Suffix Spelling Rules
Suffix Spelling Rules
Suffix Spelling Rules
Silent E Exception
There are a few words that meet the criteria for
dropping the silent "e" with a vowel suffix, but with
which the "e" must be kept.
like + -able = likeable
size + -able = sizeable
Rule 3: Keep the Final E
There are a few situations in which the final "e" stays
with a word when adding a suffix.
Base Words Ending in CG or GE
When the base word ends in the letters "ce" or "ge"
and the suffix begins with the letters "a" or "o," the
final "e" should stay.
advantage + -ous = advantageous
change + -able = changeable
courage + -ous = courageous
service + -able = serviceable
notice + -able = noticeable