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STUDENT TEACHER: Mae L. Pioquinto Mathematics
TEACHING DATES: February 26, 2024 QUARTER: Q3
At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:
 Identify conditions for triangle congruence;
 Use triangle congruence postulates to prove that two triangle are congruent;
 Use two-column proof in proving that the two triangles are congruent; and
 Recognize real-life applications of congruent triangles
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of axiomatic structure of
A. Content Standards geometry and triangle congruence.
The learner is able to communicate mathematical thinking with coherence and
B. Performance Standards clarity in formulating, investigating, analyzing, and solving real - life problems
involving congruent triangles using appropriate and accurate representations.

C. Learning Competencies Proves two triangles are congruent M8GE-IIIg-1

II. CONTENT Geometry
III. LEARNING Teacher’s guide, Learner's material
Mathematics 8 Quarter 3: Module 3
A. References
B. Learner’s Material
Facilitator’s Activity Learner’s Activity
Project Method Drill:
Adding Integers
1. 12 + (-18) = 1. -6
2. (-4) + 17 = 2. 13
3. 16 + (-7) = 3. 9
4. (-7) + 8 + (-5) = 4. -4
5. -12 + (-5) = 5. -17
Subtracting Integers
6. (-16) - 6 = 6. -22
7. 20 - (-17) 7. 37
8. (-4) - (-10) = 8. 6
9. 9 - (-9) = 9. 18
10. (-8) - 10 = 10. -18

A. Reviewing the previous Let us first review our previous topic by

lesson or presenting the answering this activity.
new lesson
Activity: Match Me!
Directions: Match figure in Column A with
the corresponding triangle congruence
postulate in column B.
Column A

1. C
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. B

Column B

A. Angle - Side - Angle (ASA)

B. Side - Angle - Side (SAS)
C. Side - Side - Side (SSS)

1. How did you find the activity? Do you find I found the activity very easy,
it difficult to identify what congruence Ma’am. It is easy to identify
postulate is illustrated in each figure? what congruence postulate
because of its markings.

2. What is your basis in determining which

congruence postulates is illustrated in each Their markings, Ma’am.
given figure?

B. Establishing a purpose You have learned about the conditions for

for the lesson triangle congruence. What is meant by
congruent triangles? How is this congruence
determined? This time we will learn about how
to prove two congruent triangles?

C. Presenting examples/
instances of the new lesson Activity 1
Directions: List down the corresponding
congruent parts of each pair of congruent
triangles and answer the questions that follow.
Congruent Triangles Corresponding
Congruent Parts
1. �� ≅ ��
�� ≅ ��

2. �� ≅ ��
�� ≅ ��
�� ≅ ��

1. Were you able to list down the corresponding Yes, we can list the matching
congruent parts of each pair of congruent sides (lengths) and angles of the
triangles? If yes, what is your basis in triangles. We look for sides and
identifying the congruent parts? angles that have the same
measures in both triangles.

Yes, if all sides and angles of one

2. Are the corresponding congruent parts triangle match the corresponding
enough to prove that the two triangles are sides and angles of another triangle,
congruent? then the triangles are congruent.

Side-Angle-Side (SAS): If you

3. What congruence postulates can be used to
know two sides and the angle
prove the congruence of each pair of triangles?
between them are equal in both
triangles, the triangles are
Angle-Side-Angle (ASA): If two
angles and the side between
them are equal in both triangles,
the triangles are congruent.
Side-Side-Side (SSS): If all three
sides of one triangle are equal to
the corresponding sides of
another triangle, the triangles are

D. Discussing new In the previous lesson, you learned that

concepts and practicing triangles are congruent if they have exactly the
new skills #1 same shape and size. Specifically, two triangles
are congruent if and only if their vertices can be
made to coincide so that corresponding sides
are congruent and corresponding angles are
congruent. However, in certain cases, if the
three pairs of corresponding parts are
congruent, then it is sufficient to prove that two
triangles are congruent.

Let us recall first some important terms and

their definitions.
 Postulate - is a statement that is accepted
without proof.
 Theorem - is a statement accepted after it is (The students taking notes)
proved deductively.
 Proof - is a logical argument in which each
statement is supported/ justified by given
information definitions, axioms,
postulates, theorems, and previously
proven statements.
 Deductive Reasoning - is a type of logical
reasoning that uses accepted facts to reason
in a step -by- step manner until we arrive at
the desired statement.
 Midpoint - A point on a line segment that
divides it into two equal parts the
midpoint is the middle point of a line
 Bisector - is a line that divides the line into
two different or equal parts. It is applied to
the line segments and angles. A line that
passes through the midpoint of the line
segment is known as the line segment
bisector, whereas the line that passes
through the apex of an angle is known as
the angle bisector.
There are two types of bisectors based on what
geometrical shape it bisects.
 Perpendicular Bisector - A perpendicular
bisector is a line segment or a ray or a line
that intersects a given line segment at a
90 ° , and also it passes through the
midpoint of the line segment.
 Angle Bisector - is a ray or a line that
divides an angle into two equal parts
 Vertical Angles Definition - Vertical
angles are a pair of non-adjacent angles
formed by the intersection of two straight
lines. In simple words, vertical angles are
located across from one another in the
corners of the "X" formed by two straight
 Vertical Angle Theorem - If two lines cross
at a single point, two pairs of congruent
angles are formed.
Remember the Properties of Triangle

1. Reflexive Property of Congruence

- is that a segment, an angle, a triangle, or any
other shape is always congruent or equal to
Ex. �� ≅ ��, ∠A ≅ ∠A

2. Symmetric Property of Congruence

- means if shape 1 is congruent to shape 2, then
we can say that shape 2 is also congruent to
shape 1.
If �� ≅ ��, then �� ≅ ��
If ∠A ≅ ∠B, then ∠B ≅ ∠A

3. Transitive Property of Congruence

- involves 3 lines or angles or shapes. It states
that if shape 1 is congruent to shape 2 and
shape 2 is also congruent to shape 3, then we
can say that shape 1 is congruent to shape 3.
If �� ≅ �� and �� ≅ ��, then �� ≅ ��.
If ∠A ≅ ∠B and ∠B and ∠C, then ∠A and ∠C.

Note: Properties of congruence for triangles are

similar to the Properties of Equality for real
numbers.These properties can be applied to
segment, angles, triangles or any other shape.

Two - Column Proof

- A two-column proof consists of a list of
statements, and the reasons why those
statements are true. The statements are in the
left column and the reasons are in the right

How do we prove that two triangles are
congruent? How do we prove the different
triangle congruence theorem?
Here are the steps in proving that two triangles
are congruent.
Steps in Proving Congruence of Two
Step 1. Identify what the given are and what
is to be proved.
-Clearly state what needs to be proven about
the triangles – whether they are congruent and
in what way.
Step 2. Identify the congruence theorem to
be used and the additional information
needed and why.
- Choose the congruence postulate that best fits
the given information. Common ones include
- Identify any additional information needed to
apply the chosen theorem. Explain why this
information is necessary for the theorem to be
Step 3. Write down the statements and the
reasons in a two-column proof. Make sure
the last statement contains what should be

Example 1: Prove that ∆��� ≅ ∆���

Given: �� ≅ ��, �� ≅ ��
Prove: ∆��� ≅ ∆���
Step 2. Identify the congruence theorem to be
used and the additional information needed and
∠��� ��� ∠��� are vertical angles so they
are congruent by Vertical Angle Theorem,
hence SAS congruence postulate can be used
to prove ∆��� ≅ ∆���.
Step 3. Write down the statements and the
reasons in a two-column proof. Make sure the
last statement contains what should be proved.
Two-column proof:

Statements Reasons

1. �� ≅ ��, �� ≅ 1. Given

2. ∠��� ��� ∠��� 2.Definition of

are vertical angles vertical angles

3. ∠��� ≅ ∠��� 3.Vertical Angle

4. ∆��� ≅ ∆��� 4.SAS Congruence

In conclusion, we were able to show the

congruence of the two triangles using SAS
congruence postulate.
Example 2. Based on Figure below, prove that
∆��� ≅ ∆���.

Step 1. Identify what the given are and what is Step 1.

to be proved.
Given: �� ≅ ��, �� ≅ ��
Prove: ∆��� ≅ ∆���
Step 2.
Step 2. Identify the congruence theorem to be
used and the additional information needed and �� is the common side of
why. ∆��� ��� ∆���, so by reflexive
property. Hence, SSS
congruence postulate can be
used to prove
∆��� ≅ ∆��� because each of
the three sides of ∆��� is
congruent respectively to the
three sides of ∆���.

Step 3. Write down the statements and the

Step 3.
reasons in a two-column proof. Make sure the
last statement contains what should be proved. Statements Reasons
1.�� ≅ 1. Given
��, �� ≅
2. �� ≅ �� 2. Reflexive
3. ∆��� ≅ 3. SSS
∆��� Congruence
E. Developing Mastery Activity 2: (By Pair)
1. Given: �� ≅ ��, �� ≅ ��
Prove ∆VIL ≅ ∆VEL 1.
Statements Reasons
1. �� ≅ �� , 1. Given
�� ≅ ��
2. �� ≅ �� 2.Reflexive
Property of
3. ∆VIL 3.SSS
≅ ∆VEL Congruence
2. Given: �� and �� bisects each other at B.
Prove: ∆CAB ≅ ∆DFB
Statements Reasons
1. �� and �� 1. Given
bisects each
other at B.
2. �� ≅ ��; 2.Definition
�� ≅ �� of Bisector
3. ∠ABC 3.Definition
and ∠FBD of Vertical
4. ∠ABC ≅ 4.Vertical
∠FBD Angles
5.∆CAB ≅ 5. SAS
∆DFB Congruence
3. Given: A is the midpoint of �� and ��.
Statements Reasons
Prove: ∆ASP ≅ ∆ACE
1. A is the 1. Given
midpoint of
�� and ��.
2. �� ≅ ��; 2.Definition
�� ≅ �� of midpoint
3. ∠��� and ∠ 3.Definition
CAE are of Vertical
vertical angles Angles
4. ∠SAP ≅ ∠ 4.Vertical
CAE Angle Theorem
5. ∆ASP ≅ 5.SAS C.P
F. Finding practical Activity 3: My Home
applications of concepts
Trusses in our houses form congruent triangles
and skills in daily living
similar to the picture at the right.

Given �� ≅ ��, �� ≅ ��,

Prove: ∆HOE ≅ ∆MOE

Proof: Statements Reasons

Statements Reasons
1. �� ≅ ��, 1. Given
1. 1.
�� ≅ ��
2. 2.Reflexive Property
3. ∆HOE ≅ ∆MOE 2. �� ≅ �� 2.Reflexive
4. ∆HOE ≅ 5. SSS
∆MOE postulate

How did you find the activity? Did you find it
difficult to prove the congruence of two
triangles? (students’ answer may vary)

Why do you think the trusses in our houses

form congruent triangles?
List down at least five things in your house,
buildings or other structures found in your
community where congruent triangles are
used. Explain the importance of congruent
triangles in these structures.
G. Making generalizations What have you learned today?
and abstractions about the
How does knowledge in triangle congruence
will help you to solve real life problems?
H. Evaluating Learning

I. Additional activities for

application and Let’s find out how we can apply the
remediation Congruence Postulate to prove two triangles

1. Given �� ≅ ��, ∠B ≅ ∠E, �� ≅ ��

Prove: ∆ABC ≅ ∆DEF
Your Reflections:

1. What does Congruent mean? (2 points)

2. List which are the RELIABLE CONCITIONS for creating Congruent Triangles. (5 points)

3. Which two conditions did NOT create Congruent Triangles? (2 points)

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