Lab 11 (1)
Lab 11 (1)
Lab 11 (1)
Experiment No 11:
Build mathematical model for DC servo motor with the experiment
and Stability Analysis
Understand the basic procedures to build model with mechanism method and
experiment method
Master the method to build mathematical model for DC servo motor with the
experiment method
Master the basic method to control the system stability analysis
System modeling may be divided into two categories: mechanism modeling and
experiment modeling. Mechanism modeling means to establish the internal input-output relations
of a system via mathematical means based on physics and chemistry knowledge, as well as the
understanding of the motion characteristics. While experiment modeling refers to the input-
output relations of a system via mathematical means, which is built after the researchers enter a
series of input signal determined in advance on the object to stimulate such and the observable
output is measured through the sensor. This process covers the design and selection of input
signal, accurate measurement of output signal, and the study of mathematical algorithms etc.
The mathematical model for DC servo motors built with mechanism method:
n(t) is motor revolving speed, and T c is load torque. If the motor is assumed to be
under ideal idle load T c =0, the transfer function shall be
n(s) Kc
U ( s) τ m τ e s + τ m s+1
n(s) Kc
U ( s) τ m s+ 1
n(s) Kc
U ( s) τ m s+ 1
The mathematical model for DC servo motor built with experiment method:
The experiment
method is used to measure the mathematical model of the first-order inertial loop, and the
second-order system, it meets the accuracy for general industrial application. The mathematical
model of firs-order system - DC motor is listed for establishment process below.
Assume that the mathematical model of the object system is
In the experiment determination method applying mathematical model, the two-point method
with delayed first-order inertia loop fitting, the parameters K, T,τ can be determined
y ( t 1 )=0.39 y (∞)
y ( t 2 )=0.63 y (∞)
y (∞)
Figure 1
T =2 ( t 2−t 1 )
τ =2t 1−t 2
The data obtained from formulas above may be verified in the formula below:
t 3=0.8 T + τ , y ( t 3 ) =0.55 y (∞ )
t 4=2 T + τ , y ( t 4 )=0.87 y (∞)
Lab Tasks
Execute the following task on both hardware and Matlab Simulink.
a. Consider the open loop DC servo motor, apply step input to the real time Dc motor servo
system. Build mathematical model for DC servo motor with the experiment method.
Record the percent overshoot, settling time, peak time, and rise time.
Mathematical Model
Simulink Model
Step Response
Experimental Response