2022 S C M R 1271
2022 S C M R 1271
2022 S C M R 1271
Date of Hearing: 08.11.2022.
Petitioners by: M/s Malik Shahid Mehmood Kandwal,
Advocate and Malik Muhammad Fiaz
Kandwal, Advocate.
Respondents No.1 and Mr. Mushtaq Ahmad Mohal, Additional
2 by: Advocate General.
Ms. Amna Ali, Assistant Advocate
Respondent No. 3 by: Mr. Faisal Kiyani, Advocate
Respondent No. 4 by Ch. Adeel Fraz, Advocate.
plaintiff/respondent and the recovery suit was also decreed. Hence, the
instant as well as the connected Civil Revisions have been filed.
8. Relief.”
The suits were heard together and as stated earlier, through consolidated
judgment, the learned Trial Court, decreed the declaratory suit whereas
the recovery suit was dismissed. Insofar as dismissal of the recovery
suit is concerned, the glaring contradiction between the statements of
the plaintiff/respondent led the learned Trial Court to render its findings
inasmuch as the plaintiff/respondent in a criminal case got registered
by her, admittedly, claimed the value of the household articles in terms
of Rs.1,000,000/- whereas the same has been inflated to Rs.3,153,700/-
as alternate price of said articles claimed in the recovery suit. While
deciding the appeals preferred by the parties, the learned Appellate
Court upheld the findings of the learned Trial Court to the extent of the
declaratory suit whereas regarding the recovery suit, the findings were
reversed and the recovery suit was also decreed, inter alia, for the
reasons that prior to execution of the impugned sale deed by the
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12. The nub of the matter is the status of the GPA. Perusal of the
record with the able assistance of learned counsel for the parties reveals
that the plaint, the revocation deed as well as the appeal are clearly
written in Urdu language and hence, the argument of learned counsel
for the plaintiff/respondent that she was naive and unaware about the
contents of the GPA does not hold water. A copy of FIR No.86/19 was
exhibited as Exh-P.5 whereas the copy of the suit titled “Manzoor
Masih v. Naila Tabassum” was exhibited as Exh-P.6. Certified copy of
the prior suit was also exhibited as Exh-D.2. In the said FIR, the
plaintiff/respondent narrated the following story:
"زگارش ےہ ہک ںیم امڈل اکولین ملہج یک راہیشئ و وکسیتن وہں۔ ریما اکی اکمن دعتادی (اسڑےھ 6
رمےل) واعق امڈل اکولین ملہج ےہ۔ وج ہک امیتیل اڑاھیئ نیت رکوڑ روےپ ےہ۔ امہ ارپلی 2017ء ںیم
دعاتلےسےھجمونسٹالم ہکںیمےن اانپاکمنوظنمرحیسموکرفوتخرکدای ےہاوراعیبہنیھبےلایلےہ۔
نکیل اب اکمن انم ہن رکوا ریہ ےہ۔ ونسٹ ےنلم رپ ںیم رپاشین وہ یئگ اور اےنپ زعزی رخم زہشاد ےس راہطب
ایک۔ رخم زہشادریمے رھگ آایگ اوررخم زہشاد ےن اےنپ دوتس ریشاز یلع وک یھبالبای اورارطسح ھجمےس
However, when the plaintiff instituted the prior suit (Exh-D.2), she
categorically stated as under:
" ہی ہک دماع ہیلع ربمن 1ےن اعدی دقمہم ابز وظنمر حیسم ) (Professional Litigantےس اسز ابز
دوعے ونعبان وظنمر انبم انہلئ مسبت وسل وکرٹ ملہج 2017ںیم دارئ رکواای۔ دمہیع
ٰ رکےت وہےئ اکی
ٰ اسوتقاپاتسکنآیئوہیئیھت۔
ذموکر ےن دمہیع وک اتبای۔ ہک دماعہیلع ربمن 1ااکس دوتس اور اجےنن واال ےہ۔ دمہیع اےس دقمہم یک ریپوی
یتھجمس یھت۔ دمہیع ےن رخم زہشاد ذموکر ےک ےنہک رپ دماع ہیلع ربمن 1وک دقمہمیک ریپوی ےک ےئل اتخمرانہم
دے دای۔ دمہیع اردو ڑپانھ۔ انھکل ہن اجیتن ےہ۔ اتخمر انہم یک ابعرت رخم زہشاد ذموکر اور دماعہیلع ربمن 1
C.R. No.103/D/2022 9
ےن ایتر رکوایئ۔ ابعرت دمہیع وک ڑپھ رک انسیئ اور اھجمسیئ ہن یئگ۔ اتخمر انہم اعم ذتمرکہ بس ررٹسجار
ےن وظنمر حیسم ےک اسھت اسز ابز رکےت وہےئ اکی یلعج1 آسف ملہج ںیم ررٹسج رکوا دای۔ دماعہیلع ربمن
ٰ وبسگہنیبموطررپارقارانہمایتررکوارکدمہیعےکالخف
الھک روےپ)ےل رک وظنمرحیسم5( روےپ500000/- ےن دمہیعوک کیلب لیم رک ےکدمہیعےس غلبم1
ٰ وکرحتریرکےکدای۔25.5.2017انیمصخشوکدی۔سجےنایبنیفلح ومرہخ
(Emphasis supplied)
From perusal of the above quoted passage from the FIR as well as the
plaint of the prior suit when put in juxtaposition with the plaint of the
declaratory suit, it is abundantly clear that there is a disconnect in stance
of the plaintiff/respondent inasmuch as, in the prior suit, she clearly
alleged act of blackmailing on part of the defendant/attorney as well
as her own nephew, namely, Khurram Shahzad and subsequently, in
the declaratory as well as recovery suits, produced said Khurram
Shahzad as her own witness in support of her contentions without
rendering any plausible explanation as to why she decided not to
prosecute rather produce him as her own witness when Khurram
Shahzad was allegedly instrumental in introducing the
defendant/attorney to the plaintiff/respondent. Moreover, it is
astonishing that on the one hand, she alleges in the prior suit that
Khurram Shahzad is a blackmailer and has acted in connivance with the
defendant/attorney to her detriment and on the other hand, she has
produced said Khurram Shahzad as her own witness and relied upon
his testimony in the proceedings conducted in the suits. This conduct of
the plaintiff/respondent is quite improbable to be believed upon. Her
stance that she is unable to understand Urdu language also falls on the
ground when she herself stated in the prior suit that the composition
( )عبارتof the GPA was written/prepared by the said Khurram Shahzad
who never stated in his statement that no power to sell the suit property
was conferred upon the defendant/attorney and some fraud was
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all the acts and deeds of his agent done by him under the
authority conferred through the instrument.”
14. In the instant case, since the factum of execution of the GPA is
admitted, the plaintiff/respondent, as the principal thereunder, cannot
absolve herself from the acts done by the attorney/defendant on her
behalf under the GPA. It has been the stance of the plaintiff/respondent
that she had not authorized the defendant/attorney to execute the
impugned sale deed and the GPA was only executed for a specific
purpose of contesting a case, which had been instituted at behest of the
defendant/attorney by one Manzoor Masih. The plaintiff/respondent
came to the Court with a specific stance and hence, was required to
prove the case independently and cannot bank upon the weakness of the
statement of the defendants/purchasers. The defendants/purchasers
cannot be called upon to prove the negative thing that the GPA was not
fraudulent rather the plaintiff/respondent was obligated to prove the
same with positive evidence. In addition, needless to mention that as
per Article 129 of Qanun-e-Shahdat Order, 1984 (hereinafter referred
to as “the QSO”), the Court has to draw a presumption regarding
execution and authenticity of a registered instrument such as the GPA.
The plaintiff/respondent admitted that she executed the GPA in favour
of the defendant/attorney but claimed that fraud was played on her. The
plaintiff/respondent while being cross-examined categorically accused
the defendant/attorney (Sheraz) by stating as under:
’’ریمے وگااہن ےن اتخمر انہم ہن ڑپاھےہ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔اتخمر انہماک ااٹشمںیم ےن اجری ہن رکواای ےہوج
ھچکایک ےہریشازیلعےنیہ ایکےہ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔درتسےہہک ریشازیلعےکالعوہہیقب ارفادںیم
(Emphasis supplied)
The collusion in obtaining the GPA has not been attributed to the
defendants/purchasers let alone that the same was proved. Moreover,
even if it is assumed that she had been defrauded by her attorney, the
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prove his good faith and the court has to consider whether
it was done with freewill or under duress and has to assess
further for an affirmative proof whether the said document
was read over to the pardanashin or illiterate lady in her
native language for her proper understanding.”
Keeping in sight the above quoted principles laid down by the Hon’ble
Supreme Court, the assertion of the plaintiff/respondent seems to be not
plausible inasmuch as it sounds quite unbelievable and defies common
sense and logic that a lady who is well settled in Europe for the last 40
years and managing the suit property on her own, prior to execution of
the GPA, by frequently travelling back to Pakistan for this purpose, and
signing the documents in English, would be too naive to not even ask
for the contents of a document to be read over to her that admittedly
pertains to the suit property and will not make an enquiry into state of
affairs regarding the suit property particularly when, as per her own
contentions, the purpose to defend the suit titled “Manzoor Masih v.
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Naila Tabassum” had been completed for which the GPA was executed
and the GPA was not revoked immediately thereafter. It can be further
noted that even the alleged execution of the GPA for the purpose of
defending the suit titled as “Manzoor Masih v. Naila Tabassum”, as per
her own assertion was on the asking of Khurram Shahzad without the
advice and/or association of her immediate male family members. This
in itself belies her claim of being a pardanashin lady. Similarly, in
terms of Section 60 (2) of the Registration Act, 1908 (hereinafter
referred to as “the Act 1908”), certificate of registration shall be
admissible for proving that the document has been registered in the
manner required under law and is an extension of mandate as provided
under Article 129 (e) of the QSO that officials acts are presumed to
have been performed in regular and legitimate manner. It is also
testament to the fact that endorsement as referred in Section 59 of the
Act, 1908 has occurred in the manner in which it has been mentioned.
Hence, presumption of genuineness is attached to the endorsement
made by office of the Sub-Registrar concerned. It is imperative to note
that the plaintiff/respondent, both in her plaint and also in evidence, did
not speak anything as to what had happened in the office of the Sub-
Registrar more particularly when she was accompanied by the person
of her trust, namely, Khurram Shahzad. There is a complete silence as
to the proceedings before the Sub-Registrar on part of the
plaintiff/respondent, which can prove that any fraud was committed
through connivance of the official respondents.
16. There is also no evidence or even averment to the effect that the
defendants/purchasers through the defendant/attorney had induced the
plaintiff/respondent to sign the GPA and what has been deposed by the
plaintiff/respondent is that she executed the GPA as proposed by her
close relative, Khurram Shahzad whom she is not accusing of any
forgery in the declaratory suit, out of which the present proceedings
have emanated although in the prior suit she labelled him as a
blackmailer. There is no plausible explanation regarding the said
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17. The above discussion clearly establishes that the learned Trial
Court as well as the learned Appellate Court below have given undue
weightage to the fact that the defendants/purchasers could not prove the
payment of sale consideration when they failed to produce Arshad
Khalil, Tehsildar and Abdul Aziz, Lumberdar in whose presence the
defendants/purchasers claim to have paid the money inasmuch as
plaintiff/respondent’s own witness, namely, Khurram Shahzad
categorically acknowledged in his affidavit as per report brought on
record as Exh-P5 that the suit property was sold and Rs.6,000,000/-
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19. In the light of the above discussion, this Court finds that there is
error on the part of learned Trial Court as well as the Appellate Court
below in assessing pleadings, oral and documentary evidence available
on record and decreeing the suits of the plaintiff/respondent against the
defendants/purchasers and it is unjustifiable and discordant with the
conscience of justice on part of the learned Courts below to make the
defendants/purchasers suffer the consequence of fraud, if any, in which
they had no contributory role to play and it is the plaintiff/respondent
who contributed, out of her innocence, negligence or otherwise, to the
commission thereof.
20. Having opined that the GPA is an admitted document and was
the basis of the sale of the suit property by the defendant/attorney to the
defendants/purchasers, the plaintiff/ respondent cannot back out as she
has failed to discharge her burden that the GPA was result of any fraud
practiced by the defendants/purchasers, this Court takes up the
controversy forming subject matter of the recovery suit. The judgments
in the recovery suit are at variance. Issue No.4 was the relevant issue in
this regard and onus thereof was on the plaintiff/respondent. In a very
apt manner, the learned Trial Court decided the issue in the following
20. …
(Emphasis supplied)
With the above analysis of the learned Trial Court in sight, the learned
Appellate Court below has taken a different decision, merely, on the
ground that on behalf of the defendants/purchasers, defendant No.1,
namely, Muhammad Umair Pasha (DW.2) appeared and in his cross-
examination admitted that prior to execution of the impugned sale deed
in their favour, an agreement to sell was signed, which though was
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never produced before the Court by either side but a copy was presented
during the investigation carried out by the police officials and the said
agreement reads that the suit property was sold with the household
articles and this aspect alone has persuaded the learned Appellate Court
below to upset the findings of the learned Trial Court. No effort was
made to bring on record the copy of said agreement to sell as secondary
evidence, if the original was not available to establish that any cutting
was made therein while adding the words with furniture ( )بمع فرنیچرby
the defendant/attorney. Moreover, learned Appellate Court below
ignored that the plaintiff/respondent while appearing as PW.1 clearly
acknowledged the sale but stated that she did not sell the household
articles to the defendants/purchasers. The plaintiff/respondent as PW-1
stated as under:
امہ4/5 اسل ےس واتیفق ےہ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ںیم اتخمر انہم دےنی ےک8/10 " ۔ریشاز دماعہیلع ےس
دوعی دارئ رک ےک واسپ ےل ایل
ٰ دوعی ذہا ےس لبق اکی
ٰ اپاتسکن آیئ یھت۔ درتس ےہ ہک
4-5 ہنںیہ۔درتسےہہکاکمندتموعہیدماعمہیلعBonafide purchaser 4-5دماعمہیلع
وس ںیم رخدی ایک ےہ ازوخد اہک ےھجم ملع ہن6 زہار85 الھک76 ےس ابوعلض3 ےن دماعہیلع ربمن
اتخمرانہم اکوکیئوگاہںیمےنشیپہنایکےہ ازوخداہکہکاتخمرانہمےکexP2ےہ۔۔۔۔۔۔درتسےہہک
وگاہریمےہنںیہ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔درتسےہہکںیماجدیئاددتموعہییکابتب ینتجدروخاںیتسدیںیہ
(Emphasis supplied)
) الھک روےپ ادا رک ےک دمہیع ےس ہی60( ’’دمہیع‘‘ وک اریوپرٹ ےس رکیل آای اھت۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ںیم ےن
C.R. No.103/D/2022 20
احلص ایکExP2 ) الھک روےپ اکمن یک تمیق ادا رکےک60( احلص ایک ےھ۔ ںیم ےن ہیExP2
) الھک روےپ دےنی اک وکیئ ’’ذرک‘‘ ہن60( ںیمExP2 اھت۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ ہی درتس ےھ ہک
) الھک روےپ ادا60( دوعی ںیم دمہیع وک غلبم
ٰ ےھ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ہی درتس ےھ ہک ںیم ےن اےنپ وجاب
رکےن ےک ابرے اترخی۔وتق۔ہگج یک ابتب رحتری ہن ایک ےھ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ہی درتس ےھ ہک اکمن
ےس غلبم رتہھچ4،5 ےک وحاےل رک دای اھت ںیم ےن دماعہیلع5،4 دماعمہیلعExP3 دموعہی ںیم ےن ذبرہعی
الھک ۔اچپیس ھزار ۔ھچ وسروےپووصل رکےک اکمن دتموعہیرفوتخایکاھت۔ ہیادایگیئںیم ےناس دن
ووصل یک یھت سج دن ررٹسجی رکوایئ یھت۔ ںیم ےن ’’ہی رمق‘‘ لیصحت آسف ںیم ’’روربو‘‘ انجب
دلیصحتار اصبح ووصل کئیے ےھت۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ہی یھب درتس ےھ ہک دمہیع ےن ہن یہ ےھجم اور ہن یہ
(Emphasis supplied)
21. In the light of above discussion, this Court is of the opinion that
there is also no case of the plaintiff/respondent against the
defendants/purchasers for recovery of the household articles since they
have dealt with the defendant/attorney duly appointed by the
plaintiff/respondent herself and purchased the suit property through the
impugned sale deed which is a registered document wherein there is no
mentioning of the household articles and hence, they were not obligated
to prove that there was absence of mala fide on their part and they acted
in good faith as the registered document in their favour has presumption
of truth attached to it and a copy of mere agreement to sell which was
not brought on record cannot be made basis of decree of the recovery
suit against the purchasers/defendants.
relevant who claims that he purchased the suit property and as a result
thereof, the GPA was executed in his favour. However, it has not been
brought on record on part of the defendant/attorney that he actually paid
Rs.6,000,000/- as sale price of the suit property to the plaintiff/
respondent either before or after sale of the suit property to the
defendants/purchasers. Similarly, he could not establish as to how the
household articles were dealt with by him when he has not sold the suit
property along with the said articles to the defendants/purchasers. Since
the defence of the defendant/attorney does not confine to the execution
of the GPA by the plaintiff/respondent in his favour to merely deal with
the suit property rather he alleges that he had purchased the suit
property for consideration on account of which the GPA had been
executed, therefore, it falls upon him to prove that he had paid the due
consideration to the plaintiff/respondent. The defendants/purchasers
are required to be protected being transferee of the suit property for
consideration duly received by the defendant/attorney under the GPA
on behalf of the Principal (the plaintiff/respondent), whereas the
defendant/attorney was required to prove his transaction of sale as it is
he who is beneficiary of both the transactions, i.e., purported purchase
from the plaintiff/respondent along with execution of the GPA and the
sale in favour of the defendants/purchasers as he also asserts and admits
both the transactions but the case has not been examined by the learned
Courts below from this angle at all.
23. For what has been discussed above, the Civil Revisions
are allowed, the impugned judgments and decrees passed by the
learned Courts below in the declaratory suit as well as the impugned
judgment by the Appellate Court below in the recovery suit are set aside
and the suits of the plaintiff/respondent are dismissed. However, before
parting with, it is observed that the defendant/attorney has not been able
to prove his stance that the GPA admittedly executed in his favour by
the plaintiff/respondent was, in-fact for consideration. Similarly, the
defendant/attorney has also not been able to render any explanation
C.R. No.103/D/2022 23
regarding the manner in which he dealt with the furniture and fixtures
lying in the suit property when admittedly, he has not sold the suit
property to the defendants/purchasers along with furniture and fixtures.
Therefore, the plaintiff/respondent is at liberty to initiate appropriate
proceedings against the defendant/attorney for redressal of her
grievance, in accordance with law, on account of misuse of the GPA, if
any and for recovery of sale consideration as well as the household
articles, and the observations of this Court in this judgment shall
neither affect nor influence the proceedings, if and when initiated by
the plaintiff/respondent, against the defendant/attorney, and the
decision to be rendered therein.
Stereo. H C J D A 38.
Date of Hearing: 08.11.2022.
Petitioners by: M/s Malik Shahid Mehmood
Kandwal, Advocate and Malik
Muhammad Fiaz Kandwal, Advocate.
Respondent No. 1 by: Mr. Faisal Kiyani, Advocate
Respondent No. 2 by Ch. Adeel Fraz, Advocate.
Stereo. H C J D A 38.
Date of Hearing: 08.11.2022.
Petitioner by: Ch. Adeel Fraz, Advocate.
Respondent No. 2 by: Mr. Faisal Kiyani, Advocate
Respondents No.3 & M/s Malik Shahid Mehmood
4 by: Kandwal, Advocate and Malik
Muhammad Fiaz Kandwal, Advocate.