Research Project (Midterms)
Research Project (Midterms)
Research Project (Midterms)
• Diegetic Sound
- it is sound that the characters can Research Design
hear as well as the audience, and - to choose between:
usually implies a reaction from the • Quantitative Research (to have a
character. Also called “literal sound” statistical treatment/instrument or
or actual sound scientific) or;
• Non-diegetic Sound • Qualitative Research (interviews,
- it is sound which is represented as documentary analysis, observations,
coming from the source, i.e its source
is neither visible on the screen, nor
Statistical Treatments:
has been implied to be present in the
1. Pearson R - Comparative study
action. Also called “non-literal sound”
2. T- Test - limited to only 30 respondents
or “commentary sound”
or less
The Voiceover
3. Z-Test - more than 30 respondents
- is a commentary by the filmmaker, 4. Analysis of Variance/Anova - variability
spoken while the camera is filming, or of the different factors of the study
added to the soundtrack during the 5. Kai square - similar to Anova and T-test
production. Through this the filmmaker
Midterms 3
Chapter 3: Research Methodology
- make an introduction regards to this
- Research Design - introduction, its type
and why you’re going to use it
• Golden rule: always use the third
person/ third person rule
• future tense (before defense); past
tense (after defense)
- Research Instrument - adopt a certain
or make your own questionnaires
• Validation of Instrument - if it the
researchers made the instrument (3
persons to validate)
• if using an adopted questionnaire,
you may include the investigative
documentary (for supporting details)
- Statistical Treatment - mean, median,
• Slovin’s Formula - the accuracy of
the percentage
• Purposive Sampling
Technique/Method - also included in
the Statistical Treatment; known the
number of respondents
• formulas:
- Frequency Count
- Simple Mean Data - usually
applicable for adopted
Midterms 4