the direction of
wind because they rotate about a vertical axis.
Major advantage of darrieus wind mill is that the rotor blades can
accept the wind from any point of the compass. The machine can be
mounted on the ground eliminating the tower structures. Disadvantage is
that, it may experience lower velocity wind when compared to tower
mounted conventional wind energy conversion system.
ontal axis wind mill
Fig. 3 1. Sche matic diagram of horiz
e thin cross-section or more effi
The horizontal type wind mills hav
e. The blade is designed such that
thick cross-section of aerofoil blad
a nd
ang le with the plane of rotation
tip of the blades makes a sma ll
n of wind. Jn a mod em wind turb
almost at right angles to the directio
s the wind velocity. Ideally, the
the velocity of blades is six time
is not
of construction difficulties this
should be twisted, but because
bett er
axis wind mills generally have
always achieved . The horizontal
used for electric power generation
performance. These are mai nly
pumping water.
typ e wind mill with single blad
13.2. 1 Horizontal axis propeller
e is mounted on a rigid hub.
In this type of mac hine, a long blad
are arranged as shown in fig.32.
Induction generator and gea r box
mounted on the hub, large blade
extremely long blades (60 m) are
to tower shadow, gravity and sud
bending moments may occur due
ce rotor cost, use of low cost cou
shifts in the win d directions. To redu
g long blade centrifugally.
weight is reco mmended for balancin
Sh ar da W or ld Sc ho ol
N u rs e ry To Class 1 0 OPEN
, Admission
/ ,.,Ou(TJ()N f,fNEIIATOR
6 f Ali 80JI
( OMPOSJ7f .
Fig. 34. Schematic diagram of horizontal a.xis multi blade wind mill
to 80 rpm.
"Biofuels" are transportation fuels like ethanol and biodiesel that are made
from biomass materials. These fuels are usually blended with petroleum
fuels namely with gasoline and diesel fuel, but they can also be used on their
own. Ethanol and biodiesel are also cleaner burning fuels, producing fewer
air pollutants. It has drawn significant attention due to increasing
environmental concern and diminishing petroleum reserves. Bio-diesel fuel
can be made from renewable vegetable oils, animal fats or recycled cooking
oils by transesterification process. Biodiesel is the fastest growing
alternative fuel in the world. Ethanol is a alcohol fuel made from the sugars
found in grains such as com, sorghum, and wheat, as well as potato skins,
rice, sugarcane, sugar beets and yard clippings by fermentation.
The following are some of the characters for the efficient bio-diesel:
a) Kinematic viscosity
b) Density
c) Calorific value
d) Melt or pour point
e) Cloud point
t) Flash point
g) Acid value
h) Iodine value
i) Cetane number
j) Stability - oxidative, storage and thermal
k) Carbon residue
I) Ash percentage
m) Sulphur percentage
Flash point (FP)
The flash point temperature of diesel fuel is the minimum temperature at
which the fuel will ignite (flash) on application of an ignition source. Flash
point varies inversely with the fuel's volatility. Minimum flash point
temperatures are required for proper safety and handling of diesel fuel. The
flash point detennines the flammability of the material. Neat biodiesel has a
flash point ( l 50°C) well above the flash point of petroleum based diesel fuel
Acid value
The total acid number is an indication of the presence of free fatty acids
fonned due to oil degradation and combustion. It can also result from
improper manufacturing, through remalillDg catalyst or excessive
Iodine value
Carbon residue
carbon deposits in an engine. An
This indicates the tendency of fuel to form
iesel is the carbon residue, which
important indicator of the qual ity of biod
free fatty acids, soaps, polymers
corresponds to the content of glycerides,
and remaining catalyst.
Ash Percentage
ls contained in the fuel. High
Ash is a mea sure of the amount of meta
e injector tip plugging, combustion
concentrations of these materials can caus
ash content is important for the
deposits and injection system wea r. The
with increasing ash content.
heating value, as heating value decreases
r than for most coals, and sulphur
Ash content for bio-fuels is typically lowe
i l fuels .
content is much lower than for many foss
Sulf ur percentage
fuel sulfur content is limited by
The percentage by weight, o f sulfur in the
fuel used in on-road applications.
law to very small percentages for diesel
d biodiesel has less than 15 ppm
First use vegetable oil and animal fat base
biodiesel is essentially sulphur
suJphur. Man y rese archers claim that pure
sulphur fuel.
free and therefore biod iesel is an ultra-low
The properties of a few bio-diesel fuels made from edible and non-edible
oils are shown in Table 2.
The Table 2 shows the properties of conventional diesel and a 20% bio-
diesel blend. It shows that the properties of the bio-diesel fuels compare well
with the properties of diesel, while the properties of the blend are very close
to the properties of diesel. Therefore, bio-diesel fuels and blends are rated as
good alternatives to diesel.
Lecture No.15
Bio diesel production -applications. exrracrionfromjatropha.
4. Income to rural community
5. Fuel properties similar to the conventional fuel
6. Used in existing unmodified diesel engines
I Admission
liO /lliRO>
level or water level is too high it may cause problems with soap fonnation
and the separation of the glycerin by-product downstream.
2) Catalyst is dissolved in the alcohol using a standard agitator or mixer.
3) The alcohol/catalyst mix is then charged into a closed reaction vessel
and the biolipid (vegetable or animal oil or fat) is added. The system from
here on is totally closed to the atmosphere to prevent the loss of alcohol.
4) The reaction mix is kept just above the boiling point of the alcohol
(around 70 °C) to speed up the reaction. Some systems recommend the
reaction take place anywhere from room temperature to 55 °C for safety
reasons. Recommended reaction time varies from I to 8 hours; under
normal conditions the reaction rate will double with every IO °C increase
in reaction temperature. Excess alcohol is normally used to ensure total
conversion of the fat or oil to its esters.
5) The glycerin phase is much denser than biodiesel phase and the two
can be gravity separated with glycerin simply drawn off the bottom of the
settling vessel. In some cases, a centrifuge is used to separate the two
materials faster.
6) Once the glycerin and biodiesel phases have been separated, the excess
alcohol in each phase is removed with a flash evaporation process or by
distillation. Care must be taken to ensure no water accumulates in the
recovered .alcohol stream.
7) The by-product (i.e., glycerin) contains unused catalyst and soaps, that
are neutralized with an acid and sent to storage as crude glycerin.
8) Once separated from the glycerin, the biodiesel is sometimes purified
by washing gently with wann water to remove residual catalyst or soaps,
dried, and sent to storage.
is eliminated. High temperatures and pressures are required, but energy
costs of production are similar or less than catalytic production routes.
The Jatropha plant can reach a height up to 5 m and its seed yield
ranges from 7.5 to 12 tonnes per hectare per year, after five years of
growth. The oil content of whole Jatropha seed is 30-35 % by weight
basis. Several properties of the plant including its hardness, rapid growth,
easy propagation and wide ranging usefulness have resulted in its spread
far beyond its original distribution.
The process flowchart for biodiesel production from Jatropha curcas seeds
and by products is shown in figure 36.
Jatropha curcas
Oil extraction Oil
unit cake Manure
Alcohol &
reactor - Crude glycerol
Soap / Candle
Pure biodiesel
Diesel engine
Fig. 36. Process flow chart for biodiesel production from jatropha
seeds and by products
15.6 Applications
Biodiesel is the only alternative fuel that can be used directly in any
existing unmodified diesel engine, because it has similar properties to
diesel fuel. Biodiesel can be used in pure form (B 100) or may be blended
with petroleum diesel at any concentration in most modem diesel engines.
Biodiesel has different solvent properties than petrodiesel, and will
degrade natural rubber gaskets and hoses in vehicles (mostly vehicles
manufactured before 1992. Biodiesel has been known to break down
deposits of residue in the fuel lines where petrodiesel bas been used. As a
result, fuel filters may become clogged with particulates if a quick
transition to pure biodiesel is made. Therefore, it is recommended to
change the fuel filters on engines and heaters shortly after first switching
to a biodiesel blend.
Bio diesel has better lubricating properties and much higher cetane
ratings than today's lower sulfur diesel fuels. The fuel properties of
jatropha oil, jatropha biodiesel and conventional fuel is given in Table
3.Bio diesel addition reduces fuel system wear, and in low levels in high
pressure systems increases the life of the fuel injection equipment that
relies on the fuel for its lubrication.
The calorific value of bio diesel is about 37.27 MJ/L. Bio diesel is a
liquid which varies in color - between golden and dark brown - depending
on the production feedstock. It is immiscible with water, has a high
boiling point and low vapor pressure. The flash point of bio diesel
(> 130°C) is significantly higher than that of petroleum diesel (64°C) or
gasoline (-45 °C). Bio diesel has a density of~ 0.88 g/cm3, less than that
of water (Table 2). Rio diesel has virtually no sulfur content, and it is
often used as an additive to Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuel.
Table 3. Fuel properties ofjatropha oil and its biodiesel Properties
Lecture No.16
Ethanolfrom agricultural produce (Sugarcane and corn)
Non-petroleum fuels liquid fuels find use when petroleum fuels are
scarce or costly. The scientists have been in search of new fuels to
replace conventional fuels that are used in IC engines. Among all the
fuels, alcohols, which can be produced from sugarcane waste and
many other agricultural products, are considered the most promising
fuels for the future. There are two types of alcohols: methanol
(CH3OH) and ethanol (C2H5OH). Ethanol has attracted a lot of
attention as a transport fuel because it is relatively cheap non-
petroleum-based fuel. Also, the emissions from the combustion of
ethanol are much less than for fossile fuels. Ethanol, being a pure
compound, has a fixed set of physical as well as chemical properties.
This is in contrast to petrol and diesel, which are mixtures of
hydrocarbons .. But in countries like India, ethanol is a strong candidate
since they posses the agricultural resources for it production. It is a
more attractive fuel for India because the productive capacity from
sugarcane crops is high, of the order of 1345 I/ha. Earlier, this fuel was
not used in automobiles due to low energy density, high production
cost and corrosion. The current shortage of gasoline has made it
necessary to substitute ethanol as fuel in SI engines. At present, Brazil
is the only country that produces fuel alcohol on a large scale from
agricultural products (mainly sugarcane). Brazil was the first and
biggest producer of cheapest bio-ethanol in the world. Second cheapest
bio-ethanol is made from com in the USA. Properties of ethanol and
methanol are similar, with difference of only 5 -10%. Ethanol is
superior to methanol as it has wider ignition limit (3 .5 -17) than
methanol (2.15 -12.8). Ethanol calorific value (26,880 kJ/kg) is
considerably higher than methanol (19,740 kJ/kg). Ethanol is a much
more superior fuel for diesel engines as its cetane number is 8
compared to the cetane number of 3 for methanol. Ethanol is used in
racing cars due to its very high beat of vaporization.
Ethanol production from cereal grains such as barley, wheat and com
is a much easier process than from cellulose material. The process
includes several steps, as listed below:
a) Milling of grains
b) Hydrolysis of starch to sugar units
c) Fermentation by yeast
d) Distillation
e) Removal of water from ethanol
After grinding the raw material, it is mixed with water and enzymes to
break down the starch to sugar units. The free sugar can be used by
yeast or bacteria and converted to ethanol and carbon dioxide. As the
concentration of ethanol increases to about 15%, fermentation is
reduced, since high alcohol concentration kills the yeast or bacteria. It
is then necessary to separate the ethanol from the other material in the
fermentation tanks by distillation. Distillation increases the ethanol
concentration up to about 95%. In order to remove the rest of the water
from the ethanol solution, it must be dried by different drying agents to
a concentration of 99 .5% ethanol or absolute ethanol. Extractive
distillation with benzene also yields anhydrous ethanol. It is possible to
produce l litre of absolute ethanol from about 3 kg of wheat. The
process flow chart for production of ethanol from grains is shown in
60 A6R0>
_ _ _ Grinding and Ethanol
cooking Fermentation Anhydrous
And drying
recovery Catlle
and drying feed
Fig. 37. Process flow chart for the production of ethanol from com
Fig. 38. Process flow chart for production of ethanol from sugarcane