CH - 4
CH - 4
CH - 4
1. What are canal rays? Sol. Canal rays or anode rays are the
positively charged rays which are seen
moving from the anode towards cathode in Bohr's model of an atom with three shells.
a specially designed discharge tube, when 6. What do you think would be the
a high voltage is applied across the observation if the x-particle scattering
electrodes. experiment is carried out using a foil of
2. If an atom contains one electron and a metal other than gold?
one proton, will it carry any charge or Or Why did Rutherford select a gold
not? foil in his x-rays scattering experiment?
Sol. An electron is a negatively charged Sol. If a-particle scattering experiment is
particle, whereas a proton is a positively carried out using a foil of any other metal
charged particle and the magnitude of their by Rutherford, there would be no change
charges is equal. in observations.
Therefore, an atom containing one Since other metals are not so
electron and one proton will not carry malleable.
any charge. So such a thin foil is difficult to obtain.
Thus, it will be a neutral atom. If we use a thick foil, more a-particles
3. On the basis of Thomson's model of would bounce back and no idea about
an atom, gay explain how the atom is the location of positive mass in the
neutral as a whole? atom would be available with such a
Sol. According to Thomson model, an correctness.
atom consists of a are positively charged This means as the thickness of the foil
sphere and the electrons are embedded in increases, the possibility of correctness
it. for the experiment decreases.
The negative and positive charges are So, use of gold in this case is preferred.
equal in magnitude. 7. Name the three sub-atomic particles
So, the atom as a whole is electrically in an atom.
neutral. Sol. The sub-atomic particles present in an
4. On the basis of Rutherford's model of atom are electrons, protons and neutrons.
an atom, which sub-atomic particle is 8. Helium atom has an atomic mass of
present in the nucleus of an atom? 4u and two protons in its nucleus. How
Sol. According to Rutherford's model of many neutrons does it have?
an atom nucleus is positively charged, Sol. Atomic mass of helium = 4 u
therefore, protons are present inside the Number of protons = 2
nucleus. Let the number of neutrons = x
5. Draw a sketch of Bohr's model of an Number of protons + number of neutrons
atom with three shells. = Atomic mass
Sol. Three shells or orbits are presented by 2+x=4
the letters K, L, M (or the numbers, n = 1,
2, 3) 9. Write the distribution of electrons in
carbon and sodium atoms.
A carbon atom contains a total of 6
electrons. The following equation
describes the electron distribution in a
carbon atom: first orbit or K-shell = 2
Electronic configuration of both the isotopes of chlorine is same as their atomic number is
17Cl = , ,
2 8 7
20 40
Isobars, e.g. Ca and Ar.
40 18
Electronic configuration of both isobars would be different as both have different atomic
numbers but have same mass number.
20Ca = , , ,
2 8 8 2
18Ar = 2, 8, 8
20. Compare all the proposed models of an atom given in the chapter.
21. Summarise the rules for writing of If the number of valence electrons of
distribution of electrons in various the atom element is less than or equal
shells for the first eighteen elements. to four then the valency of that element
Sol. Maximum number of electrons that is equal to the number of valence
can be accommodated in a shell is given electrons.
by the formula: 2n2, where n= 1, 2, 3… E.g. the atom of silicon has four
Maximum number of electrons in different valence electrons [atomic no of silicon
shells are: is 14, therefore its electronic
K shell – n=1 ; 2n2 = 2(1)2 = 2 configuration is 2, 8, 4. Thus, the
L shell – n=2 ; 2n2 = 2(2)2 = 8 valency of silicon is four.
M shell – n=3 ; 2n2 = 2(3)2 = 18 On the other hand, if the number of
N shell- n=4 ; 2n2 = 2(4)2 = 32 valence electrons of the atom of an
The outermost orbit can be element is greater than four, the
accommodated with 8 electrons at the valency of that element is obtained by
maximum. subtracting the number of valence
The electrons are not taken in unless electrons from eight.
the inner shells are filled which are E.g. the atom of oxygen has six
filled step-wise, hence the highest valence electrons [∵ atomic no. of
element has K-2; L-8 ; M-8 oxygen is 6. therefore, its electronic
distribution of electrons. configuration is 2(K), 6 (L). Thus, the
22. Define valency by taking examples valency of oxygen is two [8 6 = 2].
of silicon and oxygen. 23. Explain with examples.
Sol. The combining capacity of the atom (i) Atomic number
of an element with the atom(s) of same or (ii) Mass number
other element (s) in order to an complete (iii) Isotopes
its octet is called the valency of that (iv) Isobars
element, of The valency of an element is Give any two uses of isotopes
determined by the number of valence Sol. (i) Atomic number The number of
electrons present in the atom of that protons present in the nucleus of the atom
element. of an element is called its atomic number.
Atomic number = Number of protons
same atomic number but different mass Average atomic mass of bromine
numbers are called isotopes of that
e.g. hydrogen has 3 isotopes, H1, 1H2
= 79 ×
100 )(
+ 81×
100 )]
= 39.263 + 40.743 = 80.006 u.
and, 1H3. 26. The average atomic mass of a
(iv) Isobars Atoms of different elements sample of an element X is 16.2 u. What
with different atomic numbers but same are the percentages of isotopes X and ¹8
mass number are known as isobars. X in the sample?
40 40 16
e.g. Ar and Ca are isobars. Sol. Let, the percentage of X = x%
18 20 8
Uses of isotopes are: 18
An isotope of uranium (U-235) is used Then, the percentage of X = (100 x) %
as a fuel for the production of (i)
electricity in nuclear reactors. Average atomic mass of X = 16.2 u
An isotope of cobalt is used in the According to the given data,
treatment of cancer. x (100−x)
24. Na+ has completely filled K and L- 16 × + 18 × = 16.2 (ii)
100 100
shells. Explain. 16 x 1800−18 x
Sol. Electronic configuration of Na (atom) + = 16.2
100 100
K LM 16x + 1800 18x = 1620
= .
2,8, 1 2x = 1800 + 1620
When an atom loses one electron, it 180
acquires a positive charge. x= = 90%
Thus, when Na-atom lose one electron Placing the value of x in Eq. (i)
from its M-shell it gets converted into 18
Percentages of X = 100 90 = 10%
Na+ion. 8
∴ Isotope
Electronic configuration of Na+ (ion) = 16 18
X = 90%, isotope X =
KL 8 8
2 , 8. 10%
27. If Z= 3 what would be the valency of (iv) An isotope of iodine is used for
the element? Also, name the element. making tincture of iodine, which is used
Sol. Electronic configuration of element, as a medicine.
KL Sol. (i) (F) Because in J.J. Thomson's
KL (Z = 3) =
2, 1 model, nucleus was not present.
Valency of the element = Number of (ii) (F) Neutron is a fundamental
valence electrons = 1 particle (a subatomic particle) of the
Name of the element = Lithium (Li) atom of an element, thus cannot be
28. Composition of the nuclei of two made by combining an electron and a
atomic species X and Y are given as proton. It is neutral, as it carries no
under. charge.
X Y 1
(iii) (T) Mass of electron is.
Protons 6 6 1840
Neutrons 6 8 1
times which is nearly about
Give the mass numbers of X and Y. 2000
What is the relation between the two times that of proton.
species? (iv) (T) Tincture of iodine is made by
Sol. Mass number = Number of protons + dissolving an isotope of iodine in
number of neutrons alcohol (I-131).
Mass number of X = 6 + 6 = 12 30. Rutherford's a-particle scattering
Mass number of Y= 6 + 8 = 14 experiment was responsible for the
To find the relation between X and Y. discovery of
Atomic number of X = Number of protons A. atomic nucleus
=6 B. electron
Atomic number of Y = Number of protons C. proton
=6 D. neutron
It can be that the atomic numbers of both Sol. (A) On the basis of his experiment,
the elements X and Yare same (6) but their Rutherford predicted that centre part of the
mass number is different, so, X and Y are atom is positively charged and is
isotopes of the same element (carbon). responsible for the mass of the atom. He
12 14 called these protons as atomic nucleus.
Hence, X and Y are C and C
6 6 31. Isotopes of an element have
respectively. A. the same physical properties
29. For the following statements, write T B. different chemical properties
for True and F for False. C. different number of neutrons
(i) J.J. Thomson's proposed that the D. different atomic numbers
nucleus of an atom contains only Sol. (C) Isotopes have different physical
nucleons. properties, similar chemical properties,
(ii) A neutron is formed by an electron same atomic number but different mass
and a proton combining together. numbers. Hence, isotopes of an element
Therefore, it is neutral. have different number of neutrons.
(iii) The mass of an electron is about 32. Number of valence electrons in CI
1 ion are
times that of proton.
A. 16 B. 8 Valence electrons = 7
C. 17 D. 18 CI (ion) = 2, 8, 8
Sol. (B) Valence electrons are the Valence electrons = 8
electrons present in outermost shell of an Hence Cl ion has 8 valence electrons.
atom. Cl ion is formed when Cl atom 33. Which of the following is a correct
gains an electron. electronic configuration of sodium?
The atomic number of Cl is 17, it has A. 2, 8 B. 8, 2, 1
17e, when it gains one e , it becomes C. 2, 1, 8 D. 2, 8, 1
Cl ion and has 18e. Sol. (D) the atomic number of sodium
Thus, electronic configuration of Cl atom atom is 11; therefore, its electronic
and are as follows: K LM
configuration is
Cl (atom) = 2, 8 7 2 , 8 , 1.
34. Complete the following table.
:. Atomic number = 1, mass number = 2 8. Will 35Cl and 37Cl have different
Number of neutrons =21=1 valencies? Justify your answer.
(v) Hydrogen ion (1H¹) Mass number = 1 9. Write the electronic configuration of a
Number of protons = 1 positively charged sodium ion (Na+).
Number of neutrons = 0 Atomic number of sodium is 11.
Number of electrons = 0 Atomic number = 10. The electronic configuration of
Number of protons = 1 phosphorus atom is 2, 8, 5. Give the
Because number of electrons is zero, i.e. electronic configuration of P3- ion.
not equal to that of protons, so the species 11. The atomic number of Al and Cl are 13
is hydrogen ion, not hydrogen atom. and 17, respectively. What will be the
number of electrons in Al3+ and Cl–?
Answer the following questions. 12. Write down the electron distribution of
1. Write the electronic configuration of the chlorine atom. How many electrons are
element with there in the L shell? (Atomic number of
(i) Atomic number 7. chlorine is 17)
(ii) atomic number 19. 13. Helium atom has 2 electrons in its
(iii) atomic number 3. valence shell but its valency is not 2.
(iv) atomic number 16. 14. Find out the valency of the atoms
(v) atomic number 20. represented by the Figs. (a) and (b).
(vi) atomic number 11. (i)
(vii) atomic number 12.
(viii) atomic number 8.
(ix) atomic number 17.
2. Write the correct representation of an
element ‘X’ which contains 15 electrons (ii)
and sixteen neutrons.
3. What will be the valency of an atom if it
contains 3 protons and 4 neutrons?
4. Which of the following pairs are
isotopes? 15. Identify the Na+ ion from the following
209 210 figures. What is the valency of sodium
(i) X, X
84 84 atom? Give reason.
232 231 16. Calculate the number of neutrons
(ii) Z, Z
90 91 present in the nucleus of an element which
5. Chemical formula of a metal sulphate is 31
is represented as X.
MSO4. What will be the formula of its 15
chloride? 17. An element ‘X’ has a valency 3(+):
6. An element ‘A’ has valency +3, while (i) Write the formula of its phosphide.
another element ‘B’ has valency -2. Give (ii) Write the formula of its carbonate.
the formula of their compound formed 18. An element ‘Z’ forms the following
when ‘A’ reacts with ‘B’. compound when it reacts with hydrogen,
7. Valency of an element X is 3. Write the chlorine, oxygen and phosphorous.
chemical formula of its oxide. ZH3, ZCl3, Z2O3 and ZP
(i) What is the valency of element ‘Z’?
(ii) Element ‘Z’ is metal or non-metal? (i) What is the atomic number of ‘X’?
19. Predict the valency of the following (ii) Identify whether ‘X’ is a metal or non-
elements. metal.
(i) A (Atomic number 5) 21. The atomic number of lithium is 3. Its
(ii) B (Atomic number 12) mass number is 7.
(iii) C (Atomic number 14) (i) How many protons and neutrons are
(iv) D (Atomic number 17) present in a lithium atom?
20. An element ‘X’ contains 6 electrons in (ii) Draw the diagram of a lithium atom.
‘M’ shell as valence electrons:
22. Complete the table on the basis of information available in the symbols given below.
35 12 81
(i) CI (ii) C (iii) Br
17 6 35
Element n p nn
23. In the atom of an element ‘Z’, 5 electrons are present in the outermost shell. It requires
noble gas configuration by accepting requisite number of electrons, then what would be the
charge on the ion so formed? Write the formula of the compound which will be formed when
‘Z’ reacts with Na atom.
24. 22286 Rn is an isotope of noble gas, radon. How many protons, neutrons and electrons are
there in one atom of this radon isotope?
25. What information do you get from the figures about the atomic number, valency of atoms
X, Y and Z? Give your answer in a tabular form.
A. (i) and (ii) B. (ii) and (iii) C. (ii) and (iv) D. (i) and (iv)
5. Who discovered neutron?
A. J. Chadwck B. Dalton C. Bohr D. Rutherford
6. The electron distribution in an aluminium atom is
A. 2, 8, 3 B. 2, 8, 2 C. 8, 2, 3 D. 2, 3, 8
7. Which one of the following elements has 2, 8, 8, 2 electronic configurations?
A. Calcium B. Copper C. Silver D. Palladium
8. Which of the following is the valency of an element if it has 2, 8, 2 electronic
A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 0
9. Elements with valency 1 are
A. always metals B. always metalloids
C. either metals or non-metals D. always non-metals
10. Which of the following represents a correct chemical formula?
A. CaCl B. BIPO4 C. NaSO4 D. Nas
11. The formula of chloride of a metal M is MC1 3, then the formula of the phosphate of metal
M will be
A. M₂PO4 B. MPO₁ C. M₂(PO4)3 C. M3PO4
12. The number of electrons in an element X is 15 and the number of neutrons is 16. Which
of the following is the correct representation of the element?
31 31 16 15
A. x B. x C. x D. x
15 16 15 16
13. Identify the Mg2+ ion from the figure where, n and p represent the number of neutrons and
protons respectively.
A. B. C. D.
1. When we rub two objects together they become electrically charged. Where did this
electric charge come from?
2. How cathode rays are different from anode rays?
3. Name the discoveror of electrons, protons and neutrons.
4. What conclusion would be drawn by Rutherford when he observed that most of the fast
moving a-particles passed straight through the gold foil?
5. Nucleus of an atom is positively charged and electrons around it are negatively charged.
Then why do electrons not just fall to the nucleus out of attraction?
6. What do you understand by the term 'discrete orbit'?
7. Draw a sketch of Bohr's model of an atom with four shells.
8. What can be the maximum number of electrons in the outermost orbit?
9. Find out the number of electrons present in last shell of an atom having atomic number 15.
10. In an atom first four shells (K, L, M and N) are completely filled. Then what is the total
number of electrons in that atom?
11. Why helium and neon do not take part in chemical reactions?
12. A non-metal has 6 electrons in its outermost shell. Predict its valency.
16 40
13. What are the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in O and Ar? What are their
8 18
atomic number and mass number?
14. The atomic number of Al and Cl are 13 and 17 respectively. What will be the number of
electrons in Al3+ and Cl−¿¿?
15. Lithium atom has an atomic mass of 6u and three protons in its nucleus. How many
neutrons does it have?
16. An atom has an atomic mass of 7u. It has 2 electrons in K-shell and one electron in L-
shell. How many neutrons does it have?
17. Why are atomic masses of most of the elements are fractional and not whole numbers?
18. Identify the isotopic pair(s) out of the following species?
16 14 14 18 16
8C , 6C , 7 N , 8O , 7 N
19. (i) Name the isotope used as a fuel in nuclear reactors.
(ii) What is the number of sub-atomic particles in this isotope?
20. What are nucleons?
21. Give the electronic configuration of Cl ion.
22. Draw the atomic structure of helium atom.
23. What are isobars?
24. What is mass number of an atom?
4 14
25. Find the valency of H e and N.
2 7
26. What are isotopes? Give its two applications.
27. An atom is electrically neutral. How can it become charged?
28. Explain Rutherford's a-particle scattering experiment and give its observation and
conclusion drawn.