water in sealed tubes filled with carbon dioxide for 1 2 hours at 180'.
The solid product contained large quantities of galena and lead sulphate,
the latter being decomposed and its SO, extracted by treatment with
sodium carbonate solution.
The reaction is therefore presumably :
4FeS, + +
7PbC1, 4H,O -=7PbS - 4FeC1, H,SO, 6HC1.+ +
From these experiments it would seem that the formation of free sul-
phuric acid through the action of neutral, air-free copper and lead solu-
tions on pyrite and marcasite is a factor which can not be neglected.
Note on the Idenfzj5cafion of Chalcocife.
Chalcocite is readily attacked by ferric salts thus :
Cu,S 4-2FeC1, = CuS f CuCl, 2FeC1,. +
The CuS thus formed shows the blue color of covellite. A fragment
of chalcocite boiled for a moment with I O per cent. ferric chloride so-
lution acidified with hydrochloric acid becomes blue. The color appears
to particular advantage on compact smooth chalcocite, but the rough min-
eral also becomes decidedly blue. A gray coating on chalcopyrite took on
a deep indigo-blue color. The same effect is produced, but not as satis-
factorily, by boiling with 1-1 hydrochloric acid or allowing to stand a short
time with concentrated hydrochloric acid, but this is apt to dissolve the
coating completely. Enargite is entirely unaltered in appearance by the
above treatment'.
Washington, D. C.
until all the alloy was dissolved. T h e lead plate \vas then washed, dried
and re-weighed. This weight \\-as compared with the weight of the
cathode before the alloy was deposited upon it ; the difference between
the two weights was never more than a few milligrams. and the average
error was within o. I per cent. Therefore, the use of lead a s cathode niater-
ial was deemed sufficiently accurate. T h e solution in which the alloy had
been dissolved was diluted to a definite vol~iineaiid aliquot portions were
taken for analysis.
Various methods of analytical separation were tried, but abandoned as
unsuitable. Among these may be mentioned precipitating the zinc as
sulphide in the presence of gallic acid, and precipitating the nickel as
hydroxide with caustic soda. I t is well known that zinc sulphide is not
easily washed and filtered, and as all the alloys were very high in zinc,
it was impracticable to use the hydrogen sulphide method. T h e precipi-
tate of nickelous hydroxide contained zinc hydroxide which was not
completely removed by re-solution and re-precipitation. Furthermore it
was very difficult to wash the precipitate free from alkali. Hence this
method left much to be desired. T h e following method n-as finally
adopted as the most reliable and expeditious :
T h e determination of nickel depends upon the fact that in a weak am-
moniacal solution, nickel nia)- be titrated with potassium cyanide, silver
iodide being used as an indicator. The method is well known and is de-
scribed in Sutton's X'olunietric Analysis ( 1896) p. 243. I n the presence
of sodium pyrophosphate, zinc exercises no influence. T h e accuracy of
this method is confirmed by the following results :-
2 5 0 cc. contain 1.9981 grams electrolytic nickel dissolved in dilute sul-
phuric acid. 2 j cc. of this solution were taken for each trial.
cc. K C S cc. AgNO,; ICC KCN
KO. of ( . I 8 2 j K.) I I O 3;. cc. KCN used = prams
trial used used by nickel nickel
I 37.25 2.45 35.95 0.00556
2 37.3 2. s 3j.S 0.wjjS
3 39.5 6. I 36. I O.Wi54
NOTE :-The concentration of the potassium cyanide solution was de-
termined by titration with the silver nitrate solution. By calculation
1cc.KCN=o.o0558 gms. nickel. I n the third trial some zinc chloride and
sodium pyrophosphate were added to the solution.
T h e precautions which should be taken in this volumetric determina-
tion of nickel are : the solution should be distinctly, but not strongly,
alkaline, and the temperature should be kept below 20'.
T h e zinc was determined froin another sample of the alloy after first
removing the nickel by precipitating with sodium hydroxide, dissolving
and re-precipitating, and subsequently titrating the zinc in acetic acid
solution by means of potassiuni ferrocyanide. T h e end-point was deter-
E L E C T R O L Y T I C D E P O S I T I O N O F N I C K E L - Z I N C ALLOYS 317
3-0. c. D. Wt. Alloy Amp, HIS. Per cent. of Theo- Per cent. Sickel
retical Yield
I1 0.5 3.715; g U 1 . 3 :h 93 8.4
I2 1.5 5.4042 " 6 rr
/ I 6.S
1.3 4.0 5.4662 ( ' 4Y IO0 6.6
Series 3 ,
Composition of electrolyte :
Zinc sulphate.. .......................................... 71.5 grants
Nickel sulphate.. ..................................... 23.5 "
Aluminum Sulphate.. ................................... 75. ''
Volume of Solution ...................................... 5000 CC.
Ratio of nickel equivalents to zinc equivalents, 3.36 : I .
h-0. C. D. Wt. Alloy Amp, Hrs. Per cent. of Theo- Per cent. Nickel
retical Yield
14 0.5 1.0895 gm. 3% 30 32.2
15 1.5 6.7526 ( ' 6 95 1s.g
Series 4 .
Composition of electrolyte
Zinc sulphate ............................................. S34 grams
Nickel sulphate.. ......................................... 235 "
Aluminum sulphate ...................................... 110 "
0.65- / 2 c7 4
I’m r li
deposition of all alloys containing less than 20 per cent of nickel and which
present a bright, smooth surface, the evolution of hydrogen is compara-
tively slight.
On inspection, the tables and curves show three general results : -
( I ) T h e proportion of zinc in the deposit is greater with a greater pro-
portion of zinc in the electrolyte.
( 2 ) T h e proportion of zinc in the deposit increases with the current-
density and approaches “asymptotically” to a maximum ; in series 2 and
4 the maximum is practically reached.
(3) T h e ratio of zinc to nickel (by equivalents) in the alloy is from4.g
to 14 times their ratio in the electrolyte, according to the concentrations
of the latter.
T h e first two results may be passed as being in accordance with es-
tablished principles ; they present nothing new. We shall pass, then, to
the consideration of the third, which is really the main point of this
paper. In order that this result may show itself properly, all influences
that would help or hinder it should be excluded. T h e main, and per-
haps the only influence that affects it is changes in concentration which
influence the relation between the degrees of dissociation of the zinc and
the nickel salts respectively. Accordingly, two solutions were prepared,
both fairly dilute, and differing not too extensively in the relative con-
centrations of the nickel and the zinc salts. T h e data for these solutions
are : -
( a ) Solution same as for Series 4, except that the total volume of the
solution is fifteen liters (i.e. three times as much as before). Witb cur-
rent densities above two amperes the alloys obtained were practically of
constant composition. T h e alloy obtained with C.D. = 3 amp. contained
4.6 per cent. nickel. Hence the ratio of zinc to nickel (by equivalents)
in the alloy equals 5.4 times their ratio in the electrolyte.
( b ) Nickel sulphate .................................... 131.5 grams
...................................... 182
Zinc sulphate.. "