Dentigerous cysts are the second most common developmental odontogenic cysts after
radicular cyst. They usually present in the second or third decades of life and these cysts are rarely
seen during child hood. Their frequency in the general population has been estimated at 1.44 cysts
for every 100 unerupted teeth. According to frequency of impaction, the maxillary permanent canine
ranks second only to the third molar, with a prevalence of approximately 2% in the general
population. Impacted canines are positioned palatally 85% of the time. The frequency of impaction
is three times greater in females than males.
In many instances the cyst may be asymptomatic till it attains a large size. It usually presents as
a slowly enlarging, sometimes painful swelling; particularly if infected. At radiography, dentigerous
cysts appear as well-defined, round or ovoid, corticated, lucent lesions around the crowns of
unerupted teeth. The radiographic appearance of such dentigerous cysts is comparable with that of
cystic, unilocular odontogenic keratocysts. Treatment includes extraction of the associated tooth
and enucleation of the cyst. In this study we present dentigerous cyst that caused by impacted
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Declaration of Interest 22. Wong M. Surgical fenestration of large periapical lesions. J
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The authors report no conflict of interest
and the article is not funded or supported by any
research grant.