Assignment 2
Assignment 2
Assignment 2
The escalating demand for sustainable energy sources has resulted in a substantial
rise in the utilization of onshore wind turbines, which despite providing eco-friendly
energy, present multiple challenges. These concerns encompass the impact on
wildlife, including bird and bat fatalities, noise disturbances generated by the
turbines, and the need for vast areas of land that may necessitate the destruction of
natural habitats. Consequently, a dilemma exists regarding whether the advantages
of onshore wind turbines exceed their drawbacks.
2. Moral analysis: Who are the stakeholders? What are their interests?
The stakeholders involved in the dilemma of wind energy development are diverse
and include local and national governments, communities near wind farms, energy
companies, and environmental groups. Local and national governments have a
responsibility to support the development of clean energy. Communities near wind
farms may be concerned about the potential impacts on their health, property
values, and quality of life, and they have a right to be consulted and informed about
the development plans. Energy companies have a financial interest in wind energy
development, and they may face opposition from environmental groups who are
concerned about the potential impacts on wildlife and habitats. Balancing the
interests of these stakeholders requires careful consideration of the environmental,
social, and economic impacts of wind energy development.
3. Options for actions: What avenues are there to solve the problem?
Possible avenues to solve the dilemma of building onshore wind turbines include
the implementation of new technologies to minimize the risks of bird collisions,
such as avian radars or modified turbine designs. Additionally, stakeholders could
work towards finding suitable locations for wind farms that minimize the impact on
nearby communities. It is also important to continue research and monitoring of the
impact of wind farms on bird populations, in order to inform decision-making and
identify areas for improvement.
5. Reflection: What is the most moral acceptable judgement at this stage? This is your
own initial decision (which may have differed from your group’s), which you should
My initial decision was aligned with building onshore wind turbines. Given the
pressing need to shift towards renewable energy sources, the utilization of onshore
wind turbines is both advantageous and consistent with green ethics, which
emphasizes the importance of protecting the natural environment. Onshore wind
turbines align with this principle by offering a sustainable and responsible means of
energy production and, due to their unique qualities, are a vital contributor in the
global effort towards a greener future.
6. Deliberation: What do your stakeholders think about your initial reflection? How
have the comments that your article received informed your decision?
Although there are some potential drawbacks associated with onshore wind
turbines, most comments received indicate support for their construction.
Advocates argue that onshore wind turbines provide a sustainable source of energy,
which is urgently needed to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Additionally, they can
contribute to local economic development, especially in areas where traditional
industries may be in decline. Furthermore, the comments highlighted that onshore
wind turbines have the potential to improve energy security and increase energy