中文教材八章:第 1、2、4、7、8、10、11、12
I. Multiple-choice questions (10 items, 1.5 point for each. Total: 15)
II. True-or-false judgment (10 items, 1.5 points for each. Total: 15)
III. Term explanation (3 items, 10 points for each. Total: 30)(提前提供 10 个 terms 供复习,考三个。)
IV. 论述题(三选一) (20 points)(中文题)
V. 案例分析题(20 分)(案例来自中文书)(中文题)
第三大题考 3 个术语解释(用英文),抽自下列 10 个:
Terms to review:
1. Design (pp. 24-31)
2. drills an pattern practice in Audiolingual Method (pp. 60-2)
3. Lexical chunks (p. 132)
4. A "strong" vs. a "weak" version of CLT (p. 155)
5. communicative competence (p.159-60, 194)
6. Holistic practice (p. 173)
7. jigsaw tasks (p. 234)
8. information-gap tasks (p. 234)
9. decision-making tasks (p. 234)
10. Focus on form (p. 239-240)
The Reform Movement:
1. When: the end of the 19th century
2. Background: IPA
a) Revitalization of linguistics from the 1880s
b) Phonetics was established. 语音学的出现
c) Linguists emphasized that speech, rather than the written words, was the
primary form of language.
d) In 1886, the International Phonetic Association was founded, the International
Phonetic Alphabet was designed. 国际语音协会的建立
e) One of the earliest goals: to improve the teaching of modern languages
3. Content:
a) IPA advocates:
1. spoken language
2. phonetic training—to establish good pronunciation habits
3. using conversation texts and dialogues 以问答的形式训练口语交际能力
4. teaching grammar inductively (examples —> rules)也注重语法,用归纳法教
5. teaching meaning through establishing association within the target language
rather than with the mother tongue (→no translation)
b) Henry Sweet’s four principles
1. select carefully what is to be taught
2. impose limits on what is to be taught
3. arrange what is to be taught in terms of the four skills
4. grade materials from simple to complex
c) The reformers generally believed that:
1. The spoken language is primary, and methodology should be oral-based.
2. phonetics should be applied to teaching and to teacher training.
3. listening first
4.Words should be presented in sentences; sentences should be practiced in
meaningful context.
5. Grammar should be taught inductively.
6. no translation
4. Significance:
a) the foundations for a principled approach to language teaching
Never translate-demonstrate
Never explain-act
Never make a speech-ask questions
Never Imitate mistakes-correct
Never speak with single words-use sentence
b) It lacked a rigorous (very thorough and strict ) basis in applied linguistic theory.(
Significance of DM
❖ Decline by the 1920s
❖ the first language teaching method to have caught the attention of both
teachers and applied linguists, moving language teaching into the “methods era”.
❖ In the 1920s and 1930s applied linguists systematized the principles proposed by
the Reform Movement and so laid the foundations for …
❖ the Oral Approach/Situational Language Teaching in U.K.
❖ Audiolingualism in U.S. (同一时代的两种相似方法)
1. 经验主义哲学:让学生通过经验归纳语法规则
2. 直观性教学原则:直接感知事物,获得感性认识(通过教具,努力接近真实情景)
language teaching
3. Anthony’s model (1963) (p. 19)
Approach Method
a philosophy of language a set of derived procedures for
teaching (principles and theories) teaching
• Approach
• a set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of language
teaching and learning (语言观、语言学习观、语言教学观)
• axiomatic 公理的
• Method
• an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material, which is
based upon the selected approach (基于某 Approach 的系统的教学法)
• procedural 程序性的
• Technique
• particular trick, stratagem, or contrivance used to accomplish an
immediate objective (为完成教学目标而采用的教学技巧/手段)
• consistent with a method and therefore in harmony with an approach
• implementational 执行的
Characteristics of Anthony’s Model:
a) The arrangement is hierarchical.
b) The organizational key:
techniques carry out a method which is consistent with an approach
c) a useful way of distinguishing between different degrees of abstraction and
specificity found in different language teaching proposals
Disadvantages of Anthony’s model
It fails to give sufficient attention to the nature of a method it self.
Nothing is said about the roles of teachers and learners assumed in a method.
It fails to account for how an approach may be realized in a method or how method and
technique are related.
1) assumptions and beliefs about
• language
• language learning
• language teaching
2) the source of practices and principles in language teaching
3. Views of Language
Structuralism/ Functionalism/ Interactionalism
• Language is a system of structurally related elements.
e.g. phonology - morphology - syntax
• The target of language learning is seen to be the mastery of elements of this
Lesson 1 T: He knows my address.
This is …/That is …. S: He doesn’t know my
book, pencil, ruler, desk address.
Lesson 2 T: She calls her parents every
These are …/Those are …. week.
chair, picture, door, window S: She doesn’t call her parents
Lesson 3 every week.
Is this …? Yes, it is. T: They go to work by bus.
Is that …? No, it isn’t. S: They don’t go to work by
watch, box, pen, blackboard bus.
B. The functional view 功能观
• Language is a vehicle for the expression of functional meaning.语言是意义和功能的载体
• semantics
• functions
• The teaching content focuses on meaning and function rather than the
elements of structure and grammar.
• Wilkins’s Notional Syllabuses (1976): Two types of Meaning
Notions: time, sequence, quantity, location, frequency etc.
Functions: requests, denials, offers, complaints, apologies etc.
• Communicative/interactive activities:
1. learners working out the correct order of events in a story;
2. discovering missing features in a map;
3. comparing different travel plans and selecting the best one;
B. Behaviorism
• A language is a set of habits.
• Learning a new language is a process of forming a new set of habits.
• The learning process: Modeling–Imitation–Reinforcement-Acquisition
• Input (stimuli) from the environment
• Reinforcement
C. Cognitivism
• Supporters: J. Piaget, J. Brunner, N. Chomsky
• Learning Process: Learning is a cognitive process of integrating new
information into what is already known, and thus forming a cognitive structure.
• N. Chomsky’s View:
Language is a human innate biological capacity.
LAD=language acquisition device
Children are equipped with "universal grammar" (UG) containing common
features of all human
• Teaching implications:
a) involvement of the learner in the learning process;
b) learner control;
c) facilitating optimal processing of structuring, organizing and sequencing
information (use of cognitive strategies such as outlining, summaries,
synthesizers, etc.);
d) meta cognitive training (e.g., self-planning, monitoring and revising
e) encouraging the learner to make connections with previously learned
It’s all in your mind.
You cannot force them to learn.
D. Constructivism 建构主义
• Supporters: J. Piaget, L. Vygotsky (Social Constructivism)
• The Learning process:
Learning is not a process that only takes place inside our minds, nor is it a
passive development of behaviors shaped by external forces.
Learners produce knowledge and form meaning based upon their experiences.
Meaningful learning occurs when individuals are engaged in social
6. Design
a. Objectives 教学目的,一般分为:学习语法,掌握工具,人文教育
•Different theories of language and language learning influence the focus of a
method. E.g. oral skills; general communication skills; basic grammar and
vocabulary; etc.
•HOWEVER, specification of particular learning objectives is determined at the
level of DESIGN:
Product-oriented (linguistically oriented) objectives vs Process-oriented
b. A syllabus Model:教学大纲,指教学内容的选择和组织
• A priori syllabus vs. no explicit syllabus:
1.priori syllabus 外显性大纲(事先用文字表达出来): Audiolingual; Situational
2.no explicit syllabus 隐 含 性 大 纲 ( 看 似 无 大 纲 , 实 则 教 师 胸 有 成 竹 ) : Content-based
• Seven basic syllabus types
1) Structural
2) Situational
3) Topical
4) Functional & Notional
5) Skilled-based
6) Task-based
7) multiple syllabus.
d. Learner roles:学生角色:表现为学生在课堂上的主动性和参与程度
• The learner as ____________________.
7. Procedure:
• The actual moment-to-moment techniques, practices, and behaviors
• The use of teaching activities, procedures and techniques in
1) presenting new language, and clarifying and demonstrating the target
2) practicing language;
3) giving feedback to learners.
▪Although the Direct Method used oral procedures, it lacked a systematic basis in applied
linguistic theory and practice.(直接法欠缺语言学方面的理论基础)
1. 4 basic skills.
2. Developed 4 basic skills on structural drills.
3. Structural drills based on oral practice
4. Accuracy is valued
5. Aim at automatic control: sentence & structure patterns.
1. Structural syllabus: a list of basic structures
2. Word list: sentences patterns >>>determined>>>>> vocabulary chosen. Vocabulary is
chosen according to how well it enables sentence patterns to be taught.
3. Situation: the manner of presentation and practice sentence patterns.
▪The syllabus was not a situational syllabus in the sense that this term is sometimes
used (i.e., a list of situations and the language associated with them).
▪Situation refers to the manner of presenting and practicing sentence patterns.
Learners role:
Initial: simply repeat, no control, listen, respond
Later: more active participation, but still no control of teaching content.
✤ imitators
✤ listen, repeat and responds to questions and commands
✤ no control over the content of learning
Instructional material:
Textbook: contains organized lessons
Visual aids: consist of wall charts, flash card, pictures, stick figures...
SLT are seen in the P-P-P lesson model.
Presentation: introduction of a new teaching item in context
Practice: controlled practice of the item.
Production: a freer practise stage.
Systematic attention to pronunciation and intensive oral drilling of basic sentence patterns.
Language theory: structuralism (1950)
Speech is the primary, writing is the second.
Speech had a priority in language teaching.
Structural refers to:
1. Elements in a language were thought of as being literally produced in
a rule-governed(structured) way.
2. Language samples could be described at any structural level of
description (phonetic, phonemic, morphological etc.)
3. Linguistic levels were thought of as systems within systems,
pyramidally structured: phonemic >> morphemic >> clause sentences...
learning a language is learning to build blocks of language and learn the rules
by which these sentences could combined.
learning theory: behaviorism (skinner)
1.language is a set of habits
Teaching objectives
Short-range: listening, speaking, writing, reading.
Long-range: use language as the natives does.
Focus: oral proficiency- quick response in oral = pronunciation = grammar.
Linguistic(Structural) syllabus:
contains key items of phonology, morphology and syntax of the language arranged
according to their order of presentation.
Lexical syllabus: of basic vocabulary items.
Language skills: listening, speaking, writing, reading
Principles: 听说领先,读写跟上
Classroom activities:
Distinctive feature: the use of drills and pattern practice.
1. Repetition: the student repeats an utterance aloud as soon has he heard it. He does
this without looking at a printed text.the utterance must be brief enough to be retained by
the ear. Sound is as important as form and order.
Exp: this is the seventh mouth -this is the seventh mouth.
(After a student has repeated an utterance, he may repeat it again and add a
few words, and then repeat that whole utterance and add more new words.
-i know him. -i barely know him. -I barely know he is such a boy.
5.completion: the student hears an utterance that is complete except for one word,
then repeats the utterance in completed form.
Exp: ill go my way and you go... - ill go my way and you go yours.
We all have .... own troubles. - we all have our own troubles.
6. Transposition: 移项 a change in word order is necessary when a word is add.
Exp: I'm hungry. (so) -so am i.
I’ll never do it again. (Neither) -neither will i..
12. Restoration. 复位
The student is given a sequence of words that have been. Culled from a sentence
but still bear its basic meaning. He use the word with a minimum of changes and
additions to restore the sentence to its original form, he maybe told whether the time
is present, past or future.
Exp: student/waiting/bus - the students are waiting for the bus.
Boys build house tree - the boys built a house in a tree.
• New material presented in the form of a dialogue.
• Focus on precise native-like pronunciation, intonation, and fluency
• direct and immediate correction of mistakes
• Little grammatical explanation or talking about the language
• The target language as the medium of instruction, translation or the mother
tongue discouraged
• Intensive oral drilling
Strengths of ALM
• It fits into the idea of language as speech, not writing.
• It helps students gain good pronunciation.
• Pattern practice helps students to achieve fluency and accuracy in language production.
• By using language labs, students get more exposure to native speaker language use.
Weaknesses of ALM
• It lacks flexibility.
• Students are unable to transfer skills acquired to real communication.
• Mechanical drilling is boring and unsatisfying.
• Critique on the Behaviorist view of learning
• Much of human language use is not imitated behavior but is created. Sentences
are not learned by imitation and repetition but “generated” from the learner’s
underlying “competence”.
时间:产生于 20 世纪 40 年代的美国,二战爆发之后,美国建立了军队特别项目。
也被称为陆军法(army method)。
(audiolingualism/ audiolingual method)
1. 语言是“说”,而非“写”。
2. 语言是一套习惯
3. 教授语言,而非关于语言的知识
4. 语言就是操本族语者所说的话,而非别人认为他们应该说的话,也不是说本族语者永远正确。
5. 不同语言之间存在差异。
特点:英语 900 句
Lexical chunks (p. 132)[考试要求]: Lexical chunks are multiword lexical units that are learned
and used as single items. A lexical approach believes that the building blocks of language
learning and communication are words and word combinations.
Lexis(词语): words and word combinations(包括单个词、短语)
Lexicon: 词语库
Collocation: the regular occurrence together of words
Prefabricated chunks: stored and retrieved as a whole 预制语件(e.g. If I were you, I would stay
at home. →[If I were you, I’d ]+[stay at home] )
1. Lexical approach(es)
proposals for syllabus design and language teaching founded on a view of language in
which lexis plays the central role.
强调语块,使用语料库分析,强调学生自主发现并解决问题;但只涉及到 communicative competence 的一个方面。
(vocabulary→砖块;lexis→预制件;lexis 组合→房子)
2. Background
a more central role of lexical units in linguistic description and L1 & L2 acquisition
advances in computer-based studies of language(corpus linguistics)语料库
3. Approach
3.1 Theory of language:
The lexical view: Chunks as the basic unit of language use.
Chunks form a high proportion of the fluent stretches of speech
Only a minority of spoken sentences are entirely novel creations.
The role of collocation is also important in lexically based theories of language.
1. Communicative Language Teaching(CLT) 概况
An approach, not a method. General aims to make communicative competence the
goal and develop procedures for the teaching of four language skills.There is no single
model: function+grammar; using language in problem-solving tasks in groups
Two versions: weak(学如何用英语) & strong(用英语去学)
Essential dimensions: anti-structural view(learning by doing; direct practice of
communicative act); focus on discourse and context; learner-centred and experience-
based view.
5 principles:
- Learners learn a language through using it to communicate
- Authentic and meaningful communication should be the goal of classroom
- Fluency is an important dimension of communication
- Communication involves the integration of different language skills
- Learning is a process of creative constructions and involves trial and error.
5 core characteristics:
Appropriateness; message focus; psycholinguistic processing; risk taking; free practice
交际法不是按照名词、动词、形容词等语法范畴来安排教学内容,而是按照询问、请求、邀请、同意等 语言功能为主线来组织教学内容;
交际法的出现具有里程碑意义:语言功能得到认可;CLT 已发展为完整的语言教学体系。后续语言教学法流派在一定程度上是对其继承和发展。
2. Background
Changes: UK(SLT) ; US(ALM)
Theoretical critique of structuralism
Changing educational realities in Europe
3. Approach
3.1 Theory of language
Language → communication
Communicative competence: knowledge + ability for language use
- whether (and to what degree) something is formally possible 合法性(形式是否可能)
- whether (and to what degree) something is feasible in virtue of the means of
implementation available 适合性(实际是否可行)
- whether (and to what degree) something is appropriate in relation to a context in
which it is used and evaluated 得体性(实际使用和评估的上下文关系是否合适)
- whether (and to what degree) something is in fact done, actually performed and
what its doing entails. 实际操作性(实际上是否已经完成)
• language skills
• writing, speaking
• challenges
• How to maximize opportunities of language use in meaningful communication?
• How to monitor language use?
Group formation
Individual accountability
Social skills (explicit instruction)
Structuring and structures
3 major kinds of CLL tasks:
Team practice from common input: same materials; skills development and mastery
of facts;
Jigsaw: differentiated but predetermined input; evaluation and synthesis of facts
and opinions. 拼图式阅读
Cooperative projects: topics/resources selected by students; discovery learning
Some examples of CLL activities:
Three-step interview; Roundtable; Think-Pair-Share; Solve-Pair-Share; Numbered Heads
3.4 Learner roles: member of a group & director of learning
3.5 Teacher roles:
to create learning environment, setting goals, planning and structuring tasks,
establishing the physical arrangement of the classroom, assigning students to
groups and roles, and selecting materials and time
facilitator of learning
restructuring materials
speaking less
3.6 The role of instructional materials
to create opportunities for students to work cooperatively
4. Procedure
-The teacher assigns students to pairs with at least one good reader in each pair.
-Student A describes what he or she is planning to write to Student B, who listens carefully,
probes with a set of questions, and outlines Student A’s ideas. Student B gives the written outline
to Student A.
-Reverse the procedure (Student A and Student B swap roles).
-The students individually research the material they need for their compositions, keeping an eye
out for material useful to their partner.
-The students work together to write the first paragraph of each composition to ensure that they
both have a clear start on their compositions.
-The students write their compositions individually.
-When the students have completed their compositions, they proofread each other’s
compositions, making corrections in capitalization, punctuation, spelling, language usage, and
other aspects of writing the teacher specifies. Students also give each other suggestions for
-The students revise their compositions.
-The students the reread each other’s compositions and sign their name to indicate that each
composition is error-free.
17 Content-Based Instruction(CBI)
一、 方法概述
What is content-based instruction (CBI)?
a) the teaching of content or information in the target language; no direct effort to teach
the language itself separately from the content being taught
b) teaching is organized around the content or information rather than around a
linguistic or other type of syllabus
c) teaching content through language rather than teaching language for its own sake
What is “content”?
• substance
• subject matter
• information
• from outside the domain of language
The role of language in CBI
• used to present content
• by-product of learning about real-world content
• give priority to meaning in language teaching
• in accordance with principles of Communicative Language Teaching emerging in
the 1980s
P138 中文书
主题模式 以某个主题为核心设计组织教学活动
保护模式 针对英语有困难的外国留学生(与母语学生分开,教师根据他们的水平用
(强式 CBI 模式, 难度适当的英语进行专业知识的教学)
附加模式 将特别设计的语言课程和正常的学科教学结合起来
Underlying principles
People learn a 2nd language more successfully when they use the language as a means of
acquiring information, rather than as an end in itself.
CBI better reflects learners’ needs for learning a 2nd language.
Theory of language
▪Language is text- and discourse-based.
how meaning is constructed and communicated through linguistic units longer than the sentence
coherent and cohesive text/discourse within speech events and text types
▪Language use draws on integrated skills.
read-write; listen-write; read-speak; etc.
▪Language is purposeful.
academic, vocational, social, recreational, etc.
Theory of learning
• The core principle
• successful learning occurs when students are presented with target language
material in a meaningful, contextual form with the primary focus on acquiring
Derived assumptions
• information (interesting, useful, and leading to a desired goal)
• content areas as basis for language learning (some more useful than others)
• learners’ needs
• students’ prior knowledge and experience
• content course objectives
• theme-based model: linguistic objectives
• e.g. ILC at Free U. Berlin (p. 211)
1. to activate and develop existing language skills
2. to acquire learning skills and strategies that could be applied in
Teacher roles
in addition to typical roles of language teachers
• provide + elicit subject-matter knowledge
二、 对 TASK 的定义
·task [is] a piece of classroom work which involves learners in comprehending, manipulating,
producing or interacting in the target language while their attention is principally focused on
meaning rather than form. The task should also have a sense of completeness, being able to
stand alone as a communicative act in its own right.”
·“Tasks… are activities which have meaning as their primary focus. Success in tasks is evaluated in
terms of achievement of an outcome, and tasks generally bear some resemblance to real-life
language use.”
·[A task is] “an activity which requires learners to arrive at an outcomefrom given information
through some process of thought, and which allows teachers to control and regulatethat
a commonsensical understanding that a task is an activity or goal that is carried out using
language, such as :
·listening to weather forecast and deciding what to wear;
responding to a party invitation;
·completing a banking application form;
• Learning by doing
• Criteria of a task
• meaning
• outcome
• can be assessed
• authentic: related to real world/life experience
Approach Method
a set of beliefs and principlesabout the nature of a specific instructional design or system based on a
language and language learning particular theory of language and of language
The basis for teaching a language learning;
lack of detail→a source of frustration and irritation for detailed specifications of content, roles of teachers
(new) teachers and learners, and teaching procedures and
no clear application basic decisions about what to teach and how to
teach it-*new teachers;
a rich resource of activities, can be adapted or
adopted, e.g.
P-P-P: present, practice, produce, a method offers to
the novice teacher the reassurance of a detailed set
of sequential steps to follow)
flexibility and possibility of varying interpretations and Littlescope for individual interpretation
individual teacher’s interpretation, skill, and expertise
a long shelf life relatively short shelf life
Approach Method
CLT Audiolingualism
Cooperative Learning P-P-P
Lexical Approaches
三、 Criticism
By the end of twentieth century, mainstream language teaching no longer regarded methods as
the key factor in accounting for success or failure in language teaching.
20 世纪 50 年代以前:方法(语法翻译法、听说法)
50 年代——八九十年代:途径 Approach(交际法、词汇法)
The “top-down” criticism Methods: prescription of what and how to teach
Good teaching = correct use of the method and its prescribed
principles and techniques
role of teacher:
understand+apply method correctly (vs. teacher creativity)
role of learners:
passive recipients (vs. learner-centeredness, individual needs,
interests & learning style)
Role of contextual factors Approaches and methods as “all-purpose solutions”
contexts of teaching and learning
CLT as “correct” vs. those of target culture in need of replacement
(cultural imperialism)
The need for curriculum debates over teaching method as part of a broader set of
development processes educational planning decisions (p.248)
Choices of the teaching method cannot, therefore, be determined in
isolation from other planning and implementation practices
(Richards 2000).
Lack of research basis Approaches and methods are often based on the assumption that
the processes of second language learning are fully understood.
Few claims and assertions about how people learn language are
based on SLA research or empirically tested.
Exceptions: e.g. Krashen
Much research does not support the often simplistic theories and
prescriptions found in some approaches and methods.
e.g. Skein’s comment on SLT and PPP (p. 249).
Similarity of classroom practices It is very difficult for teachers to use approaches and methods in
ways that precisely reflect the underlying principles of the methods.
Swaffar et al. (1982)
many of the distinctions used to contrast methods, particularly those
based on classroom activities, did not exist in actual practice.
Brown (1997)
within a matter of weeks, such classrooms (community language
四、 后方法的教学策略
教学理念透明化 无论课堂设计如何巧妙都会有教师意图与学生理解错位的现象
明确告知学生理念(p165 中文书)
语言输入语境化 不能把句法语义语用特征孤立
语言技能综合化 语言是完整的有机体
激活直觉探索 鼓励学习者通过例子发现语言规则
促进协商互动 使学生自由、灵活的发起和引领课堂话语
促进自主学习 学习者是自主学习者
保证社会关联 决定外语学习社会关联性的关键因素是学习目的和语言使用
提高文化意识 培养学生对目的语社群的文化认同
培养学生语感 增强对外语的敏感性
五、 后方法的核心理念
语言观 整体语言,意义优先 把语篇作为教学的基本单位,突出语言的完整、自然和真实
教学观 回归生活,体验实践 呈现真实的语言材料,工具性和人文性的有机统一
学习观 互动协商,合作探究 师生互动,生生互动
教师观 赋权增能,自主决策 由教师被动接收方法到教师主动选择方法