Bsc Mathematics Ug Sep 2024 25 (1)
Bsc Mathematics Ug Sep 2024 25 (1)
Bsc Mathematics Ug Sep 2024 25 (1)
Board of Studies in Mathematics for UG
(No. BCU/BoS/Mathematics-UG/88/2024-25 dated: 03-07-2024)
6. Dr Naveenkumar Member
Name of the Degree Program : Bachelor of Science- BSc
Discipline Course : Mathematics
Starting Year of Implementation : 2024-25 (I & II Semesters)
2025-26 (III & IV Semesters)
2026-27 (V & VI Semesters)
Programme Outcomes (PO): By the end of the program the students will be able to:
PO Lifelong learning: This programme provides self-directed learning
9 and lifelong learning skills. This programme helps the learner to
think independently and develop algorithms and computational skills
for solving real word problems.
PO Ability to peruse advanced studies and research in pure and applied
10 Mathematical sciences.
Weightage for the Assessments (in percentage)
Practical 20% 80 %
BSc Degree with Mathematics as one of the Major Subjects
Marks Durati
on of Credi
Semest Course Paper Title ng Exa Exam
er Code Hours IA ts
m in
/ Week
Theory Algebra-I, Calculus-I & 04 80 20 03 03
I Geometry
Practical Algebra-I, Calculus-I & 04 40 10 03 02
Theory Algebra-II, Calculus-II & 04 80 20 03 03
II Polar Coordinates
Practical Algebra II, Calculus II & 04 40 10 03 02
Polar Coordinates
Theory 04 80 20 03 03
III Practical 04 40 10 03 02
Elective-I Linear Programming 03 80 20 03 02
Theory 04 80 20 03 03
Practical 04 40 10 03 02
IV Elective-
Mathematical Logic 03 80 20 03 02
SEC-I Mathematical Statistics 03 80 20 03 02
Theory 04 80 20 03 03
Theory 04 80 20 03 03
V Practical 04 40 10 03 02
Practical 04 40 10 03 02
Theory 04 80 20 03 03
Theory 04 80 20 03 03
Practical 04 40 10 03 02
Practical 04 40 10 03 02
SEC-III Internship/Project -- -- -- -- 02
Unit I Matrices 14 Hours
Recapitulation of matrices, Elementary row and column transformations (operations).
equivalent matrices, theorems on it. Row reduced echelon form. Normal forms of a matrix,
Rank of a matrix, problems. Homogenous and non-homogenous systems of linear equations
in unknowns, Consistency Criterion - Criterion for uniqueness of solutions. Eigenvalues and
Eigenvectors of a square matrix of order 2 and 3, standard properties. Cayley-Hamilton
theorem with proof, Finding 𝐴 , 𝐴 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐴 , 𝐴 , 𝐴 .
Calculus -I
Unit II Differential Calculus 14 Hours
Successive differentiation: An 𝑛 derivative of the function e
ax b
, (ax b) , log(ax b),
sin( ax b), cos(ax b) e ax sin(bx c), e ax cos(bx c) and problems, Leibnitz theorem with
proof and its applications. Partial differentiation- function of two and three variables- first and
higher order derivatives. Homogeneous function- Euler’s theorem and its extension with
proof, Total derivative and differentiation of implicit function and composite function
problems Jacobian properties and problems.
Integral Calculus
Unit III Integral Calculus 14 Hours
sin cos tan
n n n
Recapitulation of integration, reduction formulas for xdx, xdx, xdx,
Reference Books:
1. University Algebra -N.S. Gopala Krishnan, New Age International (P) Limited
2. Theory of Matrices - B S Vatsa, New Age International Publishers.
3. Matrices - A R Vasista, Krishna Prakashana Mandir.
4. Differential Calculus - Shanti Narayan, S. Chand & Company, New Delhi.
5. Applications of Calculus, Debasish Sengupta, Books and Allied (P) Ltd.,2019.
6. Calculus – Lipman Bers, Holt, Rinehart &Winston.
7. Calculus - S Narayanan & T. K. Manicavachogam Pillay, S. Viswanathan Pvt.Ltd., vol.
I &II.
8. Schaum's Outline of Calculus - Frank Ayres and Elliott Mendelson, 5th edition USA:
Web links:
1. httiii//$s0allectures.html
2. httir://
6. http://planetmath. org/encyclopedia/TopicsOnCalculus.html
10. http ://' media/more/galerie.html
11. http ://
12. http :// I 2072 / t1lmathematics.html
13. com/en/categorie/mathematics
17. https ://
Practical Algebra-I Calculus-I Geometry(DCMP1)
Teaching Hours : 04 Hours/Week Credits: 02
Duration of Exam: 03 Hours Maximum Marks: 50 (Exam 40 + IA
Course Learning Outcomes: This course will enable the students to Learn, fundamentals
and implement the python programming language, and will enable to:
1. learn fundamentals of python
2. solve problem on algebra and calculus
3. acquire knowledge of applications of algebra and calculus
4. solve problems related to analytical geometry
1. Introduction to Python
2. Basics of software with simple examples.
3. Basics of software with simple examples.
a. compare two numbers using if statements
b. sum of natural numbers using while loop
c. finding the factors of a number using for loop
d. to check the given number is prime or not (use if.....else statement)
e. find the factorial of a number(use... if...if...else)
f. simple programmes to illustrate logical operators (and or not)
4. Computation of a rank of matrix by row reduced and normal forms
5. Solving the system of homogeneous and non-homogeneous linear equations
6. Computation of inverse of a matrix by using Cayley-Hamilton theorem
7. Finding the nth derivative of a function without Leibnitz theorem
8. Finding the nth derivative of a function with Leibnitz theorem
9. Partial differentiation of some standard functions.
10. Verification of Eulers theorems with examples
11. Program to find Jacobians
12. Program to find reduction formula with or without limits
13. Program to find angle between the two planes
14. Program to find equation and plot sphere
15. Program to find equation and plot cones
16. Program to find equation and plot cylinders
Note: To implement the above programs, there should be not more than 15
students per batch.
Algebra II
Unit I Groups 14 Hours
Binary operations algebraic structure- problems on finding identity and inverse definition of
semi group and group, abelian group, problems on finite and infinite groups, properties of
groups with proof- standard problems on groups-finite semi group with both the cancellation
laws in a group- any group of orders less than five is abelian, subgroups theorems on
subgroups with proof problems.
Calculus II
Unit II Differential Calculus 14 Hours
Limits and continuity, differentiability and properties of continuous functions. Intermediate
value theorem, mean value theorem, Rolle ’s Theorem, Lagrange’s mean value theorem,
Cauchy mean value theorem and examples. Indeterminate forms and evaluation of limits
using L’Hospital rule.
Polar Coordinates
Unit III Polar Coordinates 14 Hours
Polar coordinates, angle between the radius vector and tangent, angle of intersection of two
curves (polar forms), length of perpendicular form pole to the tangent, pedal equation,
derivative of an arc in Cartesian parametric and polar forms, curvature of plane curve, radius
of curvature formula in Cartesian, parametric polar and pedal forms, center of curvature
evolutes, asymptotes, singular points and double points.
Integral calculus
Unit IV Integral calculus 14 Hours
Application of integral calculus computation of length of arc, plane area and surface area and
volume of solids of evaluations for standard curves in Cartesian and polar forms.
Improper integrals of first, second and third kinds with examples , improper integral has the
limit of proper integral.
Reference Books:
1. Elements of Number Theory; I. M. Vinogradov. Courier Dover Publications, 2016
2. Differential Calculus, Shanti Narayan, S. Chand & Company, New Delhi. 2005
3. Integral Calculus, Shanti Narayan and PK Mittal, S. Chand and Co. Pvt. Ltd.,
4. Schaum's Outline of Calculus, Frank Ayres and Elliott Mendleson, The McGraw-Hill
Companies, 2013
5. Mathematical Analysis, S C Malik, Wiley Eastern, 6 Edition, 2017.
6. A Course in Abstract Algebra, Vijay K Khanna and S K Bhambri, Vikas Publications.
5 Edition, 2022
Web Links
2. http://www.abstractmath'org/
4. http://pla'html
6. http ://
8. http://www.univie'
9. http ://'aspx
10. http :// html
12. http ://www. nptelvideos' i n/2012/77/mathematics.html
13. https://www. my-m
14. www,
15. www.rosettacode.olg
16. http://faculty,
17. https:/ ued/pycse/pycse.html
Practical Algebra-II, Calculus-II and Polar Coordinate
Teaching Hours : 04 Hours/Week Credits: 02
Duration of Exam: 03 Hours Maximum Marks: 50 (Exam 40 + IA
Course Learning Outcomes: This course will enable the students to write python code to:
1. solve problems on algebra and calculus.
2. acquire knowledge of applications of algebra and calculus
3. plot the curves in different forms
4. find surface area and volume of revolution
Suggested Programs
Note: To implement the above programs, there should be not more than 15
students per batch.
Number of questions
Marks Unit I Unit II Unit III Unit IV Total
to be answered
2 3 3 3 3 Any 10 20
Any 3 questions from
5 5 5 5 5 60
each Unit
Total 80