Causes of Nystagmus
Saccades is s high a high velocity movement with a speed ranging
from approximately 400-700 of arc/sec during saccades visual
perception is suspended therefore individual is not conscious of the
rapid movement
The saccades may not result in the eye arriving a desired position. It
undershoots or overshoots if error is small than final gauze position
is reached by microsccades
Theories Of Nystagmus:
1.) Pulse Step Theory:
2.) Neural Integrator
Examination of Nystagmus:
A.) History
1.) Concerning Birth
2.) Visual development
3.) Neurological Abnormalities – Dizziness, pain, numbness,
poor balance
4.) Family History
5.) Birth trauma and Brain Damage
6.) Prematurely
7.) Cerebral palsy
8.) H/O oscillopsia
Presentation of Nystagmus:
: Fast Phase
: Perpendicular
< : Higher frequency
<==: Higher Amplitude
(/ = Torsional
Compensatory Mechanisms:
This may be in the form of face turn to right or left, chin up or down
or head tilt. Patients adopt this posture to improve the VA. Patients
tend to make the use of the minimum amplitude zone (MAZ) or
minimum intensity zone (MIZ). Other factors that influence the head
posture are velocity distribution of slow phase, nystagmsus best
Although oscillopsia is not so common consequence of CN, some
patients complain of the same which generally coincide with the high
intensity oscillation. The preference for a particular head posture
may be the need to minimize the head posture.
Over convergence may be called as nystagmus blockage syndrome
defined as esotropia with an onset in infancy often preceded by
nystagmus or pseudo abdusence palsy or straightening of eye under
Latent or MLN:
LM is evoked on occluding one eye and decrease or absent with BE
open. The difference in quality of retinal image of two eyes is trigger
latent phase of nystagmus.
There are various theories for the cause of LN unstable equilibrium
of occulomotor co-ordination possibly caused by maldevelopment of
monocular and binocular reflexes.
Amplitude of LN decreases in adduction and increases in abduction,
fast phase being towards the side of fixating eye.
MLN is a latent nystagmus. Manifest by blindness is of one eye by
strabismic suppression
Sr. Manifest Latent(LN) or Manifest
No Latent(MLN)
1. Biohasic Mostly Mostly Jerky or Mixed
2. Do not increase on Increases on abduction
3. No change on unilateral Accentuated on unilateral
occulution occulution
4. Direction dependent on Fast phase followed fixating
fixing eye eye
5. In frequency associated with Nearly always associated with
infantile esotropia infantile esotropia
6. Binocular VA = Monocular Binocular VA better than
VA monocular
7. Wave form increasing Decreasing velocity slow phase
velocity slow phase
The treatment of any nystagmus aimed at stabilizing the eye to
improve VA to decrease oscillopsia or in order to to correct
compensatory head posture
Various drugs like Phenoobarital, Baclofen, tranquillizer have been
tried in congenital nystagmus to improve VA, but because of their
side-effects prolonged treatment with these medications are not
Minus lenses:
Overcorrection with minus lenses stimulates accommodative
convergence and may improve the VA.
They are used to improve the VA and to eliminate the anomalous
head posture.
Base Out prisms are prescribed to stimulate fusional convergence
and hence dampening the nystagmus and hence improving the VA
Normal BV is a pre-requisite for the use of Prisms BO. Since fusional
convergence result of temporal disparity and this cannot be
expected with patients with nystagmus
Pre-operative evaluation or non-surgerical therapy of a patient with
head turns resulting form nystagmus. Here the prisms are inserted
with their prisms’ apex pointing towards the direction of the eye.
Combination of vertical and horizontal prisms in oblique position
Thus the result of surgery for the head turn can be predicted well
with prism and residual head turn can also be managed after surgery
with prisms.
Though the main drawback is large amount of prism power is
required to correct even 20° of face turn.
Surgery therefore is a better option
Surgerical Treatment:
1. To eliminate the CHP
2. To decrease the nystagmus , amplitude
3. For Both
4 .Surgery names:
1. Kestenbaurn : face turn to left by recessing the Right Lateral
2. Botulium Toxin: for Congenital nystagmus
3. Enhanced Anderson :Yoke Muscles
4. Chin elevation or Depression Surgery
5. Head tilt surgery
6. Spielmann: slanning the insertion of the 4 rectii