Educating Deaf Children Language Cognition and Learning
Educating Deaf Children Language Cognition and Learning
Educating Deaf Children Language Cognition and Learning
To cite this article: Marc Marschark & Harry Knoors (2012) Educating Deaf Children:
Language, Cognition, and Learning, Deafness & Education International, 14:3, 136-160, DOI:
School placement for deaf children ranges from specialized schools for the deaf,
through special units or classrooms in regular schools, to full inclusion through
co-enrolment programmes or individual placement. Regardless of where a deaf
child is enrolled, parents and educators have to consider the language(s) of instruc-
tion and the extent to which various support services can be offered within the
classroom or are better provided on a ‘pull-out’ basis. Frequently overlooked,
however, are issues associated with differences in cognitive functioning between
deaf children and their hearing classmates. It is these issues that we address in
this paper. In discussing them, ‘deaf’ is used to refer to any degree of hearing
The language in which the test is administered – spoken language or sign language –
can either put deaf children at a disadvantage or give them an unfair advantage (in
the case of sign language). Thus, just as assessments developed in one country may
not be ‘culture fair’ in another, deaf children’s different knowledge (e.g. about
sounds and speech as well as people’s reactions to them) create difficulties for
interpretation as well as administration. So, it is important not to assume that a
‘fair’ assessment necessarily will or should yield the same results for deaf and
hearing children (Maller & Braden, 2011, for discussion).
The assumption of equal intellectual potential for deaf and hearing children comes
from the finding that the average non-verbal intelligence scores of deaf students do
not differ significantly from the scores of hearing students, at least when those with
multiple disabilities are excluded (Maller & Braden, 1993, 2011; see below). But
non-verbal intelligence does not exhaustively cover the range of abilities needed
for the classroom learning (e.g. Akamatsu et al., 2008); language, whatever its
form, is central to virtually all facets of human endeavour. At the same time, it is dif-
ficult to know how to interpret findings indicating that deaf children score lower
than hearing children on tests of verbal intelligence (Maller & Braden, 1993).1 Aka-
matsu et al. (2008) argued that while the delays in language development exhibited
by most deaf children make such tests suspect, they still can be useful. For example,
the variability observed among deaf children on verbal intelligence tests can reveal
relative strengths or weaknesses in language more generally. Verbal intelligence
scores also generally are a better predictor of academic performance than non-verbal
scores and therefore can provide helpful information for making placement and pro-
gramming decisions (Gibbs, 1989; Akamatsu et al., 2008). Such interpretations need
to be made with great care, however, because of the possibility that tests of verbal
abilities are measuring something different in deaf children than in hearing children.
The same might be said of non-verbal intelligence tests, although there do not appear
to be any empirical investigations of the issue (but see Bettger et al., 1997).
Although non-verbal tests generally are assumed to yield comparable scores for
deaf and hearing people (e.g. Braden, 1984; Maller & Braden, 1993), results actu-
ally have been quite variable (see Maller & Braden, 2011, for a review). It remains
unclear as to whether such variability is the result of sampling, problems of admin-
istration, underlying cognitive differences, or as yet undetermined differences among
deaf individuals or between them and hearing individuals. All of these may be
involved. We will discuss below, for example, that deaf individuals may score
higher than hearing individuals on visuospatial tasks and on some elements of intel-
ligence tests that require visuospatial memory or manipulation (Braden et al., 1994).
In contrast, they tend to perform more poorly than hearing individuals on tasks
requiring sequential memory and therefore often score lower on tests of memory
span for both verbal and non-verbal materials (Todman & Seedhouse, 1994;
Fagan et al., 2007).
Importantly, ‘verbal’ here and elsewhere refers to the use of language, not necessarily spoken language (which is ‘vocal’).
an interpreter, and a visual display (i.e. requiring either constant shifting of visual
attention or a broader attentional field). Deaf students who grew up signing and
those who grew up with spoken language showed the same patterns of visual atten-
tion and comparable levels of comprehension, despite assumptions from the per-
ipheral vision studies that the skilled deaf signers would have an advantage.
Such findings contrast with assumptions made on the basis of visual detection
studies, but are consistent with those from investigations of mother–child inter-
action indicating that deaf mothers do not sign to their young deaf children
unless there is eye contact (Waxman & Spencer, 1997; Meadow-Orlans et al.,
Deaf individuals who use sign language have been shown to have some visuos-
patial advantages relative to hearing individuals, such as increased face discrimi-
nation abilities (Bellugi et al., 1990) and mental manipulation ability (Talbot &
Haude, 1993; Emmorey, 2002). Bettger et al. (1997), however, showed that such
abilities take time to develop. Face discrimination among deaf children of
hearing parents (aged 6–9 years) was actually somewhat lower than that of
hearing children with hearing parents. By adulthood, deaf individuals perform
equally well regardless of parental hearing status, presumably the result of
visual experience and related neurological rewiring (Green & Bavelier, 2006).
The only facial features that affect such discrimination, however, apparently are
those associated with sign language, again reflecting an interaction of language
and cognition.
Finally, despite claims about the visuospatial advantages of deaf learners, depend-
ing solely on vision clearly would have drawbacks. Information presented verbally
to deaf students in an instructional situation, regardless of whether it is through
spoken language or sign language, must be paced to allow learners time to look
away from the speaker/signer to attend to any visual aids that are presented as sup-
porting information (e.g. slides or computer screens). In most cases, this necessitates
teachers’ progressing more slowly through a given amount of information than in a
situation with only hearing students. In the regular school classroom, teachers may
not be willing or able to remember to take that extra time, something we have
observed with both deaf and hearing teachers. If they do take the additional time,
less information may be covered than would be the case in the classroom with
only hearing students. In either case, deaf students will be at a disadvantage.
Without other strategies or opportunities that compensate for this situation (e.g. stu-
dents receiving one-on-one tutoring at other times), there is no obvious solution to
this dilemma. Even if deaf students are provided with the time to attend alternately
to the teacher/interpreter and related visual materials, they will have to depend more
on working memory and be less likely to engage in relational processing compared
to hearing students (see below) who can look at a visual display while the instructor
speaks about it. The latter situation is well known to result in better learning (Paivio,
1971; Mayer & Morena, 1998), and we therefore now consider memory and related
processes involved in learning.
1999; Blatto-Vallee et al., 2007) and the lack of coherence and stability in their con-
ceptual knowledge relative to hearing peers (McEvoy et al., 1999). It thus appears
that related teaching methods might need to be employed that emphasize different
aspects of to-be-learned material with deaf students who are older than would be
expected on the basis of findings from hearing students. Experienced teachers of
deaf children and young adults report success in using such methods (e.g.
Haptonstall-Nykaza & Schick, 2007), but the possibility of transfer, effects on meta-
cognition, and their long-term impact on learning have not been evaluated.
As we noted earlier, a related issue that teachers need to be aware of is that deaf
students frequently do not utilize knowledge we know they have or that is made
available to them in various tasks in which it would be useful or is necessary
(Ottem, 1980; Ansell & Pagliaro, 2006). Banks et al. (1990) and Lewis and
Jackson (2001) obtained results with printed materials parallel to Ottem’s (1980)
review of problem-solving tasks. Lewis and Jackson, for example, found that deaf
students were less likely than hearing peers to integrate visual information from
videos with information in accompanying captions. They concluded that deaf chil-
dren ‘lag behind hearing students in their ability to generalize information or to use
prior knowledge’ (p. 49). Such findings highlight the need for teachers of deaf stu-
dents to provide a richer context for instruction than they normally would for
hearing students, explicitly tying new information to what students already know
rather than depending on them to make appropriate inferences. The use of directed
strategies of this sort by classroom teachers depends on their prior assessments of
student knowledge as well as sufficient repetition to ensure both that students recog-
nize the importance of such relational processing and that the new information is
deeply processed and retained. Skilled teachers of deaf students accommodate
such needs on a regular basis, even in the face of considerable variability in their stu-
dents’ knowledge and their lesser automaticity in information retrieval (Bebko,
1998; McEvoy et al., 1999). Exactly how they do this is unclear.
Integrative and relational processing among objects and ideas also will affect
both the quantity and quality of incidental learning. Marschark et al. (2004), for
example, found that although the category membership of a familiar object is just
as salient for deaf as for hearing students, deaf students on average are less likely
to automatically activate high-frequency category members (horse, dog, bird) in
memory when they encounter a category name (animal). That finding suggests
that deaf students’ performance in domains that depend on their use of associative
knowledge (e.g. reading, problem solving) will differ from that of hearing students
qualitatively as well as perhaps quantitatively. Such differences, in turn, will affect
higher levels of cognitive functioning, several aspects of which we consider next.
Executive functioning
Executive functioning is a level of cognition including metacognition and
behavioural regulation (e.g. control of emotions, thoughts, and behaviours).
Current research suggests that language fluency is necessary for optimal executive
function development, and children with poor language skills – deaf or hearing –
will be limited in several cognitive domains as a result (Hauser et al., 2008). The
fact that many deaf children show increasing delays in age-appropriate language
as they get older means that there also may be an increasing delay in executive
functioning. Meanwhile, the need for efficient executive functioning also increases
as children get older and the classroom becomes less structured.
Executive functioning is perhaps most obviously needed when a child approaches
a novel task with minimal external support. This is a situation in which both intelli-
gence and prior knowledge are important. The more frequently children are faced
with novel tasks, the better they become at problem solving. Deaf children, and
especially those with hearing parents and teachers, however, often receive more
direction and assistance than they need and thus may have fewer opportunities
for exercising executive functioning through hypothesis testing and problem
solving. As a result, they frequently have less effective executive functioning than
hearing age-mates and become more instrumentally dependent, frequently looking
for assistance (or giving up) rather than figuring out how to solve academic, linguis-
tic, or social problems for themselves. If deaf children are to develop cognitive flexi-
bility and become independent learners, they need to learn to handle (appropriate)
challenges themselves across a variety of domains.
Another example of deaf students’ delayed executive functioning is their lesser
monitoring (or automaticity in monitoring) of comprehension and learning relative
to hearing peers. As a result, they often fail to recognize when linguistic or concep-
tual understanding has broken down. Marschark and colleagues (Marschark et al.
2005; Borgna et al., 2011), for example, have demonstrated that deaf students fre-
quently overestimate to a greater extent than hearing classmates how much they
understand and are learning via both reading and language comprehension in the
classroom. Together with deaf students’ smaller vocabularies and tendency not to
engage in as much integrative processing and inferencing, the above findings have
led to the conclusion that deaf students’ difficulties with reading are not only
about reading (Marschark et al., 2009). In particular, the failure to recognize
when comprehension is successful and when it is not suggests a problem with execu-
tive functioning or metacognition rather than (or in addition to) a difficulty related
to language processing within a particular modality.
Related to the issue of recognizing when something has been understood or learned
is the general finding that students who know more about a topic are better able to
judge their performance related to that topic. If anything, those students who know
more tend to underestimate their performance, while students who know less tend
not to realize how much they do not know/comprehend and tend to overestimate
their performance. This robust finding is referred to as the unskilled and unaware
effect (Kruger & Dunning, 1999).
In most studies related to the unskilled and unaware effect, involving hearing stu-
dents, it can be assumed that the participants are all language fluent without any par-
ticular (or at least identified) learning difficulties. Deaf children, in contrast, often
grow up with relatively impoverished language and education experiences that
may leave them unable to judge accurately whether and how much they comprehend
of classroom content (Harrington, 2000). Some of those students will recognize gaps
in their comprehension and learning in some settings and may attempt to compen-
sate through questions, reading, and meetings with tutors or instructors. Others
either will be unaware of their comprehension failures (Strassman, 1997) or
simply accept them as normal (Napier & Barker, 2004).
Most research concerning deaf children’s metacognition has focused on reading
and, more recently, theory of mind (see below). In general, deaf children appear
to be relatively poor at assessing their reading comprehension (or metacomprehen-
sion) and often consider themselves to be good readers even if they do not know
what that means (Kelly et al., 2001; Borgna et al., 2011). Ewoldt et al. (1992),
however, observed deaf adolescents using a variety of independent, metacognitive
reading strategies, such as re-reading the text or looking up words in a dictionary.
Their study suggested that teachers may inadvertently encourage dependent strat-
egies among deaf students. Parents also may unintentionally foster such behaviours
in young deaf readers by underestimating their reading abilities and being over-
directive. However, the finding that deaf students tend to think that they understand
more than they actually do with signed/spoken language indicates that the issue
cannot be ascribed to deaf students’ print literacy skills. Rather, these findings
appear to reflect metacognitive difficulties in either inaccurate self-monitoring or a
failure to recognize the level of information processing necessary in order to fully
understand and learn from language in the classroom. The latter possibility is sup-
ported by reports of sign language interpreters in mainstream classrooms that deaf
students behave as though if they understand an interpreter’s signs, they therefore
understand the message, even if they have not integrated the signs in a meaningful
way. This situation, of course, is intertwined with the issue of visual attention in
the classroom. That is, deaf students may not attend closely to ongoing visual com-
munication in the classroom because they think they do not have to. At the same
time, their greater visual distractibility makes sustained visual attention difficult,
with subsequent detrimental effects to comprehension.
Mousley and Kelly study thus demonstrates that while deaf students frequently do
not effectively apply executive functioning and metacognitive strategies during
problem solving, they can. Whether this is a function of a failure to appropriately
match strategies with problem situations or difficulty in applying them effectively
remains to be determined. The fact that parallel findings are found in verbal- and
non-verbal (Marschark & Everhart, 1999) tasks and in social as well as academic
domains suggests that there are basic cognitive and metacognitive differences
between deaf and hearing students at play, and that related academic challenges
are not specific to literacy and mathematics, the two areas most frequently
Social cognition
Social cognition is considered a higher-level cognitive function in that, like other
meta-level functions, it depends on the output of lower-level processes like
working memory, long-term memory, perception, and comprehension. In many
ways, social cognition is similar to reading and other problem-solving situations
in that it requires use of context (the location, those involved in the interaction,
goals, and expectations), relational processing among units (social behaviours),
and monitoring of intermediate outcomes. Two levels of social functioning are of
interest here: (1) those involving classroom dynamics created by interactions
among deaf children, peers, and teachers and (2) the social cognition abilities of
deaf children that feed into classroom interactions as well as into functioning in
other contexts.
As deafness is a low-incidence disability, few teachers or other school personnel
have encountered deaf students and thus rarely recognize their heterogeneity or
how they differ from hearing peers beyond their use of assistive listening devices
and, perhaps, sign language (see also, Alexander & Murphy, 1999; Kranzler,
1999). Social interactions among deaf and hearing peers and deaf students’
social-emotional functioning in the inclusive classroom are particularly likely to
be alien to most teachers. Given the language delays of many deaf children and
the findings described above with regard to comprehension monitoring, it should
not be surprising that miscommunication or poor communication between deaf chil-
dren, their teachers, and their peers would occur. The extent to which such com-
munication problems affect a child’s functioning in school remains unclear, but
there is some evidence available regarding related differences in the social-emotional
In contrast to deaf children in special schools (but see Wolters et al., 2011, in
press), the social functioning of deaf children in regular classrooms has been the
subject of extensive study (see Antia et al., 2010, for a review). Interactions of
social, cognitive, and academic functioning, however, have not been explored in
either population. Nevertheless, given the observed relations among school perform-
ance, mental health, and peer relations among hearing children (e.g. Doll, 1993;
Lubbers et al., 2006), it is likely that some of the academic difficulties demonstrated
by deaf children have social as well as cognitive and linguistic origins. Indeed, these
domains all likely influence each other (Chen et al., 1997; Welsh et al., 2001).
based on such understanding (Gopnik et al., 1994; Marschark et al., 2000; Remmel
& Peters, 2009). Deaf children’s apparent capability to recognize that others have
mental states thus may reflect their attention to the faces of significant others with
whom they interact. Their difficulties with the more complex false-belief task, in
contrast, may be a reflection of their well-documented lesser automaticity in rela-
tional processing relative to hearing peers. Just as deaf children of deaf parents
acquire joint visual attention with their mothers through social interactions earlier
than deaf children of hearing parents, they may develop other relational processing
strategies earlier, including those that underlie recognizing links between behaviour
and perceived mental states. Although this prediction is still in need of empirical
investigation, the above findings generally suggest that both the acquisition of
theory of mind and the ability or likelihood of using it in various situations
(either automatically or intentionally) are not simple or unidimensional, but
involve various kinds of knowledge and subskills brought together through chil-
dren’s executive functioning. This means that they also are likely to be affected by
the amount of hearing the child has. It therefore will be worthwhile to consider
several studies that have focused on theory of mind in deaf children with CIs.
Even with the improved hearing provided by CIs, those children appear in many
ways cognitively more similar to other deaf children than to hearing children (Pisoni
& Cleary, 2003; Stacey et al., 2006; Fagan et al., 2007; Geers et al., 2008; James
et al., 2008). Theory of mind is one of those areas (e.g. Lundy, 2002; Peterson,
2004; Moeller & Schick, 2006; Remmel & Peters, 2009). Peterson (2004) explored
the possibility that 4- to 12-year-old deaf children with CIs might demonstrate better
performance in false belief tasks because of their greater access to related language
in the family. Contrary to her expectation that the children with CIs should demon-
strate superior language development compared to peers with hearing aids,
however, she found that the two groups did not differ on either the Peabody
Picture Vocabulary Test or the Word Classes and Relations subscale of the Test of
Auditory Comprehension of Language. The children also did not differ significantly
in language ability as a function of whether or not sign language was used in school.
Most importantly, deaf children with CIs and those who used hearing aids did not
differ in false belief task performance, even while both performed significantly below
a younger hearing group.
Moeller and Schick (2006) examined the social-linguistic interactions of hearing
mothers and their deaf children as precursors of ‘development of false belief under-
standing’ (p. 753). All the deaf children were reported to rely on signed communi-
cation in interactions with their mothers, even though 10 of the 22 had CIs
(including two non-users). Overall, deaf children with and without CIs did not
differ significantly in their performance on language measures or on verbal false
belief tasks, although as a group they were delayed in both domains relative to a
hearing comparison group. Consistent with the suggestion noted earlier, Moeller
and Schick found that mothers of hearing children referred to mental states in
language directed at their children more often than mothers of deaf children.
Although degree of hearing loss was not significantly related to their performance on
the false belief task, mothers’ sign language skills, strongly correlated with false
belief performance, as did children’s language skills and the frequency of mothers’
‘mental talk’ (but not non-mental talk). Moeller and Schick concluded that
mother–child dyads with more effective means of communication are better able
to promote social understanding, which lies at the heart of false-belief performance.
Remmel and Peters (2009) also explored the development of theory of mind in
children with CIs in an effort to clarify the relation between language ability and
theory of mind performance. They found no difference in false-belief performance
between children with CIs, aged 3–12 years, and hearing age-mates. In contrast to
Peterson’s (2004) findings, that result was attributed to the children with implants
demonstrating age-appropriate receptive and expressive language scores. These
and other results led Remmel and Peters to suggest that their sample may have
been fortuitously composed of implant ‘stars’ rather than a more representative
sample. Indeed, they indicated that half of the children with implants were recruited
from a centre that explicitly excluded from selection children with known cognitive
disabilities (Geers, 2003) and that they could not be sure that parents and children
who participated in the study were representative.
Better access to spoken language has been assumed to support both theory of
mind (Peterson, 2004) and cognitive development (Pisoni et al., 2008), but it
remains unclear as to whether improvements in speech and hearing provided by
CIs are directly related to advantages in the development of theory of mind. Most
and Peled (2007) found that the access to language provided by CIs often is of insuf-
ficient fidelity to capture many of the emotional aspects of speech, characteristics
that one would expect to be necessary for the development of theory of mind.
The above results also might be taken to suggest that the link between spoken
language and cognition is not as direct as some would believe. As research into cog-
nitive functioning among children with implants becomes more focused, consider-
ation of social-emotional functioning and reception of the nuances of
interpersonal communication clearly need to be considered. At present, however,
it should not be assumed that simply because children with CIs are frequently in
regular classrooms that their strengths and needs are the same as their hearing peers.
Finally, in our view, theory of mind and related skills are particularly important to
the teaching–learning enterprise insofar as they allow children to place teachers’
language and behaviour in a larger context, affecting both learning and generaliz-
ation from learning. Although studies have not yet examined possible links
between theory of mind and academic achievement, we expect that encouraging
deaf students to reflect on relations of particular tasks to the academic content at
hand and the goals of teachers in those tasks will help them to better deploy appro-
priate cognitive and metacognitive strategies. It is precisely this kind of modification
to teaching we have in mind when we suggest that teachers need to adjust their
methods and materials to accommodate cognitive differences between deaf and
hearing students.
It has long been recognized that deaf learners at essentially all ages come into the
classroom with lesser content knowledge and smaller vocabularies than hearing
classmates. Now that it is known that this applies to essentially all languages of
instruction, regardless of whether they are signed, spoken, or written, it is incumbent
on teachers to identify student knowledge (and gaps in knowledge) early, so as to
provide additional support and avoid the possibility of deaf children falling
further behind. This is especially important given the recent findings with regard
to metacognition, indicating that deaf students may not be aware when they are
not comprehending fully and may not automatically apply knowledge they have
in new situations. Similarly, deaf children will benefit if classroom tasks are not
overly reliant on sequential memory and/or explicit training on alternative strategies
that can support retention. Practice in considering concepts, situations, and pro-
blems from alternative perspectives also will be helpful. The use of teaching
materials like concept maps, scaffolding, and diagrams can support deaf children’s
learning only if they are understood and actively utilized. Teachers should not
assume that simply providing such materials will be sufficient, even if a deaf
student indicates that their purpose is comprehended. Frequent ‘checking in’ is
essential to ensure that language and cognitive delays (some of which may not be
obvious) are not interfering with learning and integration of new information
with what is already known.
We recognize that strategies which appear likely to be effective frequently are
hampered by a lack of teacher training, time pressure, and challenges inherent in
teaching mixed-ability groups (Easterbrooks et al., 2006). We therefore believe
that the most efficient and effective approach is for investigators first to identify
instructional methods that are associated with deaf students’ academic achievement.
Relationships among those instructional strategies, typical cognitive characteristics
of deaf students, and academic outcomes then can provide the basis for creating
specific interventions that can be implemented across a variety of classroom settings.
It will then be their responsibility to disseminate those findings in interventions to
parents, teachers, and other educational professionals. In other words, research evi-
dence about effective instructional strategies has to be translated into actual teaching
behaviour that should be learned in the actual context of teaching, inside the class-
room, supported by activities such as video coaching, mentoring, and peer class-
room observations. Ultimately, this will require moving from research to practice
and back again in order to design, implement, and fine-tune interventions that are
effective across a broad range of teachers, students, and settings. But a journey of
1000 miles begins with a single step.
Portions of this chapter are based on Knoors and Marschark (2012) and Marschark
and Hauser (2012).
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Notes on contributors
This paper is based on a broader discussion focusing specifically on challenges in
inclusive education published by the authors as, ‘Sprache, Kognition und Lernen:
Herausforderungen der Inklusion für gehörlose und schwerhörige Kinder’ in