10 Elements of an Effective Agreement
10 Elements of an Effective Agreement
10 Elements of an Effective Agreement
Many consumers fall into the trap of making use of agreements and or templates that
they have received from third parties with can lead to horrific consequences.
Standard text book agreements normally have the necessary structure and legal
protection required. Even a skilful attorney must be cautious to present an agreement
that has been crafted for another client and work form that copy. A prudent professional
will always start off with a “standard original template” and then use other
agreements to assist in the efficient drafting of the same. Past agreements are only
used to retrieve past creativity which is stored as intellectual capital to the business.
Outside the framework and legacies the IPMG approach to crafting contracts is for the
clients to answer questions in their own way without influence. Based on the client’s
responses to the below questions, further questioning may be required to first
understand, articulate and then document the clients requirements as understood by the
Planner. Once this has been done we then test our understanding to ensure that the
agreement that is then drafted is according to your expressed intention and not a hybrid
of the clients expressed intention and the Planners interpretation which could result in
an agreement being signed that may not partly and wholly satisfy the clients
requirements for the outcomes that they expected.
10 elements of an effective agreement
One of the questions one asks in determining if an agreement is legally binding
is whether there was ever a meeting of the minds. To have a true agreement for
results, you also have to have a meeting of the heart.
Here is an explanation of each element. The many examples that follow will
make it clear why each element is essential.
2. Roles:
The duties, responsibilities, and commitment of everyone must be
clearly defined. Everyone necessary to achieve the desired results
must be part of the agreement.
3. Promises:
The agreement contains clear promises so that everyone knows who
will do what. With specific promises, you can tell if the actions will get
you to the desired results and what actions are missing.
7. Renegotiation/dissolution:
No matter how optimistic and clear you are, it will become necessary
to renegotiate promises and conditions of satisfaction. Circumstances
change, and it is critical to anticipate this at the beginning so the
relationship can evolve and prosper. It is also crucial to provide
everyone with an exit strategy that they can follow with dignity. Anyone
who feels imprisoned in a transaction, partnership, or relationship
cannot make his or her maximum contribution to the enterprise. It is
essential to recognize that the relationship is much more important
than the agreement. Things keep moving forward if the functional
relationships are intact, not because of a lengthy legal contract.
8. Consequences:
There are two kinds of consequences. Although you may not want to
police the agreement, it is important to agree on consequences for
anyone who breaks a promise. Equally, if not more important, it is
essential to understand the consequences to everyone (including
people who are not even part of the agreement) if the collaboration
does not accomplish its purpose.
9. Conflict resolution:
Conflicts and disagreements arise when people work together. If you
agree to step into the attitude of resolution, and have an agree
process that leads to a new agreement, resolving conflicts will be
10. Agreement?
When you have dialogued about the first nine elements, it’s time to ask
whether you trust moving forward. Everyone ought to be satisfied and
ready to take action. Now is the time to work on the agreement until
you are satisfied that you have an agreement. If you’re not clear that
you do have an agreement you can trust, then you don’t! Unless and
until you are satisfied, do not move into action. You will not have a
shared vision to work toward. If you’re not clear that you do have an
agreement you can trust, then you don’t!