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Village/ City Name & Code : Wazirabad & Bindapur, Tehsil Wazirabad
District Gurugram, Haryana
Segment/ Block Name & Code : “COSMOS FLOORS”, Ardee City, Gurugram
Type of PROPERTY : Built-up (First Floor)
Land Measuring : 200 Sq. Mtrs. (240 Sq. Yards)
Super Built-up Area : 1325 Sq. Ft. (120.89 Sq. Mtrs.)
Transaction Value : Rs. 1,45,00,000/-
Stamp Duty : Rs. 10,15,000/-
Stamp Certificate No./Date : G0M2024H5166/13.08.2024(GRN: 120100642)
Stamp Certificate issued by : Online Haryana Government
Registration fee & GRN : Rs. 50,005/- & GRN: 120101056
Commercial or Residential : Residential
OF AUGUST, 2024 BY AND BETWEEN; (1) Mr. Hari Chand Kukreja (Aadhaar No. 6429 3465 6658
& PAN: ABXPK5886G) s/o Sh. Kishan Chand Kukreja & (2) Mrs. Kiran Kukreja (Aadhar No.7895
5060 5642 & PAN: AAKPU6133E) w/o Mr. Hari Chand Kukreja, both residents of H-301 Vivek
Vihar Sector-82, Noida, Maharishi Nagar, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh-201304,
hereinafter called the “VENDORS” (which expression shall unless inconsistent with the context
hereof includes all respective legal heirs, successors, administrators, executors and assigns) of


(1) Mr. Saket Gupta (Aadhaar No. 5185 8986 8904 & PAN: ALOPG2670B) s/o Sh. Pramod
Kumar Gupta & (2) Mrs. Shubhangi Gupta (Aadhaar No. 7120 3295 4062 & PAN:
AMQPA4852Q) w/o Mr. Saket Gupta, both residents of House No. 1292, Ardee City Gate No-2,
Sector-52, Wazirabad, Gurugram, Haryana-122003, hereinafter called the “VENDEES” (which
expression shall also unless inconsistent with the context includes all heirs, legal
representatives, successors, administrators and assigns) of the OTHER PART.

WHEREAS the above said VENDORS are the sole, exclusive and absolute owners and in
possession of Independent Dwelling Unit/Flat bearing No. C-10/04, Block 'C' on First Floor
(known as “Cosmos Floors”), having Super Built-up area 1325 Sq. Ft. (120.89 Sq. Mtrs.) built
up on the said plot, Measuring 200 Sq. Mtrs. (240 Sq. Yds. Approx.) consisting of a 3 Bedrooms
and 3 toilets + Drawing/Dining Room(hall) + kitchen with front and rear balconies along with
the undivided proportionate share in plot of land underneath, situated in the residential
colony known as Ardee City, Sector-52 in and around village Wazirabad & Bindapur, Tehsil
Wazirabad & District Gurugram, Haryana, with proportionate right, i.e. 1/3rd share of land
underneath and bounded as under:

EAST : PLOT No. C-9/35

WEST : 10 Mtr. Rd
NORTH : PLOT No. C-10/03
SOUTH : PLOT No. C-10/05
(hereinafter referred to as the said PROPERTY)

AND WHEREAS the above said VENDORS had purchased the above said PROPERTY from M/s
Qutab Buildwell Pvt. Ltd., and M/s Cosmos Infra Engineering (India) Pvt. Ltd. (formerly known as
Cosmos Infra Engineering (India) Ltd.) having its office at 4, Battery Lane, Civil Lines, Rajpur
Road, Delhi-110054 by way of Sale Deed Vasika No. 21463 dated 08.11.2016, registered in the
office of Sub Registrar, Gurugram, Haryana.
AND WHEREAS M/s Qutab Buildwell Pvt. Ltd., and M/s Cosmos Infra Engineering (India) Pvt. Ltd.
(formerly known as Cosmos Infra Engineering (India) Ltd.) having its office at 4, Battary Lane,
Civil Lines, Rajpur Road, Delhi-110054 had acquired/purchased the Residential Plot bearing No.
C-10/04, Measuring 200 Sq. Mtrs. (240 Sq. Yards Approx.) in the residential colony known as
Ardee City, situated in Sector-52, in and around village Wazirabad & Bindapur, Tehsil Wazirabad
& district Gurugram, Haryana from M/s Ardee Infrastructures (P) Ltd. by way of
Conveyance/Sale Deed Vasika No. 10822 dated 12.11.2003, registered in the office of Sub
Registrar, Gurugram, Haryana.
AND WHEREAS M/s Qutab Buildwell Pvt. Ltd., and M/s Cosmos Infra Engineering (India) Pvt. Ltd.
(formerly known as Cosmos Infra Engineering (India) Ltd.) had developed residential building by
the name of “Cosmos Floors”, comprising the various three units at Ground Floor, First Floors &
Second Floors and other utilities on the said plot land in accordance with the plan approved by
competent authority, vide Occupation Certificate Memo No. 108 dated 20/01/2014 issued by
District Town Planner, Gurugram.

AND WHEREAS the above said PROPERTY is self-acquired PROPERTY of the VENDORS and the
VENDORS have good marketable title & absolute authority to sell and transfer the above said
PROPERTY. None else have any right title or interest in the said PROPERTY.

AND WHEREAS the VENDEES approach the VENDORS to purchase the said Independent
Dwelling Unit/Flat bearing No. C-10/04, Block 'C' on First Floor (known as “Cosmos Floors”),
having Super Built-up area 1325 Sq. Ft. (120.89 Sq. Mtrs.) built up on the said plot, Measuring
200 Sq. Mtrs. (240 Sq. Yds. Approx.) consisting of a 3 Bedrooms and 3 toilets + Drawing/Dining
Room(hall)+ kitchen with front and rear balconies along with the undivided proportionate
share in plot of land underneath, situated in the residential colony known as Ardee City,
Sector-52 in and around village Wazirabad & Bindapur, Tehsil Wazirabad & District Gurugram,
Haryana, with proportionate right, i.e. 1/3rd share of land underneath and the VENDORS
herein due to some bonafide needs and commitments decided to sell the same for a total
consideration of Rs. 1,45,00,000/- (Rupees One Crore Forty-Five Lakh only) on the following
terms mutually agreed between the parties.



1. That the VENDORS have agreed to sell above said PROPERTY and the VENDEES have
agreed to purchase the same for a sum of Rs. 1,45,00,000/- (Rupees One Crore Forty-Five
Lakh only) which is paid by the VENDEES to the VENDORS as the cost of the above said
PROPERTY as under:-.

Sr No. Date Mode of Drawn on Amount (INR) IN FAVOUR OF

Transaction Bank

1. 02/07/2024 UPI dated UPI through 1,00,000/= Mr. Hari Chand Kukreja And
02.07.24 with BHIM APP. Mrs. Kiran Kukreja
Transaction ID:
A/C No-10049481241
IFSC: IDFB0020155

2. 12/07/2024 SBI DEMAND SBI, NOIDA, 6,75,000/= Mr. Hari Chand Kukreja And
DRAFT No- Mrs. Kiran Kukreja
Br Code:
608067 dated
05936 A/C No-10049481241
IFSC: IDFB0020155

3. 12/07/2024 SBI DEMAND SBI, NOIDA, 6,75,000/= Mr. Hari Chand Kukreja And
DRAFT No- Mrs. Kiran Kukreja
Br Code:
608068 dated
05936 A/C No-10049481241
IFSC: IDFB0020155

4. 13/08/2024 Bank of BoM, New 1,29,05,000/= Mr. Hari Chand Kukreja And
Maharashtra Delhi, Mrs. Kiran Kukreja
Br Code: A/C No-10049481241
No-550882 dated
13.08.24 IFSC: IDFB0020155

5. 1,45,000/= TDS. Refer Details below.

Total Rupees One Crore Forty-Five Lakh only 1,45,00,000/=

1% TDS Rs. 1,45,000/- paid to the Income Tax Department by the VENDEES on behalf of the
Rs. 36,250/- vide Challan Serial No. 00103 BSR Code 0002271 Dated 14.08.2024.
Rs. 36,250/- vide Challan Serial No. 00108 BSR Code 0002271 Dated 14.08.2024.
Rs. 36,250/- vide Challan Serial No. 55508 BSR Code 0002271 Dated 13.08.2024.
Rs. 36,250/- vide Challan Serial No. 55638 BSR Code 0002271 Dated 13.08.2024.
2. That the VENDORS being of sound mind and by free WILL without any pressure herein
grants, conveys and transfers all their rights, titles and interests in the said Independent
Dwelling Unit/Flat bearing No. C-10/04, Block 'C' on First Floor (known as “Cosmos
Floors”), having Super Built-up area 1325 Sq. Ft. (120.89 Sq. Mtrs.) built up on the said
plot, Measuring 200 Sq. Mtrs. (240 Sq. Yds. Approx.) consisting of a 3 Bedrooms and 3
toilets + Drawing/Dining Room(hall)+ Kitchen with front and rear balconies along with
the undivided proportionate share in plot of land underneath, situated in the residential
colony known as Ardee City, Sector-52 in and around village Wazirabad & Bindapur,
Tehsil Wazirabad & District Gurugram, Haryana, with proportionate right, i.e. 1/3rd
share of land underneath along with use of common passages, stair cases entrance,
water supply arrangement and installations such as power, light, sewerages etc.
including all easement right attached therewith, unto the VENDEES herein.

3. That provision for One open Car parking space for each unit in front of building has been
made at no extra cost being charges by the VENDORS. The parking space is an integral
amenity of the Floor, the VENDEES undertakes not to sell/transfer/deal with the parking
space independent of the Floor. The first parking adjacent to the gate of block shall be of
the ground floor owner and second of the first-floor owner and the third of the second-
floor owner.

4. That the Front & Rear balcony on Ground Floor shall be the exclusive PROPERTY of the
Ground Floor Unit owner(s), while the top terrace above Second Floor of the building shall
be exclusive PROPERTY of the Second Floor Owner(s), who shall have no right to raise
construction of any kind whatsoever without prior approval of Haryana Govt. in these

5. That the said PROPERTY transferred herein is free hold and free from all encumbrances,
claims, demands, liens, mortgages, decrees, litigations, prior sales, agreement to sell, gift,
will deed, court attachments, etc.

6. That the actual physical Vacant possession of the said PROPERTY hereby conveyed have
been delivered to the VENDEES at the spot who have become the absolute owners in
possession of the same and shall enjoy all the rights, privileges, passages, appurtenances
and possession etc. and absolute ownership in the said PROPERTY without any hindrance,
claims, demands by the VENDORS or their heirs etc.

7. That the VENDEES shall not demolish/after or cause to be demolished/after any structure
of the said Floor or any portion thereof and shall also not make or cause to be made any
additions or alterations of any nature whatsoever in the same or in any part thereof.

8. That the VENDEES shall not remove any walls of the said PROPERTY including load bearing
walls and all the walls/structure of the same shall remain common between the VENDEES
and owner of the adjacent building, if there is any common wall at all.
9. That the VENDEES shall not use the said floor/property so as to cause blockade or
hindrance of any nature to any common passages, verandahs or terraces or other
common facilities and services.

10. That all the expenses for stamping, engrossing and other incidental charges for this Sale
Deed have been borne and paid by the VENDEES.

11. That the VENDEES shall not put up any name of sign board, neon-light, publicity or any
kind of advertisement material, hoarding, hanging of others etc. at the external façade of
the building or anywhere on the exterior or on common areas or on roads of the complex
and shall be entitled to display its own sign board only at the proper place, provided for
the said house. That the said building floors will nay ways be known as “Cosmos Floors”

12. That all the previous documents concerning this PROPERTY have been handed over by the
VENDORS to the VENDEES in original at the time of execution of this Sale Deed.

13. That the common area namely entry gate, overhead water source, service shafts, passages
from entry gate to stairs upto top terrace etc. shall remain common. The maintenance
expenses of these common areas shall be shared by all the occupants/owners of the
building on proportionate measures.

14. That the VENDORS and the VENDEES hereby covenant that any taxes or charges including
by the Government of Haryana or any other authority, payable or due in respect of the
above PROPERTY shall be paid by the VENDORS upto date of execution of the Sale Deed
and thereafter it shall be the responsibility of the VENDEES to pay all such charges.

15. That the amount of sale consideration includes the contingency deposit and security which
the VENDORS have paid to M/s Ardee Infrastructures (P) Ltd. Now the VENDEES are
entitled to get the said amount endorsed in their favour. DIVIDED IN EQUAL SHARE WITH

16. That the VENDEES shall/will abide by all the terms and condition laid by M/s Ardee
Infrastructures (P) Ltd., at the time of allotment or execution of Sale Deed.


A. That the PROPERTY hereby conveyed was self-purchased/acquired PROPERTY by virtue of

the Sale Deed mentioned herein above and that no one else except the VENDORSS has
rights, claims, interests and concern whatsoever in the PROPERTY hereby conveyed or any
part thereof.
B. That the PROPERTY hereby transferred herein is freehold and is from all sorts of
encumbrance, claims, agreement to sell, charges, legal flaws, liens, taxes, dues, demands,
liabilities, notification, mortgages, court-decrees, will deed, gift and attachments etc.

C. That the contents of these presents are true and correct, if at any time hereafter the
assurance and contents contained herein above are found to be incorrect, due to any
defect in the title of the VENDORS or their rights, to sell the PROPERTY hereby conveyed
or any part thereof and the VENDEES suffers any loss then the VENDORS shall be liable to
make good the loss thus suffered by the VENDEES and keep the VENDEES saved, harmless
and indemnified through their PROPERTY moveable and immovable against all losses
costs, damages and expenses occurring thereby to the VENDEES.

D. That the VENDEES can get the said PROPERTY mutated / transferred in their names as
owner in the records of the concerned authorities on the basis of this Sale Deed or its
certified true copy




Name: Prahalad Singh
Aadhar: 2059 1426 4290
Father Name: Late:-Sh.Ishwar Singh
Address:v.p.o Wazirabad,Gururgram

I/We, (1) Mr. Hari Chand Kukreja s/o Sh. Kishan Chand Kukreja & (2) Mrs. Kiran Kukreja w/o
Mr. Hari Chand Kukreja, both residents of H-301 Vivek Vihar Sector-82, Noida, Maharishi
Nagar, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh-201304, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as

1. That I/We have transferred all my/our rights, titles, interests in said Independent Dwelling
Unit/Flat bearing No. C-10/04, Block 'C' on First Floor (known as “Cosmos Floors”),
having Super Built-up area 1325 Sq. Ft. (120.89 Sq. Mtrs.) built up on the said plot,
Measuring 200 Sq. Mtrs. (240 Sq. Yds. Approx.) consisting of a 3 Bedrooms and 3 toilets
+ Drawing/Dining Room(hall)+ Kitchen with front and rear balconies along with the
undivided proportionate share in plot of land underneath, situated in the residential
colony known as Ardee City, Sector-52 in and around village Wazirabad & Bindapur,
Tehsil Wazirabad & District Gurugram, Haryana, with proportionate right, i.e. 1/3rd
share of land underneath to (1) Mr. Saket Gupta s/o Sh. Pramod Kumar Gupta & (2)
Mrs. Shubhangi Gupta w/o Mr. Saket Gupta, both residents of House No. 1292, Ardee
City Gate No-2, Sector-52, Wazirabad, Gurugram, Haryana-122003, vide Sale Deed Vasika
No. ________dated________ registered in the office of Sub Registrar, Wazirabad, Distt.
2. That I/We have received the full and final payment from the said purchasers.
3. That I/We have delivered actual physical vacant possession of the said property on the
spot to the purchasers.
4. That I/We and my/our legal heirs, successors have been left with no rights, titles, interests,
claim or concern of any nature with the said property.
5. That if any legal defect, dispute is found in respect of the above said property then I/We
will be responsible for the same.
6. That I have no objection if the said property is mutated/transferred in the name of the
purchaser as owner in the record of M/s Ardee Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. or any other
concerned authorities.


Verified that the contents of the above affidavit are true and correct to the best of
my/our knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein.

I/We, (1) Mr. Hari Chand Kukreja s/o Sh. Kishan Chand Kukreja & (2) Mrs. Kiran Kukreja w/o
Mr. Hari Chand Kukreja, both residents of H-301 Vivek Vihar Sector-82, Noida, Maharishi
Nagar, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh-201304, received with thanks a Sum of Rs.
1,45,00,000/- (Rupees One Crore Forty-Five Lakh only) in the following mode:

From (1) Mr. Saket Gupta s/o Sh. Pramod Kumar Gupta & (2) Mrs. Shubhangi Gupta w/o Mr.
Saket Gupta, both residents of House No. 1292, Ardee City Gate No-2, Sector-52, Wazirabad,
Gurugram, Haryana-122003, on account of full and final payment in respect of my/our rights
transfer/sale of Independent Dwelling Unit/Flat bearing No. C-10/04, Block 'C' on First Floor
(known as “Cosmos Floors”), having Super Built-up area 1325 Sq. Ft. (120.89 Sq. Mtrs.) built
up on the said plot, Measuring 200 Sq. Mtrs. (240 Sq. Yds. Approx.) consisting of a 3 Bedrooms
and 3 toilets + Drawing/Dining Room(hall)+ Kitchen with front and rear balconies along with
the undivided proportionate share in plot of land underneath, situated in the residential
colony known as Ardee City, Sector-52 in and around village Wazirabad & Bindapur, Tehsil
Wazirabad & District Gurugram, Haryana, with proportionate right, i.e. 1/3rd share of land
underneath (hereinafter called the said PROPERTY).

1. That I/We have received the consideration in respect of my/our above-mentioned property
in full and final and nothing is due to me from the aforesaid Purchasers.

2. That I/We am/are now left with no right or interest in lieu on the said property.

3. That I/We am/are liable to sign any other documents required by any concerned authority in
connection with change of title of ownership of the said property in favour of above said
purchaser or his/her nominees.

4. That this receipt of mine is irrevocable and non-cancelable.

Hence this receipt is made at Wazirabad/Gurugram on this ____ day of August 2024 in the
presence of the witnesses given below:-

Father Name:……………………………………..
2. Name: Prahalad Singh
Aadhar: 2059 1426 4290
Father Name: Late:-Sh.Ishwar Singh
Address:v.p.o Wazirabad,Gururgram

I/We, (1) Mr. Hari Chand Kukreja s/o Sh. Kishan Chand Kukreja & (2) Mrs. Kiran Kukreja w/o
Mr. Hari Chand Kukreja, both residents of H-301 Vivek Vihar Sector-82, Noida, Maharishi
Nagar, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh-201304, have delivered peaceful physical vacant
possession of the Independent Dwelling Unit/Flat bearing No. C-10/04, Block 'C' on First Floor
(known as “Cosmos Floors”), having Super Built-up area 1325 Sq. Ft. (120.89 Sq. Mtrs.) built
up on the said plot, Measuring 200 Sq. Mtrs. (240 Sq. Yds. Approx.) consisting of a 3 Bedrooms
and 3 toilets + Drawing/Dining Room(hall)+ Kitchen with front and rear balconies along with
the undivided proportionate share in plot of land underneath, situated in the residential
colony known as Ardee City, Sector-52 in and around village Wazirabad & Bindapur, Tehsil
Wazirabad & District Gurugram, Haryana, with proportionate right, i.e. 1/3rd share of land
underneath (hereinafter called the said PROPERTY) to (1) Mr. Saket Gupta s/o Sh. Pramod
Kumar Gupta & (2) Mrs. Shubhangi Gupta w/o Mr. Saket Gupta, both residents of House No.
1292, Ardee City Gate No-2, Sector-52, Wazirabad, Gurugram, Haryana-122003. Now neither
I/We nor any of my/our legal heirs have any right, title interest or claim whatsoever on the
above said property after today.



Father Name:……………………………………..

Aadhar: 2059 1426 4290
Father Name: late:-Sh.Ishwar singh
Address: v.p.o Wazirabad, Gurugram
Mob: 9999666272

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