Clinical Chemistry Bishop Answer Key (1)
Clinical Chemistry Bishop Answer Key (1)
Clinical Chemistry Bishop Answer Key (1)
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7. PCR/ESI-TOF has the distinct advantage in 2. Which of the following approaches to analyzer
pathogen automation can use mixing paddles to stir? a.
identification because: Discrete analysis
a. Requires the patient sample to be cultured and b. Centrifugal analysis
then analysis can be performed. c. Continuous flow
b. Can be used directly from patient specimens. c. d. Dry chemistry slide analysis
Uses the protein “finger print” to identify the
pathogen. 3. Which of the following types of analyzers offers
random-access capabilities?
AUTOMATION a. Discrete analyzers
b. Continuous-flow analyzers
1. Which of the following is NOT a driving force for c. Centrifugal analyzers
more automation? d. None of these
a. Increased use of chemistry panels
b. High-volume testing
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8. The protein electrophoretic pattern of plasma, 12. High serum total protein with high levels of
as compared with serum, reveals a both albumin and globulins is usually seen in a.
a. Fibrinogen peak between the �- and γ-globulins b. Dehydration
Broad increase in the γ -globulins b. Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia
c. Fibrinogen peak with the α2-globulins d. c. Glomerulonephritis
Decreased albumin peak d. Cirrhosis
9. The following pattern of serum protein 13. In a patient with nephrotic syndrome, the
electrophoresis total protein levels in urine would be:
is obtained: a. Normal.
albumin: decreased b. Lower than normal.
α1- and α2-globulins: increased c. Higher than normal.
γ -globulins: normal d. Similar to levels in CSF total protein levels. e.
This pattern is characteristic of which of the Lower albumin levels and higher levels of IgG.
conditions? 14. Isoelectric focusing is the type of
a. Acute inflammation (primary response) b. electrophoresis used to phenotype for α1-
Cirrhosis antitrypsin deficiencies. When the protein is
c. Nephrotic syndrome electrophoresed, it migrates to:
d. Gammopathy a. The site where the pH is the same as its pI. b.
The site where the molecular weight of the
10. Distinct oligoclonal bands in the γ zone on protein correlates with the pI.
CSF c. The site where the protein’s net charge
protein electrophoresis are diagnostic of exceeds the pI.
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11. A patient is admitted to the hospital with 14. What is the presumed defect in most cases of
intense chest pains. The patient’s primary care familial type IIa hyperlipoproteinemia? a. Defective
physician requests the emergency department receptors for LDL
doctor to order several tests, including a lipid b. Deficiency of hydroxymethylglutaryl (HMG)-
profile with cholesterol fractionation. Given the CoA reductase
patient’s results provided below, what would be c. Deficiency of cholesterol esterase
this patient’s LDL-C status? d. Deficiency of LPL
Total cholesterol = 400 mg/dL; triglycerides = e. Defective esterifying enzymes LCAT and ACAT
300 mg/
dL; HDL-C = 100 mg/dL; LP electrophoresis, 15. Hyperchylomicronemia (type I) in childhood
pending has
a. High been associated with which of the following? a.
b. Optimal A deficiency of apo C-II
c. Desirable b. A deficiency of LCAT
d. Borderline c. A deficiency of LPL
d. A deficiency of apo A-I
12. As part of a lipoprotein phenotyping, it is
necessary to perform total cholesterol and ELECTROLYTES
triglyceride determinations, as well as lipoprotein
electrophoresis. 1. What is the major intracellular cation?
The test results obtained from such studies were • a. Potassium
Triglyceride, 340 mg/dL (reference range, <150 b. Calcium
mg/dL) c. Magnesium
• Total cholesterol, 180 mg/dL (reference range, d. Sodium
<200 mg/dL)
2. What is the major extracellular cation? a.
• Pre-beta-lipoprotein fraction increased
• Beta-lipoprotein fraction normal
b. Chloride
• No chylomicrons present
c. Magnesium
• Serum appearance turbid
d. Calcium
b. Prolonged vomiting or diarrhea
3. Osmolality can be defined as a measure of the c. Hypomagnesemia
concentration of a solution based on the a. Number d. Hyperaldosteronism
of dissolved particles
b. Number of ionic particles present 6. Hyperkalemia may be caused by each of the
c. Number and size of the dissolved particles d. following
Density of the dissolved particles EXCEPT
a. Alkalosis
4. Hyponatremia may be caused by each of the b. Acute or chronic renal failure
following c. Hypoaldosteronism
EXCEPT d. Sample hemolysis
a. Hypomagnesemia
b. Aldosterone deficiency 7. The main difference between a direct and
c. Prolonged vomiting or diarrhea indirect ISE is
d. Acute or chronic renal failure a. Sample is diluted in the indirect method, not in
the direct method
5. Hypokalemia may be caused by each of the b. The type of membrane that is used c. Direct ISEs
following use a reference electrode, whereas indirect ISEs do
a. Acidosis
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4. Select the answer that designates three 9. A metal ion required for optimal enzyme
techniques widely used for elemental analysis, activity is best termed a(an)
identified according to the initials for the a. Cofactor
techniques. b. Accelerator
a. AAS, ICP-MS, AES c. Coenzyme
b. NMR, ICP-MS, AES d. Catalyst
d. HPLC-ICP-MS, AAS, FTIR 10. Which trace metal is contained in glucose
tolerance factor?
5. One of the calcium isotopes (40Ca) has an atomic a. Chromium
weight of 40. At what positions in a mass spectrum b. Copper
would singly and doubly charged ions of this isotope c. Selenium
of calcium appear? Assume that singly charged Ca is d. Zinc
listed first.
a. 40 and 20 11. What metal may be used as a treatment for
b. 40 and 60
Wilson’s disease?
a. Zinc
c. 40 and 80
b. Copper
d. 40 and 40
c. Molybdenum
6. What primary purposes does the torch serve in d. Fluorine
12. The metal ion essential for the activity of
a. Vaporization, atomization, and ionization b.
Vaporization, atomization, and electronic xanthine oxidase and xanthine dehydrogenase is a.
excitation Molybdenum
c. Nebulization, atomization, and photon b. Iron
absorption c. Zinc
d. Droplet transport, vaporization, and ion d. Manganese
10. The most effective way to quantitate 16. The two main sites of production of heme are a.
hemoglobin Liver and bone marrow
A2 is by b. Heart and lung
a. Column chromatography c. Muscle and blood
b. Densitometry d. Liver and spleen
c. Citrate agar electrophoresis
d. Alkali denaturation test 17. The relationship between precursors in the
11. Serum or plasma myoglobin levels are used as synthesis pathway and the type of porphyria
a. An early marker of acute myocardial infarction b. resulting
Liver function tests from excess buildup of these precursors is a.
c. Lead poisoning indicator Excess of early precursors causes neurologic
d. Indicator of congestive heart failure porphyrias and excess of late precursors causes
cutaneous porphyrias.
12. Which of the following is the best test to b. Excess of early precursors causes cutaneous
differentiate porphyrias and excess of late precursors causes
beta-thalassemia minor from iron deficiency neurologic porphyrias.
anemia? c. Excess of early precursors causes both neurologic
a. Hemoglobin A2 quantitation and cutaneous porphyrias, whereas excess of late
b. Hemoglobin electrophoresis (cellulose acetate, precursors causes only cutaneous porphyrias.
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18. Secondary porphyrias not due to an inherited 19. Which hemoglobin is resistant to alkali
biochemical defect in heme synthesis can be denaturation in NaOH?
distinguished from true porphyrias by measuring a. Hb F
levels of b. Hb A
c. Hb C b. Growth hormone
d. Hb S c. Vasopressin
20. A patient has an abnormal hemoglobin band
that 4. The definitive suppression test to prove
migrates with Hb S on cellulose acetate (pH 8.4) autonomous
hemoglobin electrophoresis. The solubility test is production of growth hormone is
negative. What test should be performed next? a. a. Oral glucose loading
Citrate agar (pH 6.2) electrophoresis b. HbA2 b. Somatostatin infusion
quantitation c. Estrogen priming
c. Acid elution stain d. Dexamethasone suppression
d. Blood film evaluation
5. Which of the following is influenced by growth
21. Silent carriers of alpha-thalassemia are hormone?
missing how many alpha genes? a. All of these
a. 1 b. IGF-I
b. 2 c. IGFBP-III
c. 3 d. Lipolysis
d. 4
6. What statement concerning vasopressin
22. Which hemoglobin contains four gamma secretion is NOT true?
chains a. All of these
and has an extremely high affinity for oxygen? a. b. Vasopressin secretion is closely tied to plasma
Hb Barts osmolality.
b. Hb Gower I c. Changes in blood volume also alter vasopressin
c. Hb Portland I secretion.
d. Hb F d. A reduction in effective blood volume overrides
the effects of plasma osmolality in regulating
23. A patient with Southeast Asian heritage is vasopressin secretion.
to have a mild microcytic anemia and a few target 7. What are the long-term sequelae of untreated or
cells. Hemoglobin electrophoresis on cellulose partially treated acromegaly?
acetate at pH 8.4 reveals a major band that a. An increased risk of colon and lung cancer b.
migrates with Hb A2 and no HbA. On citrate agar A reduced risk of heart disease
electrophoresis, the band travels in the position of c. Enhanced longevity
Hb A. What is the most probable abnormal d. Increased muscle strength
hemoglobin present?
a. Hb E 8. TRH stimulates the secretion of
b. Hb A a. Prolactin and TSH
c. Hb C b. Prolactin
d. Hb D c. Growth hormone
d. TSH
9. Estrogen influences the secretion of which of
1. Open-loop negative feedback refers to the the
Phenomenon of following hormones?
a. Negative feedback with a modifiable set point b. a. All of these
Blood flow in the hypothalamic–hypophyseal portal b. Growth hormone
system c. Prolactin
c. Blood flow to the pituitary via dural-penetrating d. Luteinizing hormone
d. Negative feedback involving an unvarying, 10. What is the difference between a tropic
fixed set point hormone and a direct effector hormone? a. Tropic
and direct effector hormones are both similar in
2. The specific feedback effector for FSH is that both act directly on peripheral tissue.
a. Inhibin b. Tropic and direct effector hormones are both
b. Activin similar in that both act directly on another
Progesterone endocrine gland.
d. Estradiol c. Tropic hormones act on peripheral tissue while
direct effector hormones act on endocrine glands. d.
3. Which anterior pituitary hormone lacks a Tropic hormones act on endocrine glands while
stimulatory direct effector hormones act on peripheral tissues.
hypophysiotropic hormone?
a. Prolactin
4. is the common substrate from which all adrenal 12. The collection of a 24-hour urine is used for
steroids are produced. measuring:
CHOLESTEROL a. Creatinine clearance
b. Norepinephrine
5. True or false? When produced, free c. Dopamine
catecholamines d. All of the above may be measured in a 24-hour
(NE and EPI) are short-lived. They are best urine
measured in the urine, though catecholamine e. All but one of the above may be measured in a
metabolites are best measured in the serum. 24-hour urine
6. is responsible for epinephrine
production. 1. If serum levels of estradiol do not increase
injection of hCG, the patient has
7. A primary hyperaldosteronemic state is a. Primary ovarian failure
characterized b. Pituitary failure
by: c. Tertiary ovarian failure
a. A urine potassium of 35 mmol/d. d. Secondary ovarian failure
b. A urine potassium of 21 mmol/d.
c. A spot urine test where the sodium levels are 2. If a patient had a luteal phase defect, which
greater than potassium levels. hormone
d. Within 3 hours of taking 50 mg of captopril, would most likely be deficient?
plasma aldosterone was low. a. Progesterone
e. All of the above are characteristic of b. Estrogen
hypoaldosteronism. c. hCG
d. FSH
e. Prolactin
8. During a low dose (1 mg) dexamethasone
suppression 3. Which of the following is the precursor for
test, total cortisol levels measured in a patient at estradiol
8:35 am was 2.8 μg/dL. How is this interpreted? a. formation in the placenta?
The patient is normal. a. Fetal adrenal DHEAS
b. The patient has Cushings’ syndrome. c. The b. Maternal testosterone
patient has a nonpituitary tumor causing ectopic c. Maternal progesterone
ACTH syndrome. d. Placental hCG
d. The patient has an ACTH-secreting pituitary e. Fetal adrenal cholesterol
e. Adrenal cortex
4. Which of the following target tissues is
incapable 5. The parent substance in the biosynthesis of
of producing steroidal hormones? Androgens and estrogens is
a. Adrenal medulla a. Cholesterol
b. Placenta b. Cortisol
c. Ovary c. Catecholamines
d. Testis d. Progesterone
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8. Which of the following is secreted by the 1. All of the following statements about iodine are
placenta true EXCEPT
and used for the early detection of pregnancy? a. a. Radioactive iodine treatment of Graves’
hCG disease
b. FSH is effective in less than 40% of patients treated
c. LH with this agent.
d. Progesterone Iodine deficiency is one of the most common
causes of hypothyroidism in the world. c. T4 has
9. Chronic fetal metabolic distress is 4 iodine molecules.
demonstrated by d. RAIU is often useful in determining the cause of
a. Decreased urinary estriol excretion and thyrotoxicosis.
decreased maternal serum estriol
b. Decreased estrogen in maternal plasma and 2. The fetus
increased estriol in amniotic fluid a. Is dependent on thyroid hormone for normal
c. Increased estradiol in maternal plasma, with a neurologic development
corresponding increase of estriol in amniotic fluid d. b. Does not develop a thyroid gland until the
Increased urinary estriol excretion and increased third trimester
maternal serum estriol c. Is not susceptible to damage from radioactive
iodine therapy given to the mother
10. Androgen secretion by the testes is d. Will be born with hypothyroidism in
stimulated by approximately 1 of 400 births in developed
a. LH countries
b. FSH
c. Testosterone 3. The thyroid gland
d. Gonadotropins a. Depends on TPO to permit iodination of the
tyrosyl residues to make MIT and DIT
11. A deficiency in estrogen during the follicular b. Is an ineffective iodine trap
phase c. Depends on TPO to permit the joining of two
will result in: DIT residues to form T3
a. A failure of embryo implantation. d. Usually functions independent of TSH levels
b. An increased length of the menstrual cycle. c.
A lack of Graafian follicle release from the 4. The thyroid gland produces all of the following
ovary. EXCEPT
d. An incomplete development of the a. TSH
endometrium. b. Thyroglobulin
c. T3
12. Which hormone is responsible for an increase in d. T4
body temperature at the time of ovulation? a.
Progesterone 5. Hypothyroidism is generally associated with all of
the following EXCEPT elevated
a. TSH receptor antibodies TSH and a low free T4. All of the following
b. Depression laboratory
c. An elevation of TSH levels test abnormalities may be associated with her
d. TPO antibodies underlying condition EXCEPT
a. Elevated WBC
6. A 34-year-old woman presents with goiter, b. An elevated cholesterol level
tachycardia, c. Anemia
and weight loss of 2 months duration. TSH is d. Elevated CPK levels
undetectable and free T4 is high. All of the following
tests are useful in diagnosing the cause of the 8. A 26-year-old man presents with a 3-cm, right
hyperthyroidism EXCEPT lobe,
a. FNA biopsy of the thyroid gland thyroid nodule and a normal TSH. What is the
b. TSH receptor antibodies next
c. RAIU test that should be performed?
d. TSH a. FNA of the nodule
b. Free T4 level
7. A 65-year-old woman presents with fatigue, c. Thyroid ultrasound
hypothermia, pericardial effusions, and hair loss. d. Thyroid scan
thyroid function tests show a significantly
12. cells in bone are responsible for bone 3. Which of the following enzymes is responsible for
resorption, and cells are responsible for bone the conjugation of bilirubin?
formation. a. UDP-glucuronyl transferase
OSTEOCLASTS, OSTEOBLASTS b. Alkaline phosphatase
c. Glutamate dehydrogenase
13. is the most prevalent metabolic bone disease d. Leucine aminopeptidase
in the United States.
OSTEOPOROSIS 4. Which of the following fractions of bilirubin is
water soluble and reacts with a diazo reagent
14. True or false? Hormone replacement does not without the addition of an accelerator? a.
inhibit bone resorption in osteoporotic patients. Conjugated bilirubin
FALSE b. Unconjugated bilirubin
c. Total bilirubin
15. True or false? Teriparatide is the only drug
currently approved by the FDA for the treatment of
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MARKERS OF CARDIAC DAMAGE AND FUNCTION 6. Rheumatic heart disease is a result of infection
1. A serum TnT concentration is of most value to with which of the following organisms? a. Group A
the patient with an MI when streptococci
a. The CK-MB has already peaked and returned to b. Staphylococcus aureus
normal concentrations c. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
b. The onset of symptoms is within 3 to 6 hours of d. Chlamydia pneumoniae
the sample being drawn
7. Which of the following defects is the most
c. The myoglobin concentration is extremely
common type of congenital CVD encountered? a.
Ventricular septal defects (VSD)
d. The TnI concentration has returned to normal
b. Tetralogy of Fallot
c. Coarctation of the aorta
d. Transposition of the great arteries
2. A normal myoglobin concentration 8 hours
after the onset of symptoms of a suspected MI
8. Which of the following cardiac markers is the
most useful indicator of congestive heart failure? a.
a. Essentially rule out an acute MI
b. Provide a definitive diagnosis of acute MI c. Be
b. TnI
interpreted with careful consideration of the TnT
c. CK-MB
d. Glycogen phosphorylase isoenzyme BB
d. Give the same information as a total CK-MB
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6. A serum albumin of less than 2.5 g/dL would be 7. Which of the following is accurate when
most indicative of describing
a. Intestinal disease or diagnosing Zollinger-Ellison syndrome? a.
Extreme hyposecretion of gastrin in the c. Diabetes
stomach d. Traumatic tap
b. Extreme hypersecretion of gastrin in the e. Hemochromatosis
c. An increase in serum gastrin levels of 100 pg/mL 6. An IgG index of 0.8 is indicative of
following intravenous exposure to secretin d. A a. Multiple sclerosis
decrease in serum gastrin levels of 100 pg/ mL b. CSF leakage
following intravenous exposure to secretin e. Is c. Fungal infection
confirmed when the hydrogen breath test is positive d. Malignancy
e. Normal CSF
8. The d-xylose absorption test is particularly
helpful in differentiating malabsorption of 7. CF is characterized by
intestinal etiology from exocrine pancreatic a. Elevated sweat chloride levels
insufficiency because: b. Homozygous expression of an autosomal
a. d-Xylose is mostly absorbed in the stomach and recessive trait
then secreted via the kidney in its unaltered c. Pancreatic insufficiency
monosaccharide form. d. All of these
b. d-Xylose is mostly altered in the small intestine to e. None of these
facilitate its absorption across this membrane and
metabolized by the liver so its metabolites may be 8. Synovial fluid
excreted via the kidney. a. Is formed by plasma ultrafiltration and is rich in
c. d-Xylose is mostly absorbed, not typically found in
hyaluronic acid
the blood, unaltered in the small intestine, and b. Is formed by plasma ultrafiltration
excreted unaltered via the kidney. c. Lubricates the pneumocytes
d. Is rich in hyaluronic acid
d. None of the above describe why the d-xylose
e. All of these
test is useful in identifying malabsorption diseases
9. Serous fluids
BODY FLUIDANALYSIS a. Are derived from serum
1. Laboratory testing for the assessment of fetal b. Provide lubrication and protection
lung c. Fill the potential space
maturity includes all of the following tests except a. d. Are derived from serum and provide lubrication
Acetylcholinesterase and protection only
b. L/S ratio e. All of these
c. Fluorescence polarization
10. Pleural fluid exudates
d. Foam stability
a. Are characterized by a total protein F/P ratio of
e. Lamellar body count
2. Amniotic fluid b. Reflect primary involvement of the pleura c. Are
a. Provides a cushion for the fetus and is a characterized by an increased LD F/P ratio d. Are
mixture characterized by an increased cholesterol F/P ratio
of maternal and fetal fluids e. All of these
b. Provides a cushion for the fetus
c. Is a mixture of maternal and fetal fluids d. Is 11. Analysis of paracentesis fluid is performed to a.
assessed by umbilical catheterization e. Provides a Determine the cause of fluid presence and assess
cushion for the fetus, is a mixture of maternal and infection risk
fetal fluids, and is assessed by umbilical b. Determine the cause of fluid presence c.
catheterization Assess infection risk
d. Determine lung involvement
3. Lamellar body counts reflect e. All of these
a. Surfactant phospholipid packets
12. The most common cause of ascites is a.
b. Platelet count of the fetus
Portal hypertension
c. Platelet count of the mother
b. Venous return
d. Meconium count of the fetus
c. Parietal cell differentiation
e. All of these
d. Eccrine infection
4. A xanthochromic CSF indicates e. Malignancy
a. Cerebral hemorrhage
13. When assessing the lipid profile to determine
b. Traumatic tap
Bacterial meningitis
lung maturity, it is critical to
d. Viral meningitis
a. Centrifuge the amniotic fluid at low speeds to
e. Multiple sclerosis
properly avoid fractionation of the lipids. b.
Centrifuge the amniotic fluid at high speeds to
5. CSF glucose is measured to assess
properly fractionate the lipids.
a. Infection
b. Transport efficiency
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4. Which of the following is an oncofetal antigen? a. Which of the following statements most accurately
AFP describes these data?
b. CA-125 a. Patient A may have a more aggressive prostate
c. �-hCG cancer based on the velocity of these
d. PSA measurements.
b. Patient A is most likely to have benign prostate
5. What are the major limitations of tumor cancer.
markers? c. Patient B is most likely to be experiencing an
a. Sensitivity and specificity inflammatory reaction and this is largely
b. Cost contributing
c. Turnaround time to the elevated PSA above 100 ng/mL. d. Patient B
d. Imprecision may have a more aggressive prostate cancer based
on the velocity of these measurements.
6. The major clinical use for CA-125 is monitoring
e. Answers a and c most accurately describe
treatment response of
a. Ovarian carcinoma
b. Colorectal cancer
c. Prostatic cancer 12. When measuring tumor markers in the clinical
d. Breast cancer laboratory, which of the following has been reported
to contribute to 30% to 70% of the total amount of
7. The most common immunoassays used to
measurement error?
a. Preanalytical errors
PSA detect which form of the enzyme? b. Analytical errors
a. Total PSA
c. Hook effect
b. Free PSA
d. Using different immunoassay methods e. Not
c. PSA complexed with α1-antichymotrypsin d.
comparing lot numbers between ELISA kits
PSA complexed with α2-macroglobulin