2201040188- NguyenThiVang-Week12_Tut11
2201040188- NguyenThiVang-Week12_Tut11
2201040188- NguyenThiVang-Week12_Tut11
b. www.apple.com
c. activa@midcoast.com
d. http://www.pages.net/index.html
e. 12 Dreamcatcher Way, Hope, ME 04847
5. When a stream of data is sent over the Internet by your computer, it is first broken down
into packets by the:
a. Transmission Control Protocol
b. Internet Protocol
c. Post Office Protocol
d. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
e. File Transfer Protocol
6. Perhaps the most widely installed HTTP software for managing web pages is the
opensource application called:
a. Apache
b. Daemon
c. ISP
d. Acrobat
e. Unix
7. Web pages are written in:
c. QuickTime
8. One of the greatest benefits of XML is that:
a. it allows you to create animated rollovers
b. it compresses audio and video files, allowing larger files to be sent
c. it connects local area networks with wide area networks
d. it allows you to create your own tags for data
e. it encapsulates data into packets for more reliable transmission
9. An IP address can be exchanged with a(n):
a. MIME-type
b. Point-to-Point Protocol
c. domain name
d. e-mail address
e. usenet group
10. HTTP stands for:
a. High-Technology Transmission Protocol
b. Help Text Translation Protocol
c. Hypertext Transfer Protocol
d. Hardware Testing Tool Protocol
e. How To Talk Protocol
11. The two most popular browsers in terms of number of users are Firefox and:
a. Acrobat
b. JavaScript
c. Shockwave
d. Internet Explorer
e. Yahoo!
12. Helper applications run:
a. on the client computer outside the browser
b. on the client computer within the browser
c. on the host computer outside the server
d. on the host computer within the server
e. on external devices such as an MP3 player or PDA
13. One criticism of visual page editors is that they:
a. encrypt the code, making later editing impossible
b. do not support features such as underlining and bold text
c. use nonstandard HTML tags
d. generate extremely complicated HTML code
e. require the use of plug-ins
14. Which of these tags would most likely be used in HTML to view a multimedia element
on the Web?
c. <OPEN>
d. <MM>
e. <FLASH>
15. Which audio file type’s sound quality is dependent on the client’s computer setup?
a. AIF
b. AU
d. Shockwave
e. WAV
Part 3: Final Project Discussion