Protect yourself...
...protect your loved ones
Reliance Term Plan
Life Cover Benefit: In the unfortunate event of loss of life, your
beneficiary will receive the Sum Assured.
Maturity Benefit: There is no Maturity Benefit payable under this
Rider Benefit: You also have the option to add Accidental Death
Benefit and Total and Permanent Disablement Rider.
This Rider can be attached to your Policy at the beginning or at any
Policy Anniversary during the term of the Contract, subject to
underwriting conditions prevailing at that time.
Sample Premiums
The tables below illustrate the indicative premiums for a male Life
Assured across different Sum Assured and ages for Policy Term of
20, 25 and 30years.
Age/Term (Yrs) 20 25 30
Age/Term (Yrs) 20 25 30
Age/Term (Yrs) 20 25 30
Advantage Women
Women Policyholders have an advantage as they receive discount
on premium paid. For the basic Policy, basic premium payable will
be equivalent to the premium for a three-year younger male
Tax Benefit
Premiums paid are eligible for tax deduction under Section 80C of
the Income Tax Act, 1961. Death Benefit is tax free under Section 10
(10D) of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Under Section 80C, premiums
paid upto ` 1,00,000 are allowed as deduction from your taxable
General Exclusion
The Company will not pay any claim on death if the Life Assured,
whether sane or insane, commits suicide within 12 months from the
date of issue of this Policy or the date of any reinstatement of this
This product brochure gives the salient features of the plan only.
For further details on all the conditions, exclusions related to
Reliance Term Plan please contact our Insurance Advisors.