Four out of five European consumers want to purchase more environmentally friendly products if they are certified by an independent organization. The EU Ecolabel certification guarantees textiles meet strict criteria for limited harmful substances and pollution in manufacturing, durability during washing/drying, and colorfastness. Meeting the EU Ecolabel's criteria demonstrates a company's commitment to the environment and allows them to differentiate their products and market to consumers interested in sustainability.
Four out of five European consumers want to purchase more environmentally friendly products if they are certified by an independent organization. The EU Ecolabel certification guarantees textiles meet strict criteria for limited harmful substances and pollution in manufacturing, durability during washing/drying, and colorfastness. Meeting the EU Ecolabel's criteria demonstrates a company's commitment to the environment and allows them to differentiate their products and market to consumers interested in sustainability.
Four out of five European consumers want to purchase more environmentally friendly products if they are certified by an independent organization. The EU Ecolabel certification guarantees textiles meet strict criteria for limited harmful substances and pollution in manufacturing, durability during washing/drying, and colorfastness. Meeting the EU Ecolabel's criteria demonstrates a company's commitment to the environment and allows them to differentiate their products and market to consumers interested in sustainability.
Four out of five European consumers want to purchase more environmentally friendly products if they are certified by an independent organization. The EU Ecolabel certification guarantees textiles meet strict criteria for limited harmful substances and pollution in manufacturing, durability during washing/drying, and colorfastness. Meeting the EU Ecolabel's criteria demonstrates a company's commitment to the environment and allows them to differentiate their products and market to consumers interested in sustainability.
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Meet your customers' demand
Consumers are today more sensitive to the
protection of the environment. Four out of five European consumers would like to buy more envi ronmental l y fri endl y products, provided they are properly certified by an independent organisation. With the Flower on your products you offer them a reliable guide to easily identify the good environmental performers available on the market . Give your textile a credible sign of Environmental Excellence... Apply for the EU Ecolabel! For a quick test use the check list overleaf. The EU Ecolabel for Textiles - "The official EU mark for Greener Products" Choose the Flower for your Textiles f y o u wa n t t o s h o w y o u r c o mmi t me n t t o a b e t t e r environment. Once it's on your products, the Flower guarantees: A limited use of substances harmful to the environment Limited substances harmful to health Reduced water and air pollution Textile shrink resistance during washing and drying Colour resistance to perspiration, washing, wet and dry rubbing and light exposure t can be awar ded t o al l ki nd of t ext i l e cl ot hi ng and accessories, interior textiles, and fibres, yarn and fabric. For more information. . on the scheme, its feature, the actors involved, the application process. . on the "textiles" product group: detailed criteria, date of revision. Choose "Ecolabelled products" on the menu on the left They said it! "As Europe's leading manufacturer of image workwear, protecti ve wear and casual apparel fabri cs, we see Ecolabel accreditation as an important recognition and l ogi cal ext ensi on of our cont i nui ng and l ong- t er m commi t ment t o t he envi ronment . Thanks t o t he EU Ecolabel, we can differentiate our product and propose high value products to our consumers. We find it is also a good way to show our respect for workers." Judith Emslie, marketing services manager at Klopman International Srl "We have deci ded to certi fy our product wi th the EU Ecol abel because i t i s t he ul t i mat e guarant ee t hat cust omers are acqui ri ng product s whi ch are 100% ecological and have been tested and inspected at all levels by an independent authority within the European Union." Christine Arajo, sales manager at Naturapura Iberica Commission Decision 2009/567/EC of 9 July 2009 Manufacturing (fibres) Type of fibres l All types of fibres can be used, with the exception of mineral fibres, glass fibres, metal fibres, carbon fibres and other inorganic fibres. l The criteria for a given-fibre type need not be met if that fibre contributes to less than 5% of the total weight of the textile fibres in the product, or if the fibres are of recycled origin. Manufacturing (fibres) Limitation of toxic residues in fibres l Acrylic: Acrylonitrile < 1.5mg/kg l Cotton: residues of certain pesticides < 0.05ppm l Elastane and polyurethane: no organotin compounds l Greasy wool and other keratin fibres: limitations of certain pesticides l Man-made cellulose: AOX < 250ppm l Polyester: Antinomy < 260ppm l Polypropylene: no lead based pigments Manufacturing (fibres) Reduction of air pollution during fibre process l Acrylic: acrylonitrile < 1g/kg l Elastane and polyurethane: aromatic diisocyanates < 5mg/kg l Man-made cellulose: S < 120g/kg (filament) and 30g/kg (staple) l Polyamide: N 2 0 < 10g/kg polyamide 6 and < 50g/kg polyamide 6.6 l Polyester: VOCs < 1.2g/kg Manufacturing (fibres) Reduction of water pollution during fibre process Flax and other bast fibres: COD/TOC from water retting reduced by at least 75% (hemp) and 95% (flax, other) Viscose: Zn < 0.3g/kg Cupro: Cu < 0.1ppm Greasy wool and other keratin fibres: COD < 60 g/kg, 75% reduction of COD, off-site treatment. If on-site treatment, COD < 5 g/kg, 6 < pH < 9 and T < 40 C Manufacturing (processes and chemicals) Limitation of the use of substances harmful for the environment (in particular aquatic environment) and health process 90% of carding and spinning oil, lubricants and finishes for primary spinning and 95% of sizeing preparations, detergents, fabrics softeners and weight complexing agents shall be sufficiently biodegradable or else shall be recycled. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PaH) in mineral oils < 3% by weight. No cerium compounds, halogenated carriers No heavy metals and formaldehyde in stripping and depigmentation No APEOs, DTDMAC, DSDMAC, DHTDMAC, EDTA, LAS, DTPA, chrome mordant dyeing Chlorine agents are excluded for bleaching yarns, fabrics and end products Level of impurities in dyes (in ppm): Ag < 100 Ba < 100 Co < 500 Se < 20 Fe < 2500 As < 50 Cd < 20 Cr < 100 Cu < 250 Hg < 4 Ni < 200 Pb < 100 Sb < 50 Sn < 250 Zn < 1500 Mn < 1000 Level of impurities in pigments (in ppm): As < 50 Cd < 50 Cr < 100 Hg < 25 Pb < 100 Sb < 250 Zn < 1000 Ba < 100 Se < 100 No chlorophenols, PCB and organotin compounds during transportation or storage No biocidal or biostatic products active during use phase Discharge to the water of metal complex dyes based on Cu, Cr or Ni: max 20% (cellulose dyeing), 7% (other dyeing process). After treatment: Cu < 75 mg/kg (fibre, yarn, fabric), Cr < 50 mg/kg, Ni < 75 mg/kg No azo dyes that cleave to a list of aromatic amines No dyes classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic, toxic for reproduction according to Directive 67/548/EEC. No potentially sensitising dyes if fastness to perspiration > 4 Printing pastes < 5% VOCs. No plastisol based printing Formaldehyde < 30ppm for products in direct contact with the skin. 20ppm for products for babies and young children and 75ppm for others COD from wet-processing < 25g/kg. If on-site treatment, 6 < pH < 9 and T < 40C No flame retardants or finishing substances containing > 0.1% of substances classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic, toxic for reproduction and dangerous for the environment according to Directive 67/548/EEC Shrink resistant finishes only allowed for wool slivers and loose scouted wool Coatings, laminates and membranes: no plasticizers or solvents assigned a list of R-phases according to Directive 67/548/EEC Use Performance and durability The following tests shall be carried out either on dyed yarn, final fabrics or final product: Dimensional changes during washing and drying: 8% for knitted products, 8% for terry towelling, 6% for other woven products, 2% removable and washable curtain and furniture fabric Colour fastness to perspiration (acid, alkaline), washing, wet rubbing, dry rubbing, light (see criteria) European Commission Your Competent Body will inform you which assessment and verification documents are required (e.g. declarations of compliance, MSDS of ingredients), which test results must be provided and how the testing should be carried out (external test laboratories). To market your ecolabelled products use our free Green Store: Go to and click on the 'Green Store' at the top right of the page. Expectations Life Cycle Step Check-list (for a first assessment only) Criterion