Eff d 510652
Eff d 510652
Eff d 510652
• Please see the time table and blank acknowledgement record on page 2.
• Please read carefully and understand the instructions given in the enclosed "Instructions to Examinees" and instructions
given on the second page of answer book (for Paper 1 and 2) / on the OMR Answer Sheet ( for Paper 3 and 4) to avoid
• If the Photo and/or Signature on the admit card is not clearly visible/well cropped you are advised to paste the photograph
and affix signature on an A4 size paper quoting your Registration Number, Name, Course & Roll Number and get this page
attested by a member of the Institute (member may indicate his/her Name, membership number, and office stamp while
signing/attesting at the bottom of this page) and carry it to examination centre, in duplicate, as proof of your identity. You
will be required to hand over the original paper to the examination centre, while retaining one copy of the same, for your
record. Ensure that you upload the same photo/sign in the SSP before the commencement of exam
which will then be used for printing Marksheet/Certificates.
Entry Time: 1:30 PM (IST), Reading Time 1:45 to 2:00 PM (IST) (Excluding MCQ based Paper),
Last Entry Time: 2:15 PM (IST), Exit Time: After Conclusion of the day’s exam
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Paper Day, Date & Timings of Name of the Signature of the Signature of the
Examination Invigilator Invigilator Invigilator
[For use at the [In [In
Examination acknowledgement acknowledgement of
Roll No.: 641051 Centre] of receipt of receipt of MCQ
Registration No.: Answer book(s) Booklet]
CRO0759761 /OMR Sheet]
Paper 1:Accounting NO MCQ BOOKLET FOR
Thursday, June 20, 2024 THIS PAPER. NO SIGN.
02.00 PM to 5.00 PM (IST)
Paper 2:Business Laws Saturday, June 22, 2024 NO MCQ BOOKLET FOR
02.00 PM to 5.00 PM (IST) REQUIRED
3&4 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM 2:15 PM to 4:15 PM 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM
A - On conclusion of examinations, hand over the Answer Book in Paper 1 & 2 and handover the OMR Answer
Sheet & MCQ Booklet in Paper 3 & 4 to the Invigilator. Take Signature of the Invigilator as acknowledgment in
the above table.
B- In Paper 3 & 4 OMR Answer Sheet, candidate should write and darken correct question booklet no.
printed on your question booklet which will be taken as final for evaluation. In case any candidate fills in
this information wrongly, Institute will not take any responsibility for rectifying the mistake.
1. Advance Reading time will start 15 Minutes before the scheduled commencement of the examination in respect of
Paper 1 & 2.
2. No Advance Reading time in respect of Papers 3 & 4. Please note that MCQ booklet seal shall be opened by the
candidate at 2.00 PM (IST) only.
3. Late entry permitted only upto 2.15 PM (IST) for All Papers
4. Candidates will be allowed to leave the exam centre only after the conclusion of the exam.
5. You must write MCQ booklet No. in the attendance register while signing the same in Papers 3 & 4.
6. OMR answer sheet must not be tied /tagged with MCQ booklet.
7. Discrepancy relating to exam, medium, centre, name spellings, registration number, etc. should be reported in
writing to the Examination department so as to reach the Institute at least 7 (seven) days prior to the
commencement of the examination.
8. Helpline Nos. 0120-3054851, 3054852, 3054853, 3054854, 3054835, 4953751, 4953752, 4953753, and 4953754.
Email id : foundation_examhelpline@icai.in
9. For Differently abled candidates - For availing the facility of compensatory time / writer, you are advised to carry
your original concession card / letter issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
The details given above were correct at the time of release of the data by the Institute which accepts no responsibility thereafter
for errors or omissions caused as a result of their transmission via the Internet or their downloading or printing by the user. In case
of any inconsistency among the details given in the attendance sheet available with the Superintendent of the examination centre,
Admit Card sent to the candidate and the information displayed in the Website, the information given in the attendance sheet will
only be treated as correct and valid.
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Do’s and Don’ts
Do's Don'ts
1. Reach exam centre latest by 01:30 P.M.(IST). 1. Use ink other than black, sketch pen, highlighter for
2. Occupy the seat earmarked against your Roll Number. underlining or highlighting.
3. Carry your own pen, HB pencil, eraser, stapler, ink, blotting 2. Make/Write any notings/rough work on the question paper.
paper, scale, and battery operated noiseless/cordless 3. Carry any paper, book, notes or any other written material
portable calculator with upto 6 functions, 12 digits and in the examination room/hall.
upto two memories. 4. Write Roll Number anywhere (except on the front page of
4. Use black ink ball point pen only (Paper 1 & 2). Use Black the answer book) in the answer book, including additional
ball point pen for writing in Boxes and HB Pencil for answer book(s), graph/blotting paper.
darkening the corresponding circles below (Paper 3 & 4). 5. Make/write religious symbols/prayers like God's name,
5. Write Roll Number at specified place in the question paper. Guru's Name, OM, Swastika, 786 and the like anywhere in
6. Check that the question paper bears the Code as the answer book, including additional answer book(s),
displayed on the notice/black board / announced in the graph/blotting paper.
examination room/hall and ensure that you have received 6. Write / make extraneous (irrelevant/ unrelated)
the question paper bearing the correct code. notes/remarks, appeal for marks etc.
7. Check that the question paper is complete with reference 7. Carry printing models, scientific calculator or smart watch.
to the number of pages mentioned thereon. 8. Exchange pen, pencil, eraser, question paper, scale,
8. Write Roll Number at the specified place in the calculator etc.
(main) answer book only. & in the OMR answer sheet. 9. Talk/communicate with any other examinees.
9. Paper - 1 & 2 : Write your answer in the medium 10. Tear off and carry any page/leaf from the answer book,
(English/Hindi) opted by you as mentioned in the Admit including additional answer book (Paper 1 & Paper 2) or
card. Tear any portion of / wrinkle the OMR Answer sheet (Paper
Paper - 3 & 4 : Objective type paper. Darken the 3 & 4).
appropriate circle in the OMR answer sheets, provided in
11. Leave seat without permission.
English only.
12. Carry mobile phones or any other electronic gadget/device
10. Mark √ tick against the question numbers attempted in the
in any form [except calculator].
cages provided on the front/cover page of the answer
book( in paper 1 & 2 only). 13. Smoke, chew tobacco/betel nut, gum etc.
11. Submit answer book in case of Paper 1&2 and both OMR 14. Mark your answer in respect of Paper3 & 4 in the MCQ
Answer sheet and Question Booklet in case of Paper 3 & 4 booklet provided to you. Answers to MCQs should be
immediately upon conclusion of examination and obtain written on the OMR sheet only. Answers of MCQs marked in
receipt for the same (in the Acknowledgement/Record on MCQ booklet will not be taken cognizance of and will not be
page 2 of the Admit Card). evaluated.
12. Fasten all answer books including additional answer 15. Staple or tag the OMR answer sheet with the MCQ booklet
books used with a tag and also staple them.(For paper 1 16. Keep the OMR answer sheet inside the MCQ booklet while
& 2) submitting to the invigilator. Submit them separately.
13. Sign the attendance register without fail.
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