Solution Chap9
Solution Chap9
Solution Chap9
KNOWN: Dimensions of vertical rectangular fins. Temperature of fins and quiescent air.
FIND: (a) Optimum fin spacing, (b) Rate of heat transfer from an array of fins at the optimal spacing.
ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Fins are isothermal, (2) Radiation effects are negligible, (3) Air is quiescent.
-6 2
PROPERTIES: Table A-4, Air (T f = 325K, 1 atm): ν = 18.41 × 10 m /s, k = 0.0282 W/m⋅K, Pr =
ANALYSIS: (a) If fins are too close, boundary layers on adjoining surfaces will coalesce and heat
transfer will decrease. If fins are too far apart, the surface area becomes too small and heat transfer
decreases. S op ≈ δ x=H . From Fig. 9.4, the edge of boundary layer corresponds to
=η (δ / H ) ( GrH / 4 )1/ 4 ≈ 5.
gβ ( Ts − T∞ ) H3 9.8 m/s 2 (1/ 325K ) 50K ( 0.15m )3
Hence, GrH = = 1.5 ×107
( )
18.41×10−6 m 2 / s
( )
1/ 4
δ (H) =
5 ( 0.15m ) / 1.5 ×107 / 4 =
0.017m =
17mm Sop ≈ 34mm. <
(b) The number of fins N can be found as
=N W/ Sop= (
+ t 355 /= )
35.5 10
( ) 9 /16 4 / 9
1/ 4
Nu H = 0.68 + 0.67 1.5 ×10 × 0.703 / 1 + ( 0.492 / 0.703) = 30
Ts = 100°C
0.25 m
0.5 m
g Orientation A
Orientation B T = 20°C
T∞∞ = 20°C
ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Steady-state conditions, (2) Constant properties, (3) Ideal gas, (4) Quiescent
PROPERTIES: Table A.4, air ( T = 60°C = 333 K): v = 19.21×10-6 m2/s, a = 27.4×10-6 m2/s, Pr =
0.702, k = 0.0287 W/m⋅K.
ANALYSIS: Note that the maximum value of the Rayleigh number is associated with Orientation B.
Since the maximum Rayleigh number is less than Rax,c = 109, flow conditions are laminar for both
orientations. Hence, to minimize heat transfer from the plate, we wish to maximize the thickness of the
boundary layer and therefore maximize the plate length in the vertical direction. Therefore, Orientation
B is preferred. <
Selecting Eq. 9.27,
k 0.67 Ra1/4
=h 0.68 +
L 1 + (0.492 / Pr )9/16
0.0287 W/(m ⋅ K) 0.67 × (559 × 106 )1/4 W
= 0.68 + =4.57 2
0.5m 1 + (0.492 / 0.702)9/16
m ⋅K
q hA(Ts − T=
∞ ) 4.57W / m ⋅ K × (0.25m × 0.50m) × (100 − 20)°=
C 45.7 W <
COMMENTS: (1) For Orientation A, Ra = 7× 107, h = 5.48 W/m2⋅K and q = 54.8 W. Although the
Rayleigh and Nusselt numbers are smaller for Orientation A, the length scale in the Nusselt number is
half that of Orientation B, leading to an overall increase in the convection coefficient and heat transfer
rate. (2) Radiation heat transfer will be significant.
KNOWN: Boundary conditions associated with a rear window experiencing uniform volumetric
FIND: (a) Volumetric heating rate q needed to maintain inner surface temperature at T s,i = 15°C, (b)
Effects of T∞,o , u ∞ , and T∞,i on q and T s,o .
ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Steady-state, one-dimensional conditions, (2) Constant properties, (3) Uniform
volumetric heating in window, (4) Convection heat transfer from interior surface of window to interior
air may be approximated as free convection from a vertical plate, (5) Heat transfer from outer surface is
due to forced convection over a flat plate in parallel flow.
PROPERTIES: Table A.3, Glass (300 K): k = 1.4 W/m⋅K: Table A.4, Air (T f,i = 12.5°C, 1 atm): ν =
14.6 × 10-6 m2/s, k = 0.0251 W/m⋅K, a = 20.59 × 10-6 m2/s, β = (1/285.5) = 3.503 × 10-3 K-1, Pr = 0.711;
(T f,o ≈ 0°C): ν = 13.49 × 10-6 m2/s, k = 0.0241 W/m⋅K, Pr = 0.714.
ANALYSIS: (a) The temperature distribution in the glass is governed by the appropriate form of the
heat equation, Eq. 3.44, whose general solution is given by Eq. 3.45.
T(x) = − ( q 2k ) x 2 + C1x + C2 .
The constants of integration may be evaluated by applying appropriate boundary conditions at x = 0. In
particular, with T(0) = T s,i , C 2 = T s,i . Applying an energy balance to the inner surface, q′′cond = q′′conv,i
dx x = 0
=hi T∞,i − Ts,i ) (
−k − x + C1 = hi T∞,i − Ts,i
k x =0
− ( hi k ) T∞,i − Ts,i
C1 = )
hi ( T∞,i − Ts,i )
T(x) =
− ( q 2k ) x 2 − x+T s,i (1)
The required generation may then be obtained by formulating an energy balance at the outer surface,
where q′′cond = q′′conv,o . Using Eq. (1),
dx x = L
=h o Ts,o − T∞,o ) (2)
PROBLEM 9.22 (Cont.)
dx x = L
−k −
+ hi T∞,i − Ts,i =
qL )
+ hi T∞,i − Ts,i ( ) (3)
Substituting Eq. (3) into Eq. (2), the energy balance becomes
( ) (
= h o Ts,o − T∞,o + hi Ts,i − T∞,i
qL ) (4)
Ts,o = − −
2 hi T∞,i − Ts,i
qL )
L + Ts,i . (5)
2k k
The inside convection coefficient may be obtained from Eq. 9.26. With
( =
gβ Ts,i − T∞,i H3 9.8 m s 3.503 × 10 K (
−3 −1
(15 − 10 ) K ( 0.5 m ) )
= 7.137 × 107 ,
H − −
νa 6 2 6
14.60 × 10 m s × 20.59 × 10 m s 2
2 2
Nu H =
0.825 +
1/ 6
0.387Ra H
0.825 +
0.387 7.137 × 10 (
7 1/ 6
8 / 27 8 / 27
1 + ( 0.492 Pr )9 /16 1 + ( 0.492 0.711)9 /16
k 55.2 × 0.0251W m ⋅ K
= =
hi Nu H = 2.77 W m 2 ⋅ K
H 0.5 m
The outside convection coefficient may be obtained by first evaluating the Reynolds number. With
u∞H 20 m s × 0.5 m
Re H = = 7.413 ×105
ν −
13.49 ×10 m 2 s
and with Re x,c = 5 × 105, mixed boundary layer conditions exist. Hence,
Nu=H (
0.037 ReH )
4 / 5 − 871 Pr1/
3 0.037 7.413 × 105 4 / 5 − 871 0.714 1/
( )= )
Nu H ( k H ) =
ho = (864 × 0.0241W m ⋅ K ) 0.5 m =
41.6 W m 2 ⋅ K .
Eq. (5) may now be expressed as
q ( 0.008 m ) 2.77 W m 2 ⋅ K (10 − 15 ) K
Ts,o =
− − −2.286 × 10−5 q + 288.1K
× 0.008 m + 288 K =
2 (1.4 W m ⋅ K ) 1.4 W m ⋅ K
or, solving for q , q = (
−43, 745 Ts,o − 288.1 ) (6)
PROBLEM 9.22 (Cont.)
15 4
10 2
5 0
-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5
15 4
5 0
5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20
For fixed T s,i and T∞,i , T s,o and q are strongly influenced by T∞,o and u ∞ , increasing and decreasing,
respectively, with increasing T∞,o and decreasing and increasing, respectively with increasing u ∞ . For
fixed T s,i and u ∞ , T s,o and q are independent of T∞,i , but increase and decrease, respectively, with
increasing T∞,o .
COMMENTS: In lieu of performing a surface energy balance at x = L, Eq. (4) may also be obtained by
applying an energy balance to a control volume about the entire window.
KNOWN: Insulated steam tube exposed to atmospheric air and surroundings at 25°C.
FIND: (a) Heat transfer rate by free convection to the room, per unit length of the tube; effect on
quality, x, at outlet of 30 m length of tube; (b) Effect of radiation on heat transfer and quality of outlet
flow; (c) Effect of emissivity and insulation thickness on heat rate.
ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Ambient air is quiescent, (2) Negligible surface radiation (part a), (3) Tube wall
resistance negligible.
PROPERTIES: Steam tables, steam (sat., 4 bar): i f = 566 kJ/kg, T sat = 416 K, i g = 2727 kJ/kg, i fg =
2160 kJ/kg, v g = 0.476 m3/kg; Table A.3, magnesia, 85% (310 K): k m = 0.051 W/m⋅K; Table A.4, air
(assume T s = 60°C, T f = (60 + 25)°C/2 = 315 K, 1 atm): ν = 17.4 × 10-6 m2/s, k = 0.0274 W/m⋅K, a =
24.7 × 10-6 m2/s, Pr = 0.705, T f = 1/315 K = 3.17 × 10-3 K-1.
ANALYSIS: (a) The heat rate per unit length of the tube (see sketch) is given as,
T −T 1 1 1 D 1
q′ = i ∞ where = + ln 3 + (1,2)
R ′t R ′t h oπ D3 2π k m D 2 hiπ D1
To estimate h o , we have assumed T s ≈ 60°C in order to calculate Ra L from Eq. 9.25,
Nu D =
0.60 +
0.387 ( Ra D )
1/ 6
= 0.60 +
0.387 ( 3.85 × 10 )
6 1/ 6
8 / 27
8 / 27
1 + ( 0.559 Pr )9 /16 1 + ( 0.559 0.705 )9 /16
k 0.0274 W m ⋅ K
ho Nu=
D = 5.09 W m 2 ⋅ K .
× 21.4
D3 0.115 m
Substituting numerical values into Eq. (2), find
1 1 1 115 1
= + ln + =
0.430 W m ⋅ K
R ′t 5.09 W m 2 ⋅ K × π 0.115 m 2π × 0.051 W m ⋅ K 65 11, 000 W m 2 ⋅ Kπ × 0.055 m
We need to verify that the assumption of T s = 60°C is reasonable. From the thermal circuit,
Ts = T∞ + q′ h o π D3 = 25 C + 50.8 W m 5.09 W m 2 ⋅ K × π × 0.115 m = 53 C . )
Another calculation using T s = 53°C would be appropriate for a more precise result.
i 2 = i1 − q′ ⋅ L m
= 2727 kJ kg − 50.8 W m × 30 m 0.015 kg s = 2625 kJ kg
( i2 if ) ifg =
x =− ( 2625 − 566 ) kJ kg ( 2160 kJ kg ) =
0.953. <
(b) With radiation, we first determine T s by performing an energy balance at the outer surface, where
Ti − Ts
= h oπ D3 ( Ts − T∞ ) + π D3εs Ts4 − Tsur
R ′i
1 1 D
R ′i
= + ln 3
hiπ D1 2π k m D 2
From knowledge of T s , q=′i ( Ti − Ts ) R ′i may then be determined. Using the Correlations and
Properties Tool Pads of IHT to determine h o and the properties of air evaluated at T f = (T s + T¥ )/2, the
following results are obtained.
COMMENTS: Clearly, a significant reduction in heat loss may be realized by increasing the insulation
thickness. Although T s , and hence q′conv,o , increases with decreasing ε, the reduction in q′rad is more
than sufficient to reduce the heat loss.
KNOWN: Sphere of 2-mm diameter immersed in a fluid at 300 K.
FIND: (a) The conduction limit of heat transfer from the sphere to the quiescent, extensive fluid,
Nu D,cond = 2; (b) Considering free convection, surface temperature at which the Nusselt number is twice
that of the conduction limit for the fluids air and water; and (c) Considering forced convection, fluid
velocity at which the Nusselt number is twice that of the conduction limit for the fluids air and water.
ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Sphere is isothermal, (2) For part (a), fluid is stationary, and (3) For part (b), fluid
is quiescient, extensive.
ANALYSIS: (a) Following the hint provided in the problem statement, the thermal resistance of a
hollow sphere, Eq. 3.40 of inner and outer radii, r 1 and r 2 , respectively, and thermal conductivity k, is
1 1 1
t,cond − (1)
4π k r1 r2
and as r 2 → ∞, that is the medium is extensive
1 1
R t,cond = (2)
4π kr1 2π kD
The Nusselt number can be expressed as
Nu = (3)
and the conduction resistance in terms of a convection coefficient is
1 1
R t,cond = (4)
hAs hπ D 2
Combining Eqs. (3) and (4)
Nu D,cond
1 R t,condπ D 2 ) D
(= =
( )
1 (1 2π kD ) π D 2 D
2 <
k k
(b) For free convection, the recommended correlation, Eq. 9.35, is
0.589Ra1/ 4
Nu D= 2 + D
1 + ( 0.469 Pr )9 /16
PROBLEM 9.55 (Cont.)
Ra D = DT = Ts − T∞
where properties are evaluated at T f = (T s + T ∞ ) / 2. What value of T s is required for Nu D = 4 for the
fluids air and water? Using the IHT Correlations Tool, Free Convection, Sphere and the Properties
Tool for Air and Water, find
Air: Nu ≤ 3.1 for all Ts > 300 <
Water: T s = 301.1K <
(c) For forced convection, the recommended correlation, Eq. 7.56, is
Nu D = (
2 + 0.4 Re1/ 2 2/3
D + 0.06 Re D Pr ( s)
0.4 µ µ
) 1/ 4
ReD = VD ν
where properties are evaluated at T∞ , except for µ s evaluated at T s .What value of V is required for
Nu D = 4 if the fluids are air and water? Using the IHT Correlations Tool, Forced Convection, Sphere
and the Properties Tool for Air and Water, find (evaluating all properties at 300 K)
Air: V = 0.17 m/s Water: V = 0.00185 m/s <
COMMENTS: (1) For water, Nu D = 2 × Nu D,cond can be achieved by DT ≈ 1 for free convection
and with very low velocity, V< 0.002 m/s, for forced convection.
(2) For air, Nu D = 2 × Nu D,cond can be achieved in forced convection with low velocities, V< 0.2 m/s.
In free convection, Nu D increases with increasing T s and reaches a maximum, Nu D,max = 3.1, around
450 K. Why is this so? Hint: Plot Ra D as a function of T s and examine the role of β and DT as a
function of T s .
KNOWN: Vertical array of circuit boards 0.15m high with maximum allowable uniform surface
temperature for prescribed ambient air temperature.
FIND: Allowable electrical power dissipation per board, q′ [ W / m ] , for these cooling arrangements:
(a) Free convection only, (b) Air flow downward at 0.6 m/s, (c) Air flow upward at 0.3 m/s, and (d)
Air flow upward or downward at 5 m/s.
ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Uniform surface temperature, (2) Board horizontal spacing sufficient that
boundary layers don’t interfere, (3) Ambient air behaves as quiescent medium, (4) Perfect gas
-6 2
PROPERTIES: Table A-4, Air (T f = (T s + T ∞ )/2 ≈ 315K, 1 atm): ν = 17.40 × 10 m /s, k =
-6 2
0.0274 W/m⋅K, a = 24.7 × 10 m /s, Pr = 0.705, β = 1/T f .
ANALYSIS: (a) For free convection only, the allowable electrical power dissipation rate is
=q′ h L ( 2L )( Ts − T∞ ) (1)
where h L is estimated using the appropriate correlation for free convection from a vertical plate.
Find the Rayleigh number,
g β ∆T L3 9.8m / s (1/ 315K )( 60 − 25 ) K ( 0.150m )
2 3
Ra L = = 8.551×106. (2)
νa 17.4 ×10 −6 2m / s × 24.7 ×10 −6 2
m /s
Since Ra L < 10 , the flow is laminar. With Eq. 9.27 find
8.551 × 106
1/ 4
0.670 Ra1/ 4
0.68 +
hL L
Nu L = =
0.68 + = =
28.47 (3)
k 4/9 4/9
1 + ( 0.492 / Pr )9 /16 1 + ( 0.492 / 0.705 )9 /16
hL ( 0.0274 W / m ⋅ K / 0.150m ) × 28.47
= 5.20 W / m 2 ⋅ K.
Hence, the allowable electrical power dissipation rate is,
= q′ 5.20 W / m 2 ⋅ K ( 2 × 0.150m )( 60= − 25 ) °C 54.6 W / m. <
(b) With downward velocity V = 0.6 m/s, the possibility of mixed forced-free convection must be
considered. With Re L = VL/ν, find
( )
Since GrL / Re 2L ~ 1, flow is mixed and the average heat transfer coefficient may be found from a
correlating equation of the form
= Nu nF ± Nu nN
Nu (5)
where n = 3 for the vertical plate geometry and the minus sign is appropriate since the natural
convection (N) flow opposes the forced convection (F) flow. For the forced convection flow, Re L =
5172 and the flow is laminar; using Eq. 7.30,
= =
Nu F 0.664 Re1/
L Pr ( =
2 1/ 3 0.664 5172
)1/ 2 ( 0.705)1/ 3 42.50. (6)
Using Nu N = 28.47 from Eq. (3), Eq. (5) now becomes
3 hL
Nu = = ( 42.50 )3 − ( 28.47 )3 Nu = 37.72
0.0274 W / m ⋅ K
=h = 6.89 W / m 2 ⋅ K.
× 37.72
Substituting for h into the rate equation, Eq. (1), the allowable power dissipation with a downward
velocity of 0.6 m/s is
= (
q′ 6.89 W / m 2 ⋅ K 2 × 0.150m 60= )( )
− 25 °C 72.3 W / m. <
(c) With an upward velocity V = 0.3 m/s, the positive sign of Eq. (5) applies since the N-flow is
assisting the F-flow. For forced convection, find
ReL = VL / ν = (
0.3m / s × 0.150m / 17.40 ×10−6 m 2 / s = ) 2586.
The flow is again laminar, hence Eq. (6) is appropriate.
= =
Nu F 0.664 ( 2586 ) ( 0.705) 30.05.
1/ 2 1/ 3
From Eq. (5), with the positive sign, and Nu N from Eq. (4),
( 30.05) + ( 28.47 )
3 3 3
Nu = or Nu =
36.88 and 6.74 W / m 2 ⋅ K.
From Eq. (1), the allowable power dissipation with an upward velocity of 0.3 m/s is
= (
q′ 6.74 W / m 2 ⋅ K 2 × 0.150m 60= )( )
− 25 °C 70.7 W / m. <
(d) With a forced convection velocity V = 5 m/s, very likely forced convection will dominate. Check
( ) -6
by evaluating whether GrL / Re 2L << 1 where Re L = VL/ν = 5 m/s × 0.150m/(17.40 × 10 m /s) =
43,103. Hence,
( GrL / Re2L ) ==
Ra L
/ ReL (
2 8.551× 106 / 0.705 / 43,1032 =
The flow is not mixed, but pure forced convection. Using Eq. (6), find
( 0.0274 W / m ⋅ K / 0.150m ) 0.664 ( 43,103)
1/ 2
( 0.705)
1/ 3
22.4 W / m 2 ⋅ K
and the allowable dissipation rate is
= (
q′ 22.4 W / m 2 ⋅ K 2 × 0.150m ) ( 60=
− 25 ) °C 235 W / m. <
COMMENTS: Be sure to compare dissipation rates to see relative importance of mixed flow
KNOWN: Dimensions and temperature of a wet sheet of fabric. Temperature and relative humidity
of surrounding still air
FIND: Should the sheet be hung with its long or short dimension in the vertical direction? What is
the maximum drying rate?
Ts = 26°C
L = 205 mm
L = 245 mm Air,
Φ∞= 0.40
b = 245 mm
b = 205 mm
Orientation A Orientation B
ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Analogy between heat and mass transfer applies, (2) Water vapor at garment
surface is saturated at Ts, (3) Ideal gas behavior of water vapor and air.
PROPERTIES: Table A-4, Air (Tf = (Ts + T∞)/2 = 301 K, 1 atm): ν = 15.99 × 10-6 m2/s, Pr = 0.707;
Table A-6, Water vapor (Ts = 299 K): pA,s = 0.0335 bar, rA,s = 1/vf = 0.0240 kg/m3; Water vapor (T∞ =
303 K): pA,∞,sat = 0.0424 bar; Table A-8, Air-water vapor (301 K): DAB = 0.26 × 10-4 m2/s ×
(301/298)3/2 = 0.264 × 10-4 m2/s, Sc = ν/DAB = 0.606.
ANALYSIS: Before beginning any calculations, it can be determined from the physics of the
problem that a shorter vertical dimension will give rise to a thinner boundary layer on average, which
enhances evaporation. Therefore:
The density of the air/vapor mixture at the surface is rs = rA,s + rB,s. With pB,s = 1 atm – pA,s = 1.0133
bar – 0.0335 bar = 0.980 bar, the density of air at the surface is:
pB, s 0.980 bar
r B, s
= = = 1.142 kg/m3
RBTs 0.00287(m ⋅ bar/kg ⋅ K) × 299 K
The partial pressure of water vapor in the ambient is pA,∞ = pA,∞,sat × φ∞ = 0.0424 bar × 0.4 = 0.0170
bar. Then pB,∞ = 1 atm – pA,∞ = 1.0133 bar – 0.0170 bar = 0.996 bar. The density of water vapor in the
ambient is:
pA,∞ 0.0170 bar
r A,∞
= = = 0.0121 kg/m3
RAT∞ 0.00461 m3 ⋅ bar/kg ⋅ K × 303 K
Finally, the average mixture density is ρ
s + ∞
(1.166 + 1.158)=
1.162 kg/m3
2 2
With all of the needed densities determined, the Grashof number can be calculated from Equation
g ( r s − r∞ ) L3 9.8 m/s 2 (1.166 − 1.158 ) kg/m3 × (0.205 m)3
Gr = = 2.25 ×106
rv 2 3 −6
1.162 kg/m × (15.99 ×10 m /s) 2 2
The Sherwood number is given by Equation 9.66, where GrL Sc = 2.25 × 106 × 0.606 = 1.37 ×106 is
analogous to the Rayleigh number. Referring to the beginning of Section 9.6.1, C = 0.59 and n = ¼
are the appropriate values, therefore:
=m A hm LW ( ρρ
A, s − A, ∞ )