Chapter Test 8
Chapter Test 8
Chapter Test 8
Evaluation Engineering
1. Name the simple machine described using the options from the following list. /12
a) This simple machine uses the difference between the diameters of its
rotational parts to reduce the force needed to transport an object.
c) This simple machine can be used alone or with other simple machines
of the same type. It can change the amount of effort needed to lift a load
or modify the direction of a motion.
d) This simple machine changes rotational motion and force to linear motion
and force.
2. Complete the text using the options from the following list. /12
3. Name the simple machines shown in these illustrations. If the machine /24
is a lever, indicate whether it is a first-, second- or third-class lever.
a) A wheelbarrow b) An axe
• •
c) A corkscrew d) Scissors
• •
• •
4. For each illustration, write the letter corresponding to the name of the system /18
it represents.
a) b)
c) d)
e) f)
□ A, B, C and D □ B, C, E, F and G
□ E, F and G □ C, D, F and G
6. Check the simple machine that spreads the force needed to move an object /5
over a larger distance.
□ Inclined plane □ Screw
□ Wedge □ Lever
7. Name the motion transformation system you could use in each situation. /9
Indicate and name two motion transformation systems found in this machine.
Total: /100