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Journal of Management Vol. 14, Issue.

2, 2019
ISSN: 1391-8230 59-68



H. Marino Vijitharan, S. Harikaran, Y. Nanthagopan

Department of Economics and Management,

Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna,
Sri Lanka

One of the most important traits of human personality is emotional intelligence (EI). Now a
day’s individuals are assessed for their Emotional quotients along with the intelligence
quotients. Emotional Intelligence plays a vital role in the educational system. It has directly
impact on the teachers’ behavior and it is important for the success of their profession. The
aim of this research is to examine the impact of emotional intelligence on job performance
among primary and secondary level school teachers in Jaffna Zone. This is the comparative
study between primary and secondary school teachers. It has been completed with an empirical
survey through a self-administered standard questionnaire in English and Tamil languages. 60
primary level school teachers and 60 secondary level school teachers were selected through
stratified random sampling method from different schools in Jaffna Zone. Descriptive statistics
highlighted that primary level school teachers have highest emotional intelligence than
secondary level school teachers. Multiple regression analysis and ANOVA test revealed that
Self-regulation, Self-awareness, Self-motivation and Social skills have significant impact on job
performance of primary and secondary level school teachers in Jaffna Zone. The overall result
stated that emotional intelligence has significant impact on school teachers’ performance.
Finally, the most valuable suggestions for future studies have been outlined.

Keywords: Emotional intelligence, self-regulation, self-awareness, self-motivation, social

skills, Job performance

Introduction Emotional Intelligence plays a vital role in

the educational systems. It has direct impact
Emotions play a significance role in our lives.
on the teacher’s behavior and it is important
Emotional Intelligence defines as the ability
factor in the success of their profession.
of emotion and their relationships to
Teachers are considered as the main pillar in
recognize the meanings, and to reason and
the educational system and they are the
problem-solving on the basis of them, which
moderators through which the knowledge can
involves in assimilate emotion-related
be transferred to the students. Therefore, this
feelings, capacity to perceive, emotions
study was conducted among school teachers
understand the ‘emotions’ information, and
in Jaffna zone, Sri Lanka.
manage them (Mayer, Salovey, & Caruso,
2000). Over the last few decades, there is a
Problem statement
greater importance on the part of emotions in
the educational system. Teachers face many Emotion is an integral part of every human
challenges in their profession because they being. The interactions between students and
consider it is as the most stressful job. teacher’s emotions in schools are affecting
teachers’ performance. If a human being can
In the recent years, the concept of emotional manage their own emotions and assess the
intelligence among school teachers has been people around them, then they likely have
taken a greater attention and there has been high emotional intelligence, it leads to
an increased interest in the academic success understand and manage emotions of others.
of students in the educational institutions. De Villiers (2004) suggested that problems
such as turnover, absenteeism and burnout This study will contribute to find out the
may be reduced by selecting individuals with relationship between the emotional
higher emotional intelligence. intelligence and job performance among
primary and secondary level school teachers
Emotional intelligence is crucial specially for in Jaffna zone. It is obvious that teachers
teachers. It helps the teachers to motivate the require much more level of emotional
students and achieve the objectives through intelligence since they have more interactions
superior performance of the students. with students. Thus, this study examines the
Student’s performance is influenced by the impact of emotional intelligence on job
teacher’s job performance in the primary and performance and thereby provides a new
secondary level schools; therefore, teachers contribution to policymakers to develop the
work with different unexpected situations emotional intelligence among primary and
while perform their job. Coetzee et al. (2006) secondary level school teachers in Jaffna
have identified Emotional intelligence zone. Findings of this study will be benefited
develops throughout one’s life and can be to the different parties who are engaged with
increased through training and development. schools’ administration.

The main problem of this study is to Literature review

understand how emotional intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
impacts on job performance among teachers
in the primary and secondary level. When the According to Goleman, (2005), Emotional
teacher performance is poor, it will affect to Intelligence has been defined as an ability for
the students’ performance as well. Even recognizing one’s own feeling better than
though abundant literature has been focused others, motivated ourselves and good in
on the impact of emotions related to teaching managing own emotions and relationships.
profession, only few studies examined the The capacity to reason about emotions to
association of emotional competencies with enhance thinking. It includes the ability to
job performance of primary and secondary accurately perceive emotions, to access and
level teachers empirically. In Sri Lanka, generate emotions so as to assist thought, to
specially in Jaffna, lack of previous studies understand emotions and emotional
on this area to evaluate the impact of knowledge, and to reflectively regulate
emotional intelligence on job performance emotions so as to promote emotional and
among the school teachers. Therefore, this intellectual growth Ngah, Jusoff & Rahman
study was conducted in order to fulfill the gap (2009).
of limited studies in this extent.
Woolfolk, et al (2009) defined EI as the
Objectives and significance of the study ability to process emotional information
accurately and efficiently. Stoeber and
The primary objective of this study is to Rennert (2008) confirmed that research in
examine the effect of Emotional intelligence different cultures indicated that school
on Job performance among primary and teachers are among those professionals with
secondary level school teachers in Jaffna the highest level of job stress. Mayer &
Zone. The specific objectives are, Impacts of Salovey (2000) identified four dimensions
Self-regulation, Self-awareness, Self- that explain the ability of Emotional
motivation and Social skills on job Intelligence domain as;
performance among primary and secondary
level school teachers in Jaffna zone, Sri 1. Self-appraising and identifying emotions
Lanka. 2. Recognizing and appraising of emotions
in others
3. Self-regulation of emotions in education as a means to improve
4. Facilitating and use of emotions performance (Greenberg, 2003; Ngah, Jusoff
& Rahman, 2009).
Bar-On & Parker (2000) assigns emotional Teachers who are skilled at managing their
intelligence is a set of capacities, capabilities own emotions, they well accomplish their
and no cognitive skills that increase abilities goals and performance (George, 2000; Day &
of the individual in successful encounter with Carroll, 2004). Further, teachers with the
demands and environmental pressures. Bar- high Emotional Intelligence seems to better
on & Parker (2000) and Ezzatabadi et al., in recognizing and regulating their negative
(2012) defined emotional intelligence is the emotions and promotes effective teaching
potential to feel, use, communicate, environment in classrooms (Krementizer &
recognize, remember, describe, identify, Miller, 2008).
learn, manage, understand and explain
emotions. Self - regulation
Self - regulation is the ability to respond to
Job Performance
the ongoing demands of experience with the
Allemnew (2014) explained that the Job range of emotions in a manner that is socially
performance is the total expected value to the tolerable and sufficiently flexible to permit
organization of the discrete behavioral spontaneous reactions as well as the ability to
episodes that an individual carries out over a delay spontaneous reactions as needed. Even
standard period of time. Further, it is also an the best plans sometimes do not
individual output in terms of quality and operationalize or occur and must be changed
quantity expected from every employee in a midstream due to something unforeseen.
particular job, this shows that an individual Therefore, self-regulation is one important
performance is the most of the time factor to attain objective within certain time
determined by motivation and ability to do frame and solving the problems effective
job Allemnew (2014). Furthermore, manner which lead to employee’s high
Jankingthong & Rurkkhum (2012) identified performance (Baumeister & Vohs, 2007).
the overall performance that employee
involved at work place is termed as job Research consistently shows that self-
performance. Therefore, the performance as regulation skill is necessary for reliable
behavior—something done by an employee. emotional wellbeing. Self- regulation also
This concept differentiates performance from accounts to the ability to stay quiet during
outcomes. Outcomes result partially from an conflict circumstances (Wolmarans &
individual's performance, but they are also Martins, 2001). The concept of self-
the result of other influences. In other words, management is through the ability to remain
there are more factors determine outcomes calm during provocative or conflict situation,
than just an employee's behaviors and while keeping defensiveness to a minimum
actions. and ultimately renovating rationality
(Wolmarans & Martins, 2001).
Empirical Evidences for Emotional
Intelligence and Job Performance Self – awareness
Samanvitha & Jawahar (2012) has Self – awareness is the ability to recognize
highlighted that there is a strong correlation oneself as an individual, separate from the
between emotional intelligence and level of environment and other individuals. Self –
job satisfaction and performance. Recently, awareness is how an individual consciously
some authors have initiated to explore the knows and understands his or her own
role of emotions and Emotional Intelligence character, feelings, motives, and desires.
According to Goerge (2000) self -awareness others, mutual regard, commitment,
the foremost dimension of Goleman EI openness, tolerance, empathy, negotiation
model, allows oneself to make priorities for and communication. It gives confidence and
focusing important work-related problems social acceptance.
rather than concentrating on unimportant
ones at organizational settings. Methodology
Conceptual model
Baumeister & Vohs, (2007) identified that
the first step of becoming an emotionally Independent Variables Dependent Variable
intelligent is to become as self-aware as Emotional Intelligence
possible and also stated that if emotional
intelligence was a journey, then self- Self-regulation
awareness would be the skill of map reading. Self-awareness
According to Grayson (2013) defined self- Job performance
awareness is the ability to recognize one’s
Social skills
feelings, to differentiate between them, to
know what one is feeling and why, and to Figure 1. Conceptual Framework
know what caused the feelings. Further, Source: Daniel Goleman’s (1996)
Goerge (2000) mentioned Self-awareness is
the ultimate enabler and without it there Hypotheses
would be no hope for mindful, positive Primary level teachers
H1:Emotional intelligence impact on Job
Self – motivation performance of primary level teachers.
H1a:Self-regulation positively impact on Job
Self - motivation is the ability to do what performance of primary level teachers.
needs to be done, without influence from H1b:Self-awareness positively impact on Job
other people or situations. People with self – performance of primary level teachers.
motivation can find a reason and strength to H1c:Self-motivation positively impact on Job
complete a task, even when challenging, performance of primary level teachers.
without giving up or needing another to H1d:Social skills positively impact on Job
encourage them. Carmeli, (2009) suggests performance of primary level teachers.
that self -motivation is important to attract
and motivate subordinates and the customers Secondary level teachers
at work. Wolmrans & Martins (2001) stated H1: Emotional intelligence impact on Job
that one way that founded on self- performance of secondary level
motivations is taking responsibility for a teachers.
person successes and failures. H1a:Self-regulation positively impact on Job
performance of secondary level
Social Skills teachers.
A social skill is any competence facilitating H1b:Self-awareness positively impact on Job
interaction and communication with others performance of secondary level
where social rules and relations are created, teachers.
communicated, and changed in verbal and H1c:Self-motivation positively impact on Job
non - verbal ways. According to Greenberg performance of secondary level
(2011), social skills refer to a person's talent teachers.
in managing relationship with others and H1d:Social skills positively impact on Job
building systems also called people skills. performance of secondary level
The set of social skills include respect for teachers.
Table 1. Reliability Test
Data Collection Method Dimensions No. of Cronbach's
Question Alpha
Primary data were gathered through self-
Self- regulation 06 0.853
administrated standard questionnaire and
Self-awareness 06 0.817
Primary and secondary level teachers in Self-motivation 06 0.865
Jaffna zone are considered as population. For Social skills 06 0.821
this study purpose, questionnaire is Job 06 0.882
developed by including Five-point Likert performance
scale questions to measure the impact of Overall 29 0.835
emotional intelligence on job performance Questionnaire
among school teachers in Jaffna zone taken Source: Survey data
as respondents to this study. Stratified
random sampling method was used to select Descriptive statistics
the respondents. The questionnaires were
Table 2 shows the means of the four
distributed among 120 school teachers.
dimensions of EI and job performance for
both, teachers in primary and secondary level
Method of Data analysis
schools in Jaffna Zone, Sri Lanka. Teachers
Descriptive statistic and multiple regression in the primary level scored highest Means
analysis were used to identify the statistically and Medians for the four dimensions, such as
significant impact between sets of variables. Self-regulation, Self-awareness, Self-
These methods were used for this study to motivation, Social skills and Job
assess the outcome of the stated hypothesis. performance when compared to the teachers
When attempting to assess the outcome of the teaching in the secondary level.
stated hypotheses.
Table 2. Descriptive statistics
Thus, multiple regressions had been


calculated by using the proposing formula:

𝑌 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 𝑋1 + 𝛽2 𝑋2 + 𝛽3 𝑋3 + 𝛽4 𝑋4 + 𝜺
Self- Primary level
3.88 3.83 .470
Y= Job performance regulation teachers
X1= Self-regulation Secondary
3.76 3.74 .380
X2= Self-awareness level teachers
X3= Self-motivation Self- Primary level
3.90 3.83 .275
X4= Social skills awareness teachers
β0= Constant 3.86 3.80 .385
level teachers
β1, β2, β3and β4 = Co efficient of
Self- Primary level
independent variables. 3.87 3.83 .367
motivation teachers
𝜺 = Error Term Secondary
3.80 3.72 .407
level teachers
Result and discussion Social skills Primary level
3.67 3.62 .504
Reliability analysis
3.59 3.50 .450
According to below table, the Cronbach’s level teachers
Alpha value is over 0.8 to all the dimensions. Job Primary level
3.95 3.90 .517
Therefore, the questionnaire of the present performance teachers
study is more reliable. Secondary
3.74 3.72 .442
level teachers
Source: Survey Data
skills explain the job performance by 0.068,
Results of Multiple Regression Analysis 0.073, 0.341 and 0.235 respectively.
Table 3 describes impact of individual
independent variables on job performance in It can be concluded that there is a statistically
the primary level school teachers in Jaffna significant or that the independent variable of
Zone. According to the above table, Self- emotional intelligence has significant impact
regulation, Self-awareness, Self-motivation, on job performance of primary level teachers.
and Social skills are positively and These four-sub dimensions of the Emotional
significantly affected on job performance in Intelligence were explained the variation of
the primary level school teachers. The factors Job performance of secondary level schools
of emotional intelligence; self-regulation, by 23.1%.
self-awareness, self-motivation and social
Table 3. Coefficient Table
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized T Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 1.601 1.087 .884 .000
Self-regulation .075 .141 .068 .533 .002
1 Self-awareness .237 .226 .073 .607 .000
Self-motivation .480 .197 .341 2.439 .000
Social skills .341 .136 .235 1.771 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Job performance
Source: Survey Data
Table 4. ANOVAa
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 3.647 4 .912 4.143 .005b
1 Residual 12.103 55 .220
Total 15.749 59
a. Dependent Variable: Job performance
b. Predictors: (Constant), Social skills, Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Self-motivation
c.R2 0.231
Table 5. Coefficient Table
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(constant) 1.502 .718 3.036 .000
Self-regulation .107 .158 .092 .678 .003
1 Self-awareness .337 .180 .119 .760 .000
Self-motivation .549 .174 .229 1.430 .000
Social skills .336 .147 .138 .923 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Job performance
Table 4 describes impact of individual It can be concluded that there is statistically
independent variables on job performance in significant or that the independent variable of
the secondary level school teachers in Jaffna emotional intelligence has significant impact
Zone. According to the above table, self- on job performance of secondary level
regulation, self-awareness, self-motivation teachers. These four-sub dimensions of the
and social skills are positively and Emotional Intelligence were explained the
Table 6. ANOVAa
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 1.678 4 .420 2.339 .000b
1 Residual 9.866 55 .179
Total 11.544 59
a. Dependent Variable: Job performance
b. Predictors: (Constant), Social skills, Self-regulation, Self-awareness, Self-motivation.
c. R2 0.145
significantly affected on job performance in variation of Job performance of secondary
the secondary level school teachers. The level schools by 14.5%.
factors, self-regulation, self-awareness, self-
motivation and social skills are explained on The studies of Jawahar & Samanvitha (2012)
job performance by 0.092, 0.119, 0.229 and in India has shown that there is a strong
0.138 respectively. correlation between emotional intelligence

Table 7. Results of Hypotheses Testing- Primary level

Independent Dependent
Hypothesis Significant value Result
Variables Variable
H1a Self-regulation Job performance .002 Accepted
H1b Self-awareness Job performance .000 Accepted
H1c Self-motivation Job performance .000 Accepted
H1d Social skills Job performance .000 Accepted
H1 Emotional intelligence Job performance .005 Accepted
Source: Survey data

Table 8. Results of Hypotheses Testing- Secondary level

Independent Dependent
Hypothesis Significant value Result
Variables Variable
H1a Self-regulation Job performance .003 Accepted
H1b Self-awareness Job performance .000 Accepted
H1c Self-motivation Job performance .000 Accepted
H1d Social skills Job performance .000 Accepted
H1 Emotional intelligence Job performance .000 Accepted
Source: Survey data
and job performance. Further, Krementizer & intelligence has a significant impact on job
Miller, (2008) mentioned that teachers who performance of secondary level teachers.
have high emotional intelligence they can Therefore, hypothesis H1 is accepted.
handle the situation in an effective manner
and they can promote effective teaching Conclusion and Recommendation of the
environment in the classroom. Furthermore, Study
Woolfolk, Winne & Perry (2009) denote that
teachers who have higher Emotional The main objective of this research is to
Intelligence supports to the effective teaching examine the effect of emotional intelligence
and it help to increase the teacher’s on job performance among primary and
performance. Kocoglu (2011) identified there secondary level school teachers in Jaffna
is a positive relationship between Emotional Zone. The results of the Descriptive statistics
Intelligence and Turkish pre-service implied that primary level school teachers
teacher’s performance which impact on the have highest level emotional intelligence
outcomes of the teaching process. than secondary level school teachers in Jaffna
Furthermore, Arnold (2005), Greenberg Zone, Sri Lanka. The emotional intelligence
(2009); Ngah, Jusoff & Rahman (2009) is creating and maintaining effective
highlighted the Emotional Intelligence in relationships in the workplace. The study
education as a mean to improve performance highlights the Self-motivation and Social
and the finding of the current study pars with skills are the most effective dimensions
the above-mentioned previous studies. which impact on Job performance of primary
and secondary level teachers.
Hypotheses Testing
However, the study reveals the Self-
Primary level teachers regulation, Self-motivation, Self-awareness
and Social skills are making positive impact
Based on the significant value of regression
on Job performance of primary and
analysis, self-regulation, self-awareness,
secondary level teachers in Jaffna Zone. This
self-motivation and social skills have scored
shows the management should consider on
less than 0.05, which indicates these factors
improving the above dimensions to improve
have significant impact on Job performance
the performance of School teachers. This
of secondary level teachers. Therefore,
study is limited to primary and secondary
hypothesis H1a, H1b, H1c and H1d are
level teachers in the schools of Jaffna Zone.
accepted. Altogether emotional intelligence
The future research can be conducted by
has scored less than 0.05, which indicates the
including more variables and can be
emotional intelligence has a significant
compared in the various Zones.
impact on job performance of secondary
level teachers. Therefore, hypothesis H1 is
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