Abraham L. Banzuela
Lipa City Colleges
College of Computer Science
Lipa City, Batangas
1.1 Introduction
lives. The internet has revolutionized and enhanced the way we communicate
to other people,the way of work, way of learning, and socialize in the society.
.As we become way more dependent to today technology that we have, the
risks associated with it are also growing. Cyber security threats, such as
These threats not only affect businesses and governments but also impact
Students are among the most vulnerable groups to cyber security threats due
to their heavy reliance on technology for their academic and personal lives.
They use the internet for online research, submitting assignments , accessing
activities expose them to a wide range of cyber security risks that can
The impact of cyber security threats on students can be severe, ranging from
leading to financial loss and identity theft. Moreover, a cyber attack can
For example, a cyber bully can spread rumors, harass, and embarrass a
cases, cyber attacks can even lead to physical harm, such as stalking,
to understand the types of threats they face, the vulnerabilities that make
them susceptible, and the measures that can be taken to mitigate these risks.
Educational institutions play a vital role in protecting their students from cyber
students on safe online behavior, and providing them with the necessary tools
This research paper aims to explore the impact of cyber security threats on
the digital life of students. We will examine the different types of cyber security
threats that students face, the vulnerabilities that make them susceptible, and
the impact of these threats on their academic and personal lives. We will also
and other stakeholders to mitigate these risks and ensure a safe digital
solutions associated with cyber security, this paper aims to raise awareness
and guide students and educational institutions on how to stay safe in the
digital world.
Lipa City Colleges
College of Computer Science
Lipa City, Batangas
The main objective of these study to examine the impact student viewpoint
when it come to the Cyber Security Threat in their own Digital Life. This is
answer the following question:
1.1 age
1.2 sex
1.3. department
2. What are the perspectives of the College students towards Cyber Security
students regarding The Cyber Security Threat in the Digital Life of Student in
Lipa City Colleges. This study will help the students to become way more
aware of the Risk of Cyber Security Threat in Digital of Student of the Lipa
City Colleges. .
the Digital Life of Student in Lipa City Colleges. The data will be collected
from the 50 randomly students from the 3 department which are the College
understanding about this study and for them to identify the possible ways on
how they can protect the data and privacy of every students in an online
Parents. This research will make parents aware of the various data
and privacy risks that their children may face and how they can help their child
them understand the various issues with data and privacy risks in an online
course. This research will aid students by serving as a guide for their future
the respondents, such as their age, gender, and department. The data will be
handled by collecting it, filling out survey questions, structuring it, and
evaluating it. The goal of this research is to explain the existing state of an
3.2 Respondents
respondents for this study. The respondents were chosen using simple
The questionnaire checklist will be the primary data collection tool used in this
investigation. The instrument will be divided into two parts: the first will be a
profile of the respondents in terms of age and gender, and the second will be
The following techniques were used for data collection. First, the researchers
will seek permission and consent from the Deans of Lipa City Colleges'
Colleges of Computer Studies, Computer Engineering, and Nursing. Following
approval, the researchers will distribute the questionnaires to the
respondents, who will be given adequate time to complete all of the required
information. Following the completion of the questionnaire, the researcher will
collect and tally the data for interpretation.
Lipa City Colleges
College of Computer Science
Lipa City, Batangas
Survey Questionnaire
Name (optional)
College of Nursing
College of Engineering
How frequently do you use social media?
a) Daily
b) Several times a week
c) Once a week
d) Occasionally
e) Rarely
Lipa City Colleges
College of Computer Science
Lipa City, Batangas
How frequently do you scan your devices to check for viruses and
a) Daily
b) Weekly
c) Monthly
d) Rarely
e) Never
a) Yes, always
b) Occasionally
c) Rarely
d) Never
a) Always
b) Sometimes
c) Rarely
d) Never
Lipa City Colleges
College of Computer Science
Lipa City, Batangas
a) Always
b) Sometimes
c) Rarely
d) Never
a) Very frequently
b) Occasionally
c) Rarely
d) Never
How often do you review the privacy settings on your social media
accounts and other online platforms to ensure your personal information is
adequately protected?
a) Daily
b) Weekly
c) Monthly
d) Rarely
e) Never
Lipa City Colleges
College of Computer Science
Lipa City, Batangas
a) Very frequently
b) Occasionally
c) Rarely
d) Never
a) None
b) 1-2 instances
c) 3-5 instances
d) More than 5 instances
Lipa City Colleges
College of Computer Science
Lipa City, Batangas
Data Privacy and Data Protection: The Right of User’s and the Responsibility
of Companies in the Digital World.(Princess U. Alafaa)