Ocean Pollution_ A Growing Problem
Ocean Pollution_ A Growing Problem
Ocean Pollution_ A Growing Problem
human health. The main cause of this pollution is human activity, and it's happening all over the world.
Some common pollutants include plastics, chemicals, oil spills, and sewage. Plastic waste is a major
contributor to ocean pollution. Every year millions of tons of plastic end up in the oceans, harming
wildlife and disrupting marine habitats. Animals like turtles, seabirds, and fish mistake plastic for food,
which can lead to injuries or even death. As the plastic breaks down into tiny particles called
microplastics, it becomes impossible to remove from the water, further worsening the problem.
Another big source of ocean pollution is runoff from land. When it rains, water from cities and farms
carries chemicals like pesticides, fertilizers, and oil into rivers, which eventually flow into the ocean. This
runoff creates "dead zones" in the ocean where the water becomes so polluted that it can no longer
Oil spills also play a significant role in ocean pollution. These spills occur when large amounts of oil are
accidentally released into the water, usually during the transport of oil by ships. Oil spills are especially
harmful because oil is toxic to marine life and can coat the feathers and fur of animals, making it difficult
Ocean pollution has direct consequences for humans as well. Many people depend on the ocean for food,
and polluted oceans can lead to unsafe seafood. Plus, polluted water can spread diseases, affecting both
Sure there are efforts being made globally to combat ocean pollution, including laws to regulate waste
disposal and cleanup initiatives like beach cleanups and ocean skimmer technology. But, more needs to
While steps are being taken to reduce pollution, individuals and governments must work together to find
● Carson, Rachel. The Sea Around Us. Oxford University Press, 1951.
● Eriksen, Marcus. “Plastic Pollution in the World’s Oceans.” Science, vol. 345, no. 6193,
2014, pp. 768–771.
● Ocean Conservancy. “Plastics in the Ocean: More than a Litter Problem.” Ocean
Conservancy, 2016.