Paper 7
Paper 7
Paper 7
2, 2019
ISSN: 1391-8230 59-68
One of the most important traits of human personality is emotional intelligence (EI). Now a
day’s individuals are assessed for their Emotional quotients along with the intelligence
quotients. Emotional Intelligence plays a vital role in the educational system. It has directly
impact on the teachers’ behavior and it is important for the success of their profession. The
aim of this research is to examine the impact of emotional intelligence on job performance
among primary and secondary level school teachers in Jaffna Zone. This is the comparative
study between primary and secondary school teachers. It has been completed with an empirical
survey through a self-administered standard questionnaire in English and Tamil languages. 60
primary level school teachers and 60 secondary level school teachers were selected through
stratified random sampling method from different schools in Jaffna Zone. Descriptive statistics
highlighted that primary level school teachers have highest emotional intelligence than
secondary level school teachers. Multiple regression analysis and ANOVA test revealed that
Self-regulation, Self-awareness, Self-motivation and Social skills have significant impact on job
performance of primary and secondary level school teachers in Jaffna Zone. The overall result
stated that emotional intelligence has significant impact on school teachers’ performance.
Finally, the most valuable suggestions for future studies have been outlined.
such as turnover, absenteeism and burnout This study will contribute to find out the
may be reduced by selecting individuals with relationship between the emotional
higher emotional intelligence. intelligence and job performance among
primary and secondary level school teachers
Emotional intelligence is crucial specially for in Jaffna zone. It is obvious that teachers
teachers. It helps the teachers to motivate the require much more level of emotional
students and achieve the objectives through intelligence since they have more interactions
superior performance of the students. with students. Thus, this study examines the
Student’s performance is influenced by the impact of emotional intelligence on job
teacher’s job performance in the primary and performance and thereby provides a new
secondary level schools; therefore, teachers contribution to policymakers to develop the
work with different unexpected situations emotional intelligence among primary and
while perform their job. Coetzee et al. (2006) secondary level school teachers in Jaffna
have identified Emotional intelligence zone. Findings of this study will be benefited
develops throughout one’s life and can be to the different parties who are engaged with
increased through training and development. schools’ administration.
𝑌 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 𝑋1 + 𝛽2 𝑋2 + 𝛽3 𝑋3 + 𝛽4 𝑋4 + 𝜺
Self- Primary level
3.88 3.83 .470
Y= Job performance regulation teachers
X1= Self-regulation Secondary
3.76 3.74 .380
X2= Self-awareness level teachers
X3= Self-motivation Self- Primary level
3.90 3.83 .275
X4= Social skills awareness teachers
β0= Constant 3.86 3.80 .385
level teachers
β1, β2, β3and β4 = Co efficient of
Self- Primary level
independent variables. 3.87 3.83 .367
motivation teachers
𝜺 = Error Term Secondary
3.80 3.72 .407
level teachers
Result and discussion Social skills Primary level
3.67 3.62 .504
Reliability analysis
3.59 3.50 .450
According to below table, the Cronbach’s level teachers
Alpha value is over 0.8 to all the dimensions. Job Primary level
3.95 3.90 .517
Therefore, the questionnaire of the present performance teachers
study is more reliable. Secondary
3.74 3.72 .442
level teachers
Source: Survey Data
skills explain the job performance by 0.068,
Results of Multiple Regression Analysis 0.073, 0.341 and 0.235 respectively.
Table 3 describes impact of individual
independent variables on job performance in It can be concluded that there is a statistically
the primary level school teachers in Jaffna significant or that the independent variable of
Zone. According to the above table, Self- emotional intelligence has significant impact
regulation, Self-awareness, Self-motivation, on job performance of primary level teachers.
and Social skills are positively and These four-sub dimensions of the Emotional
significantly affected on job performance in Intelligence were explained the variation of
the primary level school teachers. The factors Job performance of secondary level schools
of emotional intelligence; self-regulation, by 23.1%.
self-awareness, self-motivation and social
Table 3. Coefficient Table
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized T Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 1.601 1.087 .884 .000
Self-regulation .075 .141 .068 .533 .002
1 Self-awareness .237 .226 .073 .607 .000
Self-motivation .480 .197 .341 2.439 .000
Social skills .341 .136 .235 1.771 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Job performance
Source: Survey Data
Table 4. ANOVAa
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 3.647 4 .912 4.143 .005b
1 Residual 12.103 55 .220
Total 15.749 59
a. Dependent Variable: Job performance
b. Predictors: (Constant), Social skills, Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Self-motivation
c.R2 0.231
Table 5. Coefficient Table
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(constant) 1.502 .718 3.036 .000
Self-regulation .107 .158 .092 .678 .003
1 Self-awareness .337 .180 .119 .760 .000
Self-motivation .549 .174 .229 1.430 .000
Social skills .336 .147 .138 .923 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Job performance
Table 4 describes impact of individual It can be concluded that there is statistically
independent variables on job performance in significant or that the independent variable of
the secondary level school teachers in Jaffna emotional intelligence has significant impact
Zone. According to the above table, self- on job performance of secondary level
regulation, self-awareness, self-motivation teachers. These four-sub dimensions of the
and social skills are positively and Emotional Intelligence were explained the
Table 6. ANOVAa
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 1.678 4 .420 2.339 .000b
1 Residual 9.866 55 .179
Total 11.544 59
a. Dependent Variable: Job performance
b. Predictors: (Constant), Social skills, Self-regulation, Self-awareness, Self-motivation.
c. R2 0.145
significantly affected on job performance in variation of Job performance of secondary
the secondary level school teachers. The level schools by 14.5%.
factors, self-regulation, self-awareness, self-
motivation and social skills are explained on The studies of Jawahar & Samanvitha (2012)
job performance by 0.092, 0.119, 0.229 and in India has shown that there is a strong
0.138 respectively. correlation between emotional intelligence