QuinStar Product Catalog Updated 07 2023
QuinStar Product Catalog Updated 07 2023
QuinStar Product Catalog Updated 07 2023
Commitment to Quality
QuinStar Technology, Inc. is dedicated to providing the best Dual Microscope for Inspection
service in the industry from initial inquiry all the way through and Training
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Vision and History
Our Vision:
To be the premier millimeter-wave technology company that provides innovative product solutions
to the communications and sensor industries
Our Mission:
To fulfill our customers’ expectations of performance, delivery, value, quality, and service.
To employ superior technologies, responsive engineering, and efficient manufacturing.
To create highly rewarding careers for our employees in a stimulating and fun work environment.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Waveguide Products
Amplifier Products 1 and Filters 5
Glossary of Terminology for Amplifiers 8 Glossary of Waveguide Products & Filters 102
Microwave Broadband Low Noise Amplifiers QLJ 9 Precision High Directivity Couplers QJR 103
Microwave Broadband General Purpose Amplifiers QGJ 10 Precision Bi- and Dual-Directional Couplers QJB/QJD 105
Microwave Broadband Power Amplifiers QPJ 11 General Purpose Waveguide Directional Coupler QDC 108
Precision Crossguide Couplers QJC 110
Millimeter Wave Full Waveguide Band Power Amplifiers QPI 13
General Purpose Crossguide Couplers QJX 112
Millimeter Wave Broadband Amplifiers QGW 15 Matched Hybrid Tees and Power Dividers QJH 114
Millimeter Wave Broadband Low Noise Amplifiers QLW 18 Short Slot Hybrid Power Divider QSP 116
Millimeter wave Broadband Power Amplifiers QPW 20 Multi-Output Power Dividers QMD 118
Millimeter Wave Low Noise Amplifiers QLN 24 Bandpass Filters QFB 119
Millimeter Wave Power Amplifiers QPN 26 Low Pass Filters QFL 121
Millimeter Wave General Purpose Amplifiers QGN 31 High Pass Filters QFH 123
Instrumentation Amplifiers QAI 34 Band Reject and Notch Filters QNF 125
E and H Plane Waveguide Tees QUH 126
Cryogenic Amplifiers and Systems QCA 36
Waveguide Straight Sections, and Tapered Transitions QWS/QWR/QWP 127
Custom Options and Configurations for Amplifier Products 39 Custom Waveguide Assemblies QAC 129
Amplifier Outlines 40 Waveguide Terminations QWN/QTW/QTZ 130
Waveguide Bends and Twists QWB/QWT 132
Tunable Loads, Tunable Shorts, and E-H Tuners QWG/QAT/QWU 133
Waveguide Flanges, Adapters and
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Alphabetic Product Names
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Directions to QuinStar Technology
Directions from Los Angeles Airport (LAX) and Points North: Directions from San Diego and Points South: Take 405
Take 405 South toward Long Beach. Exit on Hawthorne North toward Santa Monica. Exit on Crenshaw Blvd, and
Blvd exit. Stay in the right lane and turn right onto head south toward Torrance. Go 4.5 miles, and turn right
Hawthorne Blvd (southbound). Go approx. 5.5 miles, turn on Lomita Blvd. Go 0.5 mile, and turn left on Garnier
left on Lomita Blvd., go 0.5 mile, turn right on Garnier Street. QuinStar is on your right 1/2 block down.
Street. QuinStar is on your right 1/2 block down.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Amplifier Products
Section 1
Amplifier Products
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Glossary of Terminology for Amplifiers
1 dB gain compression point (P1dB) defines the output For example, if 100 and 101 MHz are the frequencies of
Amplifier Products
level at which the amplifier's gain is 1 dB less than the two applied signals, then 99 and 102 MHz are the two-
small signal gain, or is compressed by 1 dB. tone third-order products and 300 and 303 MHz are
Conditionally stable amplifier refers to an amplifier that single-tone third-order products. Two-tone third-order
may oscillate under particular load or source impedance products are very close to the desired signals and are very
(VSWR) conditions, an undesirable situation. difficult to filter out. Hence they are of great importance in
system design. In the linear region, third-order products
Dynamic range is the power range over which an decrease/increase by 3 dB for every 1 dB decrease/
amplifier provides useful linear operation, with the lower increase of input power, and output signal power
limit dependent on the noise figure and the upper level decreases/increases by a dB for every dB of input power.
determined by the 1 dB compression point. When drawn on a X-Y graph, with input power on
Gain flatness indicates the variation of an amplifier's gain X-axis and output power on the Y-axis, third-order products
characteristic over the full frequency response range at a fall on a straight line with a slope of 3 and signal power on
given temperature expressed in dB. a straight line with a slope 1 as shown below. By
extending the linear portions the two lines, they intercept
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Microwave Broadband
Low Noise Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
♦ 0.5-18 GHz Coverage
♦ Broad Bandwidth Operation
♦ State-of-the-art Low Noise Performance
♦ Compact Package
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s series QLJ low noise microwave for state-of-the-art low noise performance in the 0.5-18
amplifiers utilize advanced MMICs and discrete devices GHz frequency range.
Model Number Frequency Noise Figure Gain Gain Flatness Current (mA) Outline
Range (GHz) (dB) (dB) (±dB) at 12V Pages 40-45
QLJ-00021818 .5-2 1.8 18 1.5 100 H3, E, J
QLJ-00021832 .5-2 1.8 32 1.75 160 E,J
QLJ-00021845 .5-2 1.8 45 2 220 E,J
QLJ-02061514 2-6 1.5 14 1.75 100 J
QLJ-02061524 2-6 1.5 24 2 160 J
QLJ-02061535 2-6 1.5 35 2.25 220 J
QLJ-06183013 6-18 3 13 1.25 100 H3, E, J
QLJ-06183026 6-18 3 26 1.5 160 H3, E, J
QLJ-06183040 6-18 3 40 1.75 230 H4,J
QLJ-00183513 0.5-18 3.5 13 1.5 100 E,J
QLJ-00183526 0.5-18 3.5 26 2 170 E,J
QLJ-00183540 0.5-18 3.5 40 2.5 210 J
Ordering Information
Model Number QLJ - ABCD EF GH - IJ
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Microwave Broadband
General Purpose Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
♦ 0.5-18 GHz Coverage
♦ Wide range of Gain Options
♦ Compact Package
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s series QGJ broadband high gain nominal gains in 13-40 dB range, and nominal output 1 dB
general purpose amplifiers are ideally suited for a very compression point power (P-1 dB) in 13-20 dBm range.
wideband amplification. The amplifiers are offered with
Model Number Frequency Power Gain Gain Flatness Current (mA) Current (mA) Outline
Range (GHz) P1dB (dBm) (dB) (±dB) at 12V, max. at -12V Pages 40-45
QGJ-00181314 0.5-18 13 14 1.5 120 – E, J
QGJ-00181326 0.5-18 13 26 1.75 180 – E, J
QGJ-00181340 0.5-18 13 40 2 240 – J
QGJ-00181713 0.5-18 17 13 1.5 200 – E, J
QGJ-00181726 0.5-18 17 26 1.75 270 – E.J
QGJ-00181740 0.5-18 17 40 2 330 – J
QGJ-00182013 0.5-18 20 13 1.5 400 50 J
QGJ-00182026 0.5-18 20 26 1.75 470 50 J
QGJ-00182040 0.5-18 20 40 2 530 50 J
Ordering Information
Model Number QGJ - ABCD EF GH - IJ
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Microwave Broadband
Power Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
♦ 1-18 GHz Coverage
♦ Wide Range of Gain & Output Power Options
♦ Compact Package
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s series QPJ power amplifiers utilize power output levels. These amplifiers offer gain in the
advanced MMICs and discrete devices for state-of-the-art 10-54 dB range, with output power from 23-44 dBm
power performance in the 2-18 GHz frequency range. A available. The baseline amplifier is provided with coaxial
wide range of gain values is offered for significantly high input/output ports.
Model Number Frequency Power Gain Gain Flatness Voltage Current (A) –Voltage –Current Outline
Range (GHz) P1dB (dBm) (dB) (±dB) (V) typ. (V) (mA), max. Pages 40-45
QPJ-00182310 0.5-18 23 10 2 12 0.6 – – J
QPJ-00182324 0.5-18 23 24 2.25 12 0.7 – – J
QPJ-00182338 0.5-18 23 38 2.5 12 0.8 – – J
QPJ-02182714 2-18 27 14 2 15 1.4 – – J
QPJ-02182727 2-18 27 27 2.25 15 1.7 – – J
QPJ-02182741 2-18 27 41 2.5 15 1.8 – – J
QPJ-02083014 2-8 30 14 2 15 1.4 – – J
QPJ-02083027 2-8 30 27 2.5 15 1.7 – – J
QPJ-02083041 2-8 30 41 2.5 15 1.8 – – J
QPJ-02083314 2-8 33 14 2.5 12 3 -12 50 A
QPJ-02083325 2-8 33 25 2.5 12 3.3 -12 50 A
QPJ-02083340 2-8 33 40 2.5 12 3.4 -12 50 A
QPJ-02083354 2-8 33 54 2.5 12 3.5 -12 50 A
QPJ-02083611 2-8 36 11 2.5 12 4.5 -12 50 A
QPJ-02083625 2-8 36 25 2.5 12 4.8 -12 50 A
QPJ-02083640 2-8 36 40 2.5 12 4.9 -12 50 A
QPJ-02083654 2-8 36 54 2.5 12 5 -12 50 A
QPJ-02083810 2-8 38 10 2.5 12 9 -12 100 A
QPJ-02083825 2-8 38 25 2.5 12 9.5 -12 100 A
QPJ-02083840 2-8 38 40 2.5 12 9.7 -12 100 A
QPJ-02083854 2-8 38 54 2.5 12 10 -12 100 A
QPJ-02084025 2-8 40 25 2.5 12 19 -12 100 B
QPJ-02084040 2-8 40 40 2.5 12 19.5 -12 100 B
QPJ-02084054 2-8 40 54 2.5 12 20 -12 100 B
QPJ-02064225 2-6 42 25 2.5 12 9.5 -12 50 B
QPJ-02064240 2-6 42 40 2.5 12 9.7 -12 50 B
QPJ-02064254 2-6 42 54 2.5 12 9.8 -12 50 B
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Microwave Broadband
Power Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
Model Number Frequency Power Gain Gain Flatness Voltage Current (A) –Voltage –Current Outline
Range (GHz) P1dB (dBm) (dB) (±dB) (V) typ. (V) (mA), max. Pages 40-45
QPJ-02064425 2-6 44 25 2.5 12 19 -12 100 B
QPJ-02064440 2-6 44 40 2.5 12 19.5 -12 100 B
QPJ-02064454 2-6 44 54 2.5 12 19.8 -12 100 B
QPJ-06183020 6-18 30 20 3 12 1.5t – – J, A
Ordering Information
Model Number QPJ - ABCD EF GH - IJ
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Millimeter-Wave Full Waveguide Band
Power Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
♦ Power Output to 38 dBm
♦ Gain Options from 10 to 50 dB
♦ Frequency 18-75 GHz
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s series QPI power amplifiers provide However, any combination of these interfaces is available
state-of-the-art high power performance in the 18-75 GHz as an option. A wide range of optional features is
frequency range. The standard amplifier products are available for these amplifiers. Please see page 39 for
offered with either a coaxial connector or waveguide ports. details of these options.
Model Number Frequency Power Gain Gain Flatness Voltage Current (A) –Voltage –Current Outline
Range (GHz) P1dB (dBm) (dB) (±dB) (V) typ. (V) (mA), max. Pages 40-45
QPI-K02310 K (18-26.5) 23 10 1.5 12 0.5 – – J,G,L,S
QPI-K02325 K (18-26.5) 23 25 1.75 12 0.6 – – J,G,L,S
QPI-K02340 K (18-26.5) 23 40 2 12 0.7 – – J,G,L,S
QPI-K02710 K (18-26.5) 27 10 1.5 12 0.8 – – J,G,L,S
QPI-K02725 K (18-26.5) 27 25 1.75 12 1.1 – – J,G,L,S
QPI-K02740 K (18-26.5) 27 40 2 12 1.2 – – J,G,L,S
QPI-K03010 K (18-26.5) 30 10 1.75 12 1.5 – – A,R,M,T
QPI-K03025 K (18-26.5) 30 25 2 12 1.8 – – A,R,M,T
QPI-K03040 K (18-26.5) 30 40 2.25 12 1.9 – – A,R,M,T
QPI-K03310 K (18-26.5) 33 10 1.75 12 3 – – A,R,M,T
QPI-K03325 K (18-26.5) 33 25 2 12 3.6 – – A,R,M,T
QPI-K03340 K (18-26.5) 33 40 2.25 12 3.7 – – A,R,M,T
QPI-K03625 K (18-26.5) 36 25 2 12 6.8 – – B,K,N,Q
QPI-K03640 K (18-26.5) 36 40 2.25 12 7 – – B,K,N,Q
QPI-K03825 K (18-26.5) 38 25 2.3 9 13.5 – – *
QPI-K03840 K (18-26.5) 38 40 2.5 9 14 – – *
QPI-KA2320 Ka (26.5-40) 23 20 2.5 12 0.8 – – J,G,L,S
QPI-KA2330 Ka (26.5-40) 23 30 2.5 12 0.95 – – J,G,L,S
QPI-KA2340 Ka (26.5-40) 23 40 2.5 12 1.1 – – J,G,L,S
QPI-KA2350 Ka (26.5-40) 23 50 2.5 12 1.2 – – J,G,L,S
QPI-KA2720 Ka (26.5-40) 27 20 2.5 12 1.6 – – J,G,L,S
QPI-KA2730 Ka (26.5-40) 27 30 2.5 12 1.9 – – J,G,L,S
QPI-KA2740 Ka (26.5-40) 27 40 2.5 12 2 – – J,G,L,S
QPI-KA2750 Ka (26.5-40) 27 50 2.5 12 2.1 – – J,G,L,S
QPI-KA3015 Ka (26.5-40) 30 15 3.5 12 6.5 -12 100 B,K,N,Q
QPI-KA3025 Ka (26.5-40) 30 25 3.5 12 6.7 -12 100 B,K,N,Q
QPI-KA3035 Ka (26.5-40) 30 35 3.5 12 6.9 -12 100 B,K,N,Q
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Millimeter-Wave Full Waveguide Band
Power Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
Model Number Frequency Power Gain Gain Flatness Voltage Current (A) –Voltage –Current Outline
Range (GHz) P1dB (dBm) (dB) (±dB) (V) typ. (V) (mA), max. Pages 40-45
QPI-KA3045 Ka (26.5-40) 30 45 3.5 12 7.1 -12 100 B,K,N,Q
QPI-Q02018 Q (33-50) 20s 18 3.5 12 0.9 – – A,R,M,T
QPI-Q02030 Q (33-50) 20s 30 3.5 12 0.95 – – A,R,M,T
QPI-Q02040 Q (33-50) 20s 40 3.5 12 1.2 – – A,R,M,T
Ordering Information
Model Number QPI - AB CD EF GH I
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Broadband Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
♦ Offered Over 2-110 GHz
♦ Broadband Performance
♦ Wide range of power and Gain options
♦ Choices of packages and interfaces
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s series QGW broadband general waveguide ports. For 18 to 40 GHz amplifiers, we offer
purpose, high gain-amplifiers are ideally suited for power 2.9 mm coaxial connectors, and 2.4 mm for 40-50 GHz
amplification over a wide bandwidth with gain and output and 1.9 mm connector for frequencies beyond.
power to suit virtually any application in the 2 to 110 GHz Appropriate coaxial or waveguide input and/or output
region. The amplifiers are offered with gains ranging from ports are offered for the entire range from 2 to 110 GHz.
10 to 50 dB, and nominal output power of 13 to 20 dBm, Any valid combination of coaxial and waveguide input
across the entire operating frequency band. and output ports can be supplied, if desired. A wide range
of optional features is available for these amplifiers.
The standard amplifier housing offers a wide range and Please see page 39 for details of these options.
combinations of input and output coaxial connectors or
Model Number Frequency Power Gain Gain Flatness Voltage Current (A) –Voltage –Current Outline
Range (GHz) P1dB (dBm) (dB) (±dB) (V) typ. (V) (mA), max. Pages 40-45
QGW-02301312 2-30 13 12 2 12 200 -12 50 J
QGW-02301324 2-30 13 24 2 12 250 -12 50 J
QGW-02301336 2-30 13 36 2 12 300 -12 50 J
QGW-02301348 2-30 13 48 2 12 350 -12 50 J
QGW-02301712 2-30 17 12 2 12 250 -12 50 J
QGW-02301724 2-30 17 24 2 12 300 -12 50 J
QGW-02301736 2-30 17 36 2 12 350 -12 50 J
QGW-02301748 2-30 17 48 2 12 400 -12 50 J
QGW-02302012 2-30 20 12 2 12 300 -12 50 J
QGW-02302024 2-30 20 24 2 12 350 -12 50 J
QGW-02302036 2-30 20 36 2 12 400 -12 50 J
QGW-02302048 2-30 20 48 2 12 450 -12 50 J
QGW-18401415 18-40 14 15 2.7 12 180 -12 50 E,J
QGW-18401423 18-40 14 23 2.8 12 230 -12 50 E,J
QGW-18401431 18-40 14 31 2.9 12 280 -12 50 J
QGW-18401439 18-40 14 39 3 12 330 -12 50 J
QGW-18401715 18-40 17 15 2.7 12 400 – – E,J
QGW-18401723 18-40 17 23 2.8 12 460 – – E,J
QGW-18401731 18-40 17 31 2.9 12 530 – – J
QGW-18401739 18-40 17 39 3 12 600 – – J
QGW-18402015 18-40 20 15 2.7 12 800 – – J
QGW-18402023 18-40 20 23 2.8 12 850 – – J
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Broadband Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
Model Number Frequency Power Gain Gain Flatness Voltage Current (A) –Voltage –Current Outline
Range (GHz) P1dB (dBm) (dB) (±dB) (V) typ. (V) (mA), max. Pages 40-45
QGW-18402031 18-40 20 31 2.9 12 900 – – J
QGW-18402039 18-40 20 39 3 12 950 – – J
QGW-33491312 33-49 13 12 2 12 500 -12 50 J,G,L,S
QGW-33491323 33-49 13 23 2 12 550 -12 50 J,G,L,S
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Broadband Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
Model Number Frequency Power Gain Gain Flatness Voltage Current (A) –Voltage –Current Outline
Range (GHz) P1dB (dBm) (dB) (±dB) (V) typ. (V) (mA), max. Pages 40-45
QGW-81912030 81-91 20s 30 3t 5 500 – – C1
s = saturated power
t = typical value
Ordering Information
Model Number QGW - ABCD EF GH IJ - K
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Millimeter-Wave Broadband
Low Noise Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
♦ Offered over 2-110 GHz
♦ State-of-the-art Low Noise Performance
♦ Low Power Consumption
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s series QLW low noise amplifiers 2.4 mm for 40-50 GHz and 1.9 mm connector for
utilize advanced MMICs and discrete devices for state-of- frequencies beyond. Any valid combination of coaxial
the-art noise performance in the 2-110 GHz frequency and waveguide input and output ports can be supplied, if
range. The majority of these amplifiers offer greater than desired. These low noise amplifiers are useful in EW
a standard waveguide bandwidth, and use appropriate systems, test equipment, and instrumentation systems
coaxial or waveguide interfaces. The standard amplifier where low system noise figure is very important. A wide
housing offers a wide range and combinations of input and range of optional features is available for these amplifiers.
output coaxial connectors or waveguide ports. For 18 to 40 Please see page 39 for details of these options.
GHz amplifiers, we offer 2.9 mm coaxial connectors, and
Model Number Frequency Noise Figure Gain (dB) Gain Flatness Current Outline
Range (GHz) (dB) (±dB) (mA) max. (pages 40-45)
at 12V
QLW-00504521 2-50 4.5* 21 2* 150 J
QLW-00504533 2-50 4.5* 33 2.5* 200 J
QLW-14273516 14-27 3.5 16 2 150 J
QLW-14273528 14-27 3.5 28 2.1 200 J
QLW-14273540 14-27 3.5 40 2.2 250 J
QLW-15262820 15-26 2.8 20 2.75 100 J,E
QLW-15262840 15-26 2.8 40 3 180 J,E
QLW-15262855 15-26 2.8 55 3.25 300 J
QLW-18262520 18-26.5 2.5 20 2.5 100 J,E,G,L,S
QLW-18262530 18-26.5 2.5 30 2.5 170 J,E,G,L,S
QLW-18262540 18-26.5 2.5 40 2.5 230 J,G,L,S
QLW-10333510 10-33 3.5 10 2 100 J, E
QLW-10333522 10-33 3.5 22 2.1 150 J
QLW-10333535 10-33 3.5 35 2.2 200 J
QLW-18404510 18-40 4.5* 10 2 100 J, E
QLW-18404520 18-40 4.5* 20 2.1 150 J
QLW-18404530 18-40 4.5* 30 2.2 200 J
QLW-18404540 18-40 4.5* 40 2.3 260 J
QLW-24403328 24-40 3.3 28 3.5 180 J,E
QLW-24403336 24-40 3.3 36 3.5 250 J
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Millimeter-Wave Broadband
Low Noise Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
Model Number Frequency Noise Figure Gain (dB) Gain Flatness Current Outline
Range (GHz) (dB) (±dB) (mA) max. (pages 40-45)
at 12V
QLW-36464815 36-46 4.8 15 2.25 100 J,E,G,L,S
QLW-36464826 36-46 4.8 26 2.5 180 J,E,G,L,S
QLW-36464835 36-46 4.8 35 2.5 250 J,G,L,S
QLW-33505510 33-50 5.5* 10 2.5* 100 J,G,L,S
QLW-33505520 33-50 5.5* 20 2.6 150 J,G,L,S
QLW-33505530 33-50 5.5* 30 2.7 200 J,G,L,S
QLW-33505540 33-50 5.5* 40 2.8 260 J,G,L,S
QLW-48605016 48-60 5* 16 3 200 J,G,L,S
QLW-48605025 48-60 5* 25 3.25 300 J,G,L,S
QLW-48605035 48-60 5* 35 3.5 400 J,G,L,S
QLW-50754515 50-75 4.5* 15 3 100 P1,I1
QLW-50754530 50-75 4.5* 30 3.5 200 P1,I2
QLW-60905518 60-90 5.5* 18 3.5 80 P1, I1
QLW-60905530 60-90 5.5* 30 3.5 120 P1, I2
QLW-75B05512 75-110 5.5* 12 3.5* 80 P1, I1
QLW-75B05522 75-110 5.5* 22 5* 120 P1,I2
* = typical value
Ordering Information
Model Number QLW - ABCD EF GH IJ - K
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Millimeter-Wave Broadband
Power Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
♦ Broad Bandwidth of Operation
♦ High Power Performance
♦ Available from 15 to 95 GHz
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s series QPW power amplifiers utilize waveguide input and/or output ports are offered for the
advanced MMICs and discrete devices for state-of-the-art entire range from 15 to 95 GHz. Any valid combination of
power performance in the 15-95 GHz frequency range. The coaxial and waveguide input and output ports can be
standard amplifier housing offers a wide range and supplied, if desired. In addition to the standard products,
combinations of input and output coaxial connectors or QuinStar can produce customized amplifiers to specific
waveguide ports. For 15 to 40 GHz amplifiers, we offer 2.9 requirements. A wide range of optional features is
mm coaxial connectors, and 2.4 mm for 40-50 GHz and 1.9 available for these amplifiers. Please see page 39 for
mm connectors for frequencies beyond. Appropriate details of these options.
Model Number Frequency Power Gain Gain Flatness Voltage Current (A) –Voltage –Current Outline
Range (GHz) P1dB (dBm) (dB) (±dB) (V) typ. (V) (mA), max. Pages 40-45
QPW-15272313 15-27 23 13 2 12 1 – – J
QPW-15272328 15-27 23 28 2 12 1.1 – – J
QPW-15272344 15-27 23 44 2 12 1.2 – – J
QPW-15272713 15-27 27 13 2 12 1.6 – – J
QPW-15272728 15-27 27 28 2 12 1.7 – – J
QPW-15272744 15-27 27 44 2 12 1.8 – – J
QPW-15273012 15-27 30 12 2 12 3.3 – – A
QPW-15273022 15-27 30 22 2 12 3.4 – – A
QPW-15273032 15-27 30 32 2 12 3.6 – – A
QPW-15273042 15-27 30 42 2 12 3.7 – – A
QPW-15273211 15-27 32 11 2 12 6 – – A
QPW-15273221 15-27 32 21 2 12 6.3 – – A
QPW-15273231 15-27 32 31 2 12 6.4 – – A
QPW-15273241 15-27 32 41 2 12 6.5 – – A
QPW-18282311 18-28 23 11 2 12 0.7 – – J,G,L,S
QPW-18282327 18-28 23 27 2 12 0.8 – – J,G,L,S
QPW-18282343 18-28 23 43 2 12 0.9 – – J,G,L,S
QPW-18282710 18-28 27 10 2 12 0.8 – – J,G,L,S
QPW-18282716 18-28 27 16 2 12 1.1 – – J,G,L,S
QPW-18282742 18-28 27 42 2 12 1.2 – – J,G,L,S
QPW-18283025 18-28 30 25 2.2 12 1.8 – – A
QPW-18283036 18-28 30 36 2.3 12 1.9 – – A
QPW-18283046 18-28 30 46 2.3 12 2 – – A
QPW-18283320 18-28 33 20 2.0 12 3.3 – – A
QPW-18283330 18-28 33 30 2.2 12 3.4 – – A
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Millimeter-Wave Broadband
Power Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
Model Number Frequency Power Gain Gain Flatness Voltage Current (A) –Voltage –Current Outline
Range (GHz) P1dB (dBm) (dB) (±dB) (V) typ. (V) (mA), max. Pages 40-45
QPW-18283340 18-28 33 40 2.3 12 3.5 – – A
QPW-18283620 18-28 36 20 2.2 12 7 – – B
QPW-18283630 18-28 36 30 2.3 12 7.5 – – B
QPW-18283640 18-28 36 40 2.4 12 7.7 – – B
QPW-18283820 18-28 38 20 2.5 12 14 – – *
QPW-18283830 18-28 38 30 2.6 12 15 – – *
QPW-18283840 18-28 38 40 2.7 12 15.5 – – *
QPW-26352315 26.5-34.5 23 15 1.8 12 0.4 – – J,G,L,S
QPW-26352326 26.5-34.5 23 26 2 12 0.45 – – J,G,L,S
QPW-26352337 26.5-34.5 23 37 2.3 12 0.5 – – J,G,L,S
QPW-26352348 26.5-34.5 23 48 2.5 12 0.55 – – J,G,L,S
QPW-26352815 26.5-34.5 28 15 2 12 1.5 – – A,R,M,T
QPW-26352826 26.5-34.5 28 26 2.3 12 1.6 – – A,R,M,T
QPW-26352837 26.5-34.5 28 37 2.5 12 1.7 – – A,R,M,T
QPW-26352848 26.5-34.5 28 48 2.8 12 1.8 – – A,R,M,T
QPW-26353013 26.5-34.5 30 13 3 12 3 – – B,K,N,Q
QPW-26353024 26.5-34.5 30 24 3 12 3.2 – – B,K,N,Q
QPW-26353035 26.5-34.5 30 35 3 12 3.4 – – B,K,N,Q
QPW-26353046 26.5-34.5 30 46 3 12 3.6 – – B,K,N,Q
QPW-20452320 20-45 23 20 2.5 12 0.8 – – J
QPW-20452330 20-45 23 30 2.5 12 0.95 – – J
QPW-20452340 20-45 23 40 2.5 12 1.1 – – J
QPW-20452350 20-45 23 50 2.5 12 1.2 – – J
QPW-20452720 20-45 27 20 2.5 12 1.6 – – J
QPW-20452730 20-45 27 30 2.5 12 1.9 – – J
QPW-20452740 20-45 27 40 2.5 12 2 – – J
QPW-20452750 20-45 27 50 2.5 12 2.1 – – J
QPW-20452918 20-45 29 18 3 12 3.2 -12 50 A
QPW-20452928 20-45 29 28 3 12 3.6 -12 50 A
QPW-20452940 20-45 29 40 3 12 3.8 -12 50 A
QPW-20452950 20-45 29 50 3 12 4 -12 50 A
QPW-24313020 24-31 30 20 2 10 2.5 -12 50 A,R,M,T
QPW-24313030 24-31 30 30 2 10 2.6 -12 50 A,R,M,T
QPW-24313040 24-31 30 40 2 10 2.7 -12 50 A,R,M,T
QPW-24313050 24-31 30 50 2 10 2.8 -12 50 A,R,M,T
QPW-24313320 24-31 33 20 2 10 3.5 -12 50 A,R,M,T
QPW-24313330 24-31 33 30 2 10 3.6 -12 50 A,R,M,T
QPW-24313340 24-31 33 40 2 10 3.7 -12 50 A,R,M,T
QPW-24313350 24-31 33 50 2 10 3.8 -12 50 A,R,M,T
QPW-24313618 24-31 36 18 2 10 7 -12 50 A,R,M,T
QPW-24313628 24-31 36 28 2 10 7.1 -12 50 A,R,M,T
QPW-24313638 24-31 36 38 2 10 7.2 -12 50 A,R,M,T
QPW-24313648 24-31 36 48 2 10 7.5 -12 50 A,R,M,T
QPW-24313817 24-31 38 17 2 10 14 -12 100 B,K,N,Q
QPW-24313827 24-31 38 27 2 10 14.2 -12 100 B,K,N,Q
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Millimeter-Wave Broadband
Power Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
Model Number Frequency Power Gain Gain Flatness Voltage Current (A) –Voltage –Current Outline
Range (GHz) P1dB (dBm) (dB) (±dB) (V) typ. (V) (mA), max. Pages 40-45
QPW-24313837 24-31 38 37 2 10 14.4 -12 100 B,K,N,Q
QPW-24313847 24-31 38 47 2 10 15 -12 100 B,K,N,Q
QPW-24314017 24-31 40s 17 2 10 28 -12 100 *
QPW-24314027 24-31 40s 27 2 10 28.4 -12 100 *
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Millimeter-Wave Broadband
Power Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
Model Number Frequency Power Gain Gain Flatness Voltage Current (A) –Voltage –Current Outline
Range (GHz) P1dB (dBm) (dB) (±dB) (V) typ. (V) (mA), max. Pages 40-45
QPW-90952318 90-95 23 18 3 5 0.8 – – P2
QPW-90952328 90-95 23 28 3 5 1 – – P2
QPW-90952715 90-95 27 15 3 5 1.8 – – C1
QPW-90952728 90-95 27 28 3 5 2 – – C1
QPW-90953020 90-95 30 20 3.5 5 5 – – C2
QPW-90953030 90-95 30 30 3.5 5 5.2 – – C2
s = Saturated Power
*Please contact QuinStar for outline information.
Ordering Information
Model Number QPW - ABCD EF GH IJ - K
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Millimeter-Wave Low Noise Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
♦ Offered Over 18-104 GHz Range
♦ State-of-the-art Low Noise Performance
♦ Wide Selection of Gain and Noise Figures
♦ Low Power Consumption
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s series QLN low noise amplifiers waveguide ports. For 18 to 40 GHz amplifiers, we offer 2.9
utilize advanced MMICs and discrete devices for state-of-the- mm coaxial connectors, and 2.4 mm for 40-50 GHz and 1.9
art low noise performance in the 18-104 GHz frequency mm connector for frequencies beyond. Appropriate
range. These amplifiers operate over up to 4 GHz waveguide input and/or output ports are offered for the
bandwidth at most frequency ranges of commercial or entire range from 18 to 104 GHz. Any valid combination of
military interest. Wide range of noise figures and gains are coaxial and waveguide input and output ports can be
offered over each frequency interval. supplied, if desired. Integral waveguide isolators are also
available for improved input and output matches. A wide
The standard amplifier housing offers a wide range and range of optional features is available for these amplifiers.
combinations of input and output coaxial connectors or Please see page 39 for details of these options.
Model Number Frequency Noise Figure Gain (dB) Gain Flatness Current Outline
Range (GHz) (dB) (±dB) (mA) max. (pages 40-45)
QLN-ABCD2520 18-22 2.5 20 1 100 J,E,G,L,S,D1
QLN-ABCD2540 18-22 2.5 40 1.25 180 J,E,G,L,S
QLN-ABCD2550 18-22 2.5 50 1.5 250 J,G,L,S
QLN-ABCD2520 22-26 2.5 20 1 100 J,E,G,L,S,D1
QLN-ABCD2540 22-26 2.5 40 1.25 180 J,E,G,L,S,D1
QLN-ABCD2550 22-26 2.5 50 1.5 250 J,G,L,S
QLN-ABCD2822 26-32 2.8 22 1.75 100 J,E,G,L,S,D1
QLN-ABCD2834 26-32 2.8 34 2 150 J,E,G,L,S,D1
QLN-ABCD2846 26-32 2.8 46 2.25 250 J,G,L,S
QLN-ABCD2822 32-36 2.8 22 1 100 J,E,G,L,S,D1
QLN-ABCD2834 32-36 2.8 34 1.25 150 J,E,G,L,S,D1
QLN-ABCD2846 32-36 2.8 46 1.5 250 J,G,L,S
QLN-ABCD2818 36-40 2.8 18 1.75 100 J,E,G,L,S,D1
QLN-ABCD2830 36-40 2.8 30 2 150 J,E,G,L,S,D1
QLN-ABCD2840 36-40 2.8 40 2.25 250 J,G,L,S
QLN-ABCD3522 38-42 3.5 22 2 150 J,E,G,L,S,D1
QLN-ABCD3534 38-42 3.5 34 2 200 J,E,G,L,S
QLN-ABCD3546 38-42 3.5 46 2 250 J,G,L,S
QLN-ABCD3522 40-45 3.5 22 2 150 J,E,G,L,S,D1
QLN-ABCD3534 40-45 3.5 34 2 200 J,E,G,L,S
QLN-ABCD3546 40-45 3.5 46 2 250 J,G,L,S
QLN-ABCD4518 42-46 4.5 18 1.5 150 J,E,G,L,S,D1
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Millimeter-Wave Low Noise Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
Model Number Frequency Noise Figure Gain (dB) Gain Flatness Current Outline
Range (GHz) (dB) (±dB) (mA) max. (pages 40-45)
QLN-ABCD4527 42-46 4.5 27 1.75 200 J,G,L,S
QLN-ABCD4537 42-46 4.5 37 2 250 J,G,L,S
QLN-ABCD4520 46-50 4.5 20 2 180 J,E,G,L,S
QLN-ABCD4530 46-50 4.5 30 2.1 250 J,G,L,S
QLN-ABCD4540 46-50 4.5 40 2.2 300 J,G,L,S
QLN-ABCD4520 50-54 4.5 20 2 180 P1,G
QLN-ABCD4530 50-54 4.5 30 2.1 250 P1,G
QLN-ABCD4540 50-54 4.5 40 2.2 300 P1,G
QLN-ABCD4518 54-58 4.5 18 1.5 100 P1,G
QLN-ABCD4536 54-58 4.5 36 2 180 P1,G,I2
QLN-ABCD4518 58-62 4.5 18 1.5 100 P1,I1
QLN-ABCD4536 58-62 4.5 36 2 180 P1,I2
QLN-ABCD4518 62-66 4.5 18 1.5 100 P1,I1
QLN-ABCD4536 62-66 4.5 36 2 180 P1,I2
QLN-ABCD4518 66-70 4.5 18 1.5 100 P1,I1
QLN-ABCD4536 66-70 4.5 36 2 180 P1,I2
QLN-ABCD4518 70-74 4.5 18 1.5 100 P1,I1
QLN-ABCD4536 70-74 4.5 36 2 180 P1,I2
QLN-ABCD5518 74-78 5.5t 18 2 100 P1,I2
QLN-ABCD5530 74-78 5.5t 30 2.2 130 P1
QLN-ABCD5518 78-82 5.5t 18 2 100 P1,I2
QLN-ABCD5530 78-82 5.5t 30 2.2 130 P1
QLN-ABCD5518 82-86 5.5t 18 2 100 P1,I2
QLN-ABCD5530 82-86 5.5t 30 2.2 130 P1
QLN-ABCD5518 86-92 5.5t 18 2 100 P1,I2
QLN-ABCD5530 86-92 5.5t 30 2.2 130 P1
QLN-ABCD6515 92-96 6.5 15 1.5 80 P1,I1
QLN-ABCD6528 92-96 6.5 28 2 150 P1,I2
QLN-ABCD5510 96-100 5.5 10 2 50 P1,I1
QLN-ABCD5524 96-100 5.5 24 2.5 150 P1,I2
QLN-ABCD5510 100-104 5.5 10 2t 50 P1,I1
QLN-ABCD5520 100-104 5.5 20 2.5t 100 P1,I2
t = typical
Ordering Information
Model Number QLN - AB CD EF GH IJ - K
♦ 18-95 GHz Coverage
♦ State-Of-The-Art Power Performance
♦ Large Selection of Standard Models
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s series QPN power amplifiers utilize beyond. Appropriate waveguide input and/or output
advanced Millimeter wave Monolithic Integrated Circuits ports are offered for the entire range from 18 to 95 GHz.
(MMICs) and discrete devices for state-of-the-art power Any valid combination of coaxial and waveguide input
performance up to 4 GHz bandwidth in the 18-95 GHz and output ports can be supplied, if desired.
frequency range. The standard amplifier housing offers a
wide range and combinations of input and output coaxial In addition to the standard products, QuinStar can
connectors or waveguide ports. For 18 to 40 GHz produce customized amplifiers to specific requirements.
amplifiers, we offer 2.9 mm coaxial connectors, and 2.4 A wide range of optional features is available for these
mm for 40-50 GHz and 1.9 mm connectors for frequencies amplifiers. Please see page 39 for details of these options.
Model Number Frequency Power Gain Voltage Current (A) –Voltage –Current Outline
Range1 (GHz) P1dB (dBm) (dB) (V) typ. (V) (mA), max. Pages 40-45
QPN-ABCD2310 18-22 23 10 12 0.5 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2325 18-22 23 25 12 0.6 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2340 18-22 23 40 12 0.7 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2710 18-22 27 10 12 0.8 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2725 18-22 27 25 12 1.1 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2740 18-22 27 40 12 1.2 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD3010 18-22 30 10 12 1.5 – – A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3025 18-22 30 25 12 1.8 – – A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3040 18-22 30 40 12 1.9 – – A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3310 18-22 33 10 10 3 – – A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3325 18-22 33 25 10 3.4 – – A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3340 18-22 33 40 10 3.5 – – A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3620 18-22 36 20 10 6t -12 150 B,K,N,Q
QPN-ABCD3640 18-22 36 40 10 6.5 -12 150 B,K,N,Q
QPN-ABCD3820 18-22 38 20 10 12 -12 150 B,K,N,Q
QPN-ABCD3840 18-22 38 40 10 13 -12 150 B,K,N,Q
QPN-ABCD2310 22-26 23 10 12 0.5 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2325 22-26 23 25 12 0.6 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2340 22-26 23 40 12 0.7 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2710 22-26 27 10 12 0.8 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2725 22-26 27 25 12 1.1 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2740 22-26 27 40 12 1.2 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD3010 22-26 30 10 12 1.5 – – A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3025 22-26 30 25 12 1.8 – – A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3040 22-26 30 40 12 1.9 – – A,R,M,T
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Millimeter-Wave High
Power Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
Model Number Frequency Power Gain Voltage Current (A) –Voltage –Current Outline
Range1 (GHz) P1dB (dBm) (dB) (V) typ. (V) (mA), max. Pages 40-45
QPN-ABCD3310 22-26 33 10 10 3 – – A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3325 22-26 33 25 10 3.4 – – A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3340 22-26 33 40 10 3.5 – – A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3620 22-26 36 20 10 6 -12 150 B,K,N,Q
QPN-ABCD3640 22-26 36 40 10 6.5 -12 150 B,K,N,Q
QPN-ABCD3820 22-26 38 20 10 12 -12 150 B,K,N,Q
QPN-ABCD3840 22-26 38 40 10 13 -12 150 B,K,N,Q
QPN-ABCD2315 26-32 23 15 12 0.4 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2326 26-32 23 26 12 0.45 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2337 26-32 23 37 12 0.5 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2348 26-32 23 48 12 0.55 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2713 26-32 27 13 12 0.9 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2728 26-32 27 28 12 1.1 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2739 26-32 27 39 12 1.2 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2750 26-32 27 50 12 1.3 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD3027 26-32 30 27 12 3.1 – – A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3038 26-32 30 38 12 3.2 – – A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3050 26-32 30 50 12 3.3 – – A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3327 26-32 33 27 12 4.4 -12 50 A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3338 26-32 33 38 12 4.5 -12 50 A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3350 26-32 33 50 12 4.6 -12 50 A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3627 26-32 36 27 8 8.8 -12 50 B,K,N,Q
QPN-ABCD3638 26-32 36 38 8 9 -12 50 B,K,N,Q
QPN-ABCD3650 26-32 36 50 8 9.6 -12 50 B,K,N,Q
QPN-ABCD3827 26-32 38 27 8 17 -12 50 *
QPN-ABCD3838 26-32 38 38 8 18 -12 50 *
QPN-ABCD3850 26-32 38 50 8 19 -12 50 *
QPN-ABCD2312 32-36 23 12 12 0.7 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2325 32-36 23 25 12 0.8 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2336 32-36 23 36 12 0.9 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2347 32-36 23 47 12 0.95 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2712 32-36 27 12 12 1.4 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2725 32-36 27 25 12 1.6 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2736 32-36 27 36 12 1.8 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2747 32-36 27 47 12 2 – – J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD3010 32-36 30 10 12 2.8 -12 50 A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3023 32-36 30 23 12 3 -12 50 A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3035 32-36 30 35 12 3.2 -12 50 A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3045 32-36 30 45 12 3.5 -12 50 A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3312 32-36 33 12 12 4.8 -12 100 A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3323 32-36 33 23 12 5 -12 100 A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3335 32-36 33 35 12 5.2 -12 100 A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3345 32-36 33 45 12 5.5 -12 100 A,R,M,T
QPN-ABCD3621 32-36 36 21 10 9 -12 100 B,K,N,Q
QPN-ABCD3630 32-36 36 30 10 9.5 -12 100 B,K,N,Q
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Millimeter-Wave High
Power Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
Model Number Frequency Power Gain Voltage Current (A) –Voltage –Current Outline
Range1 (GHz) P1dB (dBm) (dB) (V) typ. (V) (mA), max. Pages 40-45
QPN-ABCD3640 32-36 36 40 10 10 -12 100 B,K,N,Q
QPN-ABCD3820 32-36 38 20 10 18 -12 100 *
QPN-ABCD3830 32-36 38 30 10 19 -12 100 *
QPN-ABCD3840 32-36 38 40 10 20 -12 100 *
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Millimeter-Wave High
Power Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
Model Number Frequency Power Gain Voltage Current (A) –Voltage –Current Outline
Range1 (GHz) P1dB (dBm) (dB) (V) typ. (V) (mA), max. Pages 40-45
QPN-ABCD2322 44-48 23 22 12 0.9 -12 50 J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2332 44-48 23 32 12 1 -12 50 J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2342 44-48 23 42 12 1.2 -12 50 J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2610 44-48 26s 10 12 1.2 -12 50 J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2620 44-48 26s 20 12 1.5 -12 50 J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2630 44-48 26s 30 12 1.6 -12 50 J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2640 44-48 26s 40 12 1.8 -12 50 J.G,L,S
QPN-ABCD2318 50-54 23 18 8 2.2 – – C1
QPN-ABCD2330 50-54 23 30 8 2.5 – – C1
QPN-ABCD2618 50-54 26 18 8 5 – – C2
QPN-ABCD2630 50-54 26 30 8 5.5 – – C2
QPN-ABCD2818 50-54 28 18 8 10 – – *
QPN-ABCD2830 50-54 28 30 8 11 – – *
QPN-ABCD2318 54-58 23 18 8 2.2 – – C1
QPN-ABCD2330 54-58 23 30 8 2.5 – – C1
QPN-ABCD2618 54-58 26 18 8 5 – – C2
QPN-ABCD2630 54-58 26 30 8 5.5 – – C2
QPN-ABCD2816 54-58 28 16 8 10 – – *
QPN-ABCD2830 54-58 28 30 8 11 – – *
QPN-ABCD2318 58-62 23 18 8 2.2 – – C1
QPN-ABCD2330 58-62 23 30 8 2.5 – – C1
QPN-ABCD2618 58-62 26 18 8 5 – – C2
QPN-ABCD2630 58-62 26 30 8 5.5 – – C2
QPN-ABCD2816 58-62 28 16 8 10 – – *
QPN-ABCD2830 58-62 28 30 8 11 – – *
QPN-ABCD2318 62-66 23 18 8 12 – – C1
QPN-ABCD2330 62-66 23 30 8 13 – – C1
QPN-ABCD2618 62-66 26 18 8 14 – – C2
QPN-ABCD2630 62-66 26 30 8 15 – – C2
QPN-ABCD2816 62-66 28 16 8 16 – – *
QPN-ABCD2830 62-66 28 30 8 17 – – *
QPN-ABCD2128 71-76 21 28 6 0.7 – – P2
QPN-ABCD2420 90-95 24s 20 6 0.9 – – P1
QPN-ABCD2430 90-95 24s 30 6 1 – – P2
QPN-ABCD2718 90-95 27s 18t 6 1.8 – – C1
QPN-ABCD2730 90-95 27s 30 6 2 – – C1
QPN-ABCD3018 90-95 30s 18t 6 4.5 – – C2
QPN-ABCD3030 90-95 30s 30 6 5 – – C2
s = Saturated power output
Standard product has 2 GHz of operating bandwidth within this frequency range
* Please contact QuinStar for applicable package outline
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Millimeter-Wave High
Power Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
Ordering Information
Model Number QPN - AB CD EF GH IJ - K
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Millimeter-Wave General
Purpose Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
♦ 18-110 GHz Coverage
♦ Wide Range of Frequency and Gain Options
♦ Choice of Packages & Interfaces
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s series QGN amplifiers are ideally waveguide ports. For 18 to 40 GHz amplifiers, we offer
suited for most common applications requiring high RF 2.9 mm coaxial connectors, and 2.4 mm for 40-50 GHz
gain over a relatively narrow bandwidth. The amplifiers are and 1.9 mm connector for frequencies beyond.
offered with nominal gains of 20 to 50 dB typically, and Appropriate waveguide input and/or output ports are
nominal output power of 10-20 dBm, across their entire offered for the entire range from 18 to 110 GHz. Any valid
operating frequency range combination of coaxial and waveguide input and output
ports can be supplied, if desired. A wide range of
The standard amplifier housing offers a wide range and optional features is available for these amplifiers. Please
combinations of input and output coaxial connectors or see page 39 for details of these options.
Model Number Frequency Power Gain Gain Flatness Voltage Current Outline
Range (GHz) P1dB (dBm) (dB) (±dB) (V) (mA) max. (pages 40-45)
QGN-ABCD1720 18-22 17 20 1.5 12 350 J,G,E,L,S
QGN-ABCD1730 18-22 17 30 1.65 12 450 J,G,L,S
QGN-ABCD1740 18-22 17 40 1.8 12 500 J,G,L,S
QGN-ABCD1750 18-22 17 50 2 12 600 J,G,L,S
QGN-ABCD2020 18-22 20 20 1.5 12 350 J,G,E,L,S
QGN-ABCD2030 18-22 20 30 1.65 12 450 J,G,L,S
QGN-ABCD2040 18-22 20 40 1.8 12 500 J,G,L,S
QGN-ABCD2050 18-22 20 50 2 12 600 J,G,L,S
QGN-ABCD1718 22-26 17 18 1.5 12 350 J,G,L,S
QGN-ABCD1730 22-26 17 30 1.65 12 450 J,G,L,S
QGN-ABCD1740 22-26 17 40 1.8 12 500 J,G,L,S
QGN-ABCD1750 22-26 17 50 2 12 600 J,G,L,S
QGN-ABCD2020 22-26 20 20 1.5 12 600 J,G,L,S
QGN-ABCD2030 22-26 20 30 1.65 12 680 J,G,L,S
QGN-ABCD2040 22-26 20 40 1.8 12 750 J,G,L,S
QGN-ABCD2050 22-26 20 50 2 12 800 J,G,L,S
QGN-ABCD1716 26-32 17 16 1.5 12 350 J,G,L,S
QGN-ABCD1727 26-32 17 27 1.65 12 450 J,G,L,S
QGN-ABCD1737 26-32 17 37 1.8 12 550 J,G,L,S
QGN-ABCD1748 26-32 17 48 2 12 600 J,G,L,S
QGN-ABCD2020 26-32 20 20 1.5 12 600 J,G,L,S
QGN-ABCD2030 26-32 20 30 1.65 12 680 J,G,L,S
QGN-ABCD2040 26-32 20 40 1.8 12 750 J,G,L,S
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Millimeter-Wave General
Purpose Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
Model Number Frequency Power Gain Gain Flatness Voltage Current Outline
Range (GHz) P1dB (dBm) (dB) (±dB) (V) (mA) max. (pages 40-45)
QGN-ABCD2050 26-32 20 50 2 12 800 J,G,L,S
QGN-ABCD1715 33-36 17 15 1.5 12 400 J,G,L,S
QGN-ABCD1726 33-36 17 26 1.65 12 480 J,G,L,S
QGN-ABCD1737 33-36 17 37 1.8 12 560 J,G,L,S
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Millimeter-Wave General
Purpose Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
Model Number Frequency Power Gain Gain Flatness Voltage Current Outline
Range (GHz) P1dB (dBm) (dB) (±dB) (V) (mA) max. (pages 40-45)
QGN-ABCD1715 78-84 17* 15 3 5 350 P1
QGN-ABCD1733 78-84 17* 33 3.5 5 350 P1
QGN-ABCD2015 78-84 20* 15 3t 5 700 P2
QGN-ABCD2033 78-84 20* 33 3.5t 5 800 P2
QGN-ABCD1715 84-90 17 15 2 5 200 P1,I1
QGN-ABCD1733 84-90 17 33 2 5 400 P1,I2
QGNABCD02015 84-90 20* 15 2 5 500 P1
QGN-ABCD2030 84-90 20* 30 2t 5 800 P1
QGN-ABCD1715 90-100 17 15 2 5 500 P1,I2
QGN-ABCD1730 90-100 17 30 2 5 750 P1
QGN-ABCD2020 90-100 20* 20 2 5 1000 P1
QGN-ABCD2030 90-100 20* 30 2t 5 1500 P1
QGN-ABCD1315 100-110 13* 15 2 5 700 P1
* = Saturated power
t = typical value
Ordering Information
Model Number QGN - AB CD EF GH IJ - K
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Instrumentation Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
♦ Fully packaged in enclosure
♦ Operate on AC power
♦ Offered over 2-110 GHz range
♦ Custom Performance Available
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s series QAI Instrumentation All products include appropriate displays, indicators,
amplifiers are fully packaged high performance amplifiers controls and cooling arrangements for ease of operation
for test and instrumentation applications. These amplifiers with high reliability. A wide range of optional features is
are packaged in rugged equipment enclosure with all also available for these amplifiers. See page 39 for details
power supplies and control circuits included to allow AC of these optional features. Enclosures may be standard
power operation. They employ QuinStar’s wide range of rack-mountable or custom designs depending on
amplifier products and incorporate optional features to application or customer requirements. If desired, models
enhance their user-friendliness. Standard products include that operate on DC power supplies (12 or 24 V) can be
power amplifiers, general-purpose amplifiers and supplied. These amplifiers are well suited for test and
broadband driver amplifiers for popular applications in measurement, laboratory use, TWT replacement or for
frequency range covering 2 to 110 GHz. Custom products dedicated instrumentation sources.
can be configured and readily produced to meet virtually
any performance and operational requirements.
Frequency Range Performance Characteristics
2-8 GHz 10 Watts, 40 dB nominal gain, +/- 1.5 dB gain flatness
6-18 GHz 10 Watts, 35 dB min. gain, +/- 2 dB gain flatness
18-26.5 GHz 5 Watts, 40 dB gain
26.5-40 GHz 2 Watt, 30 dB min. gain, +/-3 dB gain flatness
2-50 GHz 18 dBm typical power, 37 dB min. gain
33-50 GHz 17 dBm, 48 dB gain
50-75 GHz 16 dBm, 30 dB typical gain, +/- 3 dB gain flatness
75-110 GHz 13 dBm, 25 dB nominal gain
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Instrumentation Amplifiers
Amplifier Products
Ordering Information
Model Number QAI- ABCD EF GH IJ - K
gain, in dB
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Cryogenic Amplifiers
and Systems
Amplifier Products
QUINSTAR TECHNOLOGY has acquired the product line helium refrigerator, the dewar and its radiation heat
and the capability of Berkshire Technologies, inc, a small shield, together with the amplifiers and associated
innovative company specializing in the manufacture of waveguide and coaxial components. The amplifiers,
ultra low noise microwave amplifiers and systems. which are attached to a 20K refrigerator cold head, are in
Berkshire Products incorporate many years of unique a vacuum. They are surrounded by the radiation shield
experience in designing GaAsFET and HEMT amplifiers (temperature approximately 70K) which impedes the flow
tailored for ultra low noise at spot frequencies. QuinStar of heat from the dewar to the amplifiers. Microwave
offers a standard line of coolable low-noise amplifiers connections in and out of the dewar are designed to
(LNAs) that cover the most popularly used frequencies achieve low electrical loss and to provide a large thermal
in the 1 to 18 GHz range. We can also custom-design barrier. Input isolators are cooled to 20K to reduce the
and build special-purpose coolable amplifiers to customer loss temperature of those components. Cool down time
specifications. for such a system is several hours; the exact time depends
upon the size of the refrigerator.
Cooled, low noise amplifiers are used in critical A 20K cryogenic system of the type described provides
applications that require the ultimate in sensitivity. Cooled nearly the ultimate in noise performance for only
LNAs find important uses in radio astronomy, satellite earth moderate complexity and cost. Such systems can be
stations, radiometers, and electron spin resonance custom built by QuinStar Technology. To exceed its
measurements. They can also serve as lF amplifiers for performance, one would have to go to a liquid Helium
SIS and Schottky diode-based millimeter and sub- cooling system, or employ a refrigerator capable of
millimeter mixers. maintaining the amplifiers at temperatures of 4K.
COOLING HEMT BASED AMPLIFIERS Refrigerator-cooled HEMT systems have been found to be
Cooling a HEMT-based amplifier to 20K decreases the noise very reliable in field use on antennas. The MTBF for a 20K
temperature by a factor of ten (and increases gain by about refrigerator is much greater than one year; amplifier life is
3dB) compared to room temperature values. A typical extremely long based on the performance of hundreds of
cooling curve showing amplifier noise temperature as a units operating in the field.
function of physical temperature is shown below. Note that
the noise continues to decrease below 20K, and that POWER SUPPLIES FOR COOLABLE AMPLIFIERS
amplifier performance continues to improve down to Power Supply Model PS-3D is recommended for use with
physical temperatures of 4K and lower. our cooled amplifiers. This servo-controlled power supply
is complete with metering and maintains the proper bias
on the cooled FETs.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Cryogenic Amplifiers
and Systems
Amplifier Products
enabled us to achieve much wider bandwidths than
formerly possible. At 4 GHz, 30 percent bandwidth is
available with only a small degradation of noise
performance; we produce an octave band amplifier in the
2-4 GHz range. For cooled amplifiers, each stage is
supplied with an external regulator circuit which stabilizes
the operating point over the large range of temperature
changes encountered during cool down. We test each
amplifier several times at the appropriate temperatures in
the process of manufacture, and adjust for optimum
performance in the cold condition.
General Specifications amplifiers. These systems include the closed cycle helium
Gain Flatness ± 1.5dB refrigerator (CCR), vacuum dewar, cooled amplifiers,
power supplies and remote control monitor unit.
Gain Slope ± 0.1dB/10MHz Max.
Standard models are available in the frequency ranges
Power Out @ 1dB Compression +3dBm indicated below.
Third Order Intercept +13dBm
The amplifiers are cooled to 20 Kelvin in the dewar, where
Group Delay: Linear ± 0.1 nS/100MHz they are interfaced with low loss gapped waveguide. Low
Ripple ± 0.1 nS/10MHz loss stainless steel coax lines are employed at the lower
Input VSWR* 1.25:1 C, X and Ku band frequencies. Vacuum instrumentation and a cryogenic
2:1 L, S band (1.3:1 available as an option) thermometer are included, and a remote helium
Output VSWR 2:1 max. (1.3:1 available as an option) compressor is supplied with a set of 10 feet of
flexible helium lines. In addition a post amplifier of
*L and S band amplifiers achieve VSWR below 2:1 without input
approximately 20 dB gain can be provided to overcome
isolators. Input isoaltors for these bands are available at
additional cost. The C, X and Ku band amplifiers are supplied
subsequent filter and mixer losses.
with input isolators. Output isolators, if desired, are available at The standard system employs the Cryogenic Technology
additional cost. (CTI) model 22 refrigerator. For faster cool down and
Connectors In/Out SMA M/F greater cooling capacity the CTI model 350 refrigerator
may be supplied at additional cost.
Cooled Amplifier Systems
We supply complete cryogenically cooled systems
containing our line of Ultra-Low-Noise cooled HEMT
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Cryogenic Amplifiers
and Systems
Amplifier Products
General Specifications:
Gain Flatness +/-1.5dB
Gain Ripple +/-0.2dB/50MHz
Group delay, Linear 0.01 nSec/MHz max.
1 dB Gain Compression +3 dBm min.
3rd Order Intercept +13 dBm
Input/output VSWR 1.25:1 max.
Input Connector Waveguide/Type N
Output Connector Type N or SMA
Phase linearity 5 deg. max. deviation from linear
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Custom Options and Configurations
for Amplifier Products
Amplifier Products
In addition to the options for input and output interfaces • Thermal Protection (Option T): The amplifier’s
and package style, QuinStar also offers a wide range of internal power supply is switched off automatically if
useful options, added features and practical configurations the case temperature exceeds a predetermined
to suit customers’ specific requirements. These optional maximum value thus protecting the amplifier from
features may be incorporated in most of the amplifier permanent damage
products offered by QuinStar Technology. If desired, more • Temperature compensation (Option C):
than one option may be selected for some amplifiers. Compensation or correction for changes in gain due
Some of the most commonly supplied options are: to variation in temperature may be provided for
• Gain Control (Option G): A DC analog control signal certain amplifiers as an option.
may be applied to vary the gain of the amplifier over a • Phase matched (Option F): QuinStar can supply a set
wide range. This feature may be used with the power of amplifiers with their output phase characteristics
monitoring option to implement automatic gain matched to each other.
control (AGC) or power output level control (ALC)
functions. • Active Cooling (Option A): Heat sink with a fan is
provided to cool the amplifier to temperatures within
• Built-in detector output (Option D): A built-in the safe limits.
detector circuit detects sampled or coupled portion of
output signal power. The detector’s output voltage is • Power Supplies (Option S): Power supplies that
made available for monitoring amplifier’s output allow the operation of the amplifier using AC voltage
power. This detected signal may be used for is integrated with the amplifier in a compact package.
automatic gain control, power monitoring or for • Limiter (Option L): A limiter that protects the
built-in test. amplifier from damage from excessive input power is
• Dual Output (Option M): In addition to the main incorporated in the amplifier circuit.
power output, a second output signal may also be • Phase Shifter (Option B): Digital phase shifters are
provided. The second output may be derived by integrated within the amplifiers to provide the
splitting the amplifier’s output signal in any desired capability of shifting the output phase in suitable
ratio or at any coupling level. Alternatively, a sample or increments.
coupled portion of an intermediate amplifier stage may
• Integral or External Isolator (Option I): Isolators are
be provided as the second output.
integrated with the amplifier’s input and/or output to
• Pulse Modulation or TTL Switching (Option P): The improve the match. Isolators may be incorporated
amplifier output may be pulsed or switched ON and within the amplifier housing (Integral Isolators) or
OFF by an external signal. This option may be used to externally connected (External Isolators) to achieve
produce a narrow pulsed output from a CW input the desired match into the amplifier’s input and/or
signal, or for switching the amplifier, thus reducing the output.
DC power consumption and the heat dissipated in the
amplifier. Typical turn-on and turn-off times are 10 and
20 ns, respectively. Minimum pulse width that may be
generated is 100 ns.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Amplifier Outlines
Amplifier Products
Outline C1 (W-band)
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Amplifier Outlines
Amplifier Products
Outline C2
Outline D1 Outline G
Outline H
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Amplifier Outlines
Amplifier Products
4X 4-40 UNC-2B
.43 FLANGE UG-387/U-M
I1 1.09 0.90
.43 I2 1.23 1.04
4X 2-56 UNC-SB
.70 .08
.85 .85
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Amplifier Outlines
Amplifier Products
Outline M (female) Outline M (male)
Outline N (female) Outline N (male)
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Amplifier Outlines
Amplifier Products
Outline P1 Outline P2
Outline R
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Amplifier Outlines
Amplifier Products
Outline S (female) Outline S (male)
Outline T (female) Outline T (male)
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Amplifier Products
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Receiver Products
Receiver Products
Product Title Model No. Page Number
Receiver Products 47
Application Notes & Technical Information 48
Broadband Detectors QEA 49
Balanced Phase Detectors QEP 51
Harmonic Mixers and Diplexers QMH 53
Spectrum Analyzer Mixers and Diplexers QMA 55
Balanced Mixers QMB 57
Upconverters QMU 59
Subharmonic Mixers QHS 61
I-Q Mixer QMI 62
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Receiver Products
Application Notes and Technical Information
1 dB gain compression point. –The dynamic range of a Sensitivity – The minimum input signal required to
mixer is the range of input RF power levels (in dBm) for produce an output signal having a specified signal-
which the mixer produces useful IF output power. to-noise ratio. Tangential sensitivity (TSS) typically assumes
Receiver Products
Dynamic range is limited at the low end by the noise 8 dB signal-to-noise ratio.
performance of the mixer devices. When the input power Spurious products – Undesired or spurious products are
is such as to produce a discernable IF output signal a generated in addition to the desired signal sidebands as
constant power ratio (equal to the conversion loss) is a result of diode non-linearities. These products increase
established between input RF power and output IF power. the amount of signal power lost, in addition to providing
As input power is increased, a point is reached where “false” outputs.
this constant power ratio is no longer maintained and
conversion loss begins to increase. When conversion loss Two-tone intermodulation products – The generation of
has increased by 1 dB, the upper limit of the mixers spurious output frequencies in a mixer is the result of
dynamic range is deemed to have been reached and using non-linear switching elements. Even for the single
this “1 dB compression point” generally delineates the input frequency the number of such products that is
upper level of input power for which the mixer should generated as discernible power levels is quite large.
be used These products have even higher power when the input
1 dB desensitization level – The RF input level of an signal contains multitone components. A figure of merit
interfering signal that causes a mixer’s small signal indicative of the ability of a mixer to suppress such
conversion loss to increase by 1 dB. intermodulation products is the "two-tone third order
Conversion loss (SSB) – The ratio of RF input power to
the IF output power of one sideband. If an IF
amplifier is used, conversion gain may result.
DC polarity – The mixer IF voltage measured with only the
LO operating and the RF port terminated.
Harmonic intermodulation products – Mixer output
signals other than the desired fLO + or – fRF , which are
harmonically related to either or both of the input signals.
(Also termed NRF + or – MLO, NxM or “spurs.”)
Isolation – The amount an input signal is attenuated when
measured at another mixer port.
Noise Effective Power (NEP)
NEP = NV/R √Hz
Where NV is noise voltage in Volts/ √Hz, and R =
intercept point" (usually measured in dBm). See Figure 1
Responsivity in Volts/Watt
above. The hypothetical intercept point is arrived at by
Noise floor = NEP • (modulation frequency)1/2 in Watts extrapolating measured data to suggest an input RF power
Noise figure (SSB) – The ratio of the signal-to-noise ratio level at which IF power and intermodulation products
at the mixer input divided by the signal-to-noise ratio of would be equal. Mixers with high intercept points
one of the sidebands at the output. generate low intermodulation distortion products.
Responsivity – The detector responsivity is the voltage
produced at the output for a specific power input, usually
expressed in millivolts per microwatt CW.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Broadband Detectors
Receiver Products
♦ Full Waveguide Bandwidths
♦ High Sensitivity
♦ No Bias Required
♦ Positive or Negative Output
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's QEA series broadband detectors high-impedance oscilloscopes and scalar analyzers. They
cover the frequency range of 18 to 170 GHz in nine can be used for both CW and pulsed power
waveguide bands. These detectors provide an output measurements. They are constructed with a very rugged,
voltage which is directly proportional to the power level of reliable split-block mechanical design and are available
an RF signal without needing any external DC bias. They with either positive or negative output voltage polarity.
are useful for power detection, monitoring, built-in-test Detector adaptors for use with scalar network analyzes
and frequency measurement. The detectors can also be such as HP or Agilent 8756A are offered.
used in millimeter-wave test systems with a wide variety of
Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110 90-140 110-170
Waveguide Size WR-42 WR-28 WR-22 WR-19 WR-15 WR-12 WR-10 WR-8 WR-6
Sensitivity (mV/mW min) 1,2
1000 1000 1000 800 800 500 500 250 250
Flatness (dB max)3 ±1.5 ±1.5 ±1.5 ±1.5 ±1.5 ±1.5 ±2.0 ±3.0 ±3.0
Input Power (mW max) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50
The sensitivity of QEA broadband detectors can be optimized over a narrow bandwidth if desired.
Measured at - 10dBm input power level, into a 100 K ohm load.
Better flatness can be achieved over reduced bandwidth
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Broadband Detectors
Ordering Information
50 50
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Balanced Phase Detectors
Receiver Products
♦ Phase Comparison of 2 RF Signals
♦ High RF Isolation
♦ Balanced Configuration
Product Description
suppression of the adverse effect of amplitude
QuinStar Technology's QEP series balanced phase
detectors enable phase comparison of two RF signals. modulation. The detected output is proportional to phase
They utilize GaAs beam lead diodes which offer significant differences up to 180 degrees for two equal amplitude
advantages over other detector types. signals at the same frequency.
The diodes are carefully matched to achieve high isolation Balanced phase detectors are typically used in phase
between RF ports, low DC offset, noise cancellation and bridges and phase modulated receiver systems.
Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110
Waveguide Size WR-42 WR-28 WR-22 WR-19 WR-15 WR-12 WR-10
Bandwidth (GHz typ) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Sensitivity (mV/degree, typ)1 5 5 5 5 4 3 3
RF Isolation (dB typ) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
AM Suppression (dB typ) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Input Power (mW max) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Balanced Phase Detectors
Ordering Information
Please specify exact RF frequency range
Model Number QEP - AB CD E 0 ! when ordering.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Harmonic Mixers and Diplexers
Receiver Products
♦ Optimized for Any Harmonic Number
♦ External Diplexer Option
♦ High Sensitivity
♦ Broad Bandwidth
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's QMH series harmonic mixers They are also ideally suited for test and measurement
enable downconversion of millimeter-wave signals using equipment, such as spectrum analyzers, frequency
lower frequency (microwave) local oscillator in the 2 to 20 counters and power meters.
GHz frequency range. The downconverted intermediate Harmonic mixers can be optimized for either odd or even
frequency (IF) is in the 5 MHz to 3 GHz range. Harmonic harmonics of the local oscillator (LO). They can also be
mixing is achieved by mixing appropriate harmonic N of produced to operate on all harmonics, even or odd.
the local oscillator, generated by the mixer itself, with the Series QMH harmonic mixers have a common SMA port
RF signal to produce an IF typically in the 5 MHz to 3 GHz for LO and IF signals, and hence require an external
range, such that fIF = |N.fLO–fRF|. The separation of the LO diplexer. Those mixers can be supplied with external
and IF signals is done by an external diplexer. They cover diplexers to combine/separate LO and IF signals. Several
the frequency range of 18 to 170 GHz in nine full choices of LO & IF ranges are offered as standard
waveguide bands. These harmonic mixers are useful for products. Typical LO ranges from 1.5 GHz to 20 GHz and
subsystem applications involving frequency sampling IF from DC to 2.5 GHz.
such as phase-locked oscillators and frequency linearizers.
Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110 90-140 110-170
Waveguide Size WR-42 WR-28 WR-22 WR-19 WR-15 WR-12 WR-10 WR-8 WR-6
Conversion Loss (dB typ) 1
20 22 24 26 28 30 32 35 37
Minimum Detectable Signal in 1 kHz
bandwidth (dBm, typ.)2 –110 –110 –105 –100 –95 -90 –85 –80 –75
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Harmonic Mixers and Diplexers
Ordering Information
Please specify exact RF and LO/IF frequency
Model Number QMH - AB CD E F GH ! range when ordering.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Spectrum Analyzer Mixers
and Diplexers
Receiver Products
♦ Extends Spectrum Analyzer
Frequency Range
♦ High Sensitivity
♦ Compatible with Many Popular
Spectrum Analyzer Models
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's QMA series of spectrum analyzer For spectrum analyzers with separate LO output and IF
mixers facilitate the display and measurement of milli- input ports, an optional diplexer that combines the LO and
meter-wave signals using lower frequency (microwave) IF signals is available from QuinStar. Spectrum analyzers
local oscillator signals. They cover the frequency range of with built-in diplexers, such as the HP8555A, HP8565A,
18 to 170 GHz in nine waveguide bands. These mixers are HP8569A, Tektronix 7L18 and Tektronix 492, do not require
designed to operate with many popular spectrum analyzer the diplexer option. However, the diplexer option is
models that have local oscillator outputs and IF inputs. required for spectrum analyzers without built-in diplexers
such as the HP8566A/B, HP8569B and Anritsu 710.
Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110 90-140 110-170
Waveguide Size WR-42 WR-28 WR-22 WR-19 WR-15 WR-12 WR-10 WR-8 WR-6
Minimum Detectable Signal in 1 kHz
bandwidth (dBm, typ.)1 –110 –110 –105 –100 –95 -90 –85 –80 –75
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Spectrum Analyzer Mixers
and Diplexers
Ordering Information
polarity *
P = positive
N = negative
* Mixer bias voltage with respect to case.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Balanced Mixers
Receiver Products
♦ Full Waveguide Band Coverage
♦ Low Conversion Loss
♦ High LO to RF Isolation
♦ Variety of IF Bands
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's QMB series balanced mixers be provided if desired. The local oscillator waveguide port
enable millimeter-wave signals to be down converted to may be in either the same waveguide band as RF
broad IF bandwidths with a local oscillator. They are waveguide port, or in lower or higher waveguide bands
available for RF over 18-110 GHz in seven waveguide bands (the two adjacent bands). For IF above 18 GHz, a
and operate over very broad RF, LO and IF bandwidths. For K-connector is provided on the IF port.
fixed LO frequency applications, a very wide IF range may
1 Local oscillators (LO) drive level required is 11.0 dBm minimum, 13 dBm typical (nominal) and 17 dBm max. for U-band and below;
15 dBm max. for V-band and above.
2 LO to RF isolation is typical 20 dB.
3 LO to IF isolation is 40 dB typical for LO above RF range and is 20 dB min. for LO below the RF range.
4 Conversion loss is tested at RF power level of –10 dBm
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Balanced Mixers
Ordering Information
Please specify RF, IF and LO frequencies
Model Number QMB - AB CD E F ! when ordering.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Receiver Products
♦ Customized RF Bandwidth
♦ Low Conversion Loss
♦ High Output Power
♦ Integral Filter for SSB
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's QMU series upconverters cover the approximately 3 dBm. Conversion loss of the upconverter
frequency range of 18 to 110 GHz in seven waveguide (defined as the difference between IF and RF output
bands. These upconverters have a balanced mixer power) varies with LO drive level and iF input power.
configuration for high LO to RF isolation. They are Generally, the RF output power varies linearly with IF
constructed with a rugged, split-block mechanical design signal below –10 dBm level, and hence conversion loss is
that utilizes GaAs beam-lead Schottky barrier diodes. nearly constant.
The upconverter combines LO and IF signals and produces Local oscillator waveguide port may be in either the same
RF output signals at frequencies of their sum and waveguide band as RF waveguide port, or in a lower or
difference, i.e., LO ± IF. An optional integral waveguide higher waveguide band (the two adjacent bands),
filter is available to produce a single-sideband output depending on LO frequency. The upconverter can supply
signal. Typical IF bandwidth is a few GHz, but wider several milliwatts of single-sideband output power with
bandwidth upconverters are available. The LO and IF drive the proper input power levels. Upconverters are essential
power levels determine the RF output power level. components in radars, communication systems and
Typically, a high LO power level (near 17 dBm/50 mw) is measurement instruments.
needed to produce fully saturated RF output power of
Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110
Conversion Loss (dB typ)1 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-8 7-9 8-10 8-10
RF Output Power (dBm Sat. SSB) 4 4 4 4 4 3 3
Bandwidth (GHz typ) 2
0.5-8.0 0.5-8.0 0.5-8.0 0.5-8.0 0.5-10.0 0.5-10.0 0.5-10.0
IF for SSB (GHz typ) 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-5 1-5 1-5
LO Input Power (dBm typ/min) 17/13 17/13 17/13 17/13 17/13 15/11 15/11
Maximum IF input Power (dBm)3 17 17 17 17 15 13 13
LO plus IF Power (dBm max) 20 20 20 20 18 16 16
LO to RF Isolation (dB typ) 30 30 0 30 30 30 30
LO to IF Isolation (dB typ) 35 35 35 35 35 35 35
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Ordering Information
Please specify exact RF, IF and LO frequencies
Model Number QMU - AB CD E F ! when ordering.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Subharmonic Mixers
Receiver Products
♦ Second and Third Harmonic of LO
♦ Low Conversion Loss
Product Description
QuinStar Series QHS mixers operate at second or third more readily implemented using lower frequency sources.
harmonic of the Local Oscillator frequency with a low Typical subharmonic LO power is 10-15 dBm.
conversion loss. Hence, the LO frequency is either one half
or one third of the RF signal in the applicable waveguide QuinStar provides an external diplexer as an integral part
band. These mixers offer the advantage of a relatively low of the Series QHS mixers. However, QuinStar can provide
frequency Local Oscillator (compared to a fundamental customized configuration to suit specific needs. These
mixer) while providing a reasonably low conversion loss mixers may be optimized over a narrow RF range and fixed
and/or noise figure, typically between 9 and 15 dB. They LO to achieve better conversion loss. QuinStar can also
generally operate over full waveguide RF band, and over a produce mixers at higher frequencies (beyond 110 GHz)
considerable broad LO frequency range and wide IF range. for high frequency subharmonic LO receivers.
These mixers are particularly suited for applications that
employ a millimeter wave low-noise amplifier (LNA) at the QuinStar series QHS mixers find numerous applications
front end of the receiver, thus establishing a low noise in frequency extenders, broadband receivers, test
figure, which is not significantly influenced by the equipment and instrumentation, EW receivers, and MMW
conversion loss of the mixer that follows. Subharmonic communication links.
Local Oscillators are significantly lower in cost, and can be
Model Number QHS-V2 QHS-V3 QHS-E2 QHS-E3 QHS-W2 QHS-W3
Waveguide Band WR-15 WR-15 WR-12 WR-12 WR-10 WR-10
RF Frequency Range , GHz
50-75 50-75 60-90 60-90 75-110 75-110
LO Frequency Range2, GHz 25-37.5 16.7-25 30-45 20-30 37.5-55 25-36.7
Harmonic Number1 2 3 2 3 2 3
Conversion Loss, dB 9-15 10-17 9-15 10-17 9-16 10-18
IF Range3, GHz 0.1 to 4 GHz
Other harmonic numbers and RF ranges are possible. Please contact QuinStar with your exact requirements.
Typical LO power required is between 10 and 15 dBm. Conversion loss has some dependence on LO power level.
Higher IF frequency offered as an option.
Ordering Information
Model Number QHS - A B CD E F
Receiver Products
♦ Compact outline
♦ Excellent Amplitude and
Phase Balance
♦ No DC bias required
♦ Usable as Image Reject Mixer
or Single Sideband Upconverter
Product Description
QuinStar Technology supplies series QMI mixer with I (in (local oscillator at one-half the RF frequency) can also be
phase) and Q (quadrature phase) outputs. They are offered provided as custom products. The mechanical design of
over the RF range of 18 to 110 GHz. These mixers utilize these mixers is very compact and can be customized to
two balanced mixers, a 90 degree RF hybrid and an LO suit any specific application and outline requirement.
power splitter integrated to achieve excellent amplitude Both waveguide and coaxial interfaces are offered as
and phase balanced I-Q outputs. Using an external IF options for RF and LO ports.
quadrature hybrid combiner, these mixers can be These IQ mixers find applications in communication
configured as image-reject mixers or as single-sideband equipment, radar sensors, EW/ECM subsystems and
upconverters. Good LO to RF isolation is achieved over a instrumentation receivers.
relatively broad RF and LO frequency ranges. Typical IF
range is from DC to 3 GHz. Models with subharmonic LO
RF Frequency Conversion Amplitude imbalance, Phase Balance2 LO to RF
Range, GHz Loss1, dB typ. ± dB typ. degree typ. isolation, dB typ.
18-40 9 1 3 23
40-70 10 1 4 20
70-100 12 1.5 5 20
100-110 15 1.5 5 20
As single-sideband mixer or upconverter.
Error in I and Q phase difference
Ordering Information
Model Number QMI - AB CD EF G
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Sources and Frequency Multipliers
Section 3
Sources and
Frequency Multipliers
Product Title Model No. Page Number
Sources and Frequency Multipliers 63
Application Notes 64
Mechanically-Tunable Gunn Oscillators QTM 66
Varactor-Tunable Gunn Oscillators QTV 68
Gunn Regulators/Modulators QCR 70
High Power IMPATT Diodes QID 71
Stable Millimeter Wave Sources QSO 73
Phase Locked Oscillators QPL 74
Active Frequency Multipliers QMM 75
Passive Frequency Multipliers QPM 77
Noise Sources QNS 79
Frequency Extenders QBE 81
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Application Notes
Sources and Frequency Multipliers
AFC (Automatic Frequency Control) -Voltage tunability reference signal may be external to the oscillator, or an
allows the user to provide an analog voltage input to the internal crystal oscillator reference may be provided.
oscillator to provide "correction" tuning. This input may Power stability vs. temperature – The output RF power of
also be used with an external phase-locked circuit with an oscillator can vary relative to input voltage, load VSWR,
digital inputs. temperature changes, and as a result of tuning. The
Fixed tuning – This type of oscillator provides a single change in output power only due to temperature is
output frequency to agreed-upon specifications. In some generally expressed in dB/deg.C, and ranges between
models, a fine tune adjustment is provided for long-term 0.01 to 0.05 dB/deg C.
readjustment due to aging characteristics and frequency Pushing – Frequency pushing is the amount of frequency
drift. The fixed tuned oscillator gives the best performance change proportional to change in input voltage, usually
with respect to temperature stability, microphonic induced expressed in (MHz/Volt).
FM noise, and overall efficiency.
Spurious responses – Spurious frequencies are unwanted
Frequency stability with temperature – The frequency signals present at the oscillator output as a result of
drift of an oscillator with change in temperature (MHz/_C) harmonics bias supply, phase-locked circuits, or
is a measure of its frequency stability. Various frequency undesirable internally generated frequencies. Spurious
stabilization techniques are provided and relate to the response is usually specified in terms of dBc (dB below
absolute frequency required and tuning options selected. output carrier).
The frequency stability of a free-running oscillator is
Tuning resolution – The absolute instantaneous
determined by the Q of the cavity and the temperature
frequency to which an oscillator may be tuned or set.
characteristics of the materials used in the design.
Tuning range – Oscillators can be tuned in a number of
FM noise – A.) Residual FM Noise, B.) SSB Phase Noise or
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Sources and Frequency Multipliers
bias connection is broken or reconnected to avoid for harmonic generation. Resistive multipliers have wider
electrostatic discharge (ESD). bandwidth, but lower efficiency than varactor multipliers.
internal bias – The DC voltage and current necessary for Spurious harmonic content - The power level at
efficient frequency multiplication is provided internally. frequencies harmonic to the input, other than the desired
The voltage which is set for a particular multiplier is set for harmonic, at the output port of a multiplier. This power
a particular input power level to that multiplier. level is usually expressed in dB relative to the power level
Integral feedhorn – The means by which the output of the desired harmonic frequency, as – X dBc, i.e., as X dB
power from the multiplier is launched into free space. below the level of the carrier.
Integral refers to the feedhorn and transition from a Varactor multiplier – A frequency multiplier which
waveguide to feedhorn aperture being machined into predominantly uses the capacitance modulation of a
the multiplier body, rather than being a separate unit. diode for harmonic generation. Varactor multipliers are
This reduces the losses associated with waveguide higher efficiency, but narrower bandwidth than resistive
flanges, which can be very high for submillimeter wave multipliers.
Resistive multiplier – A frequency multiplier which
predominantly uses the resistance modulation of a diode
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Mechanically-Tunable Gunn Oscillators
Sources and Frequency Multipliers
♦ High Output Power
♦ Excellent Frequency Stability
♦ Low AM and FM Noise
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's QTM series of mechanically- tuning ranges, higher power levels, micrometer tuners,
tunable Gunn oscillators cover the frequency range of 18 temperature controlled heaters, integral isolators, voltage
to 150 GHz in nine waveguide bands. They combine a regulators, modulators and injection-locking capability.
high-Q resonant circuit with either a GaAs or InP Gunn If higher power is required, QuinStar can provide an
diode. Typically, InP diodes are used for high-power amplified version of the oscillators using power amplifiers.
applications at the higher frequencies. Each oscillator has
an internal low-frequency bias circuit with an oscillation Series QTM oscillators provide a small bias tuning of
suppression network and over-voltage protection. Standard operating frequency. Often, bias tuning can be used in
units are rated over 0 to +50° C operating temperature and place of varactor-tuning (series QTV). Phase-locked
incorporate a screw tuner with a reliable self-locking oscillators (Series QPL) are also available.
feature. Gunn oscillators can be provided with broader
Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110 100-140 130-150
Waveguide Size WR-42 WR-28 WR-22 WR-19 WR-15 WR-12 WR-10 WR-8 WR-6
Output Power Range1 (mW) 10-500 10-300 10-250 10-200 10-100 10-80 10-50 1-30 1-20
(dBm) 10-27 10-25 10-24 10-23 10-20 10-19 10-17 0-15 0-13
DC Bias Voltage GaAs (volts) 5-8 5-7 5-6 5-6 3-6 3-6 3-6 --- ---
Range (typ) InP (volts) --- --- 6-11 6-10 6-10 8-10 8-10 8-10 8-10
DC Bias Current GaAs (Amp) 0.6-2.0 0.6-2.6 0.6-2.0 0.6-2.0 0.6-1.5 0.6-1.5 0.6-1.5 --- ---
Range (typ) InP (Amp) --- --- 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Mechanical Tuning Range (GHz)2 0.1-4 0.1-5 0.1-5 0.1-5 0.1-5 0.1-8 0.1-10 0.1-2 0.1-2
Frequency Stability (MHz/°C typ) -1.5 -2.0 -2.5 -3.0 -4.0 -4.0 -5.0 -6.0 -6.0
Power Stability (dB/°C typ) -0.02 -0.02 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03
Operating Temperature 0 to 50°C
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Mechanically-Tunable Gunn Oscillators
K WR-42 UG-595/U 1.13/28.7 1.38/35.1 1.00/25.4
Ka WR-28 UG-599/U 1.13/28.7 1.38/35.1 1.00/25.4
Q WR-22 UG-383/U 1.13/28.7 1.38/35.1 1.00/25.4
U WR-19 UG-383/U 1.13/28.7 1.38/35.1 1.00/25.4
V WR-15 UG-385/U 0.88/22.4 1.13/28.7 1.00/25.4
E WR-12 UG-387/U 0.88/22.4 1.13/28.7 1.00/25.4
W WR-10 UG-387/U 0.88/22.4 1.13/28.7 1.00/25.4
F WR-8 UG-387/U 0.88/22.4 1.13/28.7 1.00/25.4
D WR-6 UG-387/U 0.88/22.4 1.13/28.7 1.00/25.4
Consult factory for exact outline dimensions if options are specified.
Ordering Information
Please specify exact center frequency,
Model Number QTM - AB CD EF G H ! tuning range and options when ordering.
H = heater * M = micrometer tuner
I = isolator * A = full feature regulator
B = heater and isolator * (see Gunn Regulators/Modulators, QCR)
R = compact regulator 0 = no option
(see Gunn Regulators/) S = special combination of preceding
Modulators, QCR) options (please specify)
C = heater, isolator and Z = custom
compact regulator *
* Addition of heater and isolator options reduce output power.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Varactor-Tunable Gunn Oscillators
Sources and Frequency Multipliers
♦ High Output Power
♦ Wide Tuning Bandwidth
♦ Low Phase Noise
♦ Optional Mechanical Tuning Capability
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's series QTV varactor-tunable Gunn levels, temperature controlled heaters, integral isolators
oscillators cover the frequency range of 18 to 110 GHz in and voltage regulators.
Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110
Waveguide Size WR-42 WR-28 WR-22 WR-19 WR-15 WR-12 WR-10
Output Power Range1 (mW) 10-250 10-200 10-200 10-100 10-100 10-60 10-50
(dBm) 10-24 10-23 10-23 10-20 10-20 10-18 10-17
DC Bias Voltage GaAs (volts) 5-8 5-7 5-6 5-6 3-6 3-6 3-6
Range (typ) InP (volts) --- --- 6-11 6-10 6-10 8-10 8-10
DC Bias Current GaAs (Amp) 0.6-2.0 0.6-2.0 0.6-2.0 0.6-2.0 0.6-1.5 0.6-1.5 0.6-1.5
Range (typ) InP (Amp) --- --- 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.25 0.25
Mechanical Tuning Range (GHz)2 50-300 50-300 50-500 50-500 50-500 50-500 50-500
Frequency Stability (MHz/°C typ) -2.0 -3.0 -4.0 -4.0 -5.0 -5.0 -6.0
Power Stability (dB/°C typ) -0.03 -0.03 -0.04 -0.04 -0.04 -0.04 -0.04
Operating Temperature 0 to 50°C
Other waveguide sizes are available.
This is the range for standard products within the band. Higher power outputs are available at selected frequencies.
Standard units have a minimum tuning range of ± 150 MHz. Broader varactor tuning ranges are available.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Varactor-Tunable Gunn Oscillators
K WR-42 UG-595/U 1.13/28.7 1.38/35.1 1.00/25.4
Ka WR-28 UG-599/U 1.13/28.7 1.38/35.1 1.00/25.4
Q WR-22 UG-383/U 1.13/28.7 1.38/35.1 1.00/25.4
U WR-19 UG-383/U 1.13/28.7 1.38/35.1 1.00/25.4
V WR-15 UG-385/U 0.88/22.4 1.13/28.7 1.00/25.4
E WR-12 UG-387/U 0.88/22.4 1.13/28.7 1.00/25.4
W WR-10 UG-387/U 0.88/22.4 1.13/28.7 1.00/25.4
Consult factory for exact outline dimensions if options are specified.
Ordering Information
Please specify exact center frequency,
Model Number QTV - AB CD EF G H ! tuning range and options when ordering.
H = heater * A = full feature regulator
I = isolator * (see page 70)
B = heater and isolator * 0 = no option
R = compact regulator S = special combination of preceding
(see page 70) options (please specify)
C = heater, isolator and Z = custom
compact regulator *
M = micrometer tuner
* Addition of heater and isolator options reduce output power.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Gunn Regulators/Modulators
Sources and Frequency Multipliers
♦ Low Noise/Low Ripple
♦ Modulation Capability
♦ Adjustable Output Voltage
Product Description
QuinStar Technology offers QCR series Gunn Bias continuously varied over a prescribed range by applying a
Regulator and Modulators for providing bias voltage to signal between + 5 and – 5 volts. This may be used to
Gunn oscillators in a safe and reliable manner. These are change the operating frequency of the Gunn oscillator
available in two configurations: the basic Compact (FM) or its power level, depending on the oscillator type
Regulator and the Full Feature Regulator/Modulator or application. The FM feature can also be used to
version. The Compact Regulator provides a fixed regulated phase-lock a Gunn oscillator using an external phase-lock
bias voltage, which may be adjusted by a screw adjust- loop or source-locking frequency counter.
ment. The Full Feature version has AM (amplitude
modulation; ON/OFF) and FM (frequency modulation) Both versions provide a low-noise, low-ripple constant
capability. AM feature is used to turn the bias voltage on voltage output with capability of providing current up to a
and off by supplying an external TTL control signal at maximum of 2 amperes. They provide a significant
speeds up to 10 kHz (or higher as a custom product). The degree of protection from power supply over-voltage
FM feature allows the output Gunn bias voltage to be and transients.
Outline Drawings
Ordering Information
♦ High Power
♦ CW and Pulsed
♦ Low Parasitic Package
♦ Low Thermal Resistance(R TH)
Diamond Heatsink
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's QID series IMPATT diodes are high CW, long and short pulse diodes are offered and power
power silicon double drift diodes packaged in a low output levels are tested over specific frequency windows.
parasitic, hermetically sealed package. The diodes are
mounted on a metallized diamond heatsink and copper
base for efficient heat removal.
CW and Long Pulse1 Diodes
Test Circuit Waveguide Band Ka Q V W D
26.5-40 33-50 50-75 75-110 110-170
Test Frequency Range (GHz) 33-37 42-46 58-62 92-96 135-145
Power Outputs Available (mW typ) 2
1000 800 800 400 20
Operating Voltage Range (V) 35-50 30-42 24-34 16-22 7-12
Total Capacitance at V=O (pF) 1.0-3.0 1.0-3.0 1.2-2.5 0.7-1.5 0.7-1.0
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
High Power IMPATT Diodes
Sources and Frequency Multipliers
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Stable Millimeter Wave Sources
♦ Compact Design
♦ Extremely Low Spurious and Harmonic Contents
♦ High Frequency Stability
♦ Excellent DC to RF Power Efficiency
Product Description
QuinStar series QSO Stable Millimeter Wave Sources are feature of these sources is the extremely low spurious
compact, low thermal drift sources operating at customer- signal content achieved by incorporating high
specified fixed frequencies in the most popular millimeter performance filters in the architecture of the sources.
wave bands. They are ideally suited for use as local These sources are designed to operate on a single
oscillators in millimeter wave receivers, and as master voltage supply anywhere between 8-12 volts.
source or exciters in transmitters for communication and
radar systems. In general, these sources are optimal In addition to the standard products offered here,
solutions for applications where a phase-locked oscillator QuinStar Technology can design and build a custom
is not necessary, but relatively low drift is essential for stable oscillator for your specific application and
operation or compliance. They typically demonstrate a requirement anywhere in the frequency range of
temperature stability of operating frequency (drift) of 20-110 GHz.
better than 50 kHz per degree C. The other noteworthy
Frequency Range, GHz 33-50 50-75 75-110
Power Output Range, dBm 10-17 10-16 10-12
Frequency Drift, kHz/deg. C, typical 50 50 70
Phase Noise, typical dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset -83 -80 -77
dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset -106 -103 -101
dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset -130 -127 -126
DC Power Consumption 8-12 V, 400 mA 8-12 V, 400 mA 8-12 V, 400 mA
Operating Temperature Range, degree C -40 to +55 -40 to +55 -40 to +55
Size, typical, inches 1.75 x 1.75x 2.0 1.25 x 1.25 x 1.5 1.25 x 1.25 x 1.1
Ordering Information
♦ Low Phase Noise
♦ Internal or External Reference
♦ High output power capability
♦ Compact Outline
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s QPL series Phase-Locked Sources frequency, output power, phase noise requirements and
are available over the frequency range of 6 to 150 GHz. other technical considerations. Sources could involve
They offer excellent performance in terms of phase noise, Dielectric Resonator Oscillators (DRO), Microwave Voltage
stability and power output. Sources with either internal Controlled Oscillators or Gunn Diode Oscillators and
crystal reference or with provision for external reference frequency multipliers, and power amplifiers as appropriate.
signal may be supplied. Internal references are typically Phase-locking technique that results in optimal
between 5 MHz to 150 MHz. External reference frequency performance is selected from among many available
may be determined by the frequency of the phase-locked options for realizing the phase-lock loop. Lock status
oscillator and phase noise specifications, or may be a indicator or lock alarm is provided to indicate the locked
customer-specified reference frequency depending on the condition of the oscillator. Frequency synthesizers and
application. The phase noise of these phase-locked model with some frequency tuning capability are offered
sources at various offset values is established by a as custom products.
combination of reference oscillator phase noise, loop
The degree of packaging of series QPL sources is
bandwidth and basic oscillator noise characteristics. Within
determined by customer requirements. QuinStar can
the loop bandwidth, the phase noise is largely determined
supply these sources with minimal packaging or mounted
by the reference oscillator noise content. Outside the loop
on a simple base plate to permit easy integration with a
bandwidth, the phase noise is established by the
subsystem. Alternatively, products can be fully packaged in
oscillator’s free-running noise characteristics. Hence, the
rugged enclosure for stand-alone use or instrumentation.
noise characteristics of series QPL may be tailored to meet
A choice of power supplies is also offered to suit the
specified requirements.
The architecture and implementation scheme of these
phase-locked sources depend on their operating
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Active Frequency Multipliers
♦ Offered Over 8-110 GHz Output Frequency
♦ Active Amplification with Integral Filter
♦ Low Power Consumption
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's series QMM active multipliers These multipliers are useful as part of the LO chain of
utilize state-of-the-art active multiplier devices for frequency communication, radar and instrumentation systems.
multiplication and amplification over the 8-110 GHz They provide a simple and economical solution for
frequency range. These frequency multipliers provide a adding signal multiplication and gain in a variety of
broad bandwidth with multiplying factors between 2 and system applications.
12. The standard multiplier housing enables I/O ports of
SMA (DC-26.5 GHz), 2.9 mm (DC-40 GHz) and 2.4 mm (DC-
50 GHz) coaxial connectors and WR-42 through WR-10
waveguide sizes.
Output Multiplier Input Output Power Input Input Output Outline
Frequency, Factor Frequency, Range Offered, Power Connector Connector
Band, GHz GHz dBm1 Required or Waveguide or
dBm Waveguide
8-20 2 4-10 13-27 3-6 SMA (F) SMA (F) J
18-26.5 2 9-13.25 13-27 5-10 SMA (F) K (F), WR-42 J,S
26.5-40 2 13.25-20 10-20 5-10 SMA (F) K (F), WR-28 J,S
26.5-40 3 8.83-13.33 10-20 4-6 SMA (F) K (F), WR-28 J,S
26.5-40 4 6.62-10 10-20 3-6 SMA (F) K (F), WR-28 J,S
33-50 2 16.5-25 10-17 0-5 K (F) WR-22 S
33-50 3 11-16.67 10-17 5-10 SMA (F) WR-22 S
33-50 4 8.25-12.5 10-15 5-10 SMA (F) WR-22 S
40-60 2 20-30 10-13 5-10 K (F) WR-19 *
40-60 3 13.3-20 10-13 5-10 SMA (F) WR-19 *
40-60 4 10-15 10-13 5-10 SMA (F) WR-19 *
50-75 2 25-37.5 7-16 5-8 K (F), WR-28 WR-15 *
50-75 3 16.7-25 7-16 7-10 K (F) WR-15 *
50-75 4 12.5-18.75 7-16 5-8 SMA (F) WR-15 *
50-75 6 8.33-12.5 7-16 4-6 SMA (F) WR-15 *
50-75 8 6.25-9.38 7-16 4-6 SMA (F) WR-15 *
60-90 2 30-45 0-5 5-8 K (F), WR-22 WR-12 *
60-90 3 20-30 0-5 5-8 K (F) WR-12 *
60-90 4 15-22.5 0-5 5-8 SMA (F) WR-12 *
60-90 6 10-15 0-5 5-8 SMA (F) WR-12 *
60-90 8 7.5-11.25 0-5 5-8 SMA (F) WR-12 *
70-86 2 35-39 12-17 5-8 K (F) WR-12 W
70-86 3 23.33-26 12-17 5-8 K (F) WR-12 W
70-86 4 17.5-19.5 12-17 5-8 SMA (F) WR-12 W
92-96 2 46-48 7-20 -2-0 K (F), 2.4 mm WR-10 W
92-96 3 30.67-32 7-20 5-8 K (F) WR-10 W
92-96 4 23-24 7-20 5-8 SMA (F) WR-10 W
92-96 6 15.33-16 7-20 5-8 SMA (F) WR-10 W
92-96 8 11.5-12 7-20 0-5 SMA (F) WR-10 W
92-96 12 7.67-8 7-20 0-5 SMA (F) WR-10 W
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Active Frequency Multipliers
Sources and Frequency Multipliers
Output Multiplier Input Output Power Input Input Output Outline
Frequency, Factor Frequency, Range Offered, Power Connector Connector
Band, GHz GHz dBm1 Required or Waveguide or
dBm Waveguide
75-110 2 37.5-55 7-10 5-10 1.85 mm, WR-19 WR-10 *
75-110 3 25-36.67 7-10 5-10 K (F), WR-28 WR-10 *
75-110 4 18.75-27.5 7-10 5-10 K (F), WR-42 WR-10 *
75-110 6 12.5-18.33 7-10 5-10 SMA (F) WR-10 *
75-110 8 9.38-13.75 7-10 5-10 SMA (F) WR-10 *
75-110 12 6.25-9.17 7-10 5-10 SMA (F) WR-10 *
* Please contact Quinstar for outline information.
Range of power levels available over the full frequency band. Higher power levels available over narrower band input.
Outline J
Outline S
Outline W
Ordering Information
Please specify exact output frequency
Model Number QMM - AB CD EF GH I ! range when ordering.
♦ No External Bias Required
♦ Full Waveguide Bandwidth
♦ Low Conversion Loss
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's QPM series of passive multipliers input power of +22 dBm. Standard RF interfaces are SMA
cover the output frequency range of 18 to 110 GHz. The or K female coaxial for the input and waveguide for the
design enhances either even or odd harmonics while output. Other RF interface configurations are available.
suppressing unwanted odd or even harmonics. No
external bias is required providing flexibility for system QuinStar can provide higher output power over narrower
implementation. Standard units are rated over the 0 to bandwidth. QuinStar also produces series QMM Active
+50°C operating temperature range with a maximum Multipliers over 18-110 GHz.
Output Output Multiplication Input Input Output Output Input
Waveguide Frequency Factor Frequency Power Power Waveguide Connector
Band Range, Range, Level1, Level1, or
GHz GHz dBm dBm min Waveguide2
K 18-26.5 2 9.0-13.25 20 8 WR-42 SMA
Ka 26.5-40 2 13.25-20.0 20 8 WR-28 SMA
Ka 26.5-40 3 8.67-13.33 20 5 WR-28 SMA
Q 33-50 2 16.5-25 20 8 WR-22 SMA
Q 33-50 3 11-16.67 20 3 WR-22 SMA
U 40-60 2 20-30 20 7 WR-19 K (F)
U 40-60 3 13.33-20 20 3 WR-19 SMA
V 50-75 2 25-37.5 20 5 WR-15 K (F), WR-28
V 50-75 3 16.67-25 20 3 WR-15 K (F)
E 60-90 2 30-45 20 3 WR-12 K (F), WR-22
E 60-90 3 20-30 20 3 WR-12 K (F)
W 75-110 2 37.5-55 18 2 WR-10 V (F), WR-19
W 75-110 3 25-36.67 20 0 WR-10 K (F), WR-28
Typical optimum input power level. Output power saturates at around this level. Lower input power produces lower output power in
non-linear fashion. Maximum safe power level is typically 2 dB higher. Higher output power available over narrower range.
Other Waveguide or connectors available as custom products. Please contact QuinStar.
Outline Drawings available upon request.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Passive Frequency Multipliers
Sources and Frequency Multipliers
V-Band Doubler
Q-Band Doubler
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Noise Sources
♦ Broadband Coverage
♦ High Noise Power Output
♦ Compatible with Most Noise
Figure Meters
♦ Fast Rise/Fall Time
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's QNS series of millimeter-wave sources offer amplified output power (ranging from 20 to
noise sources cover the frequency range of 18 to 110 GHz 30 dB ENR) over the 18 to 110 GHz frequency range.
in seven waveguide bands with up to full standard wave- Narrowband versions with high output power are
guide band coverage. They feature stable noise power offered for subsystem applications and special test
output, high switching speed and relatively flat high output equipment. These nominally offer 1 to 2 GHz bandwidth
power. Careful device selection, special cavity design and with excellent flatness and stable characteristics. An
matching circuits have all contributed to a reliable design integral isolator is offered as an option for improved
that is highly stable with time and over temperature. VSWR. QuinStar can readily provide a custom-designed
noise source to suit unique applications or
The noise output power of these noise sources is specified subsystem requirements.
in terms of excess noise power ratio (ENR) as a function
of frequency. QuinStar Technology offers three versions of Series QNS noise sources are ideally suited for measuring
these noise sources to suit virtually any application. Full noise figure of amplifiers and receivers using the most
waveguide band noise sources are offered for use with currently available noise figure meters and eliminate the
Noise Figure Meters. These models provide very flat ENR need for gas tubes. They are also well suited for calibra-
(nominally 15 dB) over complete standard waveguide tion and built-in test functions in many sensitive receiver
bands in the 18 to 110 GHz region. Higher power noise subsystems, radiometers and measurement instruments.
Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110
Output Waveguide Size WR-42 WR-28 WR-22 WR-19 WR-15 WR-12 WR-10
Excess Noise Instrumentation Sources
Ratio (ENR) (Fullband Version) 1 15 15 15 15 15 15 12
(dB typ) Amplified Noise Power Sources
(Broadband Version) 2 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30 20-30
High Power Sources
3 25 23 21 20 20 17 15
(Narrowband Version)
Output Power Instrumentation Sources
Flatness (Fullband Version) 1 ±1 ±1 ±1 ±1 ±2 ±3 ±3
(dB typ) Amplified Noise Power Sources
(Broadband Version) 2 ±1.5 ±2.0 ±2.5 ±2.5 ±2.5 ±2.5 ±2.5
High Power Sources 3
±0.5 ±0.5 ±1 ±1 ±1 ±1 ±1
(Narrowband Version)
Stability of Temperature Stability, dB/°C typ. 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.015 0.015 0.015
Noise Power
Output for Stability With Bias Voltage,
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.15 0.15 0.15
All Models (typ) dB/1% Bias Voltage Change
Fullband coverage. Other waveguide bands are available.
Fullband up to 40 GHz, any 10 GHz band within the 40-110 GHz range.
2 GHz bandwidth anywhere in waveguide band.
Operating voltage 28 VDC (optional 15 VDC).
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Noise Sources
Sources and Frequency Multipliers
Ordering Information
Please specify exact frequency range
Model Number QNS - AB CD E F ! when ordering.
T = instrumentation version (fullband) without isolator
E = amplified power version without isolator
M = narrowband, high power version without isolator
L = instrumentation version (fullband) with isolator
P = amplified power version with isolator
N = narrowband, high power version with isolator
Z = custom
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Frequency Extenders
♦ Output frequencies up to 110 GHz
♦ Broadband and Sweepable
♦ Excellent Power flatness
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s series QBE Frequency Extenders Series QBE Frequency Extenders are packaged in a
utilize a chain of passive or active frequency multipliers, rugged enclosure typically with a coaxial SMA-F or K
amplifiers and filters to extend microwave signal connector input and a waveguide output. However,
generators to cover frequency ranges of 18 to 110 GHz. these can be provided with the entire assembly mounted
These extenders also extend the operation of microwave on a baseplate.
network analyzers, sweepers and synthesizers operating in
Frequency Extenders can be readily combined with
the 2-20 GHz range to millimeter wave frequencies in the
QuinStar’s full-band isolators, direct reading attenuators,
18 to 110 GHz range. Frequency multiplication factors of
directional couplers and broadband detectors to
2 to 12 are available, and use of waveguide filters
economically extend the operating frequency range of
guarantees low spurious levels and very low harmonics of
microwave scalar network analyzers to millimeter waves
the microwave signal. Models covering full waveguide
in the 18 to 110 GHz region.
bands with input power of 10 dBm are offered as standard
products. Also, models with higher output power levels up
to 20 dBm are available over full or partial bands.
Multiplying Factor 2 2-4 2-6 2-8 2-8 2-12 2-12
Input Power Range (dBm) 10-20 10-20 10-20 10-20 10-20 10-20 10-20
Output Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110
Fullband Output Power (dBm min) 20 20 17 13 16 2 10
Narrowband Output Power (dBm min) 1
27 23 20 17 18 17 20
Input Connector SMA SMA SMA SMA SMA or K SMA or K SMA or K
Output Waveguide Size WR-42 WR-28 WR-22 WR-19 WR-15 WR-12 WR-10
Other frequency bands and input and output interfaces are available.
Typical bandwidth 2 GHz. Larger bandwidth available. Please contact QuinStar for power output level for moderate bandwidth versions.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Frequency Extenders
Sources and Frequency Multipliers
Ordering Information
Please specify exact frequency range
Model Number QBE - AB CD E FG H ! when ordering.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Control Components and Ferrite Products
Section 4
Control Components
and Ferrite Products
Product Title Model No. Page Number
Control Components and Ferrite Products 83
Glossary of Control Component Terminology 84
Precision Junction Circulators and Isolators QJY/QJI 85
Fullband Junction Circulators and Isolators QJE/QJF 87
Fullband Isolators QIF 89
Cryogenic Circulators & Isolators QCY/QCI 91
Variable PIN Attenuators QSA 92
Coaxial PIN Attenuators QVA 94
Waveguide PIN Switches QSS/QSD 96
Multithrow PIN Switches QSN 98
Coaxial PIN Switches QSC 99
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Control Components and Ferrite Products
fC +/- 3fI and fC +/- 5fI since they are very close to the
desired sideband and almost impossible to filter. For a VSWR – VSWR is a measure of impedance match at input
demodulator, the harmonic products of interest are nfI. and output ports of the modulator. This parameter
The products of most interest are n = 3 and n = 5. represents imperfect input and output impedances.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Precision Junction Circulators
♦ Compact
♦ High Isolation
♦ Low Insertion Loss
♦ Broadband
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's QJY series precision junction Junction circulators and isolators are used to provide
circulators and QJI series precision junction isolators are load isolation in a wide variety of components including
available in seven waveguide bands covering the Gunn and IMPATT oscillators and amplifiers, upconverters
frequency range of 18 to 110 GHz. Single-junction isolators and downconverters, power combiners, and also as
and single- and three- junction circulator versions are duplexers at the antenna ports of millimeter-wave
offered. These three-port Y-junction ferrite devices feature transceiver systems.
high isolation, low insertion loss, and broad
bandwidth. The three-junction circulators effectively
combine a standard circulator with input and output
isolators in a compact package.
Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110
Waveguide Size WR-42 WR-28 WR-22 WR-19 WR-15 WR-12 WR-10
Bandwidth (GHz min) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Isolation (dB min) Single-Junction 20 20 20 20 20 18 18
Three-Junction (Circulator Only) 35 35 35 35 35 35 35
Insertion Loss (dB max) Single-Junction 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0
Three-Junction (Circulator Only) 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.6
VSWR (max) 1.2:1 1.2:1 1.2:1 1.2:1 1.3:1 1.3:1 1.3:1
Power Rating (Watts max), QJY Junction Circulator 10 8 8 6 5 5 4
Power Rating (Watts max), QJI Junction Isolator 3 3 2 2 1.5 1 1
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Precision Junction Circulators
Control Components and Ferrite Products
and Isolators
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Fullband Junction Circulators
♦ Full Waveguide Band
♦ Compact
♦ High Isolation
♦ Low Insertion Loss
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s QJE series fullband junction Junction circulators and isolators are used to provide load
circulators and QJF series fullband junction isolators are isolation in a wide variety of components including Gunn
available in two waveguide bands covering the frequency oscillators and amplifiers, upconverters and down-
range of 18 to 40 GHz. These H-plane three-port Y-junction converters, power combiners, and also as duplexers at the
ferrite devices feature high isolation, low insertion loss antenna ports of millimeter-wave transceiver systems. They
and full waveguide bandwidth. are also ideally suited for broadband or swept frequency
Frequency (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40
Waveguide Size WR-42 WR-28
Bandwidth (GHz min) Full Full
Isolation 20 18
Insertion Loss (dB max) 0.4 0.6
VSWR 1.25:1 1.3:1
Power Rating (W max) 5 4
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Fullband Junction Circulators
Control Components and Ferrite Products
and Isolators
Circulators Isolators
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Fullband Isolators
♦ Full Waveguide Bandwidths
♦ Low Insertion Loss and VSWR
♦ High Wideband Isolation
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's QIF series fullband isolators are waveguide bands. The isolators can handle power levels
available in six waveguide bands covering the frequency from one Watt at W-band to two Watts at Ka-band. They
range of 26.5 to 110 GHz. These isolators are Faraday- provide isolation over wider bandwidths than single-
rotation type ferrite devices with bandwidths covering a full junction waveguide isolators. The wide bandwidth of
waveguide band. these isolators makes them ideally suited for broadband
or swept frequency applications and wideband
Series QIF isolators provide a minimum of 25 dB of
measurement systems.
isolation and typically more than 30 dB across most of the
Frequency Range (GHz) 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110
Waveguide Size WR-28 WR-22 WR-19 WR-15 WR-12 WR-10
Insertion Loss (dB max) 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.7 2.0 2.2
Isolation (dB min) 25 27 27 27 27 27
VSWR (max) 1.45:1 1.4:1 1.4:1 1.4:1 1.4:1 1.4:1
Power Rating (W max) 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0
Other waveguide sizes are available.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Fullband Isolators
Control Components and Ferrite Products
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Cryogenic Circulators and Isolators
♦ Broad Bandwidth
♦ High Isolation, Low Insertion Loss
♦ Low VSWR
♦ Magnetically Shielded
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s QCY series Cryogenic Circulators stronger magnetic field. When connected with cryogenic
and QCI series Cryogenic Isolators are custom-designed amplifiers, the DC bias to the amplifier may be provided
field-displacement devices with exceptional broadband using the termination of the isolator. Consult QuinStar if
performance. These are often used in conjunction with planning to use this option.
QuinStar’s series QCA Cryogenic Amplifiers and Systems.
Typical applications for these devices include radio
These products have internal magnetic shielding.
astronomy, satellite earth stations, radiometers and
However, an external magnetic shield is optionally
electron spin resonance measurement systems.
available to augment the standard internal shielding to
preserve the electrical characteristics while operating in a
Characteristics1 4-8 4-10.5 8-12 10.5-12 12-18 18-26.5 26.5-40
Isolation, dB min. 18 18 18 14 18 18 18
Insertion Loss, dB max. 0.4 0.8 0.4 1.2 0.5 0.4 0.5
VSWR, max. 1.28 1.28 1.28 1.38 1.28 1.28 1.28
Input/Output Connector Coax Coax Coax Coax Coax Waveguide Waveguide
(SMA) (SMA) (SMA) (SMA) (SMA) (WR-42) (WR-28)
Note 1: Tested at 77 degree K. Other bandwidths available. Performance may be improved over narrower bandwidth.
Ordering Information
bandwidth in GHz
(example: 750 MHz = 0.75)
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Variable PIN Attenuators
Control Components and Ferrite Products
♦ Broad RF Bandwidth
♦ Low Insertion Loss
♦ Current Controlled
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's QSA series millimeter-wave narrower frequency range for greater attenuation range
variable PIN attenuators cover the frequency range of 18 or lower insertion loss. They are ideal for signal level
to 110 GHz in seven waveguide bands. They are control and amplitude modulation.
constructed with a rugged, split block mechanical design
A coaxial version covering DC to 50 GHz frequency range
that utilizes PIN diodes, and are capable of handling RF
is also offered. See model QVA for details.
power levels up to 0.5 Watt. Standard units feature broad
bandwidth. However, they can be optimized over a
Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110
Waveguide Size WR-42 WR-28 WR-22 WR-19 WR-15 WR-12 WR-10
Insertion Loss (dB typ.) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.0 2.0
Bandwidth (GHz min) Full Full Full Full 10 10 10
Attenuation Range (dB min) 0-23 0-23 0-23 0-23 0-20 0-20 0-20
Attenuators require a control voltage varying between 0 and 10 V for varying the attenuation.
Power Rating: 0.5 Watt (max).
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Variable PIN Attenuators
Ka WR-28 UG-599/U SMA JACK 0.75/19.1 0.75/19.1 1.50/38.1
Q WR-22 UG-383/U SMA JACK 1.13/28.7 1.13/28.7 1.00/25.4
U WR-19 UG-383/U SMA JACK 1.13/28.7 1.13/28.7 1.00/25.4
V WR-15 UG-385/U SMA JACK 0.75/19.1 0.75/19.1 1.00/25.4
E WR-12 UG-387/U SMA JACK 0.75/19.1 0.75/19.1 1.00/25.4
W WR-10 UG-387/U SMA JACK 0.75/19.1 0.75/19.1 1.00/25.4
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Coaxial PIN Attenuator
Control Components and Ferrite Products
♦ Ultra Wide RF Bandwidth
♦ Low Insertion Loss
♦ Compact Package
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s series QVA coaxial variable control voltage required for varying the attenuation
PIN attenuators cover the frequency range from DC is from 0 to –5 volts. Series QVA attenuators are
to 50 GHz. They offer a low insertion loss and a well suited for signal level control, amplitude
large attenuation range, typically up to 40 dB. These modulation and test and measurement applications.
attenuators are housed in a compact package with
2.9 mm or 2.4 mm coaxial connector interfaces. The
Frequency Range DC to 50 GHz
Insertion Loss 2 dB for 20 dB attenuation range
4 dB for 40 dB attenuation range
Power Handling 1 W (30 dBm)
Control Voltage 0 to –5 V DC
.71 .71
.39 V CTRL
.39 (0~-5V)
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Coaxial PIN Attenuator
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Waveguide PIN Switches
Control Components and Ferrite Products
♦ Single, Double and Multi-Throw Versions
♦ Broad RF Bandwidth
♦ Low Insertion Loss
♦ High Speed Switching Option
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's QSS and QSD series millimeter- receiver protection, and variable pulse width control. The
wave broadband PIN switches cover the frequency range switches can handle RF power levels of up to 27 dBm (0.5
of 18 to 110 GHz in seven waveguide bands. These Watt) and optional integral drivers that accept a TTL input
waveguide switches are constructed with a rugged, as the control signal are available.
splitblock mechanical design that utilizes PIN diodes. Most
Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110
Waveguide Size WR-42 WR-28 WR-22 WR-19 WR-15 WR-12 WR-10
Bandwidth (GHz min) Full Full Full Full 10 10 10
Insertion Loss (dB max) QSS 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.5 2.5
QSD 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.3 2.5 2.8 2.8
Isolation (dB min) QSS 30 30 26 26 25 20 20
QSD 23 23 23 23 20 20 20
DC Bias Input 1
Low Loss (Reverse) +5V, -5V
Isolation (Forward) 35mA typ.
Switching Speed (ns typ) 2
250 250 250 250 250 250 250
VSWR (typ) 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1
For ON-state (low insertion loss), the switch requires a reverse voltage of 10 Volts; for OFF-state (isolation), a forward bias current of up to
25 mA is needed. For integral driver option, bias voltage supplies of +5 V and -5 V are required. The switch is controlled by TTL signals.
Standard PIN switches require a total switching time of 350 ns max. Faster switching speed options (< 10 ns) are available.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Waveguide PIN Switches
1.00 .76
Ka WR-28 UG-599/U SMA JACK 0.75/19.1 0.75/19.1 1.50/38.1 0.75/19.1 0.88/22.4 1.00/25.4
Q WR-22 UG-383/U SMA JACK 1.13/28.7 1.13/28.7 1.00/25.4 1.13/28.7 1.31/33.3 1.50/38.1
U WR-19 UG-383/U SMA JACK 1.13/28.7 1.13/28.7 1.00/25.4 1.13/28.7 1.31/33.3 1.50/38.1
V WR-15 UG-385/U SMA JACK 0.75/19.1 0.75/19.1 0.75/19.0 0.75/19.1 0.88/22.4 1.00/25.4
E WR-12 UG-387/U SMA JACK 0.75/19.1 0.75/19.1 0.75/19.0 0.75/19.1 0.88/22.4 1.00/25.4
W WR-10 UG-387/U SMA JACK 0.75/19.1 0.75/19.1 0.75/19.0 0.75/19.1 0.88/22.4 1.00/25.4
Ordering Information
Please specify exact frequency range
Model Number QS_ - AB CD E F ! when ordering.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Multi-throw PIN Switches
Control Components and Ferrite Products
♦ From Two Throw to 8 Throw
♦ Low Insertion Loss
♦ Wide Band Operation
♦ High Isolation Versions Offered
♦ Compact and Reliable
♦ Coaxial and Waveguide Versions
Product Description
QuinStar Technology offers series QSN multi-throw PIN Switch drivers that accept TTL signals may be incorporated
switches for a variety of applications that require multiple in these switches as an optional feature. QuinStar can
throws and/or custom switch configuration. These combine switches to create custom configurations or
switches offer low insertion loss and a wide bandwidth of outlines for application-specific switches.
operation for a high isolation level. Waveguide and coaxi-
al versions are available depending on the operating
frequency. These switches are ideally suited for signal
attenuation and switching for receiver protection, antenna
switching, test and measurement sets and transceivers.
Performance Characteristics Available Range
Configurations From SPDT to SP8T and custom configurations
Insertion Loss From 1 dB to 6 dB depending on configuration and frequency
Frequency range 1 to100 GHz
Isolation 20 dB to 40 dB
Switching Speed 10 ns to 200 ns depending on driver and frequency
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Coaxial PIN Switches
♦ Wideband Operation
♦ Fast Switching Speed
♦ High isolation
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s series QSC coaxial PIN switches version or high isolation version. Control signal
provide fast switching with high isolation and low required to operate these switches is TTL.
insertion loss over the full K and Ka frequency bands.
Standard input/output RF ports are K-female
Standard models are available in SPST and SPDT
connectors, and DC bias/control signal is via
configurations and feature a compact package that
feedthrough pins. For high speed versions, SMA
incorporates the driver circuitry. Switches with multiple
connector is provided for control signal. These
throws (up to SP8T) are offered as custom products.
switches are ideally suited for pulse modulation and
Several versions of these switches are offered to suit a
receiver protection in broadband systems that utilize
wide range of applications. SPST switches are offered in
coaxial components.
reflective and non-reflective versions. All switches are
offered with a choice of either low insertion loss
Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 18-40
Connectors K-F K-F K-F
Insertion Loss (dB typ.) SPST, SPDT (Low insertion loss version) 1.5 2.5 2.5
SPST, SPDT(High isolation version) 5 5 5
Isolation (dB) SPST, SPDT (Low insertion loss version) 28 28 28
SPST, SPDT(High isolation version) 50 50 50
Switching speed (ns typ.) 5 5 5
Control signal TTL
DC Bias SPST, SPDT (Low insertion loss version) -5V, +5V; 60 mA
SPST, SPDT(High isolation version) -5V, +5V; 110 mA
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Coaxial PIN Switches
Control Components and Ferrite Products
# $%
# )
% $# # #
SPDT High Isolation, High-Speed Version SPDT Low Insertion Loss, High Speed Version
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Waveguide Products
and Filters
Product Title Model No. Page Number
Waveguide Products and Filters 101
Glossary of Waveguide Products & Filters 102
Precision High Directivity Couplers QJR 103
Precision Bi- and Dual-Directional Couplers QJB/QJD 105
General Purpose Waveguide Directional Coupler QDC 108
Precision Crossguide Couplers QJC 110
General Purpose Crossguide Couplers QJX 112
Matched Hybrid Tees and Power Dividers QJH 114
Short Slot Hybrid Power Divider QSP 116
Multi-Output Power Dividers QMD 118
Bandpass Filters QFB 119
Low Pass Filters QFL 121
High Pass Filters QFH 123
Band Reject and Notch Filters QNF 125
E and H Plane Waveguide Tees QUH 126
Waveguide Straight Sections, and Tapered Transitions QWS/QWR/QWP 127
Custom Waveguide Assemblies QAC 129
Waveguide Terminations QWN/QTW/QTZ 130
Waveguide Bends and Twists QWB/QWT 132
Tunable Loads, Tunable Shorts, and E-H Tuners QWG/QAT/QWU 133
Waveguide Flanges, Adapters and Associated Hardware QBA/QFA/QFF/QFS 134
Precision Drill Jig and Waveguide Stands QDJ/QVS 136
Waveguide to Coax Adapters QWA 137
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Glossary of Waveguide Products and Filters
Center frequency – The nominal frequency at which Rejection band (stopband)– The frequency range(s)
bandpass filters are geometrically centered. For example, which are undesired and must be strongly attenuated
if |1 and |2 represent the 3 dB frequency points of a from the stopband or rejection band. The term “rejection”
bandpass filter, then the center frequency |0 is calculated indicates the amount of attenuation of specific
as follows: frequencies within this undesired frequency range.
f0 = √f1 x f2 VSWR - VSWR is a measure of the impedance looking into
When the bandwidth, f2 – f1, is a small percentage of the one port of the filter while the other filter port is
Waveguide Products and Filters
value of f0, then f0, the geometric mean between f2 and terminated in its characteristic impedance. Many time, the
f1 will approximately equal the arithmetic mean between impedance match is expressed in terms of return loss.
f2 and f1 , i.e., the average (f2 +f1)/2. The conversion between return loss and VSWR can be
Cut-off frequency (corner frequency) – This frequency is carried out using the chart given in the reference
generally 3 dB below the insertion loss of the filter; it materials section.
denotes the point at which the filter is considered to be Average power handling capacity – The CW average
rejecting unwanted signals. Above (or below) this power handling capability with one-way transmission
frequency the filter is said to be in its passband and through the main line of the component under matched
exhibits a low loss. This is the frequency that marks the load conditions
edge of the passband of a filter and the beginning of the Bandwidth – The range of frequencies over which
transition to the stopband. In waveguide, this figure is the performance falls within specific limits.
lowest frequency at which the waveguide propagates
energy in some particular mode without attenuation. Bidirectional coupler – Another name for a 4-port
coupler; that is, a single coupler having no internal
Group delay – The amount of time it takes for a signal termination. It is intended to allow forward and reflected
having a finite time duration, such as a pulse, to pass signals to be sampled simultaneously.
through the filter. Ideally, all frequencies present in the
signal should have the same time delay, so that the signal Coupling coefficient of a coupler – The ratio in dB of the
will not be distorted. In most types of filters, this is not the incident power fed into the main port to the coupled port
case, and group delay defined as dØ/d| varies with power when all ports are terminated by reflectionless
frequency. For linear phase filters the group delay is terminations. See figure below.
constant. It is observed that the linear phase filters have a Coupling value = -10 log10 (P3/P1).
much lower and flatter value of group delay. Coupling flatness – The maximum peak-to-peak variation
Insertion loss – Insertion loss is equal to the difference in in coupling coefficient that may be expected over a
its power measured at the component input and output. specified frequency range.
The power measured at the input is equal to the measured Coupling tolerance – The allowable unit-to unit variation
power when the component is replaced by a properly in nominal coupling.
matched power meter or network analyzer. The input
impedance of the measuring instrument should be equal Directivity - The difference in dB of the power output at a
to the characteristic impedance of the system. Similarly, coupled port, when power is transmitted in the desired
the power measured at the output is equal to the direction, to the power output at the same coupled port
measured power when the component is terminated by when the same amount of power is transmitted in the
the same measuring instrument. The insertion loss will be opposite direction. In the case of a bidirectional coupler,
equal to the sum of three loss factors. One is the loss due an alternative definition is the difference in dB of the
to the impedance mismatch at the input, the second is power output of the two coupled ports, when power is
due to the mismatch at the output, and the third is due to transmitted in a constant direction on the main line.
the dissipative loss associated with each reactive element Reflectionless terminations are assumed to be connected
within the component. to all ports. See figure below.
Linear phase or flat time delay – Filters have the Directivity = 10 log10 (P3/P3’).
characteristic of enabling the signal at the filter output to Main-line loss – The change in load power, due to the
have a constant phase difference for each fixed increment insertion of the coupler in a transmission system, with
of frequency difference of the signal. Thus, reflectionless terminations connected to the ports of the
∆Ø = K ∆f coupler. The main-line loss includes the effect of power
where K is a constant. This enables the transmission of transferred to the coupled line. See figure below.
various frequency components contained in a pulse Main line loss = 10 log10 [(P2+P3)/P1].
waveform to be delayed by the same amount while
traveling through the filter thus preserving the pulse
wave shape.
Passband – Passband is the desired band of frequencies
in which the only loss is the insertion loss of the filter. It is
the actual band of frequencies, which the filter is required
to pass through with very little effect on system
performance. Most of the QuinStar’s low pass filter
models are specified to have a maximum insertion loss
value of 1.5 dB within the passband.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Precision High Directivity Couplers
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's QJR series precision high directivity They prove especially useful in applications such as RF
couplers cover the frequency range of 18 to 170 GHz in power and signal reflection measurements in test
nine waveguide bands. They are available in 3 port systems. The superior directivity, insertion loss,
configuration with coupling values of 3, 6, 10, 20, 30 and 40 coupling flatness and accuracy also make these
dB. They are constructed with a rugged splitblock mechan- directional couplers useful for a wide range of
ical design for long-lasting durability to maintain their cou- laboratory requirements and subsystem applications.
pling value. In addition to the standard three-port directional
couplers, QuinStar offers custom four-port directional
Precision high directivity directional couplers are ideal
couplers. See series QJB couplers.
devices for sampling or inserting RF energy in a waveguide
transmission line without affecting the transmitting signal.
Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110 90-140 110-170
Waveguide Size WR-42 WR-28 WR-22 WR-19 WR-15 WR-12 WR-10 WR-8 WR-6
Coupling Values
3, 6, 10, 20, 30 and 40 (± 1)
(dB at center frequency)
Coupling Flatness (±dB typ) 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0
Directivity (dB typ) 1, 3
37 37 37 37 35 35 35 30 28
Insertion Loss (dB max) 2
0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.2 2.0 2.5
VSWR, Main Line (typ) 1.1:1 1.1:1 1.1:1 1.1:1 1.1:1 1.1:1 1.1:1 1.15:1 1.15:1
VSWR, Secondary Line (typ) 1.1:1 1.1:1 1.1:1 1.1:1 1.1:1 1.15:1 1.15:1 1.2:1 1.21:1
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Precision High Directivity Couplers
Ordering Information
coupling value in dB
03, 06, 10, 20, 30 or 40
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Precision Bi- and
Dual-Directional Couplers
Product Description
QuinStar Technology offers QJB and QJD series precision the precision coupling values. The bi- and dual-directional
bi-directional and dual-directional high directivity precision high directivity couplers are ideal devices in
couplers, which cover a frequency range of 18 to 220 GHz the applications of simultaneously testing, sampling or
in twelve waveguide bands. Coupling values of 10, 20, 30 monitoring signals in both directions of the main arm
and 40 dB are available. In a dual directional coupler, of the coupler. Examples include instrumentation for
the forward and reverse coupling values can be made incident and return signal measurement such as radar
different. The units are designed with a rugged split-block transmitted/reflected signal monitoring, etc.
mechanical structure for long-lasting durability to maintain
Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110 90-140 110-170 140-220
Coupling Level (dB) 20, 30, 40 (+/- 1)
Coupling Variation (dB) +/- 0.7 +/- 0.7 +/- 0.7 +/- 0.7 +/- 0.7 +/- 0.8 +/- 0.8 +/- 1.0 +/- 1.0 +/- 1.2
Insertion Loss, (dB typ.) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Directivity (dB typ.) 37 37 37 37 35 35 35 30 28 25
Main Line VSWR (max.) 1.10:1 1.10:1 1.10:1 1.10:1 1.10:1 1.10:1 1.10:1 1.15:1 1.15:1 1.20:1
Coupled Arm VSWR (max.) 1.10:1 1.10:1 1.10:1 1.10:1 1.10:1 1.15:1 1.15:1 1.20:1 1.21:1 1.25:1
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Precision Bi- and Dual-Directional
Bidirectional Coupler
Dual-directional Coupler
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Precision Bi- and
Dual-Directional Couplers
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
General Purpose Waveguide
Directional Couplers
Waveguide Products and Filters
♦ Broadband
♦ Low VSWR
♦ High Directivity
♦ Minimum Coupling Variation with Frequency
Product Description
QuinStar products QDC series broadband directional waveguide couplers- one with E-plane bend and the other
couplers are multi-hole waveguide couplers. The QDC with H-plane bend in the coupled port to suit the physical
series couplers are offered in 7 waveguide sizes from 18.0 layout of all applications or test set requirements.
to 110 GHz. Nominal coupling of 10 dB, 20 dB, 30 dB, and
QuinStar also offers Series QJG and QJR Precision
40 dB are offered as standard products. Two different
Directional Couplers in rectangular block geometry.
mechanical configurations or outlines are offered for these
Frequency Range (GHz) 18.0-26.5 26.5-40.0 33.0-50.0 40.0-60.0 50.0-75.0 60.0-90.0 75.0-110.0
Coupling (dB) 10, 20, 30, 40
Coupling Variation (dB) +/- 0.6 +/- 0.6 +/- 0.6 +/- 0.8 +/- 1.0 +/- 1.0 +/- 1.0
Coupling Accuracy (dB) +/- 1.0 +/- 1.0 +/- 1.0 +/- 1.2 +/- 1.5 +/- 1.5 +/- 1.5
Directivity (dB) Typical 35 35 35 35 35 35 30
Main Line VSWR (Typical) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10
Coupled Line VSWR (Typical) 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.17
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
General Purpose Waveguide
Directional Couplers
K 10, 20, 30, 40 11.50/292.0 2.00/50.8 1.50/38.1 .25/6.35
Ka 10, 20, 30, 40 9.62/244.0 1.75/44.5 1.38/35.1 .16/4.06
Q 10, 20, 30, 40 8.40/213.0 1.64/41.7 1.30/33.0 .13/3.30
U 10, 20, 30, 40 7.38/187.4 1.38/35.1 1.12/28.5 .11/2.80
V 10, 20, 30, 40 6.25/159.0 1.13/28.7 0.88/22.4 .08/2.03
E 10, 20, 30, 40 5.50/140.0 1.13/28.7 0.88/22.4 .07/1.78
W 10, 20, 30, 40 4.50/114.0 1.00/25.4 0.81/20.6 .06/1.52
Ordering Information
Waveguide Band
K = K-band V = V-band
A = Ka-band E = E-band
Q = Q-band W = W-band
U = U-band
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Precision Crossguide Couplers
Waveguide Products and Filters
♦ Compact Size
♦ Low Insertion Loss
♦ Excellent Coupling Accuracy and
Good Directivity
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's QJC series of compact precision transmission line without affecting the transmitting
crossguide directional couplers cover the frequency signal. Typical applications include frequency monitoring,
range of 18 to 170 GHz in nine waveguide bands. Three- power sampling and built-in testing. The crossguide type
and four-port configurations are available for standard of directional coupler has the advantage of lower
models with midband nominal coupling values of 20, 30 insertion loss, smaller size and lower cost when
and 40 dB. Other coupling values are available as custom compared to broadwall directional couplers. QuinStar can
products. Crossguide couplers are ideal devices for provide custom configurations and application-specific
sampling or inserting RF energy in a waveguide interfaces to suit unique needs.
Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110 90-140 110-170
Waveguide Size WR-42 WR-28 WR-22 WR-19 WR-15 WR-12 WR-10 WR-8 WR-6
Coupling Values Standard (20, 30 and 40 ± 1); Custom (17 to 40)
(dB at center frequency)
Bandwidth (min) 20% of waveguide band
Insertion Loss (dB max) 1
0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.3
Directivity (dB typ) 2
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 15
Main Line VSWR (max) 1.15:1 1.15:1 1.15:1 1.15:1 1.2:1 1.2:1 1.2:1 1.2:1 1.25:1
Secondary Line VSWR (max) 1.2:1 1.2:1 1.2:1 1.2:1 1.25:1 1.25:1 1.25:1 1.25:1 1.25:1
Coupling Flatness (± dB typ) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.0 2.0
Insertion loss is defined as the power loss in excess of the loss due to coupling.
Directivity is the difference between power levels at the coupled port when input and output ports are interchanged.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Precision Crossguide Couplers
Q WR-22 UG-383/U 1.38/35.1 1.38/35.1
U WR-19 UG-383/U 1.38/35.1 1.38/35.1
V WR-15 UG-385/U 0.84/21.3 1.00/25.4
E WR-12 UG-387/U 0.84/21.3 1.00/25.4
W WR-10 UG-387/U 0.84/21.3 1.00/25.4
F WR-8 UG-387/U 0.84/21.3 1.00/25.4
D WR-6 UG-387/U 0.84/21.3 1.00/25.4
Ordering Information
Please specify exact center frequency
Model Number QJC - AB CD E F ! when ordering.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
General Purpose Crossguide Couplers
Waveguide Products and Filters
♦ Compact Size
♦ Low Insertion Loss
♦ Low Cost/Moderate Performance
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's QJX series of compact general without affecting the transmitting signal. Typical
purpose 3-port crossguide directional couplers cover the applications include frequency monitoring, power
frequency range of 18 to 60 GHz in four waveguide bands sampling and built-in testing. The crossguide type of
with midband nominal coupling values of 20 and 30 dB. directional coupler has the advantage of lower insertion
These crossguide couplers are ideal devices for sampling loss, smaller size and lower cost when compared to
or inserting RF energy in a waveguide transmission line broadwall directional couplers.
Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60
Waveguide Size WR-42 WR-28 WR-22 WR-19
Coupling Values, (dB at center frequency) 20 and 30 ± 2 dB
Bandwidth (min) 20% of waveguide band
Insertion Loss (dB max) 1
0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7
Directivity (dB typ) 2
Main Line VSWR (max) 1.15:1
Secondary Line VSWR (max) 1.2:1
Coupling Flatness (dB max) ± 1.5
Insertion loss is defined as the power loss in excess of the loss due to coupling.
Directivity is the difference between power levels at the coupled port when input and output ports are interchanged.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
General Purpose Crossguide Couplers
U WR-19 UG-383/U 1.50/38.1 0.75/19.1 0.11/2.8
Ordering Information
Please specify exact center frequency
Model Number QJX - AB CD E 0 ! when ordering.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Matched Hybrid Tees
and Power Dividers
Waveguide Products and Filters
♦ Broadband Operation
♦ High Isolation
♦ Low Insertion Loss
♦ Low VSWR
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's QJH series of matched hybrid tees Hence, if the two signals are in phase, the total power will
(magic tees) cover the frequency range of 18 to 170 GHz be combined at H-plane port. If the two signals are 180
in nine waveguide bands. These four-port devices are degrees out of phase, the total power will appear at
used for balanced power-combining and/or dividing RF E-plane port. The isolation between the co-linear ports is
signals over a broad bandwidth. Matched hybrid Tee greater than 20 dB, and between the E-plane and H-plane
contains four ports: an H-plane port, an E-plane port and ports is greater than 30 dB.
two co-linear ports, as shown in outline drawing. A signal
Typical applications for these tees include power
entering the H-plane port will be equally to the two co-
dividers/combiners, bridge circuits, balanced mixers,
linear ports, but not to the E-plane port. The output signals
amplifiers, and instrumentation setups. QuinStar can
coupled to the two co-linear ports are in phase. Similarly,
provide custom 4- or 8-way power dividers by combining
a signal applied to the E-plane port will divide equally into
several hybrid tees (power dividers) into a single housing.
the two co-linear ports. However, the output signal will be
It is also possible to configure the hybrid junctions to
180 degrees out of phase with each other. If two signals
achieve unequal power split in 3, 5, 6 or 7 ports.
of equal amplitude are applied to the co-linear ports, the
signals will be coupled to the E-and H-plane ports. The QuinStar Technology can also supply custom
amount of power combined at the E and H-plane ports configurations (“folded tees”) with output ports in
depends on the relative phase relationship between the different locations than in the standard product. Other
two input signals as follows: power dividers (short slot hybrids and “rat-race” hybrids)
are also available as special orders. If your application
PH / PE = [cos(phi/2)/ sin(phi/2)]2, where phi is the relative
requires a unique power division scheme, please contact
phase difference between the two input signals.
QuinStar with your requirements.
Frequency Range (GHz) 1
18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110 90-140 110-170
Waveguide Size WR-42 WR-28 WR-22 WR-19 WR-15 WR-12 WR-10 WR-8 WR-6
Insertion Loss (dB max) 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2
VSWR, H-Plane (max) 1.5:1 1.5:1 1.5:1 1.5:1 1.5:1 1.5:1 1.5:1 1.5:1 1.5:1
VSWR, E-Plane (max) 1.6:1 1.6:1 1.6:1 1.6:1 1.6:1 1.6:1 1.6:1 1.6:1 1.6:1
Balance (+/- dB typ) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Matched Hybrid Tees
and Power Dividers
K WR-42 UG-595/U 1.25/31.8 1.25/31.8 0.89/22.6
Ka WR-28 UG-599/U 1.00/25.4 1.00/25.4 1.00/25.4
Q WR-22 UG-383/U 1.38/35.1 1.38/35.1 1.38/35.1
U WR-19 UG-383/U 1.38/35.1 1.38/35.1 1.38/35.1
V WR-15 UG-385/U 1.00/25.4 1.00/25.4 0.80/20.3
E WR-12 UG-387/U 1.00/25.4 1.00/25.4 0.80/20.3
W WR-10 UG-387/U 1.00/25.4 1.00/25.4 0.80/20.3
F WR-8 UG-387/U 1.00/25.4 1.00/25.4 0.80/20.3
D WR-6 UG-387/U 1.00/25.4 1.00/25.4 0.80/20.3
Ordering Information
Please specify exact center frequency
Model Number QJH - A B CD 00 ! when ordering narrowband version.
U = upper 80% of waveguide band
L = lower 80% of waveguide band
N = narrowband
Z = custom
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Short Slot Hybrid Power Dividers
Waveguide Products and Filters
♦ Small
♦ Compact
♦ Negligible Coupling Variation
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s short slot hybrid is a narrow wall 3 The QSP series short slot hybrids are power dividers (3 dB
dB coupler, available in standard waveguide sizes from 18 couplers) that can be used in waveguide bridge circuits,
to 110 GHz. This compact, four-port device is inherently image-reject and single sideband mixers, phase shifters,
matched and well-suited for balanced mixers and power and power splitters where 90 degree phase shift between
splitting circuits. There is a 90 degree phase difference output power ports is required.
between the two output signals, while the fourth port is
isolated from the input.
Insertion Loss (dB) Max. 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9
VSWR Max. 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Isolation (dB) Min. 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 18
Bandwidth (GHz) 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 7
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Short Slot Hybrid Power Divider
U 2.60/66.0 2.37/60.2 1.14/29.0 1.18/30.2
V 2.45/62.2 1.75/44.5 1.0/25.4 0.90/22.86
E 2.45/62.2 1.75/44.5 1.0/25.4 0.90/22.86
W 2.45/62.2 1.75/44.5 1.0/25.4 0.90/22.86
Ordering Information
0 = standard product
C = custom product
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Multi-Output Power Dividers
Waveguide Products and Filters
Product Description
QuinStar Technology offers compact multi-output power Output ports are designed to have isolation between
dividers for frequencies in the 18 to 140 GHz range as them with minimal additional insertion loss. These power
standard and customized products to suit specific dividers offer considerable savings in space, cost and
application and assembly needs. Typical configuration has insertion loss over a conventional assembly of individual
one input waveguide port and multiple (between 3 and 16) 2-way power dividers.
equal output power waveguide ports with minimal
Custom Multi-Output Power Divider Arrays find numerous
additional loss. These output ports may be located either
applications in subsystems and antenna assemblies as
in line, or at customer specified locations. Wide range of
well as multi-channel receivers and transmitter products.
options is offered for port orientation, power divider type
QuinStar has a large selection of standard compact power
(short-slot hybrid, hybrid tee, rat-race or ring hybrid, etc.)
Performance Parameter Typical Value
Number of Output Ports Between 3 and 16 (typically 2N output ports)
Additional Insertion Loss 0.5 x N dB (in addition to the power division loss) for 2N output ports - K, Ka, Q, U bands.
0.7 x N dB (in addition to the power division loss) for 2N output ports - V, E, W bands.
1.0 x N dB (in addition to the power division loss) for 2N output ports - F, D bands.
Isolation From 15 dB minimum to greater than 60 dB depending on the output port number
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Bandpass Filters
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's QFB series waveguide bandpass The design ripple is typically 0.1 dB with a Chebychev
filters are available in ten waveguide bands covering the response. High out-of-band rejection is offered with
frequency range of 18 to 220 GHz. Bandwidths may be customer-specific attenuation characteristics. Since filter
specified from 2% to 20% of center frequency. The filters requirements vary widely, QuinStar Technology is set
can handle up to one Watt (CW) of RF power. Standard up to design and supply custom products in a short
versions are for 2%, 5% and 10% passband bandwidth. turnaround time.
Range of Passband Bandwidth 2% to 20% of center frequency; standard versions 2%, 5%, 10%
Passband Attenuation (typ) Less than 1 dB (Bandwidth & rejection dependent)
Rejection (typ) 20-40 dB at center frequency ± bandwidth
Ripple in Passband 0.1 dB to 0.5 dB depending on percent bandwidth
and rejection requirements
fA , fB : Band edges
fL , fH : 20 dB rejetion points
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Bandpass Filters
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Low Pass Filters
♦ Low Insertion Loss
Product Description
QuinStar Technology series QFL Low Pass filters provide converters for receivers and transmitters. These filters
high rejection level and steep skirt selectivity for also find applications in test equipment such as network
frequencies above the band edge or corner frequency. analyzers and signal generators to eliminate or minimize
Their pass band has low insertion loss over full standard sub-harmonics, harmonics and spurious signals.
waveguide bands. The lower band edge is establishes by
Standard products are offered in seven waveguide
the cut-off frequency of the waveguide for all standard
bands covering 18 to 110 GHz. Figure below shows
models. These filters have a very wide rejection band that
the characteristics of this type of filters. Series QFL and
covers up to three times the highest pass band frequency.
QFH filters can be combined to create a very broad
Series QFL filters are well suited as harmonic filters and as
band-pass filter with distinct advantages
preselectors for receivers. They can be employed to
remove undesirable sideband or spurious signals from
Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110
Waveguide Size WR-42 WR-28 WR-22 WR-19 WR-15 WR-12 WR-10
Typical 3 dB Upper Cutoff
Frequency (GHz) 28.5 41.5 52.2 62.3 77.0 93.0 114.0
Rejection Band (GHz) 30-100 48-120 60-145 72-185 90-220 108-270 132-330
Lower Cutoff Frequency (GHz) 1
14.1 21.1 26.3 31.4 39.9 48.4 59.1
Insertion Loss (dB max) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.8
Rejection Band for Attenuation
35-66 50-95 62-120 75-145 92-180 110-215 140-265
>40 dB (GHz)
Other waveguide sizes are available.
The lower cutoff frequency can be modified to meet special application requirements.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Low Pass Filters
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
High Pass Filters
♦ Low Insertion Loss
Product Description
Series QFH High-Pass Filters provide sharp skirt selectivity signals at lower frequencies below the applicable signal
and high rejection levels for frequencies below their cutoff band. They are also suitable for eliminating local
frequency and have minimum insertion loss in the pass oscillator leakage or spurious signals by limiting the band.
band. Figure 1 shows the characteristics of this type of Series QFH filters may be combined with series QFL Low
filters. These filters are offered in seven waveguide bands Pass Filters to produce a band pass filter with very broad
covering 18 to 110 GHz. Their rejection characteristics pass band.
can be custom-designed to meet specified subsystem
The length of these filters depends on the rejection
level and skirt selectivity. Please contact QuinStar for
These filters are ideally suited for rejecting lower sideband mechanical outline dimensions.
or image band in receivers, and for eliminating high power
Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110
Waveguide Size WR-42 WR-28 WR-22 WR-19 WR-15 WR-12 WR-10
Cutoff Frequency Range (GHz) 14-23 21-35 26-44 31-53 40-65 48-80 59-95
Pass Band Insertion Loss (dB max) 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2
Pass Band VSWR (max) 1.15:1
Rejection at 90% of Cutoff
45 45 40 40 40 35 35
Frequency (dB min)1
Skirt Selectivity (dB/GHz typ)2 20 15 10 10 8 6 5
Other waveguide sizes are available.
High pass filters are typically custom designed to meet your specific requirements. Typical performance presented here.
Please contact QuinStar for mechnical specifications and/or outline drawing.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
High Pass Filters
Ordering Information
Waveguide Products and Filters
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Band Reject and Notch Filters
Product Description
QuinStar Technology offers Series QNF band-reject and particularly well suited for eliminating harmonics and
notch filters at any rejection frequency in the 18-185 GHz known interference frequencies from a system input or
range. The performance of these filters is custom-tailored output in communication and plasma diagnostic receivers
to suit the specific attenuation need of the application. The and radars.
insertion loss depends on the separation between the
The mechanical dimensions and performance
rejection frequency and the pass band, and the amount of
characteristics are largely determined by the rejection
rejection required. Very large rejection (attenuation) can
requirements. QuinStar can also design and produce
be achieved over a relatively narrow frequency range to
harmonic-reject filters for specific systems or equipment
allow a high power signal (or interference signals) to be
to meet compliance with regulations.
virtually eliminated from the band. These filters are
Performance Parameter Notch Filter Band-Reject Filter
Frequency Range (Pass Band) Up to Full Waveguide Band
Rejection Frequency (center) Anywhere From Waveguide Cutoff to 2.5 X Waveguide Cutoff Frequency
Rejection Bandwidth (at 10 dB insertion From 1% to 5% of Notch Center Frequency
loss points in rejection band
Insertion Loss 1-2.5 dB depending on required rejection characteristics
Rejection Level (at center of rejection 20 dB to 65 dB
frequency band)
Ordering Information
♦ Unmatched Ports
Waveguide Products and Filters
♦ Geometrical Symmetry
♦ Available from 12.4 to 220 GHz
♦ Equal Power Division Between
the Two Outputs
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's E-plane tees consist of a length of Similarly, the H-plane tees feature an H-plane coupling
standard flanged waveguide with a perpendicular E-plane arm located on the narrow waveguide wall. Power at the
coupling arm symmetrically located on the broad coupling arm input is divided into equal signals in phase
waveguide wall. Input power is divided equally and in at the main outputs. These devices are available in
opposite phase between the two outputs. standard waveguide sizes from 12.4 to 220 GHz. Neither
of the tees has matched junctions and therefore they are
not recommended for low VSWR applications.
Ku 2.5/63.5 1.25/31.75
K 2.00/50.80 1.00/25.40
Ka 2.40/60.96 1.20/30.48
Q 2.40/60.96 1.20/30.48
U 2.40/60.96 1.20/30.48
V 2.00/50.80 1.00/25.40
E 2.00/50.80 1.00/25.40 A
W 2.00/50.80 1.00/25.40
F 1.5/38.10 0.75/19.05
D 1.5/38.10 0.75/19.05 B
G 1.5/38.10 0.75/19.05
Ordering Information
Model Number QUH - A B 000
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Waveguide Straight Sections
and Tapered Transitions
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's QWS, QWR and QWP series The tapered transitions allow very efficient propagation of
waveguide straight sections, raw waveguide and RF energy from one waveguide size to another.
tapered transitions cover the frequency range of 18 to 220
The straight sections are built with precision and plated
GHz in ten waveguide bands. Straight waveguide sections
for low insertion loss and high corrosion resistance.
are available in standard lengths as well as customer-
Typical VSWR for straight sections is 1.05:1 over the entire
specific lengths.
frequency band.
Outline Drawings/Mechanical Specifications
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Waveguide Straight Sections
and Tapered Transitions
Ordering Information
Waveguide Products and Filters
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Custom Waveguide Assemblies
Product Description
QuinStar Technology specializes in producing custom assemblies. Each waveguide assembly is manufactured
waveguide assemblies for use in virtually any product to customer’s precise mechanical drawing and
assembly and for interconnects in millimeter wave specifications using the most suitable material,
subsystems. These waveguide assemblies can involve waveguide flanges and finish. Examples of some of the
complex bend, twists, and other mechanical features previously delivered assemblies are shown.
required for low loss interconnections within subsystem
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Waveguide Terminations
Waveguide Products and Filters
♦ Low VSWR
♦ Compact Size
♦ Full Waveguide Bandwidths
♦ Available for High Power up to
300 watts CW Applications
Product Description
QuinStar Technology offers a broad line of waveguide tapered to precise wedge configurations for maximum
terminations in a variety of shapes and style, wide range effective power absorption The gradual taper ensures a
of power handling capacities and cooling methods to suit low VSWR over the full waveguide band. These loads
both typical and special applications. The QWN series have the capacity to absorb from 100 Watts to 300 Watts
Standard Waveguide Terminations consist of an RF- of power depending on the frequency band.
absorbing matched load mounted in a short length of
Series QTZ Custom High Power Terminations are available
flanged waveguide. These standard terminations, offered
with custom form factors and features for radar and other
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Waveguide Terminations
Standard Termination
Ordering Information
QTW - A B 000 (High Power Termination)
Model Number QWN - A B 000 (Standard Termination)
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Waveguide Bends and Twists
Waveguide Products and Filters
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's QWB and QWT series waveguide assembly. They are available with angles of 45° in either
bends and twists cover the frequency range of 18 to 220 a left- or right-hand twist or a standard 90°. The bends and
GHz in ten waveguide bands. E-Plane and H-Plane formed twists are built with high precision and then gold plated
bends are available with angles of 30°, 45°, 60°, and 90°. for low insertion loss and high corrosion resistance.
The twists allow changing the orientation in a waveguide Typical VSWR is 1.10:1 over entire frequency band.
Waveguide Size WR-42 WR-28 WR-22, -19 WR-15, -12, -10, -8, -6, -5
Twist Length, inches/mm 2.5/63.5 1.75/44.5 1.25/31.8 1.00/25.4
Right Angle (90º) Bend Radius, inch/mm 1.5/38.1 1.5/38.1 1.5/38.1 1.0/25.4
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Tunable Loads, Tunable Shorts,
and E-H Tuners
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's series QWG, QAT and QWU electrical stability over the entire waveguide band. A
tunable loads, tunable shorts and E-H tuners are micrometer drive provides smooth accurate positional
available in nine waveguide bands. They provide full tuning of one-half wavelength at the lowest operating
waveguide band coverage and are ideally suited for frequency and a positive locking feature is included.
precision measurements, experimental testing and
E-H Tuners: Consist of a hybrid tee section with micro-
developmental tuning.
meter drive tunable shorts (described above) in both the
Tunable Loads: Consist of a precision tapered waveguide E-plane and H-plane arms. These tuners introduce
load coupled to a micrometer drive. Repositioning of the discontinuities into the waveguide transmission line for
sliding load permits determination of a minimum/ simultaneous control of both phase and amplitude of the
maximum VSWR due to the phasing between the VSWR of RF reflection coefficient. They can be used as matching
the load and the VSWR of the unit under test. devices to cancel reflections in transmission lines or to
match detectors, terminations or similar components.
Tunable Shorts: Consist of a movable non-contacting
choke type short circuit designed to operate with high
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Waveguide Flanges, Adapters
and Associated Hardware
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s series QBA waveguide bulkhead
adapter was developed for use as panel feed-through in
assemblies and equipment packaging. These adapters operate
over the full waveguide bandwidth in waveguide bands from
18.0 to 140 GHz. O-rings are provided on the panel mount for
moisture resistance and a wide variety of flange types and
configurations are offered. Standard lengths are 1.00 inches
with custom lengths available upon request.
Ordering Information
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Waveguide Flanges, Adapters
and Associated Hardware
Ordering Information
A= Ka-band F = F-band material
Q =Q-band D = D-band B = brass (standard)
U = U-band G = G-band A = aluminum
V = V-band C = copper
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Precision Drill Jigs &
Waveguide Stands
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Waveguide to Coax Adapters
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s QWA series waveguide to coax Two mechanical configurations for the interfaces of these
adapters allow an efficient method of transition from adapters are offered: Right Angle and End-Launch. End
rectangular waveguide to a coaxial connector. Full launch or in-line version of the adapters are constructed
waveguide band adapters are available from 18 to 67 GHz such that the waveguide port and the coaxial connector
in K through V bands. Coaxial connectors include N, are in line with each other. These adapters are very
SMA, K, 2.4 mm and V connectors as appropriate for the compact and useful where right angle adapters are
applicable frequency range, with both male and female mechanically not suitable.
types. Exceptionally low insertion loss and low VSWR are
the key features of this series of adapters.
Model No. Frequency Waveguide Flange Standard Insertion Loss VSWR
Range, Connectors (dB) max. (typ.)
(GHz) Available Right End Right End
Angle Launch Angle Launch
QWA-62 12.4-18 WR-62 UG-419/U N, SMA 0.3 0.4 1.25:1 1.5:1
QWA-51 15-22 WR-51 UG-419/U SMA, K 0.3 0.4 1.25:1 1.5:1
QWA-42 18-26.5 WR-42 UG-595/U SMA, K 0.3 0.4 1.25:1 1.5:1
QWA-34 22-33 WR-34 UG-595/UM K, 2.4 mm 0.35 0.45 1.25:1 1.5:1
QWA-28 26.5-40 WR-28 UG-599/U K, 2.4 mm 0.4 0.5 1.25:1 1.5:1
QWA-180 18-40 WRD-180 UG-1587 K N/A 0.6 N/A 1.5:1
QWA-22 33-50 WR-22 UG-383/UM K*, 2.4 mm 0.6 0.7 1.35:1 1.5:1
QWA-19 40-60 WR-19 UG-383/UM 2.4 mm*, V 0.8 0.9 1.5:1 1.6:1
QWA-15 50-67 WR-15 UG-385/U V 1.2 1.3 1.5:1 1.6:1
* K connector up to 40 GHz only. Also, 2.4 mm connector up to 50 GHz only.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Waveguide to Coax Adapters
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Waveguide to Coax Adapters
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Waveguide to Coax Adapters
Ordering Information
Waveguide Products and Filters
18 = 1.85 mm (V-connector)
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Manual Waveguide Switches QWM 142
Electromechanical Waveguide Switches QWZ 143
Micrometer type Level Set Attenuators and Variable Phase Shifters,
Fixed Attenuators QAF/QAL/QAS 145
Dial type Level Set Attenuators and Variable Phase Shifters QDA/QDP 147
Direct Reading Attenuators and Phase Shifters QAD/QPS 149
Motorized, Programmable Attenuators QPA 152
Motorized, Programmable Phase Shifters QMP 154
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Manual Waveguide Switches
Test Equipment & Instrumentation Products
♦ Full Waveguide Band
♦ Low Loss
♦ High Isolation
♦ Smooth, Accurate Positioning
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's series QWM waveguide switches precision machined with bearing and indexing grooves
are manual 4-port devices. They have a 3-channel rotor for smooth operation and accurate positioning. They are
accurately indexed to eight 45 degree positions that allows useful in test set-ups and system applications where
each port to be connected or isolated from any other port. transfer switching is required. In addition to standard
The switches are available in seven waveguide bands manual switches, custom electromechanical waveguide
covering the frequency range of 18-110 GHz and are switches are also available.
Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110
Outline Drawing
Ordering Information
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's series QWZ electromechanical seven waveguide bands covering the frequency range of
waveguide switches are 4-port mechanical devices that 18-110 GHz and are precision machined with bearing and
are rotational solenoid driven and electronically controlled. indexing grooves for smooth operation and accurate
They have a bi-directional rotor accurately indexed to 90 positioning. They are useful in automated test set ups
degree positions that allows each port to be connected to and system applications where remotely controlled
either of the adjacent ports. The switches are available in transfer switching is required.
Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110
Waveguide Size WR-42 WR-28 WR-22 WR-19 WR-15 WR-12 WR-10
Flange Pattern UG-595/U UG-599/U UG-383/U UG-383/U UG-385/U UG-387/U UG-387/U
Bandwidth (GHz) Full
Isolation (dB typical) 60
Insertion Loss (dB max) 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
VSWR (typical) 1.15:1
Control Interface TTL or microswitch
Switching Speed (ms typ) 50
DC Power Requirement 15VDC/2.0A or 28VDC/1.0A pulse typical
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Electromechanical Waveguide Switches
Test Equipment & Instrumentation Products
Outline Drawing
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Micrometer Type Level Set Attenuators,
Variable Phase Shifters and
Fixed Attenuators
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's QAF and QAL series fixed and level incorporate a micrometer which enables very fine and
set attenuators and QAS series variable phase shifters repeatable adjustments to be made. They are fabricated
are available in seven waveguide bands covering the using a straight waveguide section into which is placed
frequency range of 18 to 110 GHz. The fixed attenuators either a lossy material for the attenuators, or a dielectric
feature low VSWR in five standard values of attenuation. vane for the phase shifters. Operating characteristics are
Custom fixed attenuators with 5w power rating are also relatively constant over full waveguide bandwidths.
available. The level set attenuators and phase shifters
Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110
Waveguide Size WR-42 WR-28 WR-22 WR-19 WR-15 WR-12 WR-10
Fixed Attenuator Attenuation Values 03, 06, 10, 20, 30 dB or customer specific value
Power Rating, Watts 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
VSWR (typ) 1.15:1
Level Set Attenuator Range 0 to 25 dB variable
Insertion Loss (dB typ) 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
VSWR (typ) Attenuation < 20 dB 1.2:1, attenuation > 20 dB: 1.5:1
Variable Phase Shifter Range 0-180 degrees
Insertion Loss (dB typ) 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
VSWR (typ) 1.4:1
Power Rating (Level set attenuator & phase shifter) 0.5 Watts up to 60 GHz, 0.3 Watts beyond
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Micrometer Type Level Set Attenuators,
Variable Phase Shifters and
Fixed Attenuators
Test Equipment & Instrumentation Products
Outline Drawings/Mechanical Specifications
Ordering Information
model prefix
F = fixed attenuator
fixed attenuator value in dB
L = level set attenuator (“00” for level set attenuator
S = variable phase shifter and variable phase shifter)
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Dial Type Level Set Attenuator and
Variable Phase Shifter
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s QDA and QDP series Level Set dial knob to allow accurate and repeatable setting of
Attenuators and Phase Shifters operate over the full attenuation and phase shift. The locking feature of the
waveguide band, and are offered in 7 waveguide bands dial allows reliable operation when used in laboratory test
covering the frequency range of 18 to 110 GHz. These setup, subsystems and instruments. The dial can be
adjustable level-set attenuators and variable phase shifters calibrated at a specified frequency, if desired. These
are driven by a mechanically stable, multi-turn miniature adjustable components offer broadband performance.
Frequency range, GHz 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110
Typical Insertion Loss, in dB, at 0 dB setting 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Attenuation Range, dB (for Attenuator) 0-30 0-30 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-25 0-25
Average Power Handling. Watts 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.6 0.6 0.6
Phase Shift, degrees (for Phase Shifter) 0-180 0-180 0-180 0-180 0-180 0-180 0-180
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Dial Type Level Set Attenuator and
Variable Phase Shifter
Test Equipment & Instrumentation Products
W 2.5/63.5 1.94/49.3
Ordering Information
model prefix
A = Level Set Attenuator
P = Variable Phase Shifter
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Direct Reading Attenuators,
and Phase Shifters
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's direct reading attenuators, and shift versus attenuation setting while the phase shifter
phase shifters are designed and built for precision has low insertion loss.
millimeter-wave measurements. These instruments cover
Both instruments are well suited for accurate
the range of 26.5-110 GHz in six waveguide bands. Series
millimeter-wave measurements. Direct reading attenua-
QAD direct reading attenuators and series QPS direct
tors and phase shifters are available in motorized
reading phase shifters are of classical rotary vane con-
versions for ATE or other applications requiring
struction. They offer highly repeatable settings and
remote control.
frequency independent readings. Both instruments have
low VSWR. In addition, the attenuator has negligible phase
Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110
Waveguide Size WR-42 WR-28 WR-22 WR-19 WR-15 WR-12 WR-10
Insertion Loss (dB max) 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.2
VSWR (typical) 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.20 1.20 1.25
Average Power (Watts) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2
Attenuation Range1 0 dB to 50 dB (above insertion loss) over full waveguide band
Accuracy Atten. ≥10dB 0.2 dB
Atten. 2%
Accuracy (degrees) 3 3 3 4 4 4
Insertion Loss (dB) 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.0
VSWR (typical) 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.35 1.35 1.35
Average Power (Watts) 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.6
Phase Shift Range 0 to 360 degrees direct reading
Read-Out 0 to 360 degrees in 5 degree divisions
Loss Variation 1.0 dB (max)
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Direct Reading Attenuators
and Phase Shifters
Test Equipment & Instrumentation Products
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Direct Reading Attenuators
and Phase Shifters
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Motorized, Programmable Attenuators
Test Equipment & Instrumentation Products
♦ Compact Size
♦ Offered over 7.0 to 170 GHz
♦ High Accuracy and Reliability
♦ Digital Readout, IEEE-488 Interface
♦ Manual/Motorized Operation Modes
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s precision Motorized Programmable Attenuation range is from 0 to 50 dB in 0.1 dB steps
Rotary Vane Attenuators are available in full waveguide with 0.05 dB steps over 0 to 20 dB. A digital readout
bands from 7.0 to 170.0 GHz. Attenuation control can be is provided on the front panel to display the current
either manual via a front panel or remote-controlled using attenuation setting. The attenuators are highly reliable
a standard IEEE-488 interface. Series QPA motorized and designed to be used in Automated Test Equipment
attenuator’s small compact package incorporates both and in applications requiring remote power control.
the electronic controller and microwave attenuator
components. The unit operates with a single +24 volt DC
source or with an optional AC adapter.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Motorized, Programmable Attenuators
Q 6.24/158.4 4.00/101.6 5.50/139.7 3.73/94.7 2.29/58.2
U 6.0/152.4 4.00/101.6 5.50/139.7 3.73/94.7 2.29/58.2
V 5.78/147.0 4.00/101.6 5.50/139.7 3.73/94.7 2.29/58.2
E 5.78/147.0 4.00/101.6 5.50/139.7 3.73/94.7 2.29/58.2
W 5.78/147.0 4.00/101.6 5.50/139.7 3.73/94.7 2.29/58.2
F 5.78/147.0 4.00/101.6 5.50/139.7 3.73/94.7 2.29/58.2
G 5.78/147.0 4.00/101.6 5.50/139.7 3.73/94.7 2.29/58.2
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Motorized, Programmable Phase Shifters
Test Equipment & Instrumentation Products
♦ Offered over 18-110 GHz
♦ High Accuracy
♦ Digital Readout
♦ Low Insertion Loss
♦ Manual and Computer Controlled
♦ Full Waveguide Bands
Product Description
QuinStar Technology offers Motorized Rotary Vane Phase signals to the motor. Motor speed is variable to ensure
Shifters in all waveguide bands from 18.0 to 110 GHz. The accurate positioning and smooth operation. The Phase
QMP series is a motorized, computer controllable Shifter can be controlled remotely through an IEEE-488
version of QuinStar’s standard Direct Reading Phase Shifter interface or manually with a front panel control. A
and provides a 0 to 360º phase shift range with 0.5 three-digit readout on the front panel displays the setting.
degree resolution. The product requires a 24-volt, 500 mA power supply.
The phase shifter is controlled by a precision stepping The QMP series motorized direct reading phase shifters
motor and all control and driver electronics are packaged are used in automated RF measurement systems. They are
within the phase shifter housing. Microprocessor-based frequently used in RF substitution type test arrangements
electronics translates the desired phase shifter setting into for precise measurement of phase characteristics
the required motor position and provides the proper drive including bridge circuits and phase networks.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Motorized, Programmable Phase Shifters
E 5.78/146.8 4.00/101.6 5.50/139.7 3.73/94.7
W 5.78/146.8 4.00/101.6 5.50/139.7 3.73/94.7
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Test Equipment & Instrumentation Products
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Section 7
Antenna Products
Antenna Products
Product Title Model No. Page Number
Antenna Products 157
Application Notes 158
Standard Gain Horn Antennas QWH 162
Custom Horn Antennas QRR 165
Narrow and Wide Beam Scalar Horn QSH/QSW 167
Sectoral Horn Antennas QSF 168
Omni-directional Antennas QOD 169
Lens Antennas QLA 170
Prime Focus Antenna QRP 172
Cassegrain Reflector Antennas QRC 173
Orthomode Transducers QWO 175
Full Waveguide Band Orthomode Transducer QOT 177
Linear to Circular Fixed and Switchable Polarizers QWL/QWQ 178
Circular-to-Rectangular Waveguide Transitions QWC 180
Mode Transition TE01 to TE10 QMT 181
Mode Filter QMF 182
Circular Waveguide (TE11) Sections and Flanges QCW 183
Circular Waveguide Termination QTC 185
TE01 Circular Waveguide Sections and Flanges QCL/QCF 186
Rotary Joints QRJ 188
Antenna Development Capability & Measurement Facility 189
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Application Notes
QuinStar Technology is a leading supplier of millimeter shows various antenna functions and polarization options
wave antennas and associated products for frequencies using quasi-optical waveguide components and their
ranging from 18 to above 140 GHz. The range of products corresponding waveguide counterparts.
offered cover virtually every application and functional Reflector Antennas
requirement. Several options in terms of physical
construction or operating principle are generally available QuinStar offers Cassegrain reflector antennas in diameters
to achieve an optimal solution for a specific application or ranging from 6 to 48 inches. Other modified versions of
requirement. The half-power beamwidth of a typical Cassegrain reflector antenna are also available by special
antenna is determined by the aperture diameter D and is order. These offset reflector antennas have no beam
typically 70x Wavelength/D over much of the band. Figure blockage, which makes the sidelobes significantly lower
1 shows the relationship between gain, beamwidth and and the gain higher than that of symmetric Cassegrain
antenna size as a function of operating frequency. antennas. Cassegrain antennas are frequently used in
QuinStar’s antennas exhibit high overall efficiency and millimeter wave radars, communication systems or data
achieve the maximum possible gain. Custom products are links, and in special applications. Our near-field and
designed to meet special requirements and configurations far-field antenna ranges are ideal tools for evaluating
specific to a system application. Key product families antennas and related systems.
produced by QuinStar and their associated technology are Glossary of Antenna and Quasi-optics terms:
described here. Antenna – Component or structure for radiating or
Feeds, Orthomode Transducers and Related Products receiving electromagnetic waves.
QuinStar offers a wide range of standard and customer Antenna efficiency of an aperture-type antenna – For an
specific feed horns, orthomode transducers, polarizers antenna with a specified planar aperture, the ratio of the
and other antenna-related products for virtually any maximum effective area of the antenna to the physical
Antenna Products
antennas for many systems such as radar, surveillance, described by amplitude, phase and polarization
remote sensing, material measurements, radioastronomy distributions.
and plasma diagnostics. The major advantage of quasi-
Axial ratio – The ratio of the axes of the polarization
optical transmission over conventional waveguide is its
ellipse, denoting the ratio of two orthogonal polarizations.
low loss, especially at high millimeter wave frequencies.
The actual loss in propagation between optical elements Bandwidth of an antenna – The range of frequencies
can be made extremely small by proper design and within which the performance of the antenna, with
fabrication. The reflection loss from metal mirrors is respect to some antenna characteristics (gain, VSWR,
virtually immeasurable throughout the millimeter wave beam shape, etc.), conforms to a specified specifications.
region, and the loss from well designed lenses is only a Beam of an antenna – The major lobe of the radiation
few tenths of dB. Other important advantages of free pattern of an antenna.
space transmission over waveguide-based components Boresight – See electrical boresight; reference boresight.
include the ability to support all possible polarizations.
Very high isolation (often greater than 30 dB) can be Boresight error – The angular deviation of the electrical
obtained between orthogonal polarizations. boresight of an antenna from its reference boresight.
Applications of Quasi-Optical Components Cassegrain reflector antenna – A dual-reflector antenna
and Subsystems with a subreflector (usually hyperboloidal) located
between the focal point and the vertex of the main
Quasi-optical antenna assemblies can be made very reflector.
compact in comparison to equivalent systems utilizing
waveguide components. Devices such as frequency Conical scanning – A form of sequential lobing in which
duplexers, polarization diplexers, circular-to-linear the direction of maximum radiation generates a cone
polarizers, and phase shifters can be placed in the whose vertex angle is of the order of the antenna
otherwise unutilized space between the lens or mirrors halfpower beamwidth.
and the feed system instead of being added externally. Cross polarization – The polarization orthogonal to a
Adding waveguide components such as a circular-to- reference polarization. NOTE: Two fields have orthogonal
linear polarizer, a circular-to-rectangular transition or an polarizations if their polarization ellipses have the same
orthomode transducer to a quasi-optical lens antenna axial ratio, major axes at right angles, and opposite sense
would increase the overall length by over 50%. Figure 2 of rotation.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Directive gain - In a given direction, 4 p times the ratio of Near-field region, radiating – That region of the field of
the radiation intensity in that direction to the total power an antenna between the reactive near-field region and the
radiated by the antenna. NOTE: The directive gain is fully far-field region wherein radiation fields predominate and
realized on reception only when the incident polarization wherein the angular field distribution is dependent upon
is the same as the polarization of the antenna on distance from the antenna NOTE: 1.) If the antenna has a
transmission. maximum overall dimension which is not large compared
Directivity – The value of the directive gain in the direction to the wavelength, this field region may not exist. 2.) For
of its maximum value. an antenna focused at infinity, the radiating near-field
region is sometimes referred to as the Fresnel region on
Effective area of an antenna – In a given direction, the
the basis of analogy to optical terminology.
ratio of the power available at the terminals of a receiving
antenna to the power per unit area of a plane wave Noise temperature of an antenna – The temperature of
incident on the antenna from that direction, polarized a resistor having an available thermal noise power per unit
coincident with the polarization that the antenna would bandwidth equal to that at the antenna output at a
radiate. specified frequency. NOTE: Noise temperature of an
antenna depends on its coupling to all noise sources in
Efficiency – See antenna efficiency; aperture illumination
its environment as well as noise generated within
efficiency; radiation efficiency.
the antenna.
Electrical boresight – The tracking axis as determined by
an electrical indication, such as the null direction of a Paraboloidal reflector – A reflector which is a portion of
conical scanning or monopulse antenna system, or the a paraboloid of revolution.
beam maximum direction of a highly directive antenna. Pattern – See radiation pattern.
E-plane, principal – For a linearly polarized antenna, the Pencil beam antenna – A unidirectional antenna having
Antenna Products
plane containing the electric field vector and the direction a narrow major lobe with approximately circular contours
of maximum radiation. of equal radiation intensity in the region of the major lobe.
Far-field region – That region of the field of an antenna Phase center – In a given direction and for a specified
where the angular field distribution is essentially polarization, the center of curvature of the wavefront of
independent of the distance of the antenna. NOTE: 1.) If the radiation from an antenna in a given plane.
the antenna has a maximum overall dimension D which is Plane of polarization – A plane containing the
large compared to the wavelength, the far-field region is polarization ellipse. NOTE: 1.) When the ellipse
commonly taken to exist at distances greater than 2 D2/l degenerates into a line segment, the plane of polarization
from the antenna, l being the wavelength. 2.) For an is not uniquely defined. In general, any plane containing
antenna focused at infinity, the far-field region is the segment is acceptable; however, for a plane wave in
sometimes referred to as the Fraunhofer region on the an isotropic medium, the plane of polarization is taken to
basis of analogy to optical terminology. be normal to the direction of propagation. 2.) In optics,
Feed of an antenna –That portion of an antenna coupled the expression plane of polarization is associated
to the terminals which functions to produce the aperture with a linearly polarized plane wave (sometime called a
illumination. NOTE: A feed may consist of a distribution plane polarized wave) and is defined as a plane
network and a primary radiator. containing the field vector of interest and the direction of
Front-to-back ratio– The ratio of the directivity of an propagation. This usage would contradict the above one
antenna to its directive gain in a specified direction toward and is deprecated.
the back. Polarization of an antenna – In a given direction the
Gain – See directive gain. polarization of the wave radiated by the antenna.
Half-power beamwidth – In a plane containing the Alternatively, the polarization of a plane wave incident
direction of the maximum of a beam, the angle between from the given direction which results in maximum
the two directions in which the radiation intensity is one available power at the antenna terminals. NOTE: 1.) The
half the maximum value of the beam. polarization of these two waves is the same in the
following sense. In the plane perpendicular to the
Horn antenna – A radiating element having the shape of direction considered, their electric fields describe similar
a horn. ellipses. The sense of rotation of these ellipses is the same
Isolation between antennas – A measure of power trans- if each one is referred to the corresponding direction of
fer from one antenna to another. NOTE: The isolation propagation, outgoing for the radiated field, incoming for
between antennas is the ratio of power input to one the incident plane wave.
antenna to the power received by the other, usually Polarization of a plane wave – The polarization of a
expressed in decibels. specified field vector in the plane wave. NOTE: 1.) It is the
Lens antenna – An antenna consisting of an convention in electrical engineering to specify the
electromagnetic lens and a radiating feed. polarization of the plane wave by that of the electrical
Main lobe – See major lobe. field vector. 2.) In an isotropic medium, the plane of
Major lobe (main lobe) – The radiation lobe containing polarization is the plane perpendicular to the direction of
the direction of maximum radiation. propagation. It is the convention in electrical engineering
to describe the sense of polarization at a fixed point
Monopulse – In radar, simultaneous lobing whereby in space as righthand (clockwise) or lefthand
direction-finding information is obtainable from a (counterclockwise) by choosing the direction of
single pulse propagation as the reference direction. 3.) The
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
polarization of a plane wave is the same at every point Reference boresight – A direction defined by an optical,
in space. mechanical, or electrical axis of an antenna established
Power gain – In a given direction, 4 p_times the ratio of as a reference for the alignment. See also electrical
the radiation intensity in that direction of the net power boresight.
accepted by the antenna from the connected transmitter. Reflector antenna – An antenna consisting of a reflector
NOTE: 1.) When the direction is not stated, the power gain and a radiating feed.
is usually taken to be the power gain in the direction of its Scan angle (beam angle) - The angle between the
maximum value. 2.) Power gain does not include maximum of the major lobe of an antenna. NOTE:
reflection losses arising from mismatch of impedance. Reference boresight is usually chosen as the reference
Power gain referred to a specified polarization – The direction.
power gain of an antenna, reduced by the ratio of that Scanning, of a beam antenna - A repetitive motion given
portion of the radiation intensity corresponding to the to the major lobe of an antenna.
specified polarization to the radiation intensity.
Shaped beam antenna – An antenna which is designed
Primary radiator – A feed which illuminated a secondary to have a prescribed pattern shape differing substantially
radiator. from that obtained from a uniform-phase aperture of the
Pyramidal horn antenna – A horn antenna the sides of same size.
which form a pyramid. Sidelobe – A radiation lobe in any direction other than
Radiating element – A basic subdivision of an antenna that of the intended lobe. NOTE: When the intended lobe
which in itself is capable of effectively radiating or is not specified, it shall be taken to be the major lobe.
receiving radio waves. NOTE: Typical examples of a Sidelobe level, maximum relative – The relative level of
radiating element are a slot, horn or dipole antenna. the highest sidelobe.
Antenna Products
Radiation efficiency – The ratio of the total power Spillover – That part of the power radiated by a feed not
radiated by an antenna to the net power accepted by the intercepted by the secondary radiator.
antenna from the connected transmitter.
Squint angle – A small difference in pointing angle
Radiation pattern (antenna pattern) – A graphical between a reference beam direction and the direction of
representation of the radiation properties of the antennas maximum radiation.
a function of space coordinates. NOTE: 1.) In the usual
case, the radiation pattern is determined in the far-field Subreflector – A reflector which redirects the power
region and is represented as a function of directional radiated from the feed to the main reflector.
coordinates. 2.) Radiation properties include power flux Tracking (angle tracking) – A motion given to the major
density, field strength, phase and polarization. lobe of an antenna such that a selected moving target is
Radome – An enclosure for protecting an antenna from contained within the major lobe.
the harmful effects of its physical environment, generally Vertically polarized plane wave – A plane wave in which
intended to leave the electrical performance of the the electric vector is in the vertical plane containing the
antenna unaffected. direction of propagation.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Antenna Beamwidth and Gain Characteristics
5.0 3"
2.0 9"
0.6 36"
0.5 48"
Antenna Products
10 15 20 30 40 50 60 80 100
30 3"
10 15 20 30 40 50 60 80 100
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Standard Gain Horn Antennas
♦ Pyramidal or Conical Shape
♦ Rectangular or Circular Waveguide Input
♦ Low VSWR
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s QWH series of standard gain horn radiation measurements. These horns are often
antennas cover the frequency range of 18 to 220 GHz in employed as calibration standard or reference for
ten waveguide bands. They are available with either a antenna gain measurements. Conical horns can be used
rectangular aperture (pyramidal shape) for connecting to to radiate or receive either linearly or circularly polarized
Antenna Products
rectangular waveguide or a round aperture (conical shape) waves. Both shapes are also usable as feed horns for
for use with either rectangular or circular waveguide. The lens and reflector antennas. The horns are precisely
pyramidal horns have a nominal mid-band gain of 24dB, fabricated to control the aperture size and flare angle.
with 21dB typical for the circular horns. Horns capable of producing customer-specific beam
shapes and gain covering broad ranges are also available.
Standard gain horns are useful for a wide variety of
Refer to series QRR custom feed horns.
propagation applications, including antenna testing and RF
Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110 90-140 110-170 140-220
Waveguide Size WR-42 WR-28 WR-22 WR-19 WR-15 WR-12 WR-10 WR-8 WR-6 WR-5
VSWR (max) 1.10:1 1.10:1 1.10:1 1.10:1 1.15:1 1.15:1 1.15:1 1.20:1 1.25:1 1.25:1
Pyramidal Horn
Mid-band Gain (dB typ) 24
Conical Horn
Mid-band Gain (dB typ) 21
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
E-plane H-plane
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Standard Gain Horn Antennas
Conical Pyramidal
(circular waveguide with (rectangular waveguide with
round flange pattern shown) square flange pattern shown)
Antenna Products
Frequency Waveguide Flange Outline Dimensions, inches/mm
Band Size Pattern Pyramidal Horns Conical Horns
W H L1 D L2
Ku WR-62 UG-419/U 5.60/142.2 4.16/105.7 11.95/303.5 4.0/101.6 7.0/177.8
K WR-42 UG-595/U 4.12/104.6 3.12/79.2 7.48/190.0 2.37/60.2 5.0/127.0
Ka WR-28 UG-599/U 2.73/69.3 2.12/53.8 5.0/127.0 1.87/47.5 4.2/106.7
Q WR-22 UG-383/U 2.24/56.9 1.71/43.4 4.08/103.6 1.51/38.4 3.2/81.3
U WR-19 UG-383/U 1.88/47.8 1.44/36.6 3.49/88.6 1.25/31.8 3.05/77.5
V WR-15 UG-385/U 1.49/37.8 1.15/29.2 2.78/70.6 1.02/25.9 2.4/61.0
E WR-12 UG-387/U 1.24/31.5 0.96/24.4 2.35/59.7 0.85/21.6 2.05/52.1
W WR-10 UG-387/U 1.03/26.2 0.80/20.3 1.94/49.3 0.7/18.0 1.4/35.6
F WR-8 UG-387/U 0.83/21.1 0.65/16.5 1.56/39.6 0.58/14.7 1.40/35.6
D WR-6 UG-387/U 0.69/17.5 0.54/13.7 1.26/32.0 0.49/14.7 1.15/20.1
G WR-5 UG-387/U 0.55/14.0 0.43/10.9 1.04/26.4 0.40/10.2 0.9/22.9
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Standard Gain Horn Antennas
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Custom Horn Antennas
♦ Custom Performance
♦ Low Sidelobes
♦ High Gain
♦ Low VSWR
Product Description
QuinStar Technology offers a wide range of custom horns wide angular coverage. Typical beamwidths are in the
available in the 18-140 GHz frequency range. Products range of 30 to 120 degrees in one plane and relatively
Antenna Products
include conical and scalar (corrugated) horns and very narrow in the other plane. The narrow beam can be
wide beam pyramidal and sectoral horns. These horn obtained in either of the two planes (E- or H-plane). The
antennas can be designed and produced to satisfy virtually gain of these antennas is largely determined by their
any application or equipment requirement and can be fully beam patterns, and is generally in the 9-24 dB range.
tested at QuinStar to determine their precise radiation
patterns and gain. Scalar Horn: More expensive and highest performance
horn. Beam shape is virtually independent of rotational
Beamwidth of the majority of conical and scalar horns is in angle (i.e., E- and H-plane radiation patterns are very
the range of 6 to 40 degrees while broad beam pyramidal similar). They are ideal when highly symmetrical antenna
and sectoral horns range from 25 to 90 degrees at patterns are desired and well suited for reflector or lens
half-power full width points (3 dB beamwidth). The antenna system feeds. Low VSWR and low sidelobes are
geometric design of the horns is carefully conducted to also among the benefits of these horns.
provide the best possible performance in a relatively com-
pact size. The length of the antenna is determined by the Special Application Horns: A variety of system
beam pattern requirements and desired VSWR. applications, such as plasma diagnostics, depth or range
measurement and receiver/transmitter arrays, require
Horns provided by QuinStar are linearly polarized unless specially designed and produced horns or antennas.
circular or dual polarization is requested. In addition, QuinStar can custom design such antennas and provide
customized beam patterns, special materials and unique detailed measurements on their radiation characteristics.
geometry can be provided. Some of the more commonly
used horns are described below: The following parameters are necessary to completely
specify a horn. However, QuinStar can propose
Conical Horn: Least expensive horn and well suited for a solution for your application if only some of the
the majority of general purpose applications. Beam parameters are provided:
patterns in the E- and H-planes are dissimilar and gain
ranges from 10 to 26 dB for most frequencies depending u Horn type−conical, pyramidal, scalar, sectoral, or custom
on aperture (beamwidth) and frequency. (if unspecified QuinStar will select the best type);
u Beam shape−beamwidth in E- and H-plane, beam
Pyramidal Horn: Relatively inexpensive and well suited for symmetry and any special features;
most general purpose applications. Beam u Aperture−size and length constraints, if any;
patterns in the E- and H-planes are generally dissimilar and u VSWR requirements;
gain ranges from 10 to 27 dB depending on aperture and u Sidelobe levels and cross polarization isolation
frequency. requirements.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Custom Horn Antennas
Ordering Information
Antenna Products
Z = other
V00 = V-band G00 = G-band
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Narrow and Wide Beam
Scalar Horns
♦ Symmetrical Beam in E and H-planes
♦ Large Range of Beam Widths Offered
♦ Low VSWR, Low Sidelobes
♦ Polarization Insensitive
Product Description
QuinStar Technology series QSH and QSW narrow and wide to 60 degrees are available, with standard design at 25
beam scalar horn antennas have been designed for use in degrees. These horns are ideally suited for illuminating
antenna applications requiring highly symmetric beam lens (in Lens Horn Antennas) and as feeds for Cassegrain
Antenna Products
pattern, low VSWR and low sidelobes. The radiation Reflector Antennas with virtually any f/D ratio. QuinStar’s
patterns are polarization-independent, i.e., relatively Scalar Horns offer a fairly broad operating bandwidth, up
independent of plane of measurement. Scalar horn with to 40% of center frequency, and high cross-polarization
half-power full beam width ranging from about 10 degrees isolation (typically 30 dB).
Full Width) Series QSW: 40 to 60 degrees
Pattern Variation between
E- and H- Planes +/- 1.5 dB over main lobe
Sidelobe Level Typically 25 dB below main beam
Cross Polarization Isolation 30 dB typical
Bandwidth 40% of center freq.
Ordering Information
Model Number QS_ - A BC 0 0
model prefix
H= Narrow Beam Scalar Horn
W=Wide Beam Scalar Horn beam width in degrees
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Sectoral Horn Antennas
♦ Customized Beam Patterns in both Planes
♦ Optimum Gain Characteristics
Product Description
QuinStar Series QSF Sectoral Horn Antennas are custom in the other plane. Several standard products are also
products designed and manufactured to meet specific offered to suit a majority of system applications.
broad beam patterns in one of the planes, and relatively
The directional gain of the antenna may be estimated
narrow beam ion the other orthogonal plane. These
using the following formula:
antennas are offered for frequencies from 18 to 110 GHz.
Antenna Products
The horn geometry and mechanical features are designed Gain = 27,000/(B1 x B2)
to create a precise beam shape to match the application where B1 and B2 are beamwidths (full width at
requirement in both planes. Broad beam (fan beam) half power points) in azimuth and elevation planes,
pattern can be offered in either polarization, oriented in in degrees
either azimuth or elevation plane with the narrower beam
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Omnidirectional Antennas
♦ Offered over 18-110 GHz
♦ Uniform 360 degree Coverage in Azimuth
♦ Narrow Elevation Beam with Moderate Gain
Product Description
QuinStar series QOD Omnidirectional Antennas provide a specific needs can be readily produced and fully tested.
uniform 360 degrees coverage in the azimuth plane and a Typical interface is a standard rectangular waveguide,
relatively narrower beam in elevation plane. They offer a with options for circular waveguide. Antennas with
Antenna Products
reasonable gain over approximately 5% bandwidth. The circular polarization are also available as custom products.
elevation beamwidth can be designed to be in the 8 to 30 QuinStar also offers a wide range of Sectoral Coverage
degree range to suit most common applications. The beam Antennas
can be pointed up or down with respect to the horizon, if
desired. An integral radome is normally provided with Omnidirectional Antennas find applications in millimeter
these Omnidirectional Antennas. Custom designs to suit wave communications, EW/ESM and sensing.
Frequency Range 18-110 GHz
Bandwidth 5% typical
Elevation Beam Angle Range
(Half Power Full Width) Between 8 and 30 degrees
Gain Range (for Elevation Beam Range) 14 to 5 dB
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Lens Antennas
♦ Low Sidelobes
♦ High Gain and Efficiency
♦ Broadband
♦ Low Cost
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s QLA series lens antennas are feed horn (symmetrical, low side lobe). Typical lenses
available with apertures ranging from 3 to 12 inches (76-300 have a smooth external surface and operate
mm) for any frequency in the 18-140 GHz range. These virtually independent of frequency. However, for specific
Antenna Products
antennas consist of a lens which is fed (illuminated) by a narrowband applications, the lens can be zoned to reduce
specially-designed feed horn. They have inherently low size and weight. The interface to these antennas is a
sidelobes, particularly in comparison to Cassegrain circular waveguide of suitable diameter for the center
reflector antennas, as there is no blockage of the main frequency. However, an integral circular-to-rectangular
beam by a subreflector or feed structure. Specially waveguide transition is available as well as a variety
designed lenses when combined with high performance of other options including a detachable circular-to-
feeds produce high gain, precise beam patterns and rectangular transition, orthomode transducer (OMT),
efficiency comparable to the best reflector antennas, even circular polarizer (fixed or adjustable) and mountable
at high millimeter wave frequencies. They operate over a bore-sighted telescope.
fairly wide frequency range, which is generally determined
QuinStar can also provide antennas with dual-polarization
by the characteristics of the input circular waveguide and
capability and dual-frequency band operations as
feed horn. Standard antennas are focused at infinity (far
customized products.
field). However, custom designs focused at a finite range,
generally 4 to 40 inches (0.1 to 1 meter) from the lens, can Lens antennas are most practical in 3 to 12 inch (75 to 300
be provided. mm) diameters in the 18 to 140 GHz frequency range for
applications where high performance, particularly low
The length of the antenna is nearly equal to its lens
sidelobes, is critical. They can also be produced at a
diameter (f/D = 1) to achieve a reasonable size with
fairly low cost in large quantity. In addition, the antenna
optimal performance, although other f/D ratios are
housing can be used as an enclosure for other
available as special products. The feed horn for these
components, system electronics or the entire system.
antenna may be either conical (standard product) or scaler
Frequency Range 18-140 GHz Minimum allowable lens diameter depends on frequency
Bandwidth 50% waveguide band Dependent on circular waveguide
Lens Diameter Range 3-12 inches (76-300 mm) Larger sizes available as custom products
25 to 50 dB depending on Refer to page 161 for expected gain and beamwidth
Gain Range
frequency and diameter associated with antenna size and frequency.
0.5 to 10 degrees depending Efficiency is typically greater than 50% for most
Beamwidth Range
on frequency and diameter combinations.
Input VSWR (typ) 1.15:1 Feed dependent
Sidelobes (typ) >25 dB Feed dependent
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Lens Antennas
Antenna Products
inches/mm nominal A B C2
3.0/76.2 3.5/89 3.8/96.5 1.0-3.0/25-76
6.0/152 6.63/168.4 7.4/188 1.0-3.0/25-76
9.0/229 9.5/235 11.0/279 1.0-3.0/25-76
12.0/305 12.75/324 14.5/368.3 1.0-3.0/25-76
Actual dimensions may vary slightly due to adjustments and mechanical tolerances.
Range of “C” dimension provided to show variation due to adjustments and feed horn variations.
Ordering Information
mechanical configuration
Y = cylindrical (standard product)
Z = custom (non-standard product)
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Prime Focus Antenna
♦ Compact, Light weight
♦ Low Sidelobes
♦ Low Cost
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s series QRP Prime Focus Antennas relatively compact and lower in cost than other options or
consist of a primary feed which directly illuminates the types for the same aperture size.
parabolic main reflector from its focal point. A low profile
Standard reflectors are parabolic with feed located on the
support structure may be used to support the feed. These
main axis. However, QuinStar can produce antennas with
antennas offer high gain, good efficiency and relatively low
Antenna Products
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Cassegrain Reflector Antennas
♦ Compact and Low Profile
♦ High Gain
♦ Low VSWR
♦ 1 to 4 Foot Diameters
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s QRC series Cassegrain reflector are selected to produce optimal illumination for low side-
antennas are available in diameters ranging from 10 lobes and high gain. The interface to these antennas is a
Antenna Products
inches to 4 feet (25 to 120 cm) for any frequency in the circular waveguide of suitable diameter for the center
18-140 GHz range. They operate over a fairly wide frequency. However, an integral circular-to-rectangular
frequency range which is limited only by the circular waveguide transition is available as well as a variety of
waveguide bandwidth. Gain is determined by antenna other options, including a detachable circular-to-
diameter, frequency of operation and feed illumination. rectangular transition, orthomode transducer (OMT),
These antennas are typically more efficient than the prime circular polarizer (fixed or adjustable) and mountable
focus antennas, as the feed line losses are eliminated and bore-sighted telescope.
a better match is obtained.
QuinStar’s series QRC Cassegrain reflector antennas are
The main reflector is parabolic in shape and machined very ideally suited for applications requiring relatively low
accurately of either aluminum or a composite material. depth and good input match. However, Cassegrain
The subreflector is optimally designed and adjusted for antennas of diameters smaller than 10 inches (25 cm)
best performance. The subreflector and support structure are not recommended, particularly for frequencies below
create minimal blockage and hence produce reasonably 30 GHz.
low sidelobe levels, generally below 16 dB. The feed horns
Frequency Range 18-140 GHz Ideal above 30 GHz
Bandwidth Please see appendix Dependent on circular waveguide
24 inch (60 cm) and larger for frequencies
Reflector Diameter Range 10-48 inches (25-120 cm)
below 30 GHz
25 to 50 dB depending on Refer to page 161 for expected gain and
Gain Range
frequency and diameter beamwidth associated with antenna size and
0.2 to 6 degrees depending on frequency. Efficiency is typically greater than 50%
Beamwidth Range
frequency and diameter for most combinations.
Input VSWR (typ) 1.15:1 Feed dependent
Dependent on operating frequency and diameter
Sidelobes (typ) 16 dB
of main and subreflectors
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Cassegrain Reflector Antennas
' &
Antenna Products
Ordering Information
Model Number QRC - ABC DE
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Orthomode Transducers
♦ High isolation
♦ Low VSWR
♦ Minimum Insertion Loss
♦ Compact
♦ Broadband
Product Description
Antenna Products
QuinStar Technology's QWO series orthomode the two orthogonal input signals. Orthomode transducers
transducers cover the frequency range of 26.5 to 110 GHz require a circular - to rectangular waveguide transition
in six waveguide bands. They are used to separate a signal with mode-suppressor included.
applied to the circular waveguide port into vertical and
Orthomode transducers operate over a bandwidth of
horizontal components at the two linear ports with greater
typically 50% of waveguide band centered at a specific
than 25 dB isolation.
operating frequency. They are used in multipolarization
In reverse, two orthogonal linearly-polarized signals can be radars, sensors, radiometers and instrumentation.
combined, producing an output in the circular waveguide For products covering full waveguide band, please see
port. The resultant polarization may be linear, circular, or series QOT
elliptical depending on the relative phase and amplitude of
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Orthomode Transducers
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Full Waveguide Band
Orthomode Transducer
♦ Full Waveguide Bandwidth
♦ High Isolation
♦ Low Insertion Loss
♦ Compact
♦ Low VSWR
Product Description
QuinStar Technology offers QOT Series orthomode polarization may be linear, circular or elliptical depending
Antenna Products
transducers covering full waveguide bands from K band on the relative phase and amplitude of the two
through W band covering 18 to 110 GHz in seven bands. orthogonal input signals.
These orthomode transducers (OMT) are used to separate
Typical insertion loss of these orthomode transducers is
a signal applied to the circular waveguide input port into its
less than 0.5 dB over the full waveguide band and return
two linear orthogonal components at the rectangular
loss greater than 15 dB. These products are used for
waveguide output ports with greater than 32 dB isolation
instrumentation, multipolarization radars, sensors,
between the polarizations. In reverse, two orthogonal
radiometers and communication systems.
linearly polarized signals can be combined, producing an
output in the circular waveguide port. The resulting
Frequency Range 18 to 110 GHz
Operating Bandwidth Full Waveguide Band
Insertion Loss 0.5 dB typical
Isolation Between Polarization 32 dB minimum
VSWR 1.4:1 max. over the band
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Linear-to-Circular Fixed and
Switchable Polarizers
♦ Low VSWR
♦ Minimum Insertion Loss
♦ Fixed; Manual and
Motorized Switching
♦ Linear, LHCP and RHCP
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's QWL and QWQ series linear-to- signal between right- and left-hand circular polarization
Antenna Products
circular fixed and switchable polarizers cover the without disconnecting the waveguide. A center position
frequency range of 26.5 to 110 GHz in six waveguide bands. on the switch allows linearly-polarized signals to pass
Fixed polarizers are sections of circular waveguide with a through the waveguide without changing polarization.
built-in polarization converter that converts a linearly- These polarizers operate over a bandwidth of typically
polarized signal to either a left- or right-hand circularly- ± 10% centered at a specific operating frequency.
polarized signal, depending on the orientation of the wave-
QuinStar also offers a motorized (electromechanical)
guide section.
version of the switchable polarizer. The motorized version
Series QWQ switchable polarizers have an internal has only two positions corresponding to right- and
polarizing card that can be manually rotated to change the left-hand circular polarizations.
Motorized Polarizer
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Linear-to-Circular Fixed and
Switchable Polarizers
Antenna Products
Ka WR-28 UG-381/U 1.25/31.8 2.12/53.8 1.13/28.7 1.50/38.1
Q WR-22 UG-383/U 1.25/31.8 2.12/53.8 1.13/28.7 1.50/38.1
U WR-19 UG-383/U 1.25/31.8 2.12/53.8 1.13/28.7 1.50/38.1
V WR-15 UG-385/U 1.00/25.4 1.5/38.1 0.75/19.1 1.00/25.4
E WR-12 UG-387/U 1.00/25.4 1.5/38.1 0.75/19.1 1.00/25.4
W WR-10 UG-387/U 1.00/25.4 1.5/38.1 0.75/19.1 1.00/25.4
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Waveguide Transitions
♦ 26.5 to 220 GHz
♦ Low VSWR
♦ Minimum Insertion Loss
Product Description
QuinStar Technology's QWC series circular-to-rectangular and reflections. They are available with a variety of flange
waveguide transitions cover the frequency range of 18 to types to join two components of the same waveguide
220 GHz in ten waveguide bands. The waveguide size which differ in both waveguide aperture size and
transitions are used to connect standard rectangular flange types. The transitions have a wide bandwidth and
Antenna Products
Frequency Range (GHz) 18-26.5 26.5-40 18-40 33-50 40-60 50-75 60-90 75-110 90-140 110-170 140-220
Insertion Loss (dB max) 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0
VSWR (max) 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15
Length, inches/mm (typ) 2.0/50.8 1.50/38.1 1.50/38.1 1.50/38.1 1.50/38.1 1.10/27.9 1.10/27.9 1.10/27.9 1.10/27.9 1.10/27.9 1.10/27.9
Flange Pattern UG-595/U UG-599/U WRD-180 UG-383/U UG-383/U UG-385/U UG-387/U UG-387/U-M UG-387/U-M UG-387/U-M UG-387/U-M
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Mode Transitions TE01 to TE10
♦ Minimal Insertion Loss, Low VSWR
♦ Optional Pressurized Models Available
♦ Efficient Conversion
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s QMT series TE01 to TE10 mode waveguide output are QuinStar’s standard male/
transitions are available for operation from 18.0 to 140.0 female type. For maximum mode purity, mode filters
GHz. These reciprocal devices have a standard rectangular are recommended.
TE10 mode waveguide input and a circular waveguide TE01
Antenna Products
The QMT series waveguide mode transitions are useful in
mode output. Because of the larger frequency ranges of
millimeter wave radar systems or laboratory setups where
rectangular waveguide when compared to a circular TE01
long transmission lines are required. These transitions
mode waveguide, it is possible for a mode transition with
will provide efficient conversion from the TE10 rectangular
a rectangular waveguide input to have one of several
waveguide mode to the TE01 circular waveguide mode for
different circular waveguide size outputs, depending on
high-power low-loss transmission.
frequency range of interest.
The QMT series circular mode transition features low
VSWR and low insertion loss. The flanges used for circular
Rectangular Waveguide
Band Ku K Ka Q U V E W F
Frequency Band (GHz) 12.4-18.0 18.0-26.5 26.5-40.0 33.0-50.0 40.0-60.0 50.0-75.0 60.0-90.0 75.0-110.0 90.0-140.0
Insertion Loss (dB) Max. 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.8
VSWR Max. 1.4:1 1.4:1 1.4:1 1.4:1 1.4:1 1.4:1 1.4:1 1.5:1 1.60
Bandwidth 6% 6% 6% 6% 5% 5% 4% 4% 3%
Average Power (Watts) 4000 2000 1000 1000 600 400 200 100 50
Peak Power (kW) 20 10 5 4 3 2 1 0.5 0.2
Ordering Information
♦ Low Loss
♦ High Spurious Mode Attenuation
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s QMF series Mode Filters provide a these modes is minimal, mode filters must be placed
solution to the critical need for mode purity when using periodically along the transmission line. The TE01 mode,
TE01 mode circular waveguide. Due to the similarities which does not have wall currents, passes through
between the TE01 and TM11 modes, even the slightest this section unaffected. The QMF series mode filters
irregularities in the circular waveguide cause mode are available in circular waveguide sizes from 12.4 to
Antenna Products
Frequency Band (GHz) 11.6-48.0 48.0-96.0 96.0-150.0
Insertion Loss TE01 (dB) Max. 0.2 0.3 0.4
Attenuation TE11 (dB) Min. 10.0 10.0 10.0
VSWR Min. 1.20 1.20 1.25
Note: Contact factory for outlines
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Circular Waveguide Sections
and Flanges
♦ Available in Internal Diameter from
0.059-0.660 inch
♦ Precise Dimensions
Product Description
QuinStar Technology offers circular waveguides (flanged applicable for a given frequency, please contact QuinStar
and unflanged) for operation in the TE11 mode for with your specific requirement.
frequencies from 12 to 220 GHz in all standard and many
QuinStar also can supply rectangular to circular
Antenna Products
custom internal diameters ranging from 0.059 to 0.660
waveguide transitions (Series QWC) for all applicable
inches. The bandwidth associated with these TE11 mode
combinations of these circular and rectangular
circular waveguides is narrower than a typical rectangular
waveguide in the same general frequency range. Since
several internal circular waveguide diameters are
See Appendix for Mechanical Specifications for Circular Waveguide Flanges
Band Frequency Internal Band Frequency Internal
Designation Range, GHz Diameter, inch Designation Range, GHz Diameter, inch
Ku-1 12.4-14.6 0.660 E-0 58-68 0.141
Ku-2 14.6-17.5 0.550 E-1 68-77 0.125
K-1 17.5-20.5 0.470 E-2 77-87 0.110
K-2 20.5-24.5 0.396 E-3 87-100 0.094
K-3 24.5-26.5 0.328 W-0 77-87 0.110
Ka-0 26-28.5 0.328 W-1 87-100 0.094
Ka-1 28.5-33 0.281 W-2 100-112 0.082
Ka-2 33-38.5 0.250 F-0 87-100 0.094
Ka-3 38.5-43 0.219 F-1 100-112 0.082
Q-0 33-38.5 0.250 F-2 112-125 0.075
Q-1 38.5-43 0.219 F-3 125-140 0.067
Q-2 43-50 0.188 D-0 100-112 0.082
U-0 38.5-43 0.219 D-1 112-125 0.075
U-1 43-50 0.188 D-2 125-140 0.067
U-2 50-58 0.165 D-3 140-160 0.059
V-0 50-58 0.165 G-0 125-140 0.067
V-1 58-68 0.141 G-1 140-220 0.059
V-2 68-77 0.125
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Circular Waveguide Sections
and Flanges
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Circular Waveguide Terminations
♦ Low VSWR optimum absorption of the microwave energy with
minimum reflection. Each termination is fitted with a
♦ Full Circular Waveguide Bandwidth standard male or female circular flange, specified at the
time of order. The QTC terminations are used in
experimental and developmental test set-ups where a
Product Description low VSWR waveguide load is essential for measurement
validity. When measuring the VSWR that results
QuinStar Technology’s QTC series termination is a section of from insertion of various waveguide components in
circular waveguide with an integral conical load made from a a system, these terminations ensure precise
dielectric absorber material. The long precise taper allows determination of the individual effects.
Frequency Range (GHz) 11.6-48.0 48.0-96.0 96.0-150.0
Antenna Products
VSWR 1.05 1.08 1.10
0.210 2.22/56.39 .211/5.36 .250/6.35 1.20/30.48
0.250 2.22/56.39 .211/5.36 .291/7.39 1.20/30.48
0.291 2.22/56.39 .211/5.36 .375/9.53 1.20/30.48
0.353 2.22/56.39 .211/5.36 .437/11.10 1.20/30.48
0.495 4.26/108.2 .264/6.71 .625/15.88 1.95/49.53
0.545 3.76/95.5 .264/6.71 .625/15.88 1.95/49.53
0.634 3.76/95.5 .264/6.71 .750/19.05 1.95/49.53
0.688 4.76/120.9 .264/6.71 .788/20.02 1.95/49.53
Contact QuinStar for other circular waveguide diameters.
Ordering Information
Model Number QTC - A BCD 00
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
TE01 Waveguide Sections and Flanges
♦ Very Low Loss
♦ Low VSWR
♦ Precise Dimensions
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s series QCL flanged and unflanged are precision-machined to facilitate low loss, low
TE01 mode circular waveguides are available in standard reflection waveguide connections at millimeter wave
sizes from internal diameters of 0.186 to 1.500 inch for use frequencies. O-ring gaskets are included to make these
over 11.6 to 171 GHz. These waveguide sections are fitted flanges appropriate for use in pressurized waveguide
with standard male/female flanges. Both waveguide systems. The circular waveguide flanges are self aligning
Antenna Products
types are manufactured primarily in copper. QuinStar male/female connectors and are available in both
recommends using the Series QMF mode filters in any standard and custom size waveguide.
circular waveguide system to maintain mode purity.
Since a wide variation of circular diameters is applicable
QuinStar Technology’s Series QCF circular waveguide for a given frequency, please contact QuinStar with your
flanges have been designed specifically for the TE01 low specific requirement.
loss mode circular waveguide components. These flanges
Series QCL TE01 Circular Waveguide
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
TE01 Waveguide Sections and Flanges
Antenna Products
0.635 0.55/13.97 0.30/7.62 1.95/49.53 .450/11.43 .185/4.70 .750/19.05
0.545 0.55/13.97 0.30/7.62 1.95/49.53 .450/11.43 .185/4.70 .625/15.88
0.495 0.55/13.97 0.30/7.62 1.95/49.53 .450/11.43 .185/4.70 .62515.88
0.353 0.40/10.16 0.27/6.86 1.20/30.48 .300/7.62 .141/3.58 .437/11.10
0.291 0.40/10.16 0.27/6.86 1.20/30.48 .300/7.62 .141/3.58 .375/9.35
0.250 0.40/1.016 0.27/6.86 1.20/30.48 .300/7.62 .141/3.58 .291/7.39
Ordering Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Rotary Joints
♦ Minimal Variation With Rotation
♦ Reliable, Rugged and Light Weight
Product Description
QuinStar Technology’s Series QRJ rotary joints are available low phase variation, low insertion loss, and low return
in standard circular waveguide sizes to cover frequencies loss. They are also useful in special laboratory test set-ups
from 11.6 to 150 GHz. Each rotary joint consists of two for the measurement of millimeter wave parameters
circular waveguide sections mounted on ball bearings. including phase variation in radiated fields. These rotary
Connections to the guides are made using standard male joints are designed for use with (or to interface with)
Antenna Products
Ordering Information
Circular waveguide
internal diameter
(in mils or thousandths of inch)
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Antenna Products
Fully Automated MW / MMW Antenna can automatically be rotated 360° along the vertical
Measurement System: mounting axis, and 360° along the horizontal mounting
axis (typically the E-H plane axis). The center point for
QuinStar’s new near-field antenna measurement system is rotation on the vertical axis is software-selectable.
designed to measure near-field antenna patterns and to
The system has been instrumented to measure antennas
generate near-field and calculated-far-field characteristics
in the 1 to 140 GHz region. In addition to evaluating
of the antenna response and performance. The system is
QuinStar’s own antennas, this near-field antenna
composed of an Antcom NFH0003-8 scanner housed in a
measurement system is also available for testing
state-of-the-art, 13- by 17-foot anechoic chamber, capable of
customer’s antennas. Testing can be performed by
making planar scans for high gain narrow beam reflector,
QuinStar personnel, or under special arrangement, by the
lens, and phased array antennas; spherical scans for low
customer themselves using their own signal-generating
gain broad beam horn and lens antennas; and cylindrical
and retrieval equipment. Please contact our Sales
scans for fan beam, omnidirectional, and linear array
Department for information.
antennas. Additionally, it can take measurements at
Above: A Com-Power AH-118 1-18 GHz wide-band probe Above: The probe (right antenna) moves along the x- and
(left antenna) illuminates a K-band horn Antenna Under y-axis and rotates 360° along the z-axis. The system can
Test (AUT, right antenna). The AUT rides on two tracks, the perform planar polar (pie-section), planar rectangular
lower being the z-axis adjustment, while the upper track (raster), planar linear, spherical and cylindrical scans.
(actually a 360° horizontally-rotating boom) is used to All movement is under software control. Signals are
adjust the AUT aperture directly over the vertical axis of generated by, and data is gathered from, a vector
rotation (phase center adjustment in spherical scans). network analyzer.
Additionally, both AUT and probe can be rotated 360°
along the z-axis (polarization).
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Antenna under test: 94-GHz Standard Gain Horn Polar far-field gain pattern
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Antenna Products
Antenna Range for Antenna Products:
In addition to the Near-Field Antenna range, QuinStar also QuinStar has a suite of computer simulation and design
has an anechoic chamber that houses a conventional tools for the design and development of novel antenna
antenna measurement range. This facility is equipped to products and subsystems.
operate between 12 and 170 GHz. This range includes an
Az-El antenna positioner, source/receiver instrumentation
and data acquisition subsystem for automated
measurement of radiation patterns of most antennas.
Antenna Measurement Services
QuinStar offers antenna measurement services to its
customers contingent upon availability of the facility and
the staff. Both near-field range and standard far-field
anechoic chamber are made available for evaluating and
characterizing antennas and optics. QuinStar can also
provide the support of its technical staff for conducting the
tests and measurements. Please contact QuinStar
Technology’s Sales Department with your specific
measurement needs.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Section 8
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Cryogenically Coolable
TECHNOLOGY, INC. Products and Capability
QuinStar Technology offers a selection of cryogenically- 50 GHz. Waveguide-based ferrite components, passive
coolable products and measurement services associated components, and waveguide components operating over
with them. Standard products as well as custom designed 18-140 GHz frequency range are also available for cooled
products are offered in these product areas. The following operation (down to around 4 deg. K).
are offered as standard products:
Measurement Services at Low Temperatures:
• Low Noise Amplifiers QuinStar has facilities and personnel to conduct extensive
• Receivers measurements on components and subsystems at
• Isolators and Circulators cryogenic temperatures (4 degree to 100 deg. K). Test and
Assemblies, Subsystems and Systems
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Assemblies and Subsystems
♦ Customized
♦ Compact
♦ State-of-the-Art Performance
♦ Quick Delivery
♦ Rapid Prototyping
♦ Application-Specific Test Equipment
♦ Communication, Sensor and Receiver Systems
QuinStar Technology, Inc. specializes in producing a broad provided by QuinStar are all determined by the
range of fully integrated and customized millimeter-wave customers’ precise needs, budget limitations and
assemblies and subsystems meeting customer-specific environmental constraints. In addition, customers are
application requirements for digital and analog Sensor, often able to select from a vast variety of existing generic
millimeter-wave assemblies and subsystems that are
fully developed and readily producible. This results in
significant cost savings, quick delivery and avoidance of
developmental risks.
QuinStar can develop and produce customized
assemblies and subsystems from virtually any starting
point in the customers’ application development cycle
and on the basis of any degree of definition or
W-Band Interferometer Subsystem specification. We can work from just a Conceptual
Design or Generic Description, or convert a Functional
Block Diagram or Circuit Schematic into a customized
Communications and Test applications. QuinStar has assembly or subsystem. We are also well positioned to
designed, produced and delivered dozens of different economically manufacture an assembly or subsystem on
millimeter-wave assemblies and subsystems ranging from a Build to Print basis if desired.
Miniature Transceivers and Broadband Receivers to
Antenna Subsystems and Communication Front Ends.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Assemblies and Subsystems
meteorological radiometers. Low-noise amplifiers produces customized test and measurement equipment
produced by QuinStar allow us to offer state-of-the- for special applications and/or dedicated production
art performance. measurements. These include Noise/Gain Test Sets,
Voltage Standard Measurement Systems and Frequency
Generic Transceivers: Front ends for radars with Extension Kits for Network Analyzers.
virtually any waveform (CW, FMCW, pulsed or various
other complex modulation waveforms) have been Transmitters and Sources: Sources especially suited
produced to meet requirements ranging from for transmitters for communication equipment, sensors,
automobile collision war-ning systems to plasma seekers, plasma diagnostic instruments and test
diagnostic instruments. QuinStar’s strength in high equipment are offered as customized products. These
performance transmitter components, such as a r e b a s e d o n Q u i n S t a r ’ s b r o a d active component
amplifiers and oscillators, greatly enhances the product line. In addition, frequency agile (sweepers),
performance of these custom products. In addition, synthesized and phase-locked sources are offered.
our significant experience
allows us to deliver a cost-
effective, fully compliant
assembly or subsystem
well matched to the
application. Antennas
and other assemblies can
also be integrated with High Power Millimeter Wave
Transceiver Module
these transceivers. Integrated Automotie Radar Front End
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
F. Frequency-Extension Subsystem
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Systems Products Capability
Sensors p Satellite-Based Monitoring Systems
p Non-Contacting Sensors p Molecular Spectroscopy
p Instrumentation Radars p Environmental Measurement Radiometers
p Plasma Diagnostic
Instruments Radar Exciter Module
p Antenna Subsystems Space-Related Products and Services
p Space-Qualified Components
p Subsystems for Space
Surveillance and EW Products
p Spaceborne Receivers and
p Broadband Sensitive Transmitters
p EW and Direction
Finding Instruments
p Special Antenna Submillimeter-Wave
Subsystems Receiver LO
Receiver Assembly
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Systems Products Capability
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Section 9
Appendices &
Technical Reference Manual
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Technical Reference Material
Appendix A
Rectangular Waveguide
Waveguide Designation Dimensions Frequency Cut-off Theoretical Attenuation Historic New MIL
Band (inch) (GHz) (GHz) Lowest to HIghest Designation Part Number
Frequency (dB/ft)
Modified (-M) means waveguide opening has been reduced appropriately. Screw and pin pattern are unchanged.
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Technical Reference Material
Appendix B
Waveguide and Flange Dimensions (Round Flanges)
K 18.0 -004 WR-42 UG-425/U .4200 .1700 1.125 .9375 .625 .625
26.5 (10.67 (4.32 (28.58) (23.81) (15.88) 15.88)
Ka 26.5 -005 WR-28 UG-381/U .2800 .1400 1.125 .9375 .500 .468
40.0 (7.11) (3.56) (28.58) (23.81) (12.70) (11.89)
Q 33.0 -006 WR-22 UG-383/U .2240 .1120 1.125 .9375 .500 .468
50.0 (5.69) (2.84) (28.58) (23.81) (12.70) (11.89)
U 40.0 -007 WR-19 UG-383/U-M .1880 .0940 1.125 .9375 .500 .468
60.0 (4.78) (2.39) (28.58) (23.81) (12.70) (11.89)
V 50.0 -008 WR-15 UG-385/U .1480 .0740 .750 .5625 .375 .312
75.0 (3.76) (1.88) (19.05) (14.29) (9.53) (7.92)
E 60.0 -009 WR-12 UG-387/U .1220 .0610 .750 .5625 .375 .312
90.0 (3.10) (1.55) (19.05) (14.29) (9.53) (7.92)
W 75.0 -010 WR-10 UG-387/U-M .1000 .0500 .750 .5625 .375 .312
110.0 (2.54) (1.27) (19.05) (14.29) (9.53) (7.92)
F 90.0 N/A WR-8 UG-387/U-M .0800 .0400 .750 .5625 .375 .312
140.0 (2.03 (1.02 (19.05) (14.29) (9.53) (7.92)
D 110.0 N/A WR-6 UG-387/U-M .0650 .0325 .750 .5625 .375 .312
170.0 (1.65) (.83) (19.05) (14.29) (9.53) (7.92)
G 140.0 N/A WR-5 UG-387/U-M .0510 .0255 .750 .5625 .375 .312
220.0 (1.30) (.65) (19.05) (14.29) (9.53) (7.92)
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Technical Reference Material
Appendix C
Blank Round Flange Dimensions
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Technical Reference Material
Appendix D
Waveguide and Flange Dimensions (pin-contact, threaded ring)
Appendix E
Blank Flange Dimensions (pin-contact, threaded ring)
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Technical Reference Material
Appendix F
WR-62 (Ku-band) Flange Blank and Waveguide Dimensions
Ku 12.4- -4/005 .622 ± .002 .311 ± .002 1.312 4.78 .497 .144 1.000 .125 .313 UG-419/U
18.0 (15.8) (.05) (.79) (.05) (33.32) (12.14) (12.62) (3.66) (25.40) (3.18) (7.95)
Appendix G
Waveguide and Flange Dimensions (Choke Flange)
Frequency MIL Part Number Flange
( Band A B .015 D E F ±.015 ±.015 ±.015 ±.002 ±.002 ±.002 ±.002 ±.002 ±.001 ±.002
Band (GHz) M3922/59 Desig.
(.38) BSC BSC (.38) (.38) (.38) (.05) (.05) (.05) (.05) (.05) (.03) (.05)
Ku 12.4 .622±.002 .311±.002 1.312 .478 .497 .138-32 1.000 .188 .375 .113 .190 1.58 .710 1.208 .0075 .828
-2/001 UG541
18.0 (15.8)(.05) (7.9)(0.05) (33.32) (12.14) (12.62) UNC-2B (25.40) (4.78) (9.53) (2.87) (4.83) (4.01) (18.03) (30.68) (.19) (21.03)
18.0 .420±.002 -.170±.002 .875 .335 .320 .112-40 .625 .156 .285 0.42 .129 0.87 .472 .761 .005 .536
K -2/003 UG596
26.5 (10.67)(.05) (4.32)(.05) (22.23) (8.51) (8.13) UNC-2B (15.88) (3.96) (7.24) (1.07) (3.28) (2.21) (11.99) (19.33) (.13) (13.61)
26.5 .280±.0014 .140±.0014 .750 .265 .250 .112-40 .500 .109 .210 .050 .086 .096 .321 .596 .003 .372
Ka -2/005 UG600
40.0 (7.11)(.04) (3.56)(.04) (19.05) (6.73) (6.35) UNC-2B (12.70) (2.77) (5.33) (1.27) (2.18) (2.44) (8.15) (15.14) (.08) (9.45)
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Technical Reference Material
Appendix H
Square Flange and Waveguide Dimensions
K 18.0 -001 .4200 .1700 .875±.015 .335 .320 .156±.015 .116±.002 UG-595/U
26.5 (10.67) (4.32) (22.22)(.38) (8.51) (8.13) (3.96)(.38) (2.95)(.05)
Ka 26.5 -003 .2800 .1400 .750±.005 .265 .250 .109±.00 .116±.002 UG-599/U
40.0 (7.11) (3.56) (19.05)(1.3) (6.75) (6.35) (2.77)(.38) (2.95)(.05)
Q 33.0 N/A .2240 .1120 .750±.005 .265 .250 .156±.005 .116±.002 (UG-599/UM)
50.0 (5.69) (2.84) (19.05)(1.3) (6.75) (6.35) (3.96)(.38) (2.95)(.05)
Appendix I
Flange Blanks
Flange A B C D E
Designation BSC BSC
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Technical Reference Material
Appendix J
Circular Waveguide Sizes
Appendix K
Circular Waveguide Sizes (Alternative Set)
Frequency Frequency Circular Waveguide
Band Range, GHz Diameter, Inches(mm)
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Technical Reference Material
Appendix L
VSWR, Return Loss, Reflection
Coefficient Conversion Table
VSWR = (1+G)/(1-G)
R.L. = 20 log |G| Noise Figure to Noise Temperature
VSWR-1 ) Conversion Table
R.L. = 20 log ( VSWR+1 NF = 10 log [(NT/295) +1]
VSWR (xxx:1) Return Loss (dB) Reflection Noise Noise
R.L. Coefficient, G Figure, NF (dB) Temperature, NT (K)
1.00 76
1.00 Infinity 0.000
1.20 94
1.01 46.06 0.005 1.40 112
1.02 40.09 0.010 1.60 131
1.80 152
1.03 36.61 0.015 2.00 173
1.04 34.15 0.020 2.20 195
2.40 218
1.05 32.26 0.024 2.60 242
1.06 30.71 0.029 2.80 267
3.00 294
1.07 29.42 0.034 3.20 321
1.08 28.30 0.038 3.40 350
3.60 381
1.09 27.32 0.043
3.80 413
1.10 26.44 0.048 4.00 446
4.20 481
1.20 20.83 0.091
4.40 517
1.30 17.69 0.130 4.60 556
1.40 15.56 0.167 4.80 596
5.00 638
1.50 13.98 0.200 5.20 682
1.60 12.74 0.231 5.40 728
5.60 776
1.70 11.73 0.259 5.80 827
1.80 10.88 0.286 6.00 879
6.20 935
1.90 10.16 0.310 6.40 993
2.00 9.54 0.333 6.60 1053
6.80 1117
2.50 7.36 0.429
7.00 1184
3.00 6.02 0.500 7.20 1253
7.40 1326
3.50 5.11 0.556
7.60 1403
4.00 4.44 0.600 7.80 1483
4.50 3.93 0.636 8.00 1566
8.20 1654
5.00 3.52 0.667 8.40 1746
6.00 2.92 0.714 8.60 1842
8.80 1943
8.00 2.18 0.778 9.00 2048
10.00 1.74 0.818 9.20 2159
9.40 2274
100.00 0.17 0.980 9.60 2395
Infinity 0.00 1.000 9.80 2522
10.00 2655
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Technical Reference Material
Appendix M
Conversion of uW, mW and W to dBm
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Technical Reference Material
Appendix N
Effect of VSWR on Teansmitted Power and Return Loss
VSWR VSWR, dB Return Transmission Power Power VSWR VSWR, dB Return Transmission Power Power
Loss, dB Loss, dB Transmission, % Reflection, % Loss, dB Loss, dB Transmission, % Reflection, %
1 0.0 0.000 100.0 0.0 1.52 3.6 13.7 0.189 95.7 4.3
1.01 0.1 46.1 0.000 100.0 0.0 1.54 3.8 13.4 0.201 95.5 4.5
1.02 0.2 40.1 0.000 100.0 0.0 1.56 3.9 13.2 0.213 95.2 4.8
1.03 0.3 36.6 0.001 100.0 0.0 1.58 4.0 13.0 0.225 94.9 5.1
1.04 0.3 34.2 0.002 100.0 0.0 1.6 4.1 12.7 0.238 94.7 5.3
1.05 0.4 32.3 0.003 99.9 0.1 1.62 4.2 12.5 0.250 94.4 5.6
1.06 0.5 30.7 0.004 99.9 0.1 1.64 4.3 12.3 0.263 94.1 5.9
1.07 0.6 29.4 0.005 99.9 0.1 1.66 4.4 12.1 0.276 93.8 6.2
1.08 0.7 28.3 0.006 99.9 0.1 1.68 4.5 11.9 0.289 93.6 6.4
1.09 0.7 27.3 0.008 99.8 0.2 1.7 4.6 11.7 0.302 93.3 6.7
1.1 0.8 26.4 0.010 99.8 0.2 1.72 4.7 11.5 0.315 93.0 7.0
1.11 0.9 25.7 0.012 99.7 0.3 1.74 4.8 11.4 0.329 92.7 7.3
1.12 1.0 24.9 0.014 99.7 0.3 1.76 4.9 11.2 0.342 92.4 7.6
1.13 1.1 24.3 0.016 99.6 0.4 1.78 5.0 11.0 0.356 92.1 7.9
1.14 1.1 23.7 0.019 99.6 0.4 1.8 5.1 10.9 0.370 91.8 8.2
1.15 1.2 23.1 0.021 99.5 0.5 1.82 5.2 10.7 0.384 91.5 8.5
1.16 1.3 22.6 0.024 99.5 0.5 1.84 5.3 10.6 0.398 91.3 8.7
1.17 1.4 22.1 0.027 99.4 0.6 1.86 5.4 10.4 0.412 91.0 9.0
1.18 1.4 21.7 0.030 99.3 0.7 1.88 5.5 10.3 0.426 90.7 9.3
1.19 1.5 21.2 0.033 99.2 0.8 1.9 5.6 10.2 0.440 90.4 9.6
1.2 1.6 20.8 0.036 99.2 0.8 1.92 5.7 10.0 0.454 90.1 9.9
1.21 1.7 20.4 0.039 99.1 0.9 1.94 5.8 9.9 0.468 89.8 10.2
1.22 1.7 20.1 0.043 99.0 1.0 1.96 5.8 9.8 0.483 89.5 10.5
1.23 1.8 19.7 0.046 98.9 1.1 1.98 5.9 9.7 0.497 89.2 10.8
1.24 1.9 19.4 0.050 98.9 1.1 2 6.0 9.5 0.512 88.9 11.1
1.25 1.9 19.1 0.054 98.8 1.2 2.5 8.0 7.4 0.881 81.6 18.4
1.26 2.0 18.8 0.058 98.7 1.3 3 9.5 6.0 1.249 75.0 25.0
1.27 2.1 18.5 0.062 98.6 1.4 3.5 10.9 5.1 1.603 69.1 30.9
1.28 2.1 18.2 0.066 98.5 1.5 4 12.0 4.4 1.938 64.0 36.0
1.29 2.2 17.9 0.070 98.4 1.6 4.5 13.1 3.9 2.255 59.5 40.5
1.3 2.3 17.7 0.075 98.3 1.7 5 14.0 3.5 2.553 55.6 44.4
1.32 2.4 17.2 0.083 98.1 1.9 5.5 14.8 3.2 2.834 52.1 47.9
1.34 2.5 16.8 0.093 97.9 2.1 6 15.6 2.9 3.100 49.0 51.0
1.36 2.7 16.3 0.102 97.7 2.3 6.5 16.3 2.7 3.351 46.2 53.8
1.38 2.8 15.9 0.112 97.5 2.5 7 16.9 2.5 3.590 43.8 56.3
1.4 2.9 15.6 0.122 97.2 2.8 7.5 17.5 2.3 3.817 41.5 58.5
1.42 3.0 15.2 0.133 97.0 3.0 8 18.1 2.2 4.033 39.5 60.5
1.44 3.2 14.9 0.144 96.7 3.3 8.5 18.6 2.1 4.240 37.7 62.3
1.46 3.3 14.6 0.155 96.5 3.5 9 19.1 1.9 4.437 36.0 64.0
1.48 3.4 14.3 0.166 96.3 3.7 9.5 19.6 1.8 4.626 34.5 65.5
1.5 3.5 14.0 0.177 96.0 4.0 10 20.0 1.7 4.807 33.1 66.9
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
Reference Information
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com
QuinStar warrants to you and your customers that on Your SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY under this warranty
the date Products are delivered, they shall meet is REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT at QuinStar’s option and
applicable specifications, be free from defects in such repair or replacement shall satisfy QuinStar’s
material and manufacture and, to the extent not warranty obligation to you, whether in contract, tort,
manufactured to your designs, be merchantable. negligence, strict liability or otherwise.
THIS WARRANTY SHALL APPLY ONLY TO DEFECTS THAT Prior to returning a Product for warranty adjustment,
APPEAR WITHIN ONE YEAR FROM DATE THE PRODUCTS you shall request a return authorization number from
ARE DELIVERED. You must notify QuinStar of any such QuinStar. The return authorization number shall be
defects within 60 days after discovery of the defect, but placed conspicuously on the outer package shipping
in any event not more than 12 months after the date label. Returned Products shall be accompanied by a
the Products are delivered. written description of the reasons for the return, the
circumstances under which the defect became
New replacement Products, reconditioned replace- apparent and the date the defect was discovered.
ment Products and repaired Products are warranted as Return Products to QuinStar’s facility shipping charges
new for the longer of the remainder of the original prepaid. QuinStar shall reimburse you for shipping
warranty period or 90 days from the date of shipment costs if the returned Products are found to be defective
of the repaired or replaced Product. and such are covered by this warranty.
This warranty does not cover defects caused by abuse, If a returned Product is found not to be defective,
mishandling, accident, improper installation or QuinStar shall ship the Product back to you and
application, the malfunction of another component or shall invoice you for the costs of testing and return
part of any device in which the Product is installed with shipment.
which the Product interfaces, or extend to products
which have been modified or repaired by anyone If a returned Product is found to contain a defect which
except QuinStar or its authorized service representa- is not covered by this warranty, QuinStar shall provide
tive, or whose serial numbers or identification marks a written quotation showing the estimated cost of
have been altered or removed. repair or the price of the replacement. In the event
that you do not provide instructions as to disposition of
QUINSTAR MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OTHER the Product within 30 days from receipt of such
THAN THOSE EXPRESSLY STATED HEREIN, INCLUDING estimate or quotation, QuinStar shall ship the Product
THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A back to you and shall invoice you for the costs of
AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES AGAINST PATENT, If a returned Product is found to be defective and such
COPYRIGHT OR TRADEMARK INFRINGEMENT. IF defect is covered by this warranty, QuinStar shall at its
APPLICABLE LAW DOES NOT PERMIT QUINSTAR TO DIS- option and at no charge to you, repair or replace the
CLAIM IMPLIED WARRANTIES, ANY WARRANTIES Product or offer you the choice of a refund or credit in
IMPLIED BY LAW ARE LIMITED TO THE TERM OF THE the amount of the purchase price paid for the Product.
EXPRESS WARRANTY GIVEN HEREIN. Following such repair or replacement, QuinStar shall
ship the Product back to you at QuinStar’s expense.
SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, At your request, QuinStar shall provide a written
SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES HEREUNDER. failure analysis and corrective action report with
QUINSTAR’S MAXIMUM AGGREGATE LIABILITY FOR ANY respect to each defect corrected under the terms of
Made in USA 24085 Garnier Street, Torrance, CA 90505 v (310) 320-1111 Fax: (310) 320-9968 v sales@quinstar.com v www.quinstar.com