physical answers

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:> Give the importance of yoga in modern times.

:> Mention four points to show the importance of yoga.

(i) Improves Cardiovascular and Respiratory System:

Yoga asanas and pranayams improve the efficiency of the cardiovascular system, thus endurance is highly
developed with sufficient level of strength ability. It strengthens respiratory muscles and other organs to
optimum level.
(ii) Away from Cardiac Problems:
Practice of yoga cures and improves the efficiency of the heart. It keeps us away from cardiac problems.
Heart and abdominal viscera get gentle massage by asanas and pranayams.
(iii) Proper Functioning of Digestive Organs:
Yoga’s asanas, pranayams, and its kriyas improve the efficiency of digestive organs. The digestive glands
function properly. Moreover, it helps to develop high level of immunity.
(iv) Control over Sense Organs:
Yoga practices develop the ability to control the sense organs. It develops them to function properly
according to the individual needs. It relaxes the body from its pains and thus stabilises the mind.
(v) Relieves Stress and Tension:
Yoga relaxes the body and mind. It removes the tensions and worries. Thus, it freshens our mind and soul
(vi) Develops Concentration:
Various techniques of yoga develop the concentration to a great extent, thus memory recall ability
increases. The meditation techniques stabilize the deflected mind in proper direction.
(vii) Good Posture and Toning of Body Muscles:
Yogic asana tones up body and muscles. It sharpens the body to look attractive. It reduces excessive fat
from the body and thus prevents obesity. It also regulates proper diet according to individual needs.
(viii) Removes Orthopedic Problems:
Many types of chronic orthopedic problems like arthritis joint pain, spondylitis, backache etc. can be
prevented and cured through yoga.
:> Discuss any three pranayama by which asthma can be cured ?
Anulom-Vilom Pranayam:
It is simple inhalation from nose and long exhalation from mouth. It cures cough, cold, asthma, headache,
reduces stress, relieves breathlessness, regulates temperature, helps meditation.
Surya Bhedan Pranayam:
It is process of long inhalation from right nostril, stop it for some time and then exhale from right nostril
and vice-versa. It cures cough, cold, asthma, headache, reduces stress, relieves breathlessness, regulates
body temperature, helps in meditation.
Ujayii Pranayam:
In this Pranayam, the frictional sound with vibrations is produced from the throat while exhaling from
mouth. It cures throat, cough, helps in meditation, reduces stress, and gives soothing effect over mind.
Bhramari Pranayam:
In this Pranayam, the exhalation produces the vibrating sound from the throat (like honeybee flying). It
cures throat, cough, helps in meditation, reduces stress, cures asthma and gives soothing effect over mind.
Kapal-Bhati Pranayam:
In this a long inhalation is taken from mouth whereas forceful exhalation is done from nose with pressure
while stomach is vibrated in and out. It cures many problems like cold, cough, asthma, digestive
problems, obesity etc. It regulates glandular functioning, thus body functions properly.

:> Briefly explain the symptoms and causes of asthma.

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames or swells and narrows the respiratory tract in the lungs.
Asthma is a disease of lungs in which the airway swells and produces extra mucus. As a result, the airway
becomes blocked or narrowed, causing difficulty in breathing. It can be due to genetic factors or allergy.
Symptoms include coughing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness caused by dust, pollen grains, air
pollution, animal skin, hair, feathers, etc. Effective treatment for allergic asthma includes identifying and
avoiding allergens that trigger symptoms, using drug therapies, and developing an emergency action plan
for severe attacks. Asthma affects people of all ages, but it most often starts during childhood. The prime
cause for this problem is pollution.
Asanas for Preventing Asthma:
Sukh Asana, Chakra Asana, Gomukh Asana, Parvatasana, Bhujang Asana (Cobra Pose), Paschimottan
Asana, Matsya Asana.

:> What do you mean by Diabetes? Explain.

:> Define diabetes.

Diabetes is a condition when the pancreas in the human body fails to produce insulin. Diabetes is such a
disorder which causes sugar to build in blood stream instead of being used up by the body cells.
Incidentally, insulin is the hormone that converts the sugar in the food into energy. Insufficient secretion
of insulin by pancreas results in excess of glucose level in the blood stream, resulting diabetes. If the level
of glucose is high, it eventually affects the important body parts.
Symptoms: The person suffering from diabetes shows the symptoms like fatigue, hazy vision, excessive
thirst, weight loss and increased appetite.

Preventive Steps by Yoga: Bhujang Asana (Cobra Pose), Paschimottan Asana, Pavanmukta Asana,
Ardha Matsyendra Asana, Kapal Bhatti Pranayam.

:> Write a note on sir Ludwig Guttmann.

Paralympic started in the year 1960 at Rome (Italy). This is similar to Olympics for disabled sports
person. The efforts of Sir Ludwig Guttmann made this first Paralympic possible. The headquarter of
International Paralympic Committee (IPC) is at Bonn (Germany). The IPC is
responsible for organising Summer and Winter Paralympic Games. The symbol of Paraolympics Games
is three colour (Red, Blue and Green) and motto is "Spirit in Motion".

:> What is the role of yoga in preventing lifestyle diseases

(i) Improves Cardiovascular and Respiratory System : Yoga asanas and pranayam
improve the efficiency of cardiovascular system, thus endurance is highly developed
with sufficient level of strength ability. It strengthens respiratory muscles and other
organs to optimum level.
(ii) Away from Cardiac Problems : Practice of yoga cures and improves the efficiency of
heart. It keeps us away from cardiac problems. Heart and abdominal viscera get gentle
massage by asanas and pranayams.
(iii) Proper Functioning of Digestive Organs: Yoga's asanas, pranayams and its kriya
improve the efficiency of digestive organs. The digestive glands function properly
Moreover, it helps to develop high level of immunity.
(iv) Control over Sense Organs: Yoga practices develop the ability to control the sense
organs. It develops them to function properly according to the individual needs. It also
relaxes the body from its pains and thus stabilizes mind.
(v) Relieves Stress and Tension: Yoga relaxes the body and mind. It removes the stresses tensions and
worries. Thus, it freshens our mind and soul completely.
(vi) Develops Concentration: Various techniques of yoga develop the concentration to
great extent, thus memory recall ability increases. The meditation techniques stabilizes
the deflected mind in proper direction.

(vii) Good Posture and Toning of Body Muscles: Yogic asana tones up body and its muscles it sharpens
the body to look attractive. It reduces excessive fat from the bones thus prevents obesity. It also regulates
proper diet according to individual needs.

viii) Removes Orthopedic Problems: Many types of chronic orthopedic problems like
arthritis joint pain, spondylitis, backache etc. can be prevented and cured through yoga.
:> State the rights of disabled people according to the United Nations.
United Nation Human Right and convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD)
has given the right to participate in games and sports as like other persons. Disable persons are
free to participating in these activities not only at National level but at International level like
Special Olympic, Paralympic, Deaflympic and many more. We should encourage and boost
such types of activities.
:> What is the procedure of performing kapal bhati
Procedure: Sit in any meditative posture, close the eyes and relax the whole body. Inhale
deeply through both nostrils, expand the chest. Expel the breath with forceful contractions
of the abdominal muscles and relax. In other words in this pranayam a long inhale is taken
whereas forceful exhale is done from nose with pressure while stomach is vibrated in and out.
Do not strain and continue active/forceful exhalation and passive inhalation.
(i) Prevents and cures Diabetes and Obesity.
(ii) Cures cold, cough and Asthma.
(iii) Removes digestive problems and give gentle massage to abdominal organs.
(iv) Improves the glandular functioning.
Contraindication: Person with abdomen surgeries, pregnant women should not do. It should
not be done immediately after meal
:> Write three differences between paralympics and special
Paralympic is participated by impaired athletes like Vision Disability, Impared Muscles
power, Impaired Passive range of movement, Loss of Limb, Leg length difference, Short
Stature etc. The games are like Para Athletics, Boccia, Canoe, Cycling, Equestrian, Football
5-a-side, Football 7-a-side, Goal ball, Judo, Para Power Lifting, Rowing, Sailing, Shooting
Para Sitting Volleyball, Para Swimming, Table Tennis, Triathlon, Wheelchair Basketball
Special Olympic participated by persons with intellectual disabilities. These games are
generally termed as Unified Games where they guided/ assisted by normal people like Unified
Badminton, Unified Football etc.
:> Explain flat foot and bow leg
Flat Foot: It is also known as Pes Planus or Fallen Arches. Flat Foot is an abnormal condition of foot in
which the arch of the foot collapses, with the entire sole of the foot coming into complete or near
complete contact with the ground, i.e. no arch in the foot and the foot is completely flat. In this default of
feet, person gives complete print of their foot sole over the plane surface (walking barefooted).
Corrective Measures:
(i) Yoga Asana like: Tarr Asana, Vajra Asana (ii) Walking on Sand: The person is told to walk barefooted
over the sand. (iii) Regular Running: The person is told to run fast over on toes on clean surface. (iv)
Using Good Quality Shoes: Person is told to wear good quality shoes with inner curve on sole. (v)
Skipping: Person with flat foot should perform skipping regularly.

Bow Legs:
This is the defect of legs in which legs bend outward. The space between knees widens up and
legs take curve shape. Bow legs cause lot of pressure over the lateral edges of feet.

Causes: The main cause of Bow legs deformity are Rickets, deficiency of Vitamin D and
Calcium in diet, early childhood walking with weight, obesity, defaulted footwear, etc.
Corrective Measures: (a) Ardh Chakra Asana (b) Garud Asana (c) Ardha Matsyendra Asana
(d) Walking with Inward toe (e) Special shoes.

:> What are the benefits and contraindications of ardha

matsyendrasana and Tadasana
Ardha-Matsyendrasana Procedure: It is also named as Half Spinal twist pose
Ardhamatsyendrasana is derived from Sanskrit words, where ardha means half, matsya meaning fish thus
also named as half fish pose. It is king of all asanas. In this we sit in crossed leg, one
leg is placed over the other so that the foot touches the opposite hip joint. The opposite hand
(of raised leg) presses the leg inward whereas other hand supports the spine while looking
back. The spine is twisted at same time erect. The preparatory asana is Bhardvasana whereas
the advanced form is full Ardhamatsyendrasana.
(i) Prevents and cures Obesity and Diabetes.
(ii) Back and abdominal muscles are strengthened and toned up.
(iii) Increases the glandular functioning.
(iv) Shapes the body and improves the spinal flexibility.
(v) Cures postural deformities like Arthritis, Kyphosis, Lordosis, Scoliosis and Bow-legs.
Contraindication: Person with severe Back-pain, Disc problem, Hernia, Piles, severe
Abdominal problem and Pregnant women should not do this.
Tadasana Procedure: It is also named as Palm Tree pose. In this asana, person stands on toes,
slowly raises both hands as much as possible while coming on toes. Arms by side of ears are
raised over the head whereas hands holding each other at top. Maintain balance along-with
deep breathing. Its advanced form is Vriksh-asana.
(i) Cures Hypertension, Obesity and Back pain.
(ii) Develops whole body muscles.
(iii) Increases height in children.
(iv) Relieves leg and ankle pain.
(v) Corrects Postural deformities like Kyphosis, Scoliosis, Neck Spondylitis and Flatfoot.
Contraindication: Person having severe Back-pain, Ankle problem should not do this.

:> Explain shavasana or makar asana.

Makarasana Procedure: It is also named as Crocodile pose. In this asana, we lie down in
pro-lying position whereas hands remain under the head. Neck is turned to side while feet
apart comfortably. Hold this position for some time and relax with deep breathing.
(i) Prevents and cures Asthma and Hypertension.
(ii) Relaxes body completely and removes stress and tension.
(iii) It is a meditative pose to perform various pranayams.
(iv) Cures Postural deformities like Lordosis and Neck Spondylitis
Contraindication: Person suffering with chronic Back-pain, Shoulder joint injury should not
do this.
Shavasana Procedure: It is also named as Dead Pose. Lie flat on your back (Supine line
position). Legs should be separated approximately one feet. Keep your arms at your side and
your palms facing up. Start concentrating from your head to your feet. This means you are
consciously relaxing your each part of the body. Don't move ahead without relaxing particular
part of the body. On each inhaling and exhaling (breathing) assume that your body is total
relaxed. Let your tension, stress, depression and worry run away on each exhaling.
(i) Cures Hypertension.
(ii) Relaxes body and mind.
(iii) Stabilize breathing.
Contraindications: It may be the easiest pose to do, but it's the most difficult to master. Though
with severe Back-pain, neck spondylitis should restrain. If the environment is cold, cover your
body with a blanket. Keep the room dark or cover the eyes with an eye bag or bandage.

:> Write three eligibility criteria for participation in paralympics.

Here are three eligibility criteria for participation in the Paralympics:
1. Athletes must have a physical impairment such as amputations, , visual impairments,
spinal cord injuries, or other eligible disabilities recognized by the International
Paralympic Committee (IPC).
2. Athletes must be classified into specific categories based on the type and severity of their
disability. This system ensures fair competition.
3. Athletes must meet specific performance standards in their respective sports and qualify
through regional, national, or international competitions leading up to the Paralympic

:> What in brief about protein as an essential component of diet

:> Write note on special olympics bharat
Special Olympics International was started by efforts of Eunice Kennedy Shriver (sister of
former President of the United States of America, John F. Kennedy) first International Special
Olympics Games in Chicago in July 1968. It is a movement that uses sports to reform the
lives of disabled persons (with in intellectual disability). It gives training and coaching to
build the interest in sports, skill perfection, social interaction, communication skills, and
talent and leadership abilities in intellectual disabled persons. Shriver believed that with
equal opportunities and experiences as everyone else, people with intellectual disabilities
could accomplish far more than ever thought possible. She was convinced that children with
intellectual disabilities could be exceptional athletes and that through sports they can realise
their potential for growth.
:> Mention four vitamin deficiency diseases.
Deficiency of Vitamin A: It causes Night Blindness in which a person is unable to see in
dim light or night.
Sources: Sources of vitamin A are milk, butter, egg, carrot, cod liver oil, tomatoes, green
leafy vegetables, etc.
Deficiency of Vitamin D : It causes Rickets in which the bones of children are deformed.
Sources: Sunlight provides this Vitamin D other sources are milk, butter, green vegetables,
Vitamin B1 deficiency: It causes Beri-Beri in which person has retarded growth.
Deficiency of Vitamin B3 : It causes Pellagra in which skin sensitivity is lost and causes
irritation over skin.
Sources: The sources of Vitamin B are milk, egg, meat, grains, cereals, vegetables, peas,
beans, etc.
Deficiency of Vitamin C: It causes Scurvy in which there is bleeding of gums.
Sources: The sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits like lemon, orange, amla, tomatoes,
vegetables, etc.

:> Write a note on the Deaflympics.

Deaflympics (previously called World Games for the Deaf and International Games for
the Deaf) are an International Olympic Committee (IOC)-sanctioned event at which deaf
athletes compete at an elite level. Unlike the athletes in other IOC-sanctioned events (the
Olympics, the Paralympics, and the Special Olympics), the Deaflympians cannot be guided
by sounds (e.g., the starter's guns, bullhorn commands or referee whistles). The games have
been organized by the Comité International des Sports des Sourds (CISS, "The International
Committee of Sports for the Deaf") since the first event. In India deaf sports acturtees are
regulated by "All India Sports Council of the Deaf (AISCD). It is registered under IOA.

:> State complex carbohydrates.

:> How can yoga benefit hypertension patients? Explain.
The following Asanas for preventing and curing Hypertension are:
Tadasana, Katichakrasana, Uttanpadasana, Ardha Halasana, Sarala
Matsayasana, Gomukhasana, UttanMandukasana, Vakrasana, Bhujangasana,
Makarasana, Shavasana, Nadi-shodhana pranayam, Sitli pranayam.

:> How many amino acids are found in protein.

causes and symptoms of diabetes. Explain the procedure and

contradictions to overcome diabetes
Diabetes is a disorder in which sugar (glucose) level increases in blood instead being used for
energy production. In other words, Diabetes is a condition in which pancreas fails to produce
insulin. Insufficient secretion of insulin by pancreas results in excess of glucose level in blood
stream, resulting diabetes. Incidentally insulin is the hormone that converts the sugar (glucose)
level in food into energy. If level of glucose is high, it eventually affects the important organs
of body. It can be checked by Glucometer; when it shows reading above 150 (after normal
meal) is considered dangerous.
Symptoms: Symptoms of Diabetes are like fatigue, hazy vision, excessive thirst (Polydipsia),
excessive urination (Polyuria), weight loss, increased appetite (Polyphagia), prolonged healing
time of injury, foul smelling of urine etc.
Causes: The main causes of diabetes are genetically or hereditary; overweight or obesity;
Kidney disease; gastro intestinal problems; drinking a lot of cold drinks or soda water; sedentary
lifestyle; smoking and alcohol; less physical activity; taking lot of sweets, etc.
Asana for preventing and curing Diabetes:
Bhujangasana: It is also named as Cobra pose. From pro-lying position start raising the
upper part of the body without the support of your hands while looking up. The preparatory
asana is standing backward bending. The advanced form is Shalabh-asana, Dhanur-asana.
Contraindication: Person suffering with Hernia, abdomen surgeries patient, pregnant women
and severe Back injuries patient should not do this.
Shalabhasana: It is also named as Locust pose. From pro-lying position start raising the
lower part of your body, hands should be by the side of the legs and chin touching the floor,
while breathing is normal after attaining the pose.
Contraindication : Person having severe Back-pain problem, Pregnant women should not
Supta Vajra asana: It is also named as Sleeping Rock or Reclined Thunderbolt pose. In
this asana, we firstly sit with flexed legs in Vajra asana. Slowly body is bent backward with
support of hands and head gradually touches the floor. The spine is curved and back is raised
up whereas hands by side holding toe. Body is resting over the ankles, hold this position for
some time with normal breathing. The preparatory asana is Vajra-asana.
Contraindication: Person suffering with Hernia, abdomen surgeries patient, pregnant women
and severe Back injuries patient should not do this.
Shalabhasana: It is also named as Locust pose. From pro-lying position start raising the
lower part of your body, hands should be by the side of the legs and chin touching the floor,
while breathing is normal after attaining the pose.
Contraindication: Person having severe Back-pain problem, Pregnant women should not
Supta Vajra asana: It is also named as Sleeping Rock or Reclined Thunderbolt pose. In
this asana, we firstly sit with flexed legs in Vajra asana. Slowly body is bent backward with
support of hands and head gradually touches the floor. The spine is curved and back is raised
up whereas hands by side holding toe. Body is resting over the ankles, hold this position for
some time with normal breathing. The preparatory asana is Vajra-asana.
Contraindication: Person suffering with chronic piles, back-pain, knee or ankle joint injury,
injury overleg muscles like hamstring, quadriceps and calves muscles should avoid this.
Mandukasana: In this asana, we firstly sit with flexed legs in Vajra asana. Hands are over
abdomen with fist. Slowly bend forward while exhaling. Hold this position for some time and
try to touch chin on the floor. Also, feel the pressure over the abdomen during breathing.
Contraindication: Person suffering with chronic piles, knee or ankle joint injury injury over
leg muscles like hamstring, quadriceps and calves muscles should avoid this.
Gomukhasana: Gomukh-asana gets its name from Cow face as this pose resembles the face
of cow. The thighs and calves are placed in such a way that the knees overlap or tapering each
other and widen at ankles. One arm is overhead and other is under the shoulder. The hands
holds each other at back.
Contraindication: Person with severe shoulder dislocation problem, neck spondylitis, knee
problem, sciatica, pregnant women should avoid this.
Yogmudra asana: In this asana, we firstly sit with flexed legs in Vajra asana. Hands are
placed at back i.e., behind the spine. Slowly bend forward while exhaling. Hold this position
for some time and try to touch forehead on the floor. Also, feel the pressure over the abdomen
during breathing.
Contraindication: Person suffering with chronic piles, joint pain at knee or ankle, injury
over leg muscles like hamstring, quadriceps, and calves muscles should avoid this.

:> What is the importance of vitamin C.

Vitamin C is also named Ascorbic Acid. This vitamin is required for maintenance of
ligaments, tendons, blood vessels, capillary walls and delicate lining of mouth and gums.
Deficiency of Vitamin C causes Scurvy in which gums bleed.
:> Explain the advantages of physical activities for CWSN.
(i) Physical Benefits: Scientific studies into disability groups have demonstrated that
participation in physical activity and sport leads to improved levels of well-being and
physical health.
(ii) Better Psychological Health: The psychological health becomes better by doing
physical activities for children with special needs.
(iii) Overall Health Improvement: Physical activities provide good health and proper
functioning of internal organs. Thus, the overall efficiency gets improved.
(iv) Provides Fun and Recreation. : Physical activities provide fun and recreation thus
refreshes and re-energies. It helps to reduce stress, anxiety and depression level in
disabled children.

:> Compare any three fat soluble vitamin on the basis and boost immun
Deficiency of Vitamin A: It causes Night Blindness in which a person is unable to see in
dim light or night.
Sources: Sources of vitamin A are milk, butter, egg, carrot, cod liver oil, tomatoes, green
leafy vegetables, etc.
Deficiency of Vitamin D : It causes Rickets in which the bones of children are deformed.
Sources: Sunlight provides this Vitamin D other sources are milk, butter, green vegetables,
Vitamin B1 deficiency: It causes Beri-Beri in which person has retarded growth.
Deficiency of Vitamin B3 : It causes Pellagra in which skin sensitivity is lost and causes
irritation over skin.
Sources: The sources of Vitamin B are milk, egg, meat, grains, cereals, vegetables, peas,
beans, etc.
Deficiency of Vitamin C: It causes Scurvy in which there is bleeding of gums.
Sources: The sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits like lemon, orange, amla, tomatoes,
vegetables, etc.

:> Highlight the yogic techniques to cure obesity.

:> Highlight the role of macronutrients in our diet, mentioning its sources
Macronutrients: These are required in large proportion in our diet like carbohydrates, fats,
proteins and water. They are main part of diet and they are taken in large quantity in our diet
and also the main source of energy. These are also known as Nutritive food.
Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for almost all activities
of an individual. Thus, it is the primary source for almost all activities of body. Simple
carbohydrates are found in fruits, low fat milk, table sugar, refined honey, jam, vegetables
(potato, carrot), candy, etc.
Complex carbohydrates are found in bread, cereals (Wheat, Rice, Maize, Bajra), vegetables,
whole pulses (Chana-Dal, Moong-Dal, Rajma).
Proteins: Proteins are the basic structures of all living cells required for muscles growth and
repair of body tissues etc.
The sources of essential proteins are pulses, milk, dairy products, soyabeans, egg, meat, etc.
They are required for growth of tissues.
The sources of non-essential proteins are grains, dry-fruits, vegetables. Proteins requirement
depends upon individual's activity on daily basis like tissue growth, injury, pregnancy, etc.
Fats: Fats act as source of energy during long duration workout. They are most concentrated
sources of energy in food. They are found in food items like dairy products, cream, butter,
coconut oil, palm oil, ghee, animal fat, etc. They are found in solid and liquid form. They have
sticky quality.
:> Mention five pitfalls of dieting.
Pitfall of dieting is extreme reducing of energy food. Low calorie intake or starving to reduce
weight is Pitfall of Dieting. Pitfall of dieting causes serious health problems. Every individual
wants to look attractive, slim and trim. An individual who is overweight wants to reduce
weight by starving, low calorie diet, skipping the meals to reduce their weight.
Pitfall causes and their effects:
(i) Extreme Reduction of Calories: Person reduces the diet considerably which causes
low level of energy, thus person feels lethargic, tiredness, body ache, etc.
(ii) Skipping Meals: People often skip meals to reduce weight whereas in next meal they
take large amount of food.
(iii) Low Energy Diet: The persons take diet without fats and less carbohydrates by which
health is affected.
(iv) Not Performing Physical Activity: People often consider that reducing diet is good
for controlling weight; thus they neglect physical activity, which is equally important
for healthy lifestyle.
(v) Taking Less Liquid : People often think that drinking water or liquid makes them to
gain weight which is wrong.
(vi) Starving: Starving causes serious health problem and it is dangerous. Thus, starving
should not be done for longer period.
:> What is a knock out tournament? Draw a knockout fixture of 11 & 15
teams with all steps involved
:> Describe the meaning and give four functions of a balanced diet?

:> How is water useful in our diet ?

:> Discuss why proteins are among the most important macronutrients.
Note: MCQ Questions read your self MCQ not given in Question bank.

Total 70 marks Time 3;00 Hrs.

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