Chapter 1 Notes
Chapter 1 Notes
Chapter 1 Notes
- Forms of Business Organization
o Sole Proprietorships
Owned by a single person who is financially responsible for
the actions and obligations of the business
Advantages are ; easiest to create and control, easiest to
dissolve, & right to all profits
Disadvantage’s; owner’s personal assets at risk due to
unlimited liability for firm obligations, equity only from
owner or business profits, business income taxes as
personal income, & difficult to transfer ownership
o Partnerships
A business owned by more than one person; one or more
of them is financially responsible for the actions and
obligations of the business
Advantages; limited protection of owner’s personal assets,
owner’s limited liability for firm obligations, more sources
of equity and expertise
Disadvantages; shared control & shared profit harder to
o Corporations
A business owner by more than on person; none of them
are financially responsible for the actions and obligations of
the business.
Advantages; protect personal assets, no shareholder
liability for business, easiest to change ownership, & great
access to source of funds
Disadvantages; most difficult and expensive to establish,
dilutes individual control over the firm, & overall higher
taxes on income for shareholders
Managing the Financial Function
- Organizational Structure
- Chief Financial Officer ( CFO ) , responsible for the quality of the
financial reports received by the Chief Executive Officer ( CEO )
- Positions Reporting to the CFO
o Treasurer
o Risk Manager
o Controller
o Internal Auditor
- External Auditor
- Audit Committee
- Compliance and Ethics Director