EMTECH LP 8 and 9
EMTECH LP 8 and 9
EMTECH LP 8 and 9
II- Culminating Performance Standard: The learners will be able to demonstrate How
rich media content and interactivity affects and changes the user experience in the delivery and
consumption of ICT content.
III- Specific Objectives: at the end of this lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Explore the principles of interactivity and rich content in the context of web 2.0 and the
participation of the user in the online experience.
IV- Materials
Paper and pen
White board marker
V. Lesson Proper
Checking of Attendance
Setting of Classroom Rules
The students will be ask to give their own
opinion or to give their prior knowledge
about the topic.
Embedded Multimedia
multimedia is defined as the mixture of dif-
ferent content forms such as text, music, pho-
tos or images, interactive content, anima-
tions, or videos.
multimedia is also referred to as Rich Con-
tent because of its abundance of variation in
presenting information.
Types of Multimedia Presentation
Linear - this is a multimedia type wherein the flow
of the content is predetermined by the creator. The
progression of the multimedia is straightforward,
similar to video clip.
Nonlinear - this is a multimedia type that uses navi-
gation components to provide the users freedom to
move around the application and seek the information
they want.
Multimedia Considerations
Multimedia Games and Simulations - information
is presented to the audience by imitating a real-life
information source into its digital environment equiv-
Multimedia Presentation - the information is navi-
gated in a sequence of slideshows and uses an appli-
cation player.
Multimedia Navigation - this type of multimedia
uses different graphical elements and is linked to dif-
ferent pages.
Application of Embedded Multimedia
The efficiency in spreading information through em-
bedded multimedia finds its way in different fields of
application. Common field that use multimedia are
presented here:
1. Advertisement - different form of adver-
tisement use multimedia formats.
2. Entertainment - this is considered as one
of the most popular among multimedia applica-
3. Education - multimedia is now used as un-
conventional method of teaching and learning.
4. Industrial - multimedia in corporate and
industrial fields play a major role in different as-
pects of the industry from management to sales.
Online Participation
Ever since Web 2.0 web sites have been en-
abled to accommodate and process informa-
tion from its viewers. This is the start of the
interaction between users and online facilities
to improve user experience.
Video on Demand
Are system that enabled users to select video and au-
dio content when they want it. This system uses a
database of videos and audio accessed on request by
the user.
Open Courseware and Tutorials
It refers to lecture videos that are published by uni-
versities on the web. It aims to educate people online
on different subjects and disciplines.
Guide Questions:
What is Embedded multimedia?
What are the different types of multimedia
How important the application of Embedded
APPLICATION (Evaluation)
Identify the correct answer of the following ques-
!. It is defined as the mixture of different content
forms such as text, music, photos or images, interac-
tive content, animations, or videos.
2. Multimedia is refers to as ______ because of its
abundance of variation in presenting information.
3, Is used to evaluate the effectiveness of a product to
4. A multimedia type wherein the flow of the content
is predetermined by the creator.
5. A multimedia type that uses navigation compo-
nents to provide the users freedom to move around
the application and seek the information they want.
6. Information is presented to the audience by imitat-
ing the real-life infromation.
7. the information is navigated Ina sequence of
8. Type of multimedia that uses different graphical
elements and is linked to different pages.
9. One of the newest forms is the one placed on pub-
lic web sites.
10. considered as one of the most popular among
multimedia applications.
VI. References:
DIWA Senior High School Series; Essentials of Empowerment Technologis, DIWA 5G text-
Prepared by:
II- Culminating Performance Standard: The learners will be able to Articulate how ICT
tools and platforms have changed the way people communicate and how social change
has been brought about by the use of ICTs.
III- Specific Objectives: at the end of this lesson, the students are expected to:
A. share anecdotes of how ICTs were used to be part of a social movement, change, or
cause to illustrate aspects of digital citizenship.
IV- Materials
Paper and pen
White board marker
V. Lesson Proper
Checking of Attendance
Setting of Classroom Rules
The students will be ask to summarize the
previous lesson that we discussed.
APPLICATION (Evaluation)
You are a researcher of a new segment in a TV
network. The segment producer has aasigned you to
look for people who have part of any historic national
gathering such as people power. Come up with a
feature about their experiences in a video that is 5 to
10 minutes long. Here are some Guide Questions that
you can use when you talk to these people:
1, What are the things that urged you to join the
revolt or gathering?
2. Do you think that the problem was resolved
because of the gathering or people? Why do you say
3. Today, do you think activism in social media can
be powerful agent to bring about change? Why?
VI. References:
DIWA Senior High School Series: Essential of Empowerment Technologies, DIWA 5G
Prepared by: