Od 430656561236941100
Od 430656561236941100
Od 430656561236941100
SAC: 998599 Payment Handling Charges 1 5.00 0.00 4.24 0.76 5.00
IGST: 18.0 %
Authorized Signatory
Regd. office: Flipkart Internet Private Limited , Buildings Alyssa, Begonia & Clover, Embassy Tech Village, Outer Ring Road, Devarabeesanahalli Village, Bengaluru, Bengaluru, Karnataka -
560103 CIN: U51109KA2012PTC066107
Gross Taxable
Product Description Qty Discount IGST Total
Amount Value
Killato by Weird Wolf 2 in 1 UV-Light Mosquito
Racket Bat with Base Stand, Rechargeable
HSN: 85167920 | IGST: 18% 1 563.00 -6.00 472.04 84.96 557.00
Electric Insect Killer Indoor, Outdoor MR042 |
WW-MR-1042 | IMEI/SrNo: [[]]
Shipping and Handling
1 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ordered Through
E. & O.E.
Blackhole Retail
Authorized Signature