5x5 Risk Matrix Template - SafetyCulture
5x5 Risk Matrix Template - SafetyCulture
5x5 Risk Matrix Template - SafetyCulture
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Refer to the table below when completing this 5x5 risk matrix template.
Probability of Risk
Possible this could happen and/or to have moderate consequences. May go ahead but
preferably reduce risk.
https://public-library.safetyculture.io/products/5x5-risk-matrix-template-wttv4vzvmjopkebm?amp_dev=a6abed1b-d06e-4db3-8188-ad6a6b433d75&… 1/3
9/18/24, 10:49 AM 5x5 Risk Matrix Template - SafetyCulture
Likely to happen and/or to have serious consequences. Do not allow transaction until
risk reduced.
Almost sure to happen and/or to have major consequences. Do not allow transaction to
occur or reduce the risk to acceptable level.
Sure to happen and/or have major consequences. Do not allow transaction, change, or
Impact of Risk
Can cause injuries or illnesses that may require medical attention but limited treatment
Can cause irreversible injuries or illnesses that require constant medical attention
Multiply the value of Probability with the value of Impact to get this score.
Risk Level
https://public-library.safetyculture.io/products/5x5-risk-matrix-template-wttv4vzvmjopkebm?amp_dev=a6abed1b-d06e-4db3-8188-ad6a6b433d75&… 2/3
9/18/24, 10:49 AM 5x5 Risk Matrix Template - SafetyCulture
The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's
solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice.
You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should
independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.
https://public-library.safetyculture.io/products/5x5-risk-matrix-template-wttv4vzvmjopkebm?amp_dev=a6abed1b-d06e-4db3-8188-ad6a6b433d75&… 3/3