Mother, Madonna, Whore
Mother, Madonna, Whore
Mother, Madonna, Whore
Estela V. Welldon
Much is owed to friends and colleagues, but it does not compare with the debt
I owe my patients. It is to thein that I dedicate this book, in gratitude, and also
in the hope that it will help others who are suffering or might come to suffer
from the painful predicaments of my patients.
Published in UK 2004 by
H. Karnac
Karnac (Hooks)
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Foreword iii
Preface V
Acknowledgements ix
Epilogue 155
Bib1iography 159
Index 169
H A V E F O U N D MYSELFrecallingaremarkmadetomea
Freud was not prepared to think about mothers very f u r . he
showed virtually no sustained interest in their subjective
experience - except for their negative feelings about their own
femininity and worth and their compensatory cravings to be
loved and impregnated, especially with sons. . It seems that he
knew the father and the castrate in himself and other men but
not the mother and the womun. (p. 482)
Contrasting the little boy’s and the little girl’s bodies, Deutsch
stresses the manner in which the penis is discovered early, is
constantly stimulated, and becomes an erotogenic zone before
. .
it is ready to fulfil its biological functions . Because the
clitoris is an unsatisfactory sexual organ, it cannot arrogate to
itself as much libido as the penis. Owing to this ‘lessertyranny’
of the clitoris, a female through her life may remain more
infantile, and for her the whole body may remain a sexual
organ. (1969, p. 5 , my emphasis)
HE O R G A N S used for reproduction also trigger off
the dynamics of sexual gratification. Many individuals
take that for granted. However, some people cannot
integrate into their mental representations of their bodies
either the real or the symbolic connection between the
discharge of sexual tension and its effects on their reproductive
organs. Moreover, some are quite oblivious to any correlation
between the two. They have failed to perceive how their inner
lives could be enriched in the interaction with the outside
world through their sexual organs by intimacy with a person of
the opposite sex.
Orgasm is an invaluable means for couples to come together,
emotionally and physically. Not only does it create an
incomparable physical closeness in which mutual trust prevails,
but also the differentiation of the sexes is truly acknowledged
and accepted as complementary.
So love has made us one
And being one has made us whole. SEXUALITY
In such a relationship there is also a myriad of inner events F E M A L E BODY
20 which reveal many fantasies and wonders about the intricacies
and mysteries of the Other. When it works, this produces an
incredible wealth for both parties.
Knowledge of this realm is essential for the early dcvelop-
ment of gender-identity. For some people this is obvious.
Eventually, as the relationship grows emotionally, they have
in mind not only their bodies but also the reproductive
functions attached to them. It is then that they start to
fantasize about the creation of a new human being who will
possess emotional and physical characteristics representing
both of them and who, they hope, will bring them still closer
together. Bibring et al. drew attention to the fact that ‘an
intense object-relationship to the sexual partner leads to
the event of impregnation, by which a significant repre-
sentation of the love-object becomes part of the self’ (1961,
p. 15).
But many other people do not share this wish/hope/dream.
They put their bodies at the service of fast gratification of thcir
sexual needs in an explosive and impulsive way, without
attending to the loving aspects. Notwithstanding the use of
reproductive organs in those actions, the male perverse
individual does not profit from positive mental symbolic
representations of his reproductive organs; this extra dimension
is simply not available to him.
For a woman, though, it is quite a different matter. She
knows from the very primitive roots of her feminine core
gender-identity that she has a reproductive organ, which in the
event of sexual intercourse might produce a pregnancy that will
change her body drastically, albeit temporarily, and will also
deeply affect her whole life. This profound change takes a
different course in the different stages of pregnancy. To start
with, as already indicated by Bibring et al., the ‘foreign body’
will be responsible for an increase of the libidinal concentration
of the self, and an early enhanced narcissism which ceases when
the quickening appears; the foetus is then experienced as a
separate object within the self and this awareness interrupts the
pregnant woman’s narcissistic process. According to Lester and
Notman, this‘quickening initiates theearliest contact with the
WHORE infant and thus signals the awakening of motherliness in the
mother. that is the urge to nurture and care for the infant’ 21
(1986, p. 364). ‘The child will always remain part of herself,
and at the same time will always have to remain an object that
is part of the outside world and part of her sexual mate’
(Bibringet al., p. 16). Clearly these concepts apply if pregnancy
is regarded as a developmental phase in a maturational process
and as an essential part of growth. However, we should be
aware of pathological outcomes, as D. Pines has pointed out,
especially when considering the first pregnancy. After all, these
changes in the body and the mental representations of self,
object, and object-relationships are bound to alter forever the
pregnant woman’s view of herself (Pines, D., 1972). ‘Once an
adolescent you cannot become a child again; once menopausal
you cannot bear children again; and once a mother you cannot
be a single unit again’ (Bibring et al., p. 13).
For women the act of making love takes on a different
dimension than for men since the former are much more aware
than the latter of using the same organ for sexual pleasure as for
procreation. The indescribable richness which is created when a
man and a woman make love beautifully may come home in a
particularly poignant way to a woman. Several women - not
only my patients - have told me of their certainty during
coitus of the most blissful kind that they had just conceived.
The timing of birth has borne out their sudden feeling that the
communication of bodies and emotions was so complete that
the only fitting and natural outcome was a baby. This is a deep
feminine instinct, for even barren women have told me of their
conviction that had they been able to conceive they would have
done so at some particular moment which was the climax of a
perfect sexual union. Such is - or can be - women’s
awareness of their bodies and their mental representations.
This awareness grounds them in the reality principle in a
much more biological-psychological way than men who, in
this context, are more prone to the pleasure principle.
Women’s drives are object-seeking; as a result some women are
led to certain perverse designs which are alien to men. Some
women get pregnant in the belief that this is the only way to
achieve security with a man, even when the man has asserted his A N D THE
wish not to be part of this process. For others, the wish to be FEMALE BODY
22 pregnant is born of a desire t o inflict revenge on a man they
have learnt to hate because they have been deeply humiliated.
I remember an ex-patient of mine, a woman of thirty-one
who sought professional help because of severe depression
associated with complete frigidity and feelings of revulsion
about sex. She also had compulsive morbid fantasies about her
daughter who had died at the age of one. All these symptoms
had started after she became pregnant with her daughter. Three
years before she had fallen in love and begun a relationship
with an intelligent and successful man, who to start with was
extremely kind to her, but soon began to be sadistic and to beat
her. She felt unable t o defend herself in an open way. Instead,
she resorted to secret monologues, which were a precursor to
sexual intercourse and gave her some bitter comfort.
During sexual intercourse the man looks in the woman for the
Other, but he finds his mother, which arouses in him an archaic
libido, from before the sexualization and the differentiation of
the sexes, where he loses his sexuality. The woman seeks in the
man the paternal and omnipotent phallus, to find instead only
a weak penis. The woman, then, in order t o preserue the
paternal phallic fantasies, falls into the maternal function and
becomes phallic. (p. 39, my translation)
The girl has another story to learn. Her love of her mother is
not, like the boy’s, culturally dangerous, just sexually
‘unrealistic’ within the terms of the culture. If she persists in
the’belief that she has a penis, . she will be disavowing reality
and this will be the basis of a future psychosis. In the ‘ideal’
case she will recognize her phallic inferiority, identify with the
mother to whom she is to be compared, and then want to take
her place with her father. (1984, p. 231)
HE STUDY of some of the characteristics of the
female libido and of other features which areexclusive
to the female inner world might help us to understand
the aetiology of perversion in women. We might then no longer
see female perversions as parallels to the psychopathology
found in men, and come t o recognize their own separate and
basic causes.
The essential point lies in women’s capacity for procreation,
the expression of which is fundamentally different from
anything men experience. This capacity drastically affects not
only women’s emotional lives, but also the mental representa-
tions of their bodies and, concretely, their physical bodies,
albeit for a fixed period of time. With this as a starting point,
we need to understand at least two different but interrelated
phenomena if we are to make hypotheses about female sexual
One phenomenon concerns ‘inner space’, a term used by
Erikson (1968) to describe not only pregnancy and childbirth,
MADONNA, but also lactation and all parts of the female anatomy
WHORE associated with fullness, warmth, and generosity. According to
him, the inner space has greater actuality than that of the 43
‘missing organ’, the penis. As he was able t o show in his
research at the University of California, boys and girls use space
differently. Whereas boys most frequently use outer space, girls
emphasize inner space. Thus, the two sexes are different in their
‘experience of the ground plan of the human body’ (p. 273).
Erikson goes on to say that ‘in female experience an “inner
space” is at the centre of despair even as it is the very centre of
potential fulfilment’ (p. 278). This ‘inner space’ is related to
the feminine core gender-identity and the mental representa-
tions of the body.
The second phenomenon concerns time, which is related to
rhythmicity and biology. This is ‘the biological clock‘. It is
especially important in adult decisions about motherhood,
particularly when ‘time is running out’.
This phenomenon can become difficult to bear for some
women who have devoted their lives solely to their careers.
They have shown determination at the beginning of their adult
lives not to have children in order to advance professionally.
Women in this group usually come for therapy in their thirties,
suffering from increasing anxiety and ambivalence about their
long-held conviction of not wanting babies. Now they feel
persecuted by time and by the approaching menopause. I have
found that this is by no means a rare phenomenon, but it is far
from inevitable. Many women when subjected to the pressures
of the biological clock nevertheless achieve fulfilled woman-
A similar point is being made by Lax when she says: ‘Single
women in their late thirties frequently feel threatened by the
“biological clock’*. Such women experience the approach of
menopause much sooner than women who are in a gratifying
relationship and, at this time, their search for a man frequently
reaches frantic proportions’ (1982, p. 160). She adds that
women under these circumstances often engage in unsuitable
relationships, and if an abortion has to be carried out because
the pregnancy is unwanted a severe depression follows. Lax
cites another outcome for this group cpf women: the surfacing
of lesbian impulses as a result of their giving up hope for a
mutually loving relationship with a man. Such impulses WOMB
correspond to a partial psychosexual regression to an early
relationship with their mothers. Lax goes on to say: ‘these
women show no evidence of homosexual panic. This lack of
panic is undoubtedly due in part to the presentday relaxation
of mores, which also reinforces these women’s lesbian
rationalization’ (p. 160).
There are distinctive areas of anxiety/fulfilment regarding
womanhood and motherhood which are expressions of
resolution or failure in relation to earlier stages of psychological
maturation, and they are subjected to the dictates of the
biological clock.
The inner space and the biological clock are different
phenomena, but their effects intertwine. In the maturational
crises in women’s lives sometimes one is more important,
sometimes the other. In adolescence the ‘inner space’ tends to
be the more important of the two in relation to fantasies about
pregnancy, while later the ‘biological clock’ can be more
dominant. At menopause the two come together. The argument
presented in this chapter roughly follows this chronology.
D. Pines makes an important point when she notes the
‘marked psychic distinction between the wish to become
pregnant and the wish to bring a live child into the world and
become a mother’ (1982, p. 311). The former comes very early
in life. The female core gender-identity includes a pre-oedipal
identification with mother which becomes well established by
the second year of life, when body awareness and internal
representations have become distinct and therefore differen-
tiation between thesexes has been acknowledged. The wish for
a baby has become by then part of the ‘primary femininity’
(Stoller, 1976). This has been widely researched in studies of
mothers and babies, taking in the first three months of infant
life. Such studies give us access to the object-relationship
theory and to assessments of normality and pathology both in
little girls’ gender-identity and in the functioning of adult
women as mothers.
I shall now deal with thecharacteristics of the feminine core
gender-identity and its vicissitudes during the very early phases
MADONNA, and during adolescence. I shall present clinical material from
WHORE the treatment of women who have struggled not only in the
achievement of their own gender-identity, but also in the 45
acknowledgement of their children’s gender.
In the establishment of the core gender-identity, the object-
relationship the baby has with its mother, and her acceptance
and acknowledgement of her baby’s sex from birth, are
crucial. This involves the mother’s acceptance of her own
gender and her own mental representations, which can
sometimes be a difficult and painful process because of her deep
unconscious expectations of her future baby’s sex in relation to
Boys and girls have very different experience in the formation
of their gender-identities. Abelin (1978) believes that while
early gender-identity is more easily available to boys, girls tend
to establish a ‘generational identity*. By this he means the
location of the self in the girl between two objects, one bigger
than herself - her mother - and one smaller - a symbolic
baby: ‘I am smaller than mother but bigger than baby’ (p. 147).
I consider that this generational identity is associated not only
with the mirroring of the mother*s body in the girl’s, but also
with the biological clock, which exclusively belongs to the
female world. It has been widely noted that boys dis-identify
from mothers much earlier than girls. In a parallel way fathers
play a more important role in boys’ early years of development
than in girls’. Indeed, from the very start men are provided with
a rich and unique experience denied to women. As infants their
first object-relationship is with the opposite sex. This early
situation might enable them later on in life to develop a sense
of familiarity and ease in their relationships with women,
whereas women are distanced from their fathers during the
pre-oedipal stage and may consequently experience difficulties
in their relationships with men. Certainly this does not mean
that boys automatically have an easier life; it all depends on the
quality of that early relationship with mother. Some men
become caring, tender, sensitive, and responsible, whereas
others grow to be exactly the opposite: hating, cruel, sadistic,
and insensitive.
Such is the power that women have when they become
mothers. Obviously the early experiences do not account for all OF T H E
possible future psychological traits, but certainly they leave a WOMB
46 strong impression in all human beings. In this light, let us look
at some of the differentiations between the sexes.
Some of these differentiations are concrete features, but
others have to do with a wide range of symbolizations which
derive from an immense world of fantasy for both sexes. I t is
true that boys are born with a penis which could symbolically
(i.e. in phallic fantasies) give them a sense of power and
superiority which women could easily envy. The object of
penis-envy is not so much the physical organ as the male
position of dominance in the world. I believe this has been
overemphasized, and in the process it has been overlooked that
women who feel in an inferior position try in a vicarious but
vigorous way to achieve their own fantasies of power through
their own reproductive organs, and furthermore to act them
out. The outcomes of these fantasies range widely, from
dreadful to hopeful. The underlying motivations vary from the
so-called normal to the very sadistic and cruel. This more
extreme motivation is more likely to underlie the fantasies of
women who feel degraded, humiliated, and discarded because
of their female gender.
Let us start with fantasies about pregnancy. What do these
fantasies mean to young, prepubescent girls? At times, conflicts
originating very early on in their lives can make them feel
undermined, insecure, and in open or hidden rebellion against
their mother because they have not been able to achieve a
positive female identification. These difficulties surface when
they reach puberty.
Young women feel awkward and insecure in dealing with
their powerful feelings about the tremendous changes taking
place inside and outside their bodies, and sometimes they are
not supported by their mothers in their acknowledgement of
their sense of femininity. After all, it is well known that while
some mothers of adolescent boys show off with them and
obtain narcissistic gratification when mistakes are made about
their relationship, the same mothers, when in company with
attractive adolescent daughters, feel put down and disregarded
by the men who make complimentary remarks about their
daughters. The fresh beauty of young girls’ bodies becomes all
WHORE the more apparent as their mothers are ageing. A tremendous
sense of competition emerges, especially if mothers are 47
approaching the menopause. Again, we are not talking about
just one organ, as is the case with boys, who, when they
compare themselves with their fathers, may feel inadquate
and small; as a result they acknowledge that father is in
control. Fathers are rarely in such open competition with their
sons. The adolescent boy has an easier transfer of attachment
from mother to another woman than does the adolescent girl,
since the boy does not need to change his first love-object. The
girl, instead, has to make the switch from attachment to
mother to attachment to father. If she is then rejected by father
she may look for revenge in dreams of pregnancy.
The way a father responds to a daughter’s difficulties with
her incipient sexuality is important. If he is dismissive and
inattentive, the adolescent girl will feel undermined and
disparaged; if he is critical and denigrating she will feel
devastated. Such feelings can find expression in the typica:
adolescent rebelliousness, including possibly a compulsive and
indiscriminate ‘sexual’ search, in which the girl’s aim is to win
recognition of herself and her body. This bchaviour has a wide
range of mental representations. The girl feels rejected first by
mother and then by father. The search is now for both, from
one frustrating breast to another breast in the disguise of a
penis. However, this primary need presents itself in a ‘sexual’
disguise because of the overwhelming world of fantasy which is
so reinforced and confused by all the secondary sexual
characteristics emerging so abruptly at that stage of life.
Indeed, each ‘sexual’ encounter, like each clumsy delinquent
action committed by these youngsters, is invested in their
minds with both hope and disillusion. Hope disappears very
soon and is immediately replaced by intense disappointment
since what is sought - a symbolic fusion with mother or, more
precisely, with mother’s breast and all its inherent nourishing
qualities - is never found. They are unaware that this search is
for consistent affection. This is concealed not only from
themselves, but also from the world, where their rebellious
actions meet with so much disapproval and misunderstanding.
The reassurance they need is not available from the outside, so THE
they try vicariously to manufacture it from within by means of WOMB
48 pregnancy fantasies. At such times, pregnancy becomes
incontrovertible proof of belonging to the female gender.
Young girls experience biologically the inner space now
ready to be filled, not only with a penis but also with a
pregnancy/baby, even if their emotional and psychological
equipment is sometimes far too immature to deal with the
profound changes of motherhood and their consequences. This
partly explains why adolescence is such a vulnerable stage in
life. When inadequate and insecure about their femininity they
feel no longer able to fantasize about symbolisms attached to
the inner space; instead they use their bodies in a concrete way
and become pregnant. This is often observed in young
delinquent and promiscuous girls.
To understand promiscuity we have to leave aside sexuality
and learn about the mental representations of these young
women’s bodies. These are linked to the frustrating and
damaging experiences they have had with their mothers when
they were infants. Promiscuity is basically a compulsive,
illusory attempt to create object-relationships which is doomed
to failure, since the young woman is really flying from a
frustrated experience with a mother whom she feels has been
unable to nurture her properly. She is now, compulsively and
indiscriminately, looking in men for what she missed in her
contact with her mother. So, more disappointments are on the
way. They are rooted in two different sources: real mother and
symbolic father/ mother. Such experiences are extreme czses of
a conflict girls face in adolescence. With theawakening of their
inner sexuality and the development of their secondary sexual
characteristics, their bodies become like their mother’s. As a
direct consequence, all unresolved early conflicts with mother
are revived, especially those related to frustration and anger.
I have had experience of young girls who suffered from this
type of problem, for which they were treated at a therapeutic
community. While there they had many indiscriminate sexual
encounters with rebellious young men, in which it was their
secret wish to achieve a degree of intimacy they had never
experienced before. These encounters not only were doomed t o
fail, but also provided thegirls with added frustrations. If their
WHORE quest produced a pregnancy, they were elated since they were
now sure of belonging t o the female gender. For some girls the 49
pregnancy itself was the ultimate achievement and they would
quickly seek an abortion. For others the birth was necessary,
but they would intend to give up the baby as soon as it was born
in the belief they could not take proper care of the new being.
For others still, the pregnancy also offered hope of a closeness
with a growing foetus inside their bodies. A t times there was a
sense of triumph, of revenge against their mother. They had
now learnt that their mother’s assumed hostile feelings
towards them had not really damaged their capacities for
procreation. This is why the mental representation of becoming
a mother is at least a three-generational process: a woman
becomes her mother and her mother’s mother. Sometimes, a
feeling of revenge towards their mother or father because of the
way they were treated by them may indicate the kind of future
life the baby boy or girl will have.
Not all authorities would agree with these views. For
example, Limentani says:
There i s only one nephew in the family and it’s disgusting how
WHORE the whole family spends hours about which school he should go
to. He is only aged three. I n the meantime his sister is about t o 51
go to college and nobody gives a damn about her. I was
suddenly infused with an enormoussense of relief that 1 had no
brother, only sisters. Otherwise we should have been treated
very badly.
hood with all its power for good and, occasionally, for WOMB
62 perversion. The inner space, the womb and its mental
representations, is unique to women and is crucial to mother-
hood. To be deprived of the womb is to experience a true loss of
power in a uniquely female way.
DD T H O U G H IT M A Y S O U N D , motherhood pro-
T h e Surrogacy of t h e Child
w h o s e C o n t r o l is i t A n y w a y ?
The fact that the woman is trading her body for ‘filthy lucre is
in fact one more proof that prostitution is a primitive and
regressive manifestation’ (p. 7). It looks to me as if Glover is
close to indicating that the man, in pursuing prostitutes, is
looking for a mother he desired as a forbidden sexual object.
But, unable to obtain this sexual gratification, he has had to
content himself with a substitute maternal denigrated figure
who belongs to a regressed anal libidinal phase.
Furthermore, a process of projective identification takes
place within both parties’ minds in an attempt to resolve this
primitive splitting. The prostitute now becomes in fantasy a
mother with a young child - her client - submissive under
her control; simultaneously she is also a whore who is supposed
to provide that ‘youngster’ with sexual gratification. This is
made possible by a process of depersonalization, and by a
mutual and reciprocal splitting and the denial of emotions
which occurs as a result. The process also involves a generational
confusjon, as envisaged by Chasscguet-Smirgel (198Sa) when
she talks of the anal universe in perversion where all differences
are abolished, differences about sexes and about generations. In MOTHER AS
prostitution the woman at times becomes a mother and the A WHORE
116 man a child. At other times the client becomes ‘the dirty old
man’, with connotations of dirt associated with money, faeces
corresponding to a pre-oedipal stage. At other times, he is the
‘sugar daddy’, easily associated with orality, sugar and milk; in
other words, a mother who is able t o feed the wornadbaby t o
satisfy any whimsical needs she might have. As Sayers (1986)
has reminded us, ‘Irrespective of its sex, the child seeks to
repeat not only the active but also the passive aspects of the
anal as well as oral pleasures it derives from, or “produced” in
it by, its interactions with those who first look after the
physical needs associated with these pleasures.’ She adds that,
‘despite the cultural associations of scoptophilia with mascul-
inity. . .girls also seek to repeat the voyeuristic pleasure, as they
experience it, of the one who supervises the toilet. Like boys
they too contrive to watch others at their toilet’ (pp. 105-6).
In any case, a pre-oedipal perverse dyadic process (mother,
child) is at work, and the associated degree of risk demands a
process of triangulation which is offered by a strict and
punitive superego: the law - a symbolic father who is called
upon to perform his duties. He is expected to extricate both
parties from a perverse, unhealthy association and to create
some sense of order. In other words, prostitute and client are
re-enacting an ‘ideal’, illusory, and collusive situation in which
the symbolic mother-baby unit tries to get away without the
husband/father, but simultaneously they are both knowingly
challenging the law/husband/father with a possible prose-
cution. But the father colludes with his own gender in the
application of the law: the woman ischarged, but the man and
his emotional predicaments are dismissed.
If we attempt t o examine what goes on in the woman’s mind
and body while she is with her client, we soon find that it
cannot be explained by just one pattern. In fact the process,
both consciously and unconsciously, is extremely complicated.
My contention is that prostitute and client become partners in
minds and bodies in a vengeful and denigrating action against
mother. This intimate, anonymous complicity provides both
with some gratification and reassurance. Each partner shares
MADONNA, the same split view of woman in the whore/madonna
WHORE complex. The woman leaves all emotions aside when she works
as a prostitute, and is able, most of the time, t o operate with 117
skill and in complete detachment. The same woman, though,
can react with much emotion, tenderness, and care in her
relationships outside her work. There, unfortunately, she tends
to fall into sadomasochistic relationships in which she is
exploited and frequently beaten up by her partner. I think that
her tendency to masochism is also represented in man in his
relationships with his significant Others when unable to
perform sexually. His impotence works both ways: it is an
expression of his sadistic needs against his loved ones, but it
also puts him in a position where he can easily be humiliated
and belittled.
Sometimes prostitution exists only in fantasy; at other times
it is real, but even then sexual intercourse does not necessarily
take place. For some men the main, unconscious motivation
for the visit is to be mesmerized into a blissful state in which
they feel safe.
Thus 1 maintain that the problems of prostitution are not
exclusively female ones, though they affect women’s internal
and external worlds more frequently. Perhaps it would be more
accurate to speak in the plural, of ‘prostitutions’, since a
many-levelled process is at work: some women fantasize and
daydream about many aspects of becoming a prostitute, and
others act upon the fantasies and make a living out of it.
The main characteristics in women who are practising
prostitutes might superficially appear to be hostility and
contempt towards men, but their self-neglect and the risks to
which they expose their bodies are undeniable. These risks are
not exclusively physical; they relate also to fantasies involving
the mental representations of their bodies.
Such fantasies operate in both concrete and symbolic ways,
and have features corresponding to the women’s intense
depression and self-denigration. Their self-esteem is very low,
and in order to get out of this ‘low’ they start to solicit. When
men appear and are ready to pay for their services they feel
enormously elated. These women now feel wanted in a direct
way. They find this abominable, but simultaneously they feel
that their bodies are the only valuable goods they possess. It is MOTHER A S
unfortunate that in thinking so they are not alone. A WHORE
118 Soliciting, then, is used as a ‘regulator of self-esteem’ as
described by 1. Rosen for perversions in general when he says:
‘The quality of self-experiences in perversion may vary
enormously and exist contradictorily so that a sense of
inferiority (resulting from a depleted self) may supplement
notions of omnipotence’ (1979b, p. 67).
I have heard statements such as this coming from a woman
who was due to appear in court for soliciting:
1 feel rotten, but what else could 1 do? 1 came from the North
where nobody ever wanted me, they had been expecting a boy.
So 1 came to London and began t o pick up men in the streets.
1 ’ve appeared several times in court for the same reason. Men
are always so nice, they treat me like a normal human being.
Every time 1 feel depressed, 1 go and 1 feel much better i f a man
accepts me. 1 charge very little but 1 feel so much more of a
Whose R e s p o n s i b i l i t y is i t A n y w a y ?
I decided t o give i t all up because the price I had to pay for the
money I was making was excessive. That lifestyle transfonned
sex into an ugly and rotten thing which had nothing to do w i t h
love or intimacy. .. I began t o see men at their worst, and I
considered them to be just like animals, but very fast I learnt
how to switch off my feelings, and began to experience myself
as if there were two different persons inhabiting me. 1 never
saw the daylight, since I lived only by night. I was unable to
make any friends because I was full of shame, but on the other
hand I was made to feel very important because in the
nightclubs where I worked as a ‘hostess’ everyone was
considered to be extremely special. Soon afterwards I realized
this had to do w i t h scoring against other hostesses, how many
screws we were asked for, and how much we charged. So we
were just objects t o be used. I began t o feel utterly depressed
and drank a lot. Money was important in the making, but as
soon as I got it I would throw it away, even on the platform at
Paddington Station, and I was never able to buy anything nice
for myself. Money was just asymbol of what I was worth in the
eyes of others. I thought, ‘Shit, I’m getting a raw deal, I want
out of this’.
MAD 0 N N A ,